

after the missions were completed it was decided that the group will start its journey towards the rainbow city, they will begin early morning 2 days later, along with agrim gazeff and lancer will come the 12 azreal knights, the 200 mounted knights 50 spearmen, Yuki Hime and lucifer. though agrim would have wanted to take the strongest only that many people will draw too much attention. he also prepared a fake story for himself and his crew according to which his parents were scions of an adventuring family that served the royal family of one of the kingdoms in the eastern continent though now they left that place in order to hide from the prosecution of the royals, and now they want to create a base over here probably a mercenary outpost or some small rank of nobility. this story was chosen because it allowed them to leave important details about their past such as the name of the kingdom and their family name, also it allows them to free talent waiting to be employed because they have potential, also the eastern continent much like the earth has a different culture compared to the west, which is why not much is known about them. it is quite possible that the Masha kingdom will give them a small rank of nobility and some territories.

the next morning the group used a gift granted by the system to descend from the flying outside the howling valley at the edges of it in the ornate white carriage towed by azure horses is sitting agrim, Yuki Hime lucifer, and lancer outside the carriage on the side agrim is sitting he has gaziff on a horse along with death eaters surrounding the carriage leaving that there are 6 more carriages which were found in the dungeon surrounding the encirclement. in them are the 50 spearmen who now look like humans due to the concealment spell, in one of those carriages are the items for the journey such as food and tent. this entire convoy has 200 more mounted knights along with it. as soon as the sun came up the convoy of the future demon lord started to move forward.

the azure horses and the knight's horses have been given magical pills which have made them much sturdier than before the convoy is moving at a speed of 120km/hr without sowing down they stop every day at night around 8 and rest up then they resume their journey at daybreak, Yuki Hime and lucifer are experts at aking food so they are the ones preparing it for everyone, though the most comfortable one is most certainly agrim who has a freaking apartment inside his carriage, especially since he is the only one with an English toilet. everyone else uses portable camping toilets except those who are of the highest order like the ones sitting with agrim, of course, the portable toilets are brought by the system. it might be a bit difficult for everyone to imagine that a magical world with flying could not make sitting toilets but magic is mostly used by nobles for the purpose of war and other things hygiene is not one of them. though it came as a surprise to agrim as well that system can buy him modern stuff which includes modern anime as well for which we brought a very important thing, he brought the smartphone used by Mochizuki Touya in the anime in another world with a smartphone, it not only allows him to watch anime, it allows him to do pretty much everything Touya used it for in the anime. this is how agrim is spending his time and sitting inside his carriage.

the group has now been traveling for 2 weeks, and they are supposed to reach their destination in another week, though usually this distance is completed in 6 weeks they did it in half the time, moreover, they came across many large monsters which were of course swiftly defeated though they purposely took a route on which they will find more monsters, the route was prepared by the hashiras for them. the plan was to bring a few strong monster's corpses without a lot of damage to give a sense that they are fairly strong. this will also keep others from finding trouble with them. its night now and the group was preparing to sleep and rest but before that could happen they heard large noises from their west where a small forest was standing. on the other side of the forest was the border of the Masha kingdom the regional lord of the area was a marquess. from the thick forest, a carriage comes outside with a dozen knights around it at great speed, even at a distance it is visible that this carriage has taken damage, behind that carriage are a horde of some 15 or 20 orcs and many more horses with people on them who appear to be bandits because of their obvious gear.

the carriage also has the symbol of the marquis on it seeing this is an opportunity for himself to make connections agrim at once orders his people to attack within seconds 100 knights departed from his side, while Yukihime flew in the air to take a long shot, she without wasting a moment attacked by making a small magic circle and sent shards of ice on the orcs and the bandits which got most of them done, while the knights took care of all that was left within seconds everything was done and the place calmed down as well.

the carriage which was running at full speed now stopped and took a breather, inside it was 2 girls one was blonde with blue eys other had brown hair and emerald green eyes, along with a girl in a maid outfit and a middle-aged butler who was severely wounded, they had been running away from the bandits and the orcs for some time now. more than half of their convoy died in the clash, they were tired and exhausted and most certainly would have died if they were not helped by the people on the other side of the road, within seconds all the orcs and the bandits were dead. the people inside the carriage were looking at the whole scene with wide eyes, how a lady flew up in the air destroyed that many bandits within seconds it was magnificent they came to the conclusion that she is at least is a 7th rank wizard. a dozen knights with them also had the same expression they were prepared to sacrifice themselves to protect their lady, but the appearance of this mysterious group ensured that they won't have any more problems.

after the subjugation the group returned with Yuki Hime, with the carriage and dozen knights in tow, the 100 mounted knights went away and took their position in the camp where they were supposed to be. soon agrim stepped outside his carriage with gazif and the death eaters made an encirclement around him and followed him up to the carriage who stopped at the entrance of their campsite. the marquis's carriages doors opened and a maid stepped outside who looked tired and had blood on her with quite a few scratches on her, along with her a blonde girl who was extremely beautifull and was wearing a simple red dress, but the bloodstains on her were quite visible as well agrim quickly noticed that someone was injured inside, the carriage. before the girl could even introduce herself agrim went ahead picked out a healing potion from his space ring and tossed it to her and said" first give it to the person inside, they need it" the girl caught the potion in her hand and could not comprehend what agrim saying and why he tossed her a bottle, but it soon hit her, she bowed to him as a sign of gratitude and ran inside the carriage.

sometime later she came outside with another girl who had brown hair and drenched in blood, and bowed their heads, and lifted them as a sign of thanks. then the girl with blonde hair gave agrim a proper noble courtesy and introduced herself "I am Meredith elfire second daughter of marquis elfire, and I most humbly thank you for the great help you have given us" after Meredith introduced herself the other girl followed suit and courtesied to agrim, and introduced herself I am Chloe regal shade 4 daughter of duke regal shade and I also most humbly would like to show my gratitude for the help you have given us" she said with a stutter, it was quite obvious to agrim that these two girls are what we call a fantasy harem troupe two friends from noble houses, one proud and headstrong while the other meek and silent and the daughters of marquis and a duke one who is ignorant of the English high class may not know, but these two titles are one of the high ranked titles in this world. the nobles titles in this world move from knight < landed knight< baronatte< baron< count< viscount<earl< margrave< marquiss<duke<archduke<prince< king. this should be fun agrim though to himself