
Chapter 6: I learnt about magical animals

Raven gave a small smile as he and the Weasley twins set up a prank. It wasn't a harmful prank, as any two bit prankster worth their salt knows that a good prank shouldn't harm anyone, beside some egos and pride.

It wasn't much, just a simple spell they created that when cast, will cause someone to temporarily mix up their words. Of course they were going to wide cast it over the great hall.

Because here the thing, despite what some people will think, spell crafting for wizards isn't as easy as some might think. Casting magic with a wand requires math formulas in the form of wand position and spell words.

Complicated, but when you have one genius and two vampiric twins, you can easily get it all done in record time.

"Alright, here we go." The three said in sync and feral grins.


In the Great Hall, Professor Minerva McGonagall felt a shiver go down her spine. This meant three things.

One, the budget has been utterly fucked beyond belief.

Two, the Weasley twins are about to cause terror.

Three, her troublesome super gremlin, Raven Inanis, is about to cause equal amounts of terror for his amusement and curiosity.

Now each part of her spine has a spot where it reacted. Thankfully the first part didn't go off, but the other two did, so that meant…

"Oh fuck!"

Needless to say, everyone in the great hall snapped their heads to their prim and proper deputy headmistress in shock.

Then in that moment, a bright glow happened.


"Falsus Eloquentia." In sync the three said the spell words and a combined light left their three wands from their spot in the rafters. They had got up there using brooms.

Then there was the expected yelling. In confused mixed words.

"Weasley them twins damn."

"Inanis fault is sure for."

Such were the following words spoken mostly. Of course some people were fine.

Severus Snape, Albus Dumbledore, Filius Flitwick, Minerva McGonagall and surprisingly, Rubeus Hagrid.


Albus smiled to himself with a quiet laugh at the prank casted by the trio of pranksters who even the Marauders would congratulate on a well done prank.

Inveniue spell work. Excellent calculations. Really, those three were such exceptional students.

"WEALSEYS! INANIS!" Of course his ever prim and proper wife couldn't always appreciate the jokes, at least not in public.

Amusingly he casted his eyes upwards and watched the slightly panicked looks of the trio up in the rafters as they hopped onto brooms and flew out the great hall's convenient now open and unlocked window.

Really someone should ensure it's locked at times like this.

Even more amusingly he watched as a student handed their broom off to their dorm mistress and she chased after the trio of troublemakers.


"Now I hope you three have learned your lesson!" Minerva McGonagall scowled down at the three most troublesome students in the school currently, and all three were in their first and second year of school respectively.

"Yes, don't get caught and leave no evidence." The trio spoke in sync before they turned to each and grinned as they high fiver.

She tried to hide it, but her scowl briefly twitched into a small smile at the sight. Though it quickly returned to her scowl.

"No, you bumbling baboons. It's NOT TO DO IT AT ALL! Mr. Weasleys, you have detention with Professor Snape tomorrow after dinner till curfew. Mr. Inanis, you will be having detention with Groundskeeper Hagrid, at the same time." She said with a strict tone as the three sighed as they all flew back to the castle.

She was forced to keep a strict eye on them to ensure no pranks ensued. She did notice that the youngest of the trio had great flying skills. If it wasn't for the fact he said he wasn't interested in quidditch, she would have had him join the team as a reserve since her seeker graduates next year.


Raven sighed as he helped the gentle half giant clean up the animal pens for Care of Magical Creatures class.

Luckily the gentle giant was willing to do the more… stinky part and remove the manure. He himself was cleaning the fences up, while ensuring that nothing was broken and needed replaced.

"Mr. Hagrid, I've heard you know a lot about magical animals, can you tell me about some?" He asked curiously and the man momentarily paused his scooping. Hipogriffs leave big turds.

"Whatcha wanna know for? Also just call me Hagrid, everyone does. No need for the Mr part." Hagrid said with a bearded smile.

"I like learning, and it's better to learn from an expert who actually deals with them than a book could ever be." He answered in response and the man laughed.

"Alright. Well I guess I can start by telling you about…" the man paused as he thought about which animal to start with.


Raven smiled as he fell asleep. He now had weekly planned lessons with Hagrid about magical animals. Twice per week at least. Sometimes three days a week if possible.

However he realized he should probably talk with Professor Flitwick about something soon. It was that time again wasn't it? He'd almost forgotten about it.


Sorry for the short chapter, it's just hard coming up with something original like at this point in the story when I don't have much to work off of with.

Don't worry though, the next two chapters are planned and should have some decent content, though I might decide to merge them together for one longer chapter, that's what will probably happen to be honest.

Anyway I hope you enjoyed the really short chapter, especially for my normal length which is usually around double this whole chapter entirely.

Anywho, until then my dear readers!

Voidy, The Food Coma Insomniac Writer Out