
Destined for each other

Cara Winston always had a happy and easy life without any major accidents happening in her life. Well, minor difficulties are always present in every body’s life. So she always considers her life to be an easy. But when she and her best friend had passed through a dark alley. Where they see a body lying in a corner. Cara being a kind person couldn't leave the body alone. There life changes. Cara Winston : an extremely kind person when she wants to be, good at heart, always believes in her instincts, definition of good girl, talented at almost everything. Male lead: (description hidden) You have to go through the story to know it.

Minha357 · Urban
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6 Chs

The news

"Three to four?" Ian snapped his gaze back to Cara, stunned.

"Yes! Your wound is not minor. If you start working before your wound gets fully heal then it will reopen, and the complications will arise" she explained. "But don't worry" she said while rummaging through her small bag "I have brought you a new cell phone. So, you won't be bored" she removed the new branded phone from her bag and hold it in front of him. "Everything is installed in it. And I'll text you your number later"

"You even bought me a cell phone?" Ian gave an exasperated sigh. "I already owe you my life. Are you trying to make me owe you more and more?" Ian asked exhausted while leaning his head back on the headboard, not giving a sign of accepting the phone.

"Who said you owe me. Just take it as a gift" Cara said nonchalantly.

"Kitty. That's the problem. I don't take gifts" he said suddenly leaning forward and looked straight in her eyes.

"Why do keep calling me kitty?" Cara asked with annoyed expression and tried to dislike the nickname which he gave her, but she couldn't.

He shrugged. "You give me a feeling of innocent and curious kitten" he said in a light tone with a smirk.

She rolled her eyes and fought hard to keep her lips from smiling. Seeing him smirk was close to seeing him smile and after this whole time Cara felt that he had let down his guard for once and was acting playful.

"You give me a feeling of snake. If you speak, only poison would leak from your mouth" she said in a same tone, the side of her lips tugging upwards.

"But to be honest I guess... you're more like a wolf" she said with a lopsided smile. "Dominant... Aggressive... Captivating..." she trailed off in deep thought.

"Are you complimenting me, kitty?" he asked with an arrogant smirk.

"I just stated the truth" she said nonchalantly shrugging her shoulders then she eyed the phone in her hand and handed it to him.

He took the phone reluctantly. "Text me the amount of all the stuff not a decimal less. I will pay you back later" he said while gesturing to all the stuff around the room.

"Alright" she sighed. "But you really didn't have to. It's not a big deal you know" she tried urging him to take back his thought.

"I don't" he simply said. Cara huffed and then went back at arranging all the stuff.

She removed all the shirts from the shopping bag and placed it on the bed. She bought the dark colors shirts. Because his personality says enough that he doesn't like light and bright colors clothes. Even though it was really tempting for her to buy all the light color shirts just to see his reaction. She did buy two light colors shirts though. But she got a feeling that he would not touch that shirts. Well, she has to make sure that he wears that shirts then.

Just like she thought he was looking at the light color shirts with a horrified look.

She chuckled and removed a navy blue tshirt and a black trouser from the stack and handed it to him. "Change into this. You can do it by yourself right?"

"Yeah I'll be able to" he reassured.

She then put away all the clothes she brought into the wardrobe and exited the room while closing the door behind her.


Cara stride on the white shiny tiled floor. It was clean to the point where even the reflection was able to be seen. She was wearing a dress from her newest collection. Her maroon skirt and a full sleeved white blouse reflection were clear on the floor. The sound of her heels was resounding in the hallway. Unlike her usual kind and gentle self, now she was striding with a power and dominance which one won't be able to detect in her at another place.

Here, she was different. She had to be different. She learned that at her first day here. Afterall, she was an assistant of CEO who was from the top 5 company. So, she drives many unnecessary attentions. Most of all it was her boss order to act like this.

In his words: "If you want to be my assistant then you cannot keep smiling to every person you pass. I'm not asking you to change. But you shouldn't let people think that you are easy to deal with. So, erase that smile of yours" he ordered with a flick of his hand and Cara immediately swallowed her smile. "And square your shoulders and wear high heels from tomorrow on. And you can be kind only to selected peoples. Not everyone here has good intentions. And never bow your head or lower your gaze"

The words were still imprinted in Cara minds even though it's been two years. And from then on, she had never made a mistake of showing her weakness to anyone.

