

it has been a week since agrim summoned his knights and the demon spearmen, everyone has been giving their all in training in order to raise their rank. the demon spearmen have been training with lancer to raise their strength and he has already selected 100 people to go for more hellish regimes, these 100n will accompany them to the outside world. agrim also has been training with gaziff and his knights he has been learning about mana control and more high-class demonic arts with muzan, while lancer has been training him with a spear he has been unable to raise his rank yet but he most certainly has made progress. the death eaters have been training with everyone recently to get familiar with this world's energy and come up with the perfect defence strategy for now at least in order to protect agrim. agrim has also sent hashiras along with ranga outside for reconnaissance, they are to act as an adventurer group and move between the free cities and make a few new connections. the 200 mounted knights have also been training a lot with agrim, for he is the only magic caster now but the group found many magical items during the dungeon raid, the magical items have are been used for training, Vivian and her magical summons are like pokemon just more ferocious-looking. one of the best magical items found though is the ornate white carriage it is long and uses sleds with mana conductivity which allows it to travel on possible terrains at high speed depending on which monsters tow them, as of now it has been decided that 4 azure horses which are 6th rank monster horses and are Vivian's summons will be responsible for this task. the carriage was also made by space magic and alchemy it is as large as an apartment inside which ensures a comfortable stay. leaving this 6 more carriages were found which also had sleds and mana conductivity in them though they were not made with space magic and alchemy like the first one was, though they were long enough to seat 10 people at once. the spearmen will be traveling in them they also found portable tents with magic engravings which make them sturdier the entire party can comfortably speel in them.

leaving these they found call mirrors they allow communication between any two people over vast differences and are fueled by magic, ornate armors which can take any number of attacks below the 6th rank and magical swords and the best of them all the orbs which were found these orbs are high ranked treasured they are used to summon beats like griffins and spirit dragons and even temporary armies of the dead to attack one's enemies of course treasures like these are no longer found easily and hardly ever one comes in the market which means actuation houses. it was agrims intention to offer these treasures as gifts and sell them at auctions to get a grasp of the political situation and magical technology of the region.

2 week alter

everyone has been giving their all in order to destroy the monsters in the howling valley and take the place in the name of their lord lancer along with spearmen have been doing exceptionally well many of them faced at multiple occasions but were saved because their masters gift of immortality. agrim during this period has confined in his room in order to break through from the 6th rank to the 7th rank with the help of a pill he found in the piles and piles of treasures, his foundation may not necessarily be strong but his mission will be fulfilled. the hashiras and ranga have also returned from their recon mission. the hashiras went away on agrims orders to find the best place to make an appearance. the hashiras believe that among the 3 free cities in the area they should get the rainbow city it is a large trade hub which was made with the help of ancient m=families and strong merchant houses and organizations though until 3 decades it was a bitter place of battle and conspiracies, but the marriage between the city lords son and the Orpheum families daughter have restored peace. during the adventuring of the hashiras they managed to help the Orpheum families young master and managed to make a connection. the Orpheum family is an ancient family but a lower level one compared to the other 2 in the region they also have an advanced stage warrior in their family as an ancestor the preparations for departure are almost complete and now everyone is waiting for agrim to come outside his room and give the orders to leave,

gazeff has been standing guard outside agrims bed chambers along with the 12 knights who are guarding the entire corridor leading to that place. suddenly a huge energy burst comes from inside the room and envelopes the entire palace, its magnificence and aura are astounding, after some time the doors to the room opened and agrim stepped outside with the aura of a 7th warrior, though one thing which was to be considered was that agrim was half-demon which makes him as strong as an 8th rank warrior of the human race. as soon as he stepped outside all his knights knelt and said together" congratulations master on becoming a 7th rank warrior" agrim thanked them for it and asked them to send lucifer with details regarding what happened in this time he was in confinement.

after some time lucifer came to agrims rooms and brought with him a hearty meal of chicken stew, which agrim happily ate, while he was eating lucifer gave him all the details about what all happened while he was out. at this moment a ding came to agrim .

mission completed: the host has completed both the missions of raising his rank and clearing the howling valley of half of all the undead there as such he will be granted his due rewards.

rewards: 40000 sp and 1 8th rank wizard summon

mission completed: the host has completed his submission of utilizing the items acquired in the dungeon as such he will be granted his due rewards

rewards: 20000sp and ancient concealment spell

does the host wants to use his rewards, the system asked him, without batting an eye agrim went for the summon, and just like usual a light appeared and from within it emerged a woman with blonde hair and good height, there was no doubt in her appearance she was Yuki Hime is also known as Evangeline AK MacDowell a 700 years old vampire and a very competent magic caster and she was an 8th rank which makes her equal to 9th rankers outside, and she has a human appearance agrim was very pleased with her. taking the opportunity he decided to check his status


name: agrim

age: 16

race: half-demon/half-human

warrior rank: 7th

wizard rank: 7th

magic spells: water ball, fir ball, summon thunder, lightning, levitation, eyes of destruction, hellfire

warrior techniques: physical enhancement, shadow step, raging sword

skills: gluttony, predator, blood field, mind control

no of summons: 715

missions completed: 5