
Chapter 7: The Trauma of History

Raven stared at his slightly shaking hand with a sigh and frown in sync, before he took a deep breath and focused on the task in front of him at the moment.

In front of him was a spell circle. Floating and glowing blue. Humming with powerful magic. He had excelled so far with casting magic belonging to wizards and witches, but now he wanted to switch it up.

The magic of mages was an interesting thing. Constructing a magic circle wasn't hard to do, mostly. It just involved about a hundred formulas that equate to drawing mana, reducing cost and casting the spell. Currently his spell circle could only give him a 37% reduction in mana cost.

The spell circle itself was created in the form of a dragon's head with horns and wings stretched out with swords in the form of an x on each wing. A number one on the forehead of the dragon head.

He thought it looked cool.

(Maybe I'll draw some art for this in the future, or just photoshop it lol)

Raven hummed as he mentally finished the final calculation and pushed the magic circle to complete the spell he had inscribed into the circle. 378 magical formulas in math equations.

The circle glowed a bit more brightly before suddenly a small fire floated in front of it before extinguishing from a lack of mana being fed to keep it growing.

"Hahahahaha I did it!" Raven cheered happily. It had taken him a while, but he had successfully managed to cast a spell through a magical circle.


Of course he was unaware of multiple things. Most mages would be happy to have a magical reduction of 37%. Even those of the higher ups had a reduction of roughly maybe 50-60%.

With a smile he dispelled the magical circle and went to lay down, even if he wasn't tired from magical energy cost, he was still mentally tired. Running that much mental calculations hurt his head.

If he could just split his thoughts up into partitions, it would be amazing. Perhaps he could find a spell like that in the library later.


Raven sighed as he stared at the gargoyle in front of him, beside him was Filius Flitwick, his head of house.

"Jelly Beans." Raven blinked as he heard that. It was an interesting password, that was for sure. A random word most wouldn't say off the top of their head, least of all in front of this statue.

Following along the half goblin teacher, he stared curiously at the trinkets around the office, each one seemed random, but he could tell they all had some kind of purpose. Perhaps to track something.

However what really drew his attention was the beautiful orange and yellow bird standing on a perch.

Gently he reached out a hand, and the bird crooned softly in the form of a song that seemed to lift his mood greatly and ease his tension, and gently rubbed under its chin. The coo he got showed its appreciation.

"I see you've met Fawkes. He doesn't usually take to people right away or that much. He must have really enjoyed the scratching you gave." Dumbledore said as he walked down some steps and sat down behind his desk.

"Now, how can I help you two." He asked, smiling as he gestured for the two to sit down across from him. Flitwick had to amusingly conjure a cushion so he could be eye level with them.

"Mr. Inanis would like permission to leave the school grounds for part of the day." The Ravenclaw dorm master explained.

"I see. For what purpose, my boy?" Albus asked curiously, but he noticed the minor wince at being called my boy, and mentally made a reminder not to call him that anymore.

"Therapy. I'm supposed to have a session every six months." Raven said dryly and both stared at him in confusion.

"Therapy? If you don't mind, may I ask for what?" Albus asked gently and Raven sighed as he stared at his somewhat shaking hand.

"I've been kidnapped and tortured by a cult three times. The same cult at that. Pretty sure accidental magic saved my life last time." Raven said softly as both wizards stared in shock at their student.

"Of course, I'll even personally escort you to your appointment. Where will it be held?" Dumbledore asked gently, though he smiled as he saw his familiar fly and land onto the shoulder of Raven.

"Thank you headmaster. It is held in London at…." Raven said the location and time. The headmaster nodded his head and said that when it was time next week, he would take him.

"Thank you again Headmaster Dumbledore." Raven said with an appreciative bow and headed out, gently placing Fawkes back on his stand who cooed softly at Raven and sang a song that made him feel better as he left.


Raven held his arms crossed over each other while glad he casted a warming charm on himself before they left the castle.

Apparently they had traveled by Phoenix. Fawkes had transported them to a safe spot out of sight. Raven headed off with the headmaster following him to ensure he arrived safely and entered his appointment before he left.


Albus Dumbledore frowned as he popped up at a police station and cast an illusion over his robes properly that would fool cameras and walked in requesting to speak with Officer Rain in private.

"Headmaster Dumbledore, it's a surprise to see you." The officer was surprised as they were in a private meeting room.

"Hello Mr. Rain, I'm glad you're doing well, I heard you recently got promoted to detective?" Albus asked and the man nodded proudly.

"Indeed I did sir, but how can I help you today?" The man asked, the headmaster liked asking for help with muggle civil issues through him.

"I need you to pull up a case file for me on someone. A new student, and I'm worried about something." He explained as the detective nodded and asked for the name.

"Raven Inanis."

Albus did NOT miss the look of shock on the detective's face.

"Oh that poor child. I assume you're looking for information on the offenders?" Detective Rain asked and Albus nodded.

"Unfortunately headmaster, not possible. Not that I don't want to, but they've all been found dead. The same way for all of them, their heart is cut out and crushed." Rain explained softly as Albus went wide-eyed in shock.

"57 people found dead in the same way with connections to the cult that hurt the poor boy." Rain finished and Albus nodded his head grimly in thanks before leaving, he had much to ponder on.

Not before Rain explained all the injuries in the boys file.

Invisibly on his shoulder, he could feel his familiars anger for Mr. Inanis and the pain he went through.


Raven smiled as he walked out of the therapy office, it was covered in red splotches. A man laid on the floor with a face showing terror. A hole in his chest, a heart laying on the ground crushed flat.

Raven retracted his claw like nails, and they returned to looking normal again.

However he stared at his hand and smiled, it no longer shook.


Albus Dumbledore could feel his theory be confirmed as he stared at the body of a dead therapist with his heart ripped out and crushed.

He had sent Fawkes off to return Raven to school while he ran some "errands".

Staring at it, he could only hope it finally brought the young man some closer. After all, he himself experienced the desire for vengeance when he was younger.

So who was he to judge someone else, and just like his father did for him when he found out, he would hide the evidence and ensure no one would know of this.

With a wave of his wand, he cleaned the office up and conjured a typed up note saying he was committing suicide, and signed it with some blood he didn't vanish.

With a very quiet pop, he vanished back to Hogwarts to think about this further.


Fuck writers block, like seriously, fuck it. Not even an hour to write this short 1300 word chapter, not counting author notes. So proud of myself for getting back into the grove of this again, especially since it was an original chapter like the first year is in its near entirety.

Now for a possible minor spoiler, this isn't the end of this topic, but for now it will end its mention and use of it as a use currently, trust me, it will eventually play heavily for the plot in the future.

Anyway I hope you all enjoyed, until next time friends!

Voidy, The Hungry, Tired and possibly insane, Insomniac.
