
Chapter 8: The Shapeshifter Duo

Raven smiled to himself as he was jogging around the castle grounds. He liked to stay in shape, and a morning run definitely helped.

With a yelp, he barely managed to dodge a colorful spell aimed right for his chest. Looking at the direction it came from, he saw a slytherin who would most likely be in their second to third year, wand pointed forward directly at him.

With a frown, he grabbed his own wand and cast a couple spells at them and watched amused as they dodged the first, but not the second one and they got covered in bee stings.

With a smile he walked away as he knew they couldn't cast without verbal use yet, probably.

Of course he was unaware that his two friends just so happened to be watching and didn't appreciate the slytherin attempting to further attack their friend with a dark curse, so they blasted them with spells and turned them into a pink humanoid feather covered thing.

No one touches their friend.


Raven chuckled as he and the twins went over prank ideas, for a moment he didn't have full concentration and didn't notice his hair turn dark gray momentarily.

The twins did however.

"Hold up, you're a metamorphmagus!?" Both asked in sync shocked.

"A what?" Raven asked, confused.

"Metamorphmagus, someone who can change their form at will. It's a rare ability almost no wizards and witches have." George answered.

"Really? I thought everyone could do that and it was just common courtesy to not change your looks." Raven said with a smile. The twins rolled their eyes in sync, their friend for all his intelligence and knowledge, still had much to learn after all, not that anyone could blame him, he's only just learnt about the wizarding world recently.

"Nope. In fact, I think we might have just one more metamorphmagus here at Hogwarts. She's the only one known on this side of the world. I heard there were three in America." Fred added in and Raven hummed curiously.

"Do you know who they are?"

"I think our big brother Charlie, who just graduated last year, said her name was Tonks. A Hufflepuff I think." George said and Raven nodded before the three focused back on their current task.

Creating a spell that would be perfect for their next prank.


Next week, Raven sat at the Ravenclaw table enjoying dinner, book in hand like a true Ravenclaw, he didn't have much more restrictions on his control over shapeshifting anymore, as he called it, since he refused to call it that long word.

Of course he kept some control over it so he didn't grow claws and the like, but he did let some control slip over it so his hair and eyes could change color if they wanted based on his emotions if they got too bad.

Of course the ravenclaws didn't notice this, none of them could look up from their books, however he did intentionally change minor details of himself for amusement. The twins and he had agreed it was a funny prank on people.

"Hey what are you lookin-" chatter from the table next to them, Hufflepuff, suddenly cut off as a gasp was heard.


Nymphadora Tonks, though she preferred to go by just Tonks, stared at the firstie Ravenclaw reading a book and eating at the same time, while managing to flip pages with the same hand holding the book and not getting any food on it, while impressive, it wasn't what she just gasped about.


It was the fact that the firstie's hair was changing color at times. Going from darker gray, to light gray to a deep black momentarily, then reverting to their normal white color, or so she assumed.

"There's another one." She mumbled before looking for another first year in her house, and asked who the Ravenclaw was.

"Him? I think he's Raven Inanis. He's ranked first in our year, for his house and all four houses. Always easily mastering the spells in class and he's known for being anti-social, unless he's hanging out with the Weasley twins. He also loves playing pranks." The first year answered before going back to their conversation.

Tonks grinned, that was plenty of information, now she just had to get him alone so they could have a conversation. He seemed to be a muggleborn, and she knew it must be hard to live like that with these abilities.

So with a nod to herself, she waited for Raven, to finish dinner and head out, and she followed them.

She did have to admit, it was impressive they managed to walk without looking away from their book, even going up flights of stairs.


Raven was amused as he noticed his little tail following him. He knew they were following him since, one they were definitely an older year, and two, he'd gone in a circle twice now. Logic dictates they were following him then.

"Wotcher, wait up!" He heard them finally call out and mentally saved the page he was on, and closed his book while looking at them.

"Do you mind if we talk? Metamorphmagus to Metamorpgmagus." The failing stocker asked and Raven nodded his head and gestured to the empty room nearby.


Two hours later, Raven laid down on his bed and stared at the ceiling contemplating everything said, but nonetheless happy to have a potential new friend, even if they would be graduating this year.

With a small smile he closed his eyes and went to sleep with Izzy curled up next to him.


Very short chapter, hope you enjoyed.