
Chapter 14

He smashes his lips to mine. He hungrily moves his lips with mine, and I kiss him back as butterflies erupt in my stomach. We both kiss with a hunger that needs to be fed. I wrap my arms around his neck pulling him closer. He somehow gets on the bed straddling me. His hands are griped on my hips holding them to his. They feel like they are on fire, and my core feels the same way.

He nips my bottom lip asking for entry, which I grant. Our tongues battle for dominance, which he wins. His thumbs trace small shapes on my hips slowly pulling my hospital gown up. I moan into his mouth earning a growl from him. He breaks the kiss to breath and starts trailing kisses down my jaw. He kisses down to the base of my neck and I bite my lip holding in a moan.

"What's your name?" He breaths looking into my eyes before kissing around my neck looking for my sweet spot.