

Born with a silver spoon only for that to get snatched from him, Denwen is forced to face the harsh reality of life as even with a talentless body he discovers something no one could fathom allowing him rise through the ranks quicker than anyone else. Betrayal, heartbreak and other soul crushing experiences chisels Denwen into a seasoned warrior as he stands above all others

Praiz_Official · Fantasy
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61 Chs

Mystery Mission

The tournament organized by the academy varies from year to year depending on where the academy feels suits more to the students in question. The academy had picked a low tier dungeon exploration this time around. The tiers or dungeons varies from white to black, with white being the safest and black being the hardest. The school had already come across and prepared a yellow-colored dungeon, the second tier of dungeons as at this very moment students dressed in their gears could be seen gathering in front of it. A makeshift auditorium had been constructed by earth-based mages to accommodate the audience whose numbers had began to fill it up.

A young boy could be seen dragging his feet through the tunnel as he used his right hand to hold his left nervously, of course why won't he. Anyone could use this opportunity to kill him and no one would care, not even his parents or the school. If he were to chicken out of the tournament he would suffer a worse fate, it wasn't anything to the boy than the everyday struggle of the weak. "Come on Angus you can do this, all you have to do is stay away from those most likely to do you in" Angus continued to mumbled as he walked that was until a huge dark-skinned man with an afro stepped in front of him.

"Hey, I have already decided to participate" Angus immediately took a defensive position as he was already thinking that the school had brought someone to bring him out of any rabbit hole that he might have run into.

"Hohoho, why so serious" the man laughed as he saw the demeanor of the boy "Relax, I am here for you, and not from the school" he quickly added as he saw the boy tense up more.

"Who are you and what do you want" Angus said as he took a step backwards

"Well, who I am does not matter, but I want you" the man said as he bent and looked him in the eye, revealing a beautiful set of blue eyes.

"Do you think you can kidnap me, I am at the prestigious Crimson Academy, just one call from me as their student and this hallway would be covered with high tiered mages that you can't defeat" Angus began to panic

"Hohoho, you sure are a comedian young fellow, go ahead and let's see how long it would take your prestigious Crimson Academy to come to your rescue" this statement made Angus realize his position and what this man was saying wasn't a lie in any bit, he just dropped his head down dejectedly as he knew he had truly lost.

"Relax boy, I am not here to harm you and trust me I know more about you and your background than you think, so I think you've been damaged enough." he said as he placed his hands on his shoulders "I am sure you are tired of seeing those who you are better than receive more achievements all because of their strength so I need your help with one thing"

"Which is?"

"I need to turn this dungeon Red" the man said as he smiled which sent eerie chills down the boy's spine, "but there would be people in there, my brother would be in there I can't" he started to panic as he asked a lot of questions at once.

"Hohoho, young lad you're quite the funny one, do you mean the very people that never pay attention to you or beat you up at any chance you get. Or do you mean the brother, the very brother that bruised you up just this morning. I know deep down you don't care what happens to them, you are just concerned about how you would do it" Angus raised his head in shock as he heard this, it was as though the man in front of him could read his mind;

"You talk as if you know it all. You know my level of strength and how I can't match up with the others what exactly do I do" he asked as his voice shook a bit.

"Now you're talking, take this" he said as a dagger and a piece of chalk flew over to the kid "once you are inside, get to any hidden location and begin the draw the Gratis circle as if you are caught use the dagger. On hearing the details of the mission, the eyes of the boy opened "The gratis circle" he murmured;

"Yes, boy the Gratis circle, it's basic so you must know it, don't worry about what happens after as you can easily tear the strip attached to the handle of the dagger and teleport out of there" he said as he decided to tell him his way out.

"Well, this mission is not without its high risks as the rewards attached to it are high themselves, take this card to the location on it and tell them that the H2 sent you, when you get there, the things you would receive are going to improve your strength in ways you can't even begin to imagine." he said as he got up.

"The H2" he repeated after the man.

"Hey Ayo are you not done?" a feminine voice came from the entrance of the tunnel.

"Just rounding things up here" he responded to the lady whose footsteps became louder "Kid better don't mess up the mission" he said as he turned around.

"I won't" the boy said with affirmation as he turned around to see a huge lady with two horns sticking from the sides of her head with a tail moving left and right looking down at him. This froze him on the spot.

"Agrona, stop it, our work is done" Ayo said as he snapped her out of her stare "let's go have a seat and watch the show" he said as he began to leave.

"I really don't know what you saw in him" both parties walked out leaving the boy in his thoughts.

'Should I follow through with this, maybe if I use this and get stronger, I would no longer be an outcast and people would start respecting me I will finally get rid of that useless Arth and regain my parents love' he was beginning to smile like a retard as he didn't notice that the security was already close;

"Hey scum, you shouldn't be here" a male security voiced out as he slapped him across the face "if you want to hide do so in a better place, now move" the security enjoying the chance to bully a student once more didn't notice the evil smile that had appeared on the boy's face.

Next Chapter's Title:

"The tournament begins"

Have an exciting year ahead guys

Praiz_Officialcreators' thoughts