
Desired Obsession

Warning ⚠️ contains explicit mature content, #torture #bdsm #mature language #submission #slavery. Read at your own risk! Olivia had only one problem and that was falling in love at first sight, the man she thought was her everything and the love of her life turned out to be a cold-blooded murderer. And when she suffered betrayal in the hands of people she trusted, she was saved by a man she loathed more than anything, A Ruthless Mafia King. However, to have her revenge. She signed a contract with her saviour who wasn't what she thought he was, and wanted more than she could give "I'm horny as f**k, can you fix that," the monstrous man before her muttered grabbing her by the throat and shoving her to her knees "No…no please don't…" she pleaded as her eyes watered having his fingers wrapped around her neck "Put my c**k into your little sexy wet mouth and give it everything you got… pleasure me, my little kitten," he commanded huskily, he was a frightening monster "Suck it for your master, swallow my c**k deeper until you can't feel anything but my seed choking down your little throat" he murmured in a sinister way, glancing down at her.  "Yes master," Olivia muttered obediently and got ready to do as he commanded. What will happen when Olivia is caught in between her billionaire ex-lover and her saviour, a ruthless mafia king who would stop at nothing to have her? A MUST-Read story full of violence, revenge, betrayal, torture, and mature content. love triangles and newly found love.

♥Fairylove♥ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
165 Chs

disastrous damage


"Agh! L-let.." Marcos tried to catch his breath but with each breath he felt a sharp pain in his chest. Pedro cradled the man in his arms trying by all means to stop the bleeding on his chest but he couldn't. Blood was oozing out like a fountain.


"Stop talking…I'll have my men take you to the hospital," Pedro said knowing he would make sure Marcos was safe, unfortunately, Marcos let out a sarcastic laugh.


"L-leave me…it's…it's no point…" even if Pedro managed to destroy the room and rescue him. Marcos knew he wouldn't last a day. He was dead, there was no saving him.


"I didn't know, you were so weak," Pedro muttered with a frown and looked around for anyone.  He knew his men would arrive.


"Save…save my sister…that monster…he has her!" Marcos struggled to voice out the words but ended up coughing out blood. Pedro's brows knitted together.


"She'll be fine…let's move," Pedro muttered and prepared to get up when Marcos held his hand.


"Don't…I don't have much time…" he said and closed his eyes for a while when he opened them. "I was wrong…he did all that…he created misunderstanding between us," Marcos added knowing everything that happened in the past was planned by someone.  Pedro already knew everything,  he found out who the mastermind was. 


"I hated you…I thought you betrayed my trust…you ruined our friendship," they were friends since he was disowned by his family. Two boys had gone through a tough time and the only way of surviving was turning into devils… cold-blooded killers.


"That's enough…he'll pay for everything," Pedro muttered,  he promised to avenge the man who killed his family.  He wasn't going to let Bruce go scout free.


"You were a good friend…my sister…is lucky," Marcos said with a smile, all these years he harboured hatred for Pedro. Loathed him and planned to kill him. However, he was wrong. He got to find out the truth in the worst way possible.


"She needs you alive…I promised her," Pedro remarked, tightening his grip on Marcos's hand. His breathing had picked up.


"Take care of her…don't make her cry…she's a good girl…my sweet sister," Marcos whispered,  his lips curled upwards into a helpless smile. He had protected his little one in the shadows. She loved him despite everything,  he only regretted not being there for her when she needed him the most.


"Shh, save your breath," Pedro said and he was on his feet. Marcos let out an exhale 


"Bye old friend," a whisper escaped Marcos's parted lips and turned dark. Pedro panicked as he tried to wake him up but his body had turned cold. His eyes were still open.


"Wake up now!" Pedro yelled while shaking.  "Fucking get up now!" He wasn't done with him; they needed to make the culprit pay. Unfor it was too late. Marcos was dead, Pedro had never felt so miserable before. He had watched his loved ones die in his arms. 


"Y-you can't do this…get up now," Pedro could only hug Marcos's gold body. After some time, three trucks pulled by.


"Take care of him…" Pedro said to Ira and Jordan, both nodded and knew when to say anything. Their boss was in a bad state.


"Boss, about his whereabouts," Jordan started as he handed Pedro a new set of clothes. He was covered in blood hence he needed to change.


"Find Zane…I'll go after him," Pedro muttered,  took his guns and proceeded to his truck. Ira watched her boss and felt her heartache, it seemed there was no peace in their lives.


