
Desired Obsession

Warning ⚠️ contains explicit mature content, #torture #bdsm #mature language #submission #slavery. Read at your own risk! Olivia had only one problem and that was falling in love at first sight, the man she thought was her everything and the love of her life turned out to be a cold-blooded murderer. And when she suffered betrayal in the hands of people she trusted, she was saved by a man she loathed more than anything, A Ruthless Mafia King. However, to have her revenge. She signed a contract with her saviour who wasn't what she thought he was, and wanted more than she could give "I'm horny as f**k, can you fix that," the monstrous man before her muttered grabbing her by the throat and shoving her to her knees "No…no please don't…" she pleaded as her eyes watered having his fingers wrapped around her neck "Put my c**k into your little sexy wet mouth and give it everything you got… pleasure me, my little kitten," he commanded huskily, he was a frightening monster "Suck it for your master, swallow my c**k deeper until you can't feel anything but my seed choking down your little throat" he murmured in a sinister way, glancing down at her.  "Yes master," Olivia muttered obediently and got ready to do as he commanded. What will happen when Olivia is caught in between her billionaire ex-lover and her saviour, a ruthless mafia king who would stop at nothing to have her? A MUST-Read story full of violence, revenge, betrayal, torture, and mature content. love triangles and newly found love.

♥Fairylove♥ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
165 Chs

Trapped in a room

“Fucking face it…there's no getting out of here!” Alfredo groaned in frustration as he tried to reach for the chains he was tied with, unfortunately with the way he was all tied up. It was impossible even to think.

“Says a coward… I'm fucking getting out!” Zane groaned and tried to swing himself, so he could reach the wall but was tied up with chains upside down. It was a bad position. 

“Says a man who has done more harm than good,” Alfredo scoffed, having no idea why he was trapped with a mafia when he was supposed to be saving Sydney. 

“What about you, huh? Instead of protecting the woman you claimed to love…you fucking let your pathetic family harm her!” Zane spat out bitterly, his eyes filled with hatred, but Alfredo did care. Sydney has always been in love with him. He did all he could.

“You know nothing about us… I'm the man she loves and will always love…she's in all this mess because of you, bloody mafias,” he stood by his words, the night he met Sydney, he fell in love with her. Although it took a while for him to realize it and confess.

“Bloody mafias? Aren't you ashamed when your family stooped so low as to attempt murder on an innocent family!” Zane was enraged as he tried to stabilize himself. Both men seemed angry.

“She's safe with me…you, nor he can protect her…” After he rescued Sydney, he planned to take her away from everything.

“I'm the only one who deserves her…you don't cherish her…he was using her…she's not your toy or your second option" Zane said, but this time his voice was low, yes that night he had bad intentions because he always saw Sydney working in that bar as a waitress and her attitude was not good. But that was her way of protecting herself from the cruel world. He vowed to protect her. Even if she betrayed his trust.

“You don't know what it feels like to be alone with no one to call family… Pedro is considered to be a bad man, but he is more human than you people,” Zane continued, he was alone when Pedro brought him under his wing. Not just him, but Ira and the rest of the mafia men he had. He was a cold-blooded murderer, but deep down he protected those he loved.

“Sydney doesn't love you…”

“That's for her to decide,” Zane muttered and averted his eyes from Alfredo, he was done talking. He had to escape first and clear some things.

“How do we get out of here?” Alfredo asked because his legs were turning numb, he could barely feel them.

“There's a lever there…if we can reach it…we can lower ourselves down,” Zane said, gesturing at the lever mounted to the wall. Alfredo followed his face and spotted it.

“Good, let's go for it,” Alfredo agreed, the time for arguing had passed. They needed to work together. Just as the two men were about to put their plan into action, they heard the breaking of something outside.

“What?” Alfredo muttered, hoping the men guarding weren't back.

“Hurry,” he wasn't going to let this opportunity slip. Just as they were about to do it. The wooden doors opened, getting their attention and to their surprise. 

“You!” Both Alfredo and Zane exclaimed in awe upon seeing the two women standing there with jackhammers.

“Umm, ladies…where did you get those?” Zane asked in amusement as his lips curled upwards.

“These are the only weapons we could find around here?” Sydney said, glancing at the tool in her hand.

“It seems some. Mafia men are useless” Olivia scoffed and walked closer to the men. The room was in utter darkness with no windows.

“I'm so happy to see you,” Alfredo said with a smile, feeling relieved to see Sydney. 

“And how did you end up here?”

“Just free us…we need to go,” Zane said, showing Olivia their way out. Both Sydney and Olivia nodded and got to work.

Meanwhile, Pedro, who was covered in blood with a torn shirt, entered a dark room. A creaking sound erupted with each step he took. Blood trickled in his arm and drenched the gun he gripped tightly. His sharp cat-like eyes darted around the room, it wasn't small but had a passageway. He left many dead bodies he killed in order to get in.

“Where are you?” His deep, stern voice echoed throughout the room. Unfortunately, there was no answer. 

“Show yourself now!” He called it again as he proceeded down the passageway until he came to a halt right at the entrance of a machine room. It was slightly lit, dark and didn't seem to have windows of some sort.

“D-don't…don't come in!” There was a male voice which said getting his attention. Pedro was about to enter the room when a scream erupted in the room, deafening his eyes.

“Fucking…stay out!” The person yelled again, but this time Pedro recognized the voice.

“Marcos,” he called out just as he spotted a man tied up on a ramp chained, and some sharp objects were pointing at him from high above.

“What the heck,” Pedro was struck in awe, the place was disgusting, blood was everywhere and there was that stench of something rotten. He didn't have to think to know it was a place where humans were killed like animals.

“D-don't take a step in…or these fucking things will rip me apart,” Marcos said breathlessly, his chest rose and fell steadily with each breath he took. He felt a sharp pain as if his heart were being sliced into pieces.

“I'll get you out,” Pedro said, and scanned the room for anything to shoot at. The mechanism of the trap was distinct. It was triggered if anyone entered the room.

“Just go already…he's insane…he wanted you to come here,” Marcos said, shaking his head for Pedro to leave. He was as good as dead. Already he was messed up, his leg was plucked out like an animal. Pedro felt rage.

“Where is he?” He asked as he continued studying the place.

“Better get… the fuck out” Marcos let out a hiss. He was already a dead man. “He hates you more than you can imagine…he wants you to suffer by killing those…who…”

“Don't talk…let me get you out,” Pedro said and pulled the trigger. Marcos only heard the firing of shots and creaking sounds when the machines in the room started falling apart. Not just that, but the entire room started crumbling down that he knew it was over for him.

“Hang on.” He could hear Pedro's voice from a distance, but he smiled, knowing he was going to meet the devil.

“Hahaha…l-leave me…hahaha” All Marcos could do was laugh as he watched the sharp knives and objects moving at a high speed coming his way, some were aimed at his eyes, the others at his chest and arms and his leg. They would slice him to pieces, leaving nothing of him.

“I'm… I'm sorry, Sydney… I love you…a lot,” he whispered as his eyes closed and waited for death.