
Desired Obsession

Warning ⚠️ contains explicit mature content, #torture #bdsm #mature language #submission #slavery. Read at your own risk! Olivia had only one problem and that was falling in love at first sight, the man she thought was her everything and the love of her life turned out to be a cold-blooded murderer. And when she suffered betrayal in the hands of people she trusted, she was saved by a man she loathed more than anything, A Ruthless Mafia King. However, to have her revenge. She signed a contract with her saviour who wasn't what she thought he was, and wanted more than she could give "I'm horny as f**k, can you fix that," the monstrous man before her muttered grabbing her by the throat and shoving her to her knees "No…no please don't…" she pleaded as her eyes watered having his fingers wrapped around her neck "Put my c**k into your little sexy wet mouth and give it everything you got… pleasure me, my little kitten," he commanded huskily, he was a frightening monster "Suck it for your master, swallow my c**k deeper until you can't feel anything but my seed choking down your little throat" he murmured in a sinister way, glancing down at her.  "Yes master," Olivia muttered obediently and got ready to do as he commanded. What will happen when Olivia is caught in between her billionaire ex-lover and her saviour, a ruthless mafia king who would stop at nothing to have her? A MUST-Read story full of violence, revenge, betrayal, torture, and mature content. love triangles and newly found love.

♥Fairylove♥ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
165 Chs

Save herself


Corina's eyes rolled in ecstasy; she could feel her juices dripping down. Just the sight of Pedro's naked body had her drooling. Touching herself as she crawled on the bed.


"After tonight…there will be no denying me…my love for you," she whispered and ran her finger from his chest and stopped at his abs.


"Do you remember…the wild night we had…how dominant and barbaric you…used to be," she leaned down and ran her tongue on his abs. A smirk crept on her face as she watched him struggling.  Of course, the drug she gave him rendered him useless….he couldn't move nor talk. He was completely overpowered and not in control.


"You've always been the one who set my soul on fire," she added and lay on her side. Her hair fell to the sides as she got a better view of Pedro. Scanning his perfectly sculpted body. He was the man, sexy and held power. Such traits he possessed.  This was the kind of man she had always desired.


"My love…we are going to have fun," she muttered and reached her hand for Pedro's cock, how she wanted to put him in her mouth and choke on his seeds.


"Mmm," her eyes closed as she gripped his long shaft, so hard and hot. She could picture herself riding his cock. Feeling his warm seed inside her. 


"I can't wait any longer…if we have a baby…you won't dare leave me," she said as her eyes opened at once. She hated how Olivia had taken root in Pedro's heart. In the past, he was a cold-blooded killer. He didn't care about love but fucked women for his satisfaction.  But after Olivia came, everything changed.


"She stole you from me…I want her dead!" She yelled and tightened her grip on Pedro's shaft as if he felt the pain. He made groaning sounds. 


"Look here Pedro, you should accept me…I'm the one for you," she climbed on top of him and used her other hand to hold him by the jaw. 


"She's nothing…by now she must be watching us…hmm…let's play," she let out a sarcastic laugh followed by moans as she positioned his cock at her entrance.  How she yearned to be fucked by him.


"S-stop it," Pedro said, more like a whisper. He felt numb everywhere. His limbs were weak "Olivia" she kept calling for Olivia, moving around. That Corina was irritated. 


"How dare you!" She yelled seeing how he was calling Olivia. She drugged him so how was he moving?


"Let go," he kept muttering while trying to push Corina away. However, Corina wasn't having it.


"Fine, since you want to be treated like an animal…so be it!" She yelled and got off him. But she didn't go far and simply retrieved a few gadgets from the drawer.


"My mother always had ways to tame you…" she smirked while waving handcuffs in the air and a dog collar.


"A filthy dog you've always been Pedro.." she recalled everything, of course, she felt bad because her mom used to treat Pedro in the past. A sex slave, like a dog…but now.


"I'll make sure you are under my control," she muttered through gritted teeth while pouring some clear liquid into a glass. She didn't want to do this, but it was the only way.


"Olivia…Olivia," Pedro kept muttering while Corina prepared the drink, her eyes flashed with anger.





"Do you want to do this…" Olivia asked as tears lingered in her eyes. She didn't want anything to happen to Pedro. She had to get away and save him. Luciano had taken her from that room to another. He made those girls change their clothes. Who knew what he was planning?


