
Destined for each other

Cara Winston always had a happy and easy life without any major accidents happening in her life. Well, minor difficulties are always present in every body’s life. So she always considers her life to be an easy. But when she and her best friend had passed through a dark alley. Where they see a body lying in a corner. Cara being a kind person couldn't leave the body alone. There life changes. Cara Winston : an extremely kind person when she wants to be, good at heart, always believes in her instincts, definition of good girl, talented at almost everything. Male lead: (description hidden) You have to go through the story to know it.

Minha357 · Urban
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6 Chs


'Cara! I'm going to pick up Alan from the airport. I will not be back until 9' Hannah came shouting to the living room where Cara was sitting on the couch with her digital sketch book. And Alan is Hannah's boyfriend.

Cara stops her sketch and looked at Hannah. 'Oh, ok'

Then she frowns. 'It means I have to spent the weekend alone?'

'No. Not alone' Hannah said giving a smirk. 'You will have Ian to accompany you'

'Ian?' Cara asked her in a tone which says are you spotting nonsense. 'To make him speak once, I have to speak so much' Cara said making a wild gesture. 'And its not called him accompanying me. But you leaving me alone with him'

'What harm can he do to you? He can't even walk by himself. Leave walking. He can't even sit by himself. And you won't get bored. After all you are working on your comic' Hannah came and sat beside her and looked at the character she was drawing. Cara has finished 15 chapters of her comics and posted it online. Drawing being one of her talent she started writing comics in her free time. Her comic is on trending for now. Her characters being very beautiful she had earned many likes.

Cara nodded. 'But still, it feels weird staying alone at weekend' she frowned.

'Cara' Hannah drawled out. 'You are not alone'

'Yeah! Yeah! Ok go!' Cara said shoving Hannah from the couch. Hannah waved and went off. Cara waved back.

Cara thought of her parents. She was the only child of ber parents. Cara's mother and father both of them were doctors. When Cara was young she used to go frequently to the hospital to meet with her parents. But she never liked the vibes the hospital gave her. But still she would go because her parents used to be there whole day.

Her parents position were high in the medical world. So their presence were very important in the hospitals. Both of them were famous surgeons known as Winston couple. And in every major surgeries their presence was must.

Cara had seen her parents work hard ever since she was a child. She had seen them go whenever they received a phone call, whether it be a midnight or whether they might be in between the lunch, dinner or even when they might be on a family trip. They would go as soon as their presence were requested.

Seeing her parents life Cara has always disliked being the doctor. From young she had thought that she would major in any field but at medical. And by spending her most of the time with her parents in the hospital and by having a sharp memory, she had gained more medical knowledge than a medical student. And she had seen her parents perform surgery many times. And her parents had made her learn few basic surgeries many times. Even though she disliked this major she knows almost everything about it.

That was how she was able to save Ian.

Cara's parents are not here anymore. It's been 4 years since they had gone to England. Cara clearly remembered the day when her parents had broken the news to her of going to England.


'Darling, we have something to say to you' Cara's mom said to Cara after glancing at her husband(Cara's dad). All of them were having a dinner. Cara paused from her eating and looked at her mom. Her mother's tone made her agitated. Afraid of what she might say. Her thought has not crossed even near to what her mother was going to say next.

'something urgent has came to the hospital. We have to go to the England to do a research on something. It's very important' her mother said in sorrowful tone.

Cara nodded understandingly. 'It's alright. I can take care of myself. You guys can go without any worry' Cara said smiling reassuringly at her mom.

'No' her mom shook her head vigorously. 'That's not it!' she frowned. 'We don't know how much long it may take. It might take a month, a year or more than that. No, finishing in a month is a least possibility. So, Cara.. All of us have to go' her mom explained to her softly. 'You can join in the best university there' Cara's mom said smiling expectedly at her.

When her mother's words dawned on her, all the emotions started to cause chaos in her heart.

'Eng–land?' Cara gulps. How could she leave her home city? She has been here since her birth. How could she leave Hannah? What about the promise she had made with her? About going to same uni, living in the same apartment. They had even received the acceptance letter from the same uni. What about the other friends who are going to the same uni as hers. Leaving this familiar place does she has to go to somewhere unfamiliar?

Cara's mom nodded slowly.

'Mom, how–how can I–go to England leaving—' Cara stuttered.

'Dear, calm down. Relax and think over it. Don't make decisions hastily' her mom said by cutting her words. 'We know it's very sudden. But we can't do anything but go. And leaving you here will make us uneasy. So we want you to come with us, dear' she gave Cara her heart melting smile. 'And we have to book our flight next week. So...' she trailed off.

After 3 days Cara gave her decision. That she won't go with them. At first her mother was very upset then after Cara explained everything her mother respected her decision.

But her father couldn't leave her daughter just like that. After he grasped the fact that her daughter isn't coming, he couldn't rest until he had arranged everything properly for her.

That's when her father gifted this house to Cara. Which was in the safest place and close to their university.


'Wow, how time flies. It's been 4 years!' Cara muttered under her breath in astonishment. She went to England last year and stayed with her parents for a month. When her mother said at that time that it might take them a year or more she didn't believed her at that time. She had always hoped that they would return soon.

After a year she started to feel suspicious about the reason they gave her about their Going to England. Now she is fully sure that they are hiding something from her. Because every time she had tried to go deep about this subject they had either waved her off or changed the subject.

Cara stopped herself from dwelling on this thought whole day and got up from the couch and went to check up on Ian. She knocked on the door twice and stepped in. It was almost evening now. His eyes were half closed.

'Ian! It's time for your meds' Cara called him quietly.

He opened his eyes slowly and looked at her. He was feeling groggy, the effect of the previous meds still lingering.

Cara pulled out the drawer of the nightstand and picked the tablets which was needed. And then she poured the water from the jug in the glass which was on the nightstand.

'Let me dress your wound first' she said as an afterthought. She quickly exited the room and took all the necessary stuff and went back in the guest room. She placed all the stuff on the table which was infront of the bed. She then dragged the table nearer to bed.

'May I?' Cara asked him by pointing at his stomach. He nodded in reply. Cara then lifted his shirt and looked at the stitches she had done yesterday. Then she started to work on the dressing.

'Are you a doctor?' Ian's question halted Cara from her work. She then turned her gaze towards him.

'No' she said slowly after a second and then continued her work.

'Don't say me that an inexperienced person can also be this professional at this task' he said and gave a humourless laugh. Which made the pain shoot in his abdomen.

'Do you take me as a fool? My wound was not just a normal scratch like, if you would bandage it up and it would heal. By the amount of blood I had lost yesterday I had lost all the hope of surviving and even when you guys had found me I had no hope. Because how can a two normal young women save my life. Exception, if they happened to be a doctors by some coincidence' he said, his tone sharp. When he remembered that he had lost so much blood yesterday. He tried to feel the blood loss in him. He looked at his palm which was slightly pink as usual. How can his palm still have a color after so much blood loss. Then he looked at the back of his hand. There was a small area which was slightly red and little bit swollen like a needle was pricked. Suddenly realisation sparks in his mind. He looked at her with wide eyes.

'You had made a blood transfusion' he said with full certainty. How else could he be saved. There was a mark left of the syringe inserted.

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