
Destined for each other

Cara Winston always had a happy and easy life without any major accidents happening in her life. Well, minor difficulties are always present in every body’s life. So she always considers her life to be an easy. But when she and her best friend had passed through a dark alley. Where they see a body lying in a corner. Cara being a kind person couldn't leave the body alone. There life changes. Cara Winston : an extremely kind person when she wants to be, good at heart, always believes in her instincts, definition of good girl, talented at almost everything. Male lead: (description hidden) You have to go through the story to know it.

Minha357 · Urban
Not enough ratings
6 Chs


"How?" Ian demanded looking straight at Cara's eyes trying to find the truth.

Cara went back to dressing his wound and tried to wave the matter off.

"What how?" she feigned ignorance.

"Cara!" Ian said in demanding tone. Which made Cara to obey him. She quickly looked at him giving him her full attention.

"Why are you lying?" Ian said emphasizing every word.

"I am not!" Cara said with her own power.

"Then how the hell did you managed to do a blood transfusion? Don't say me anyone can do it" he snapped. "Who else knows about me except you two?" he said giving an icy look. His amber eyes looking straight at Cara's blue one.

Cara's heart started to beat faster. Even though she didn't lie, she couldn't help but feel threaten.

"My mom" she stammered. "My mom is a doctor that's how I know so much about medical. I contacted her yesterday and she instructed me on everything that was supposed to be done. That was how I could successfully save you"

Cara doesn't know what made her leave the detail that it was not only her mother who was a doctor but both of her parents were.

"And who is going to take the responsibility if she spreads the news to everybody?" Ian asked his voice giving chills to Cara

"She will not! She promised me!" Cara said with certainty. "And if i would not have asked her then I don't think you would have been able to see the daylight anymore" she said her expression changing within seconds, she gave him a sickly sweet smile not showing a trace of sympathy.

He gave a humourless laugh. "You're right" he said with a wry smile.

"And she is not in this state. She is far away from home" she said. "So you don't have to worry about being find out or whatever that is you are worried about"

"Who is your mother?" he asked in a hope that he might actually be able to find out who Cara actually is.

"Camila winston" she said casually.

He couldn't recognize the name in any well known doctors. But the name felt vaguely familiar. He racked his brain trying to remember a doctor named Camila Winston. But he couldn't find the name in his memory. His suspicion against Cara rose again.

They became silent and Cara continued dressing his wound carefully.

"Just what are you hiding?" he said out of the blue looking pointedly at Cara after few minutes of silence.

The sudden question had halted Cara from her work. She looked up at him in puzzled expression. "What. Am I. Hiding?" she said emphasizing every word and tilted her head slightly.

"Don't you f*cking say me that one can perform a surgery simply because their mother is a doctor. Which kind of doctor is she anyway? I hadn't heard her name anywhere"

"She is a surgeon" Cara snapped. "There are so many doctors in this state how could you possibly know them all?"

"I know kitty" Ian said in dangerously low voice. The way he called her kitty it gave her goosebumps. "I know all the doctors that are in high position in this state" Ian sneered. "And don't say me that some local surgeon actually guided her daughter, who is not even a doctor, to perform a surgery –hmmppff!!"

Cara put a little too much pressure on his wound cutting off his breath.

"What the hell Cara!" he said gasping for breath.

"Oops sorry. I'll be careful next time" she said not sounding apologetic at all.

He smiled at her unamusingly. She tried to ignore his unnerving gaze. His amber eyes burned into Cara's ocean blue ones.

"It's done" she stated and broke the contact. She slipped his shirt back on and her fingers grazed his skin accidentally. Which made Ian shiver involuntary.

He got slightly annoyed that she could havesuch a affect on him. Why is she repeatedly arising some weird emotions inside of him? Nobody had ever managed to arise such kind of emotions in him. So, offcourse, that thought made him even more irritated.

Cara put away all the stuff which she brought and then turn towards Ian.

"Let me help you up!" she said holding her arms towards him. He gave a small nod and slipped his hand around her shoulder and sat up with her help.

His breath fanned over her neck, which made a shiver run down her spine. Which she tried her best to ignore. She hastily stepped back and passed him the tablets and the glass of water.

Then she exited the room without looking back and let out a huge sigh. she felt like she was going to suffocate in there for a second.

Ian doesn't have anything to wear so she needs to buy him clothes. He is still wearing the same pant from the other day, which is quite dirty.

She changed his shirt the other day but how could she change his pant for him. That's way too embarrassing.

After making up her mind about going shopping she charged into his room again. What day can be better than a weekend to go on a shopping.

She paused when she saw Ian examining a battered cellphone in his hand. The screen of the phone was shattered and some bits of the glasses were missing, making it impossible to recognize the brand. He stopped when he saw her.

"I'll be going away for a moment. Will you be okay all by yourself?" she asked smiling.

"Yeah, I'll be alright" he said softly.

"What is the size of your clothes?" she asked casually. He raised his eyebrow in question. Then she raised hers back at him waiting for an answer.

"M" he said in defeating tone.

"Alright then, I'll be going. I'll be back soon" she said while making her way outside the room not giving him a chance to ask her anything.

She quickly took her coat and went outside and locked the house. After all, Ian can't do anything if anybody broke into her house. So it's better to lock it.

She went into her garage and she found the car which she Regularly drives missing. Because it broke that day, the day when she found Ian lying nearly dead in the alley and that car is still under repair.

It was good that she has more than one car. Thanks to her rich parents and her high salary.

She stared at her red Maclaren which was in no doubt going to drive some attention.


Cara entered her house after returning from the shopping mall, her hand filled with shopping bag. She had bought all the necessities for Ian by visiting almost every men's shop. After all, it would take at least a month for him to recover so, he would need the basic stuffs while he stays at her house.

Surprisingly even after going in so much shops she did manage to come home before evening.

She removed her coat and hanged it on the hook which was at their foyer. She went inside feeling content. She knocked on Ian's room and waited for his response.

"Enter" Ian answered solemnly.

She pushed open the door and went inside. She placed all the shopping bags on one side of the bed. Ian gave the bags an incredulous look and stared at Cara quizzically.

She gave him a grin and he simply looked at her. She removed all the stuffs from the bag started to arrange the things at their proper places.

"What are all these stuffs for?" Ian asked.

"To spend your days here don't you need all these stuffs?" Cara explained coming back from bathroom after arranging all the toiletries.

"I am not going to spend my life here, Cara. I'll be out of here within some days" He said eyeing the things on the bed.

Cara sat at the corner of the bed and grabbed his attention. "Ian. It will take some weeks for that wound to heal. Because right now your body has become very weak and you need blood transfusion to keep you going" she explained looking at him with a soft gaze.

He let out a shaky breath and turned his gaze toward the ceiling. "How many weeks exactly?" he asked not removing his eyes from the ceiling.

"probably..." Cara started slowly, dreading that he might not like the answer "Three... To... Four weeks"

"Three to four?" he snapped his gaze back to Cara with wide eyes.