
Chapter 12

Katie crying with a rogue griping her upper arms. On the ground are her dead parents laying in a puddle of their blood. Their throats were slit and I look into Katie's tear stained eyes. The rogues all look to me evilly grinning at me. One looks right in my eyes holding a gun so it's pointed in between me eyes. I growl at him and he laughs along with the other ten rogues in here.

"What can you do mutt? You're suppose to be dead." He says narrowing his eyes at me when his laughing stopped. I growl at him bearing my teeth. I feel my adrenaline kicking in ready for me to fight. The pain from the bullet subsides as a wait for my move.

'I'm sorry, but I love you all. I need to do this.' I say to my siblings through mind link. I block it off after to focus. The guy looks at me and cocks his head.

"Any last words?" He asks. I take a step forward growling loudly.