

Born with a silver spoon only for that to get snatched from him, Denwen is forced to face the harsh reality of life as even with a talentless body he discovers something no one could fathom allowing him rise through the ranks quicker than anyone else. Betrayal, heartbreak and other soul crushing experiences chisels Denwen into a seasoned warrior as he stands above all others

Praiz_Official · Fantasy
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61 Chs

I said stop

"What did you just say" Roy asked as he couldn't believe what he just heard

"I said" Denwen took another sip "I am not changing it; I would prove to you all just how valuable this name truly is"

Roy couldn't believe his ears as if this guy was just plain dumb.

"Oy, did I just hear you say that you won't change it" a man spoke as a group of three men approached them from a nearby table spoke out

"hmmm" Denwen was stunned to see these new visitors

"Oh no see what you have done" Roy muttered as he rubbed his forehead while shaking his head "hey guys just ignore me" he said as he stood up to stop the men from approaching

"Oy, you tryin to say we ain't got good hearing" the shortest man in the group voiced out

"Looks, like your misusing your privileged boy"

"No, I'm sorry" Roy said as he dropped his hands

"Good now move it" the biggest man in the group said again for emphasis. The whole restaurant was silent because they never thought these guys would make a move here. And with the tattoo on the 'leader's' arm which was a bull's face with fire for eyes they knew these guys all too well. These guys were from the Hell's Bull group. A group of stagnated mages that couldn't go above Stage 2 so they came together to bully the weak even children, especially children who couldn't defend themselves as they saw them as those with the most potentials.

Standing in front of Denwen, he was already shaking as he tried to hide from the men.

"Get out here" the man lifted Denwen from under table and held him by the neck "Did, you just say that your name was Denwen" he asked while smiling as he watched Denwen struggle with all his might as he was losing his breath "and you said you aren't going to change it huh" he then flung Denwen like a rag doll towards the center of the room, causing his hand that had already bin healed up to loosen. Due to the impact he struggled to stand but just began crawling away slowly but it didn't help because the men were just faster. "You guys," The man said looking around "you heard him too right, it's not just us"

"This is just cruel"

"Why do they keep doing this"

"Someone should stop this madness"

The people in the restaurant couldn't make a move because none of them wanted to draw the wrath of Hell's Bull or their leader, not that any of them here could do anything to the men who were giving off aura's of late stage one rank.

"Hey, boss you have to see this, kakakaka" The shortest of the trio picked up the cloth that had loosened up from Denwen's hand which had the royal emblem on it.

"Would you look at this" the man said as he took hold of the cloth "So would you like to tell me how a runt like you could get this quality piece of Royal clothing"

"I don't know what you are talking" Denwen denied now knowing that he could lose his life, he preferred to hide in shame good thing his face was all covered in dirty from all the running he had been doing and his hair was in complete shambles causing him to be very unrecognizable even though he was shown on screens planet-wide "hey hey hey, weren't you the one who claim such a forbidden name and now this, maybe you are the Prince" he said as he landed a kick on Denwen's forehead but still saw him trying to crawl his way out.


There were gasps heard all round once the thug made this connection

"If, that's the case he deserves it"

"Why would anyone help the runt"

Someone then shouted "there's even a bounty on the Prince's head even though he is thought dead"

"That sounds nice" the 'leader' thug said out loud but internally he was in a state of shock 'how much stamina does this kid have, that kick was strong enough to knock any average stage one mage or swordsman out'

"Maybe we can actually get some good points in with the big man if we get some good stuff out of this kid, this emblem alone cost 10,000 gold as an original emblem of the royal house" one of them said as he moved to pick up the boy when another boy stood in his front stopping him from reaching Denwen "Roy, even though we all respect your father, but don't think you're untouchable

"Stop" Roy said as he closed his eyes with arms wide spread as he screamed

"What's that I couldn't here you" the man mocked as he touched his ears and bent over

"I said Stop" Roy screamed once more

"Would you get the fuck out of here" The man said as he slapped Roy so hard he passed out

"ROY" Denwen screamed as he saw another person that took care of him collapse in his front

"Arrggh" Denwen stood up with his tattered face as he ran to give the man a punch in his stomach with all his might


It was as though rubber had it a wall, as the image Denwen had in his mind of making this enemy in front of him fly away with a punch ended up like nothing.

"Awww, he tried to do something there" the man said as the sight was very comedic

"Now, let me show you how it's done"

Because the body constitution of an awaken person weather mage or swordsman was completely different, the difference between normal people and those who had awakened was like the heaven's and the earth and the gap became unimaginably wider the more a person broke through the ranks. That was why when Denwen saw the person in front of him that didn't even move an inch when he punched out with all his might raise his hands to retaliate he just lost every semblance of hope as that was when someone walked up to the man and tap his back

"That's enough kid".

Next Chapter's title

"How did you do that"

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Praiz_Officialcreators' thoughts