But she couldn't make herself to ignore the people around her. She nodded at the people who passed by her in acknowledgement as she usually does. They bowed their head at her in acknowledgement.

"Ms. Winston" a voice called from behind her.

Cara slowed her pace and looked behind her shoulder and found Savannah Harlow and Ivy Fallon making their way towards her. Both were dressed up formally. Ivy was wearing a black skirt with a black coat and Savannah was wearing a Navy-blue dress which ended up at her mid-thigh.

Savannah and Ivy were the only people whom Cara could consider calling as friends.

"Hey, Savannah! Ivy! what's up?" Cara greeted when they fell into steps with her.

"These files need boss's signature" Ivy said while handing the files to Cara.

"OK" Cara said and took the files.

Few women passed by them gossiping something about Mafia, king Larsen and underworld.

"Why are everyone gossiping about mafia today?" Cara asked with a puzzled look. Savannah who always likes to gossip, perks up at Cara's question.

"You don't know?" Savannah asked with a disbelief look.

"uh… no, am I supposed know?" Cara asked in a heedless tone.

"Off course!" Savannah suddenly exclaimed. "Every single person in this company knows"

Cara gave a nonchalant shrug.

"King Larsen, the mafia king, he is gone missing" Savannah said in an agitated tone. "Some says he might actually be dead. It's been all over the news since the very morning" she said going in gossip mode. "Some says he is actually hiding from the gangs who is conspiring against him. There is no accurate information. Some even says he is losing his footing in the underworld"

Cara usually doesn't concern herself with the underworld. But when she said the mafia king was missing it gained her attention. Because their state was deeply influenced with underworld. A king going missing is definitely a huge news.

When Cara focused more on her surrounding she started to feel the difference. The company which has always been in a peaceful atmosphere was now disrupted. Everybody has forgotten about their work and were chatting with a newfound energy. The company which was bustling with work was now bustling with chatters.

"It's not just that, some even says this is going to have a great impact on our company" Ivy said with questioning gaze while adjusting her glasses as if to ask Cara, her judgement. After all she is a CEO's assistant. She must know it.

Cara knows that their company has some dealings with underworld. But she doesn't know anything about it. Her boss doesn't let her do anything relating to underworld. He has another assistant for it. Boss thinks that Cara doesn't know that their company is dealing with underworld but she knows. She knows more than he let her know.

"Off course not. This doesn't concern M. E" Cara said not believing herself. "Now, why don't you guys go back to your work" Cara said dismissively and strode towards the CEO's office.

She knocked on the door twice.

"Enter" a solemn voice came from behind the door.

Unlike all the novels of the CEO and the assistant, Cara's life was hopeless. There was no way she could fantasize of CEO.

"Good morning, boss!" Cara greeted politely and was greeted back in answer. Then she handed the files to him which she has been holding and instructed about it.

The person infront of her was around her father's age. He has a brown hair with grey eyes. Instead of looks he was all brains.

After the initial task was over Cara carefully approached the subject of underworld. "Boss! have you seen the morning news?"

"No" he said unconcerned. "Why? What's the matter?" he asked absentmindedly , busy with his work.

"The whole company is talking about king Larsen going missing" she said cautiously, wondering if she could find any reaction. By hearing the name 'king Larsen' his head snapped up.

"King Larsen has gone missing?" he asked in an incredulous tone.

"That's what everyone were saying. The whole company is disrupted by the news. What am I supposed to do?" Cara asked agitated.

Boss abruptly stands up and took his coat off the chair and slipped his hands inside it. "Winston! You handle the company. Say to everyone that this doesn't concern us. And make them stay in their schedules" Boss ordered hastily. "And where the hell is Sullivan? Why isn't he here yet?" he grumbled while making his way out of the door and removing the phone from his pocket to make a call.

"Boss! Wait!" Cara called out in panic suddenly remembering that he has a very important appointment with a CEO of Lincoln co. In 30 minutes.