
Chapter 13

"Wait!" I call out opening my eyes. She stops and turns around to face me. "Don't tell him." I say rushed, but clearly. She looks at me confused and then to the doctor. "Please." I plead. She looks back at me clearly not sure what to do.

"We were ordered to tell him as soon as you woke up." The doctor says. I freak out thinking about him coming here, and the stupid heart monitor goes crazy. "Please calm down. Just breath." The doctor says. I listen taking deep, painful, breaths.

"Please let me tell him. If I don't he will get angry." The nurse says frightened. I look to the doctor then to her and sigh in defeat.

"Just tell him I'm okay, but don't want to see him right now." I say. She nods her head and leaves. I look to the doctor who is looking at my charts. "Am I okay?" I ask. He looks up and nods his head slightly.