"It's over Olivia…tonight we are leaving, you are finally mine," he said while dragging her away. Olivia shook her head as she tried to get away. She had to fight or better yet, find a way to convince Luciano to let her go.


"Luciano…stop this now…you are hurting me," she was pregnant and the way he was dragging her while restrained caused her pain. 


"By now he's fucking that girl…don't you understand anything," he stopped and shoved her against the wall. A sharp pain went through her, Olivia's eyes closed as she tried to ignore the pain.


"This…this isn't you…Luciano you were never like this," she whispered, her face an inch from his. Despite the darkness, she could see his sharp bright eyes staring back at her. The way his chest was rising and falling rapidly caused her fear.


"You used to be kind…living and not like a monster," she added, recalling how he used to treat her. Like her words triggered something in him. Olivia saw his hesitation and knew she got him.


"Do you think I'm a fool," Luciano muttered and held her by the throat, Oliva ignored the pain knowing she had a task.


"Let my friend go,  Luciano…I'll happily go with you," she whispered while looking straight into his eyes. Luciano was perplexed at her words.


"I can't let her go," he said and moved away from her.


"Why not…let Sydney go and I'll…go with you…I'll do whatever you want," the only thing she wanted was to see her friend free. Sydney was more important. Either way, she had to delay Luciano from taking her away. Maybe she could find a way to rescue Sydney. 





Sydney's eyes darted around the room. The two men left to guard her were busy playing chess and cheering. It had been a long time since their boss came in. She had to find a way to get out. Looking around, she noticed the window was closed. It didn't open. The door was heavily guarded.


"I want to pee," she simply said, hoping to get the men's attention.  They didn't even hear her as they continued to drink and play their game.


"Can't you hear me!" This time she yelled at the top of her voice getting their attention.  Both of them glanced at her.


"Little bitch, do you think this is your father's house huh!" One of them said angrily as he rose to his feet and slowly started approaching the bed. Sydney ignored his anger and looked at him disdainfully. 


"What's your damn job?" She asked cheekily, surprising the men. They exchanged questionable glances and then looked at her.


"The boss said no leaving…you stay there little slut…or do you want us to show you a good time,"


"Fuck off…if you even dare lay your filthy hands on me…I'll," Sydney yelled while retreating away from the vicious monster advancing with lustful eyes.


"How Feisty,  how about we rip this little girl apart," one of them said and glanced over at his friend. Just from their gazes Sydney could tell their intentions. She was tied up with no way of escaping.  The men circled the bed and started taking off their clothes.


"We are going to have a good time," they climbed onto the bed and one of them grabbed her leg. Sydney panicked and attempted to get away when another grabbed her hair.


"Come here, little princess..  let's have a good time," 


"Let…let me go!" Sydney shouted for help, the stench of cigars and liquor from the men disgusted her. The more she tried to fight back the more they pinned her down. One of them stripped her off leaving her only in her panties. Sydney had never felt so disgusted before.  Tears flooded her face, she could feel her lungs contracting with each breath she took until


"Stop it!" Someone shouted and the men stopped right away. Sydney was still breathing heavily.  Sweat soaked her body and when she lifted her head. She only saw someone hitting the men until they went unconscious. 


"Sydney,  are you okay?" Olivia jumped on the bed to save her friend.


"O-Olivia…is..is that you," Sydney mumbled hoping she wasn't seeing things. Flickering her eyes open. She found Olivia cradling her in her arms.


"Let's get you out of here," Olivia said and started untying her. She didn't have enough time. They had to leave. Soon Sydney was free, to Olivia's relief.  Nothing happened to her.


"We need to go…I locked Luciano somewhere…we better go before he's out," she said while looking for any weapon around. They were trapped and alone. 


"Yes, but how did you get here…and Luciano?" Sydney asked, wondering how Olivia ended up there. Olivia grabbed a baseball bat and kept it.


"Long story…let's go,"


"But Alfredo and Zane were captured," Sydney blurted out and Olivia came to a halt. She couldn't believe her ears. It seemed these mafia men turned out to be useless. First, their boss was sedated and seduced and his minions were captured. 


"Just great, let's find them…got any ideas where they could be," Olivia agreed to find the guys. Sydney made a thinking face then nodded.


"But it's not easy, that old man is dangerous," it was hard to get away. The place they were in was massive and anyone could get lost. Olivia didn't mind, she wasn't going to wait for a man to save her.