

Born with a silver spoon only for that to get snatched from him, Denwen is forced to face the harsh reality of life as even with a talentless body he discovers something no one could fathom allowing him rise through the ranks quicker than anyone else. Betrayal, heartbreak and other soul crushing experiences chisels Denwen into a seasoned warrior as he stands above all others

Praiz_Official · Fantasy
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61 Chs

The tournament begins

"Can we give it up for these young promising ones here, they are the finest out of the best set of rookies the Crimson Academy has had in decades" the announcer said over the microphone making the crowd erupt in loud cheers. The tournament section of each academy is the second most anticipated event of the school year only behind the inter academy tournament. Every parent looked forward to it as their wards had the chance to gain resources for their growth.

The children prepared themselves as some of them laughed and made small talk. There wasn't a bit of fear on their minds as they knew it would have already been set to none lethal levels.

"Hey, Arth, I know you already have this in the bag especially with your talent that can turn everything you touch to liquid. So just let me tag along" an arrogant girl with good and flamboyant looks came around with her train of friends.

"All bitches like you know how to do is suck off the success of others like the parasites you are" Arth said as he spat and walked away. This action made the girl's face squeeze in anger.

"Yoi didn't have to do her dirty bro, a no would have been better" one of his underlings said as they moved.

"Yeah, you know, many guys are dying to be with her and here she is throwing herself on you" the other friend spoke.

"Shut it would you, my success is for me alone, and you people I let follow me are only here to aid that goal so shut it" Arth spoke with such authority that the boys kept quiet.

Time passed as the teachers came out and shared badges round the student that number from one to three hundred as a stout man who looked to be in his forties with silk black hair and a clean dark crimson blazer over a black shirt and trouser that held many badges of honor took the stage;

"First year students, of the great Crimson Academy, I am so sure that from the day you gained admission till this moment you have waited for this, and for making it this far that I congratulate you" he said as the students roared;

"As you can see, you have been given badges with your number on it, it not only act as your number but as a tracking device that let us know about your progress and where you are, your mics are also attached to it so and we can decide to switch yours for the audience. As you've been informed prior to this you are to gather as many cores as possible from this dungeon as after each kill you would tap it on your badge to be stored away, the higher the beast core the more your points for that core. For safety purposes, another can't access your badge" this comment put a smile on some people's faces as they feared they would be bullied into giving up their cores.

"Cameras are placed in strategic and hidden locations as the audience can view the whole event, if you ever feel threatened input mana into your badge or crush it as it would teleport you out of the dungeon immediately and when the time is up it would automatically teleport you, so once again I want to wish you all the best" the man said as he stepped down and watched as the students took their badges and placed it in their preferred areas.

"Number 247, Number 247" an instructor called out as he held up the last badge, everyone began to murmur as it was unheard off, for a student to miss these sorts of things.

"Number 247, Ang…" as the staff looked down at her clipboard to call the student's name when running footsteps was heard from the tunnel


"I'm sorry, I'm so, so sorry" Angus rushed out of the tunnel as he bent over panting like a dog.

"Oh, come on" one student said in disgusts as this was just one out of many reactions. Some parents confused at first by the students' reactions once they found out the reason also joined in the booing chant.

Once all the students had been accounted for, a loud gun shot was heard as all the students ran to the portal, as no one wanted to be the last and wanted the head start.

"I am quite surprised you had the balls to turn up with your pathetic talent" Arth said as he walked past Angus with his goons "You better make sure to check if your badge is alright, because who knows, these things get technical difficulties, hahaha" Arth laughed as he passed through the portal.

Angus looked at his brother's disappearing back as he gritted his teeth in anger 'that warning goes both ways, Arth' he said as he increased his grip on the handle of a dagger by his side and walked through it.


Entering through the portal, if just felt like he was walking through a light film, as high developed portals stabilizers had been created to eliminate the warping sensation and make passage smooth even for children.

Angus appeared on the landscape that look like a dream land, there were grasses, with butterflies flying around, there was a peaceful lake flowing in the distance and then there was the students who had just entered, most of them had began chasing mutated like rabbits as they plan to begin their hunt.

Angus was drawn to the lake as he put his hands in it feeling the flow of the lake causing him to smile a bit. The sight was just so beautiful.

"No I shouldn't be doing this I should be looking for a place to hide" Angus said as not too long after he scurried away the children began to run in a direction as when he looked into the distance he saw Arth sitting on a carcass surrounded by his classmates;

"He really did kill a stage one disaster all by himself" someone said as they stared at him in awe. Arth not minding the crowd at all placed his right hand on the carcass as it began to turn to water. He then looked to the far distance to find his brother staring. The two locked eye contacts as Angus began to panic and run.

"This is bad, this is bad, I wanted to be lowkey, why did he have to see me" Angus said as he ran and not surprisingly his brother followed as well.


Outside the dungeon, the audience where shouting in awe as the watched this kid battle and single handedly kill a stage one disaster while his peers struggled with the stage zero disasters. And watched as he effortlessly dissolved it before dashing off.

"Where did you think he dashed off to?" someone asked

"Isn't it obvious, he went in for another kill" a lady answered.

The people most elated at this point where his parents who raised their heads high in pride;

"Ma'am you should be very proud of your son" a man sitting beside his mum said

"Well, that's the least expected of a lees" she responded with pride.

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