"Let's go, Jo…Zane needs our help," Ira said and gestured for the men to take Marcos's corpse.  She felt sad for Olivia. She just found her brother after thinking he died. But now he was dead for real.






"Mom, what's all this huh?" Bianca asked, seeing how the servants had packed a lot of things in her mom's room.


"Leaving this country…get your passport," Antonia shouted while fixing the white wig on her head. Bianca frowned as she proceeded in.


"Mom, you can't leave okay? What about Luciano and Alfredo," Bianca couldn't believe her mom was planning on running away at the most crucial moment. 


"They can take care of themselves…we need to leave now!" Antonia was not having it, she'd rather die than go to jail. Who knew the altamiranos dug up enough evidence to incriminate her?


"What..that do you mean huh?" She wasn't going to be on a run from the police. She was Bianca Garcia, a big deal.


"Stop annoying me and start gathering your things…or else…you'll go to jail," Antonia yelled loudly and finished her thing. Seeing her mom, Bianca was shocked, her mom was nothing like before she looked different. 


"Fine Mom, let…let me get my things…"


"No time…let's hurry…your uncle is…he's letting us fly there privately," she said as both started rushing out of the rooms. Antonia already withdrew enough money from the bank and enough she had in the safe.


"Mom, slow down," Bianca said when her mom was dragging her down the stairs like an animal. However, as soon as they got down. Both came to a halt when.


"Mrs Garcia…you are under arrest for attempted murder," came the police who flooded the hallway with guns. Antonia's heart raced as she held Bianca's hand even tighter. 


"You have the right to remain silent or whatever you say might be used against you in a court of law," the detective said as he advanced.  Bianca was frightened seeing the police invasion. Especially the sight of guns.






"The sky was dark, thunder roared according to lightning.  The trees blew around causing a frightening scenery. The forest was deep and dark. The stench of dead animals rose in the air as Olivia, Sydney, Zane and a wounded Alfredo ran for their lives. It wasn't easy to get away. But at the given chance they managed to escape the dead house. Alfredo was shot and could barely run on his own if not for the help of Zane and Sydney. Alfredo had blocked two shots which were aimed at Sydney. The sound of gunshots, and the heavy rain seemed to be dragging Olivia back or was it pregnancy?


"I can't…it's…" Olivia couldn't run any further.  Her body and legs had given up as he came to a halt. So did the other three.


"He's bleeding badly…he won't survive the storm," Zane said as they stopped and let Alfredo lie down and lean against a tree. Sydney dropped to her knees to inspect his wound.


"Zane is right…he can't…he's lost too much blood," she already tied her shirt on his wound, unfortunately, it was of no help. Alfredo was bleeding,


"We need to get outta here…it's not safe," Olivia said, trying, by all means, to calm down. She feared for her child. If anything happened to her child she wouldn't forgive herself.


"It's too dangerous…we are deep in the forest," Zane said, feeling frustrated with himself.  He felt useless, the gun he had ran out of bullets. He had three people to protect.  Pedro would not forgive him.


"D-don't…it's…it's no use…" Alfredo gasped as he tried to sit upright but Sydney stopped him.


"Save your breath…please Alfredo," she couldn't take it, Alfredo was losing blood and he couldn't breathe.


"Syd…I…ahh!" Alfredo groaned and gripped Sydney's hand. She was in tears as she held him closely. Olivia and Zane watched as the two hugged. Even though Zane felt uncontrolled seeing Sydney so affectionate toward another man. He knew Alfredo was not such a bad person.


"I…I made a mistake, " Alfredo muttered and tried to keep calm. He couldn't feel his body anymore,  Sydney shook her head stopping him from talking. 


"You'll be fine…Shh, we'll get out of here," Sydney remarked and caressed his face getting the rainwater off. Despite that, the rain didn't stop pouring. Her teeth chattered as she tried to keep him warm.


"I've been bad…I…I didn't protect you…"


"No, you did…please Alfredo hangs in…sobs…please" Despite everything that happened,  she couldn't forget all the lovely moments she had with Alfredo.  He was her first love. Life wasn't fair to them. Things turned out so badly for them.


"I love you…only you…I…I don't want to die," Alfredo mumbled as tears rained down his face. His heart was hurting, he couldn't handle it. Sydney felt his pain. The despair and she didn't want it. 


"You'll be fine…I'll make sure of it," she didn't want him to die. Sydney hugged his cold body and promised to not let go.


"Please be happy…I couldn't make you happy," a whisper escaped Alfredo's lips as his hands dropped to the ground. His head hung on her shoulder and his heart ceased beating.