

after making acquaintances agirm introduced himself to the girls as well, he told the people on his side to give medical attention to the marquis knights and the maid along with the butler inside the carriage, even if he was healed he still required proper rest. agrim learned from Meredith that the butler's name was Claude but before the discussion could go any further Lucifer informed agrim that he has prepared the bath for their guests. seeing the opportunity agrim sent Yuki Hime along with them to teach them how to use modern baths such as shampoo and showers. the girls didn't understand at first what he meant when agrim told them to enter the carriage, but they understood soon understood what he meant, inside of the carriage was very spacious it hit them almost instantly that this carriage is a magical item, one of a kind. being members of the upper aristocracy meant that they had seen many magical items but not a carriage like this. the 2nd princess of the vermilion empire is known for having one like this but it most certainly is not as spacious as this one. after Yuki Hime escorted them inside they had a long nice warm bath, they were captivated by the way the baths in here operated usually nobles required servants to wash their body very intricately especially for women because of the many products they used. this bath though was fast luxurious and comfortable.

when they came outside they found clothes prepared for them and their maid on standby who looked perfectly fine now even though her clothes were tattered a bit. they soon dressed up and went outside the carriage, where they found their escorting knights bandaged up and eating on low chairs. the people of this mysterious convoy had helped them a lot and quite generously at that, one of the female knights who noticed them coming outside went up to them and knelt in front of Chloe and said" my lady I hope who you are doing well" she was also surprised to see her lady all bathed up without even a drop of the blood of her and no smell. I am doing fine, how is everyone else doing mary " asked Chloe. mary explained to them that the knights around most generously provided them with all the medical attention they could, they even offered to use healing potions but the knights refused the offer, after all, healing potions are very expensive. mary also told them that the lord of this convoy has prepared dinner for them and is waiting by the bonfire for them. both Chloe and Meredith and left telling mary to escort them to where the lord was, after covering some distance they found a group of people telling stories by the born fire, and on the other side of it the lord was sitting with his butler, and of course, the fact that the lord was very handsome didn't escape the glance of the girls his red blood eyes and long black hair were very rare in the west.

as soon as the girls approached the table agrim stood up and gave a gentle bow, the girls also curtsied to him as etiquette dictates. this time agrim introduced himself: good evening ladies I am agrim, and I am very sorry that we had to meet under such circumstances" clearly indicating that the situation in which they met was not very good and most certainly not ideal. the girls also replied to him, thanking him for the condolences he offered as the group sat down to eat lucifer brought a simple but tasty dinner of cottage cheese and rice an Indian delicacy. while the group was eating they discussed what the situation was, it turned out that both the girls were childhood friends and were to the rainbow city to meet with the daughter of the city lord who was also a close friend of theirs, the plan was for the 3 of them to attend the black summit academy together. while on the road, they found a helpless woman starving and in a bad condition they took her in who was actually a slave used by bandits to attract what they call customers. the women added arsenic to their foods which got half of their team on paralysis and 3 hours ago they were ambushed by the bandits who along with orcs attack this area they are lead by a 7th rank warrior. their knights were in no way weak but the arsenic made it difficult by the time they reached here hardly some 12 to 13 people were left.

agrim who understood their situation once again offered his condolences and told them that he is also going to rainbow city and that they could come with him, but the girls refused the idea saying they want agrim to end up in trouble after all he had done for them. agrim inquired about why he would end up in trouble to some depth because the girls were reluctant to answer at first, but after some time final;y cracked. they told agrim the possibility is that the 3rd prince wants to attack them and hired the bandits because he loves the elder sister of Meredith, it is a match even the king wants to make to tie down the marquis family to them, despite his many meritorious war achievements the king is skeptical of his loyalty, but the problem is Meredith who has tremendous talent she can even become the 9th ranker in the future which is an important asset for any country and she rejects this marriage because she doesn't like the 3rd prince. which is why he may want to kill her to get her sister. the idea was not bad in agrims eyes he even understood the reason the king is skeptical while the Masha kingdom is not weak it most certainly is not on the level of resources comparable to the empire. '

though agrim just chuckled at that, the girls could not understand his gesture and told him to explain why he was laughing honestly speaking Chloe found him to be a tad bit rude, but agrim told them that they don't need to be worried because he is plenty strong, referring to the people around him Chloe and Meredith understood that he was talking about Yuki Hime and her tremendous magical powers. and told him to no be smug because even during an attack if Yuki Hime could take him and escape. his convoy would still suffer from damage and death and not caring for his people like that makes him a failure of a noble. agrim once again laughed at that which made the eys of the Meredith twitch a little, but agrim explained to them in a unique manner.

he told Meredith that she posses the skill analysis, an inherent ability which surprised her for as long as she knew one in this area possessed a similar ability to her moreover she hid it with concealment magic, then how did agrim found out about her. and her powers( authors note: abilities in this world are of three types inherent: which means they are god gifted, one has them from birth, inherited: these abilities are inherited by family members in many unique ways and developed: these abilities are developed through intense practice and are often taught at schools as well) though agrim explained to her that he has an inherited ability known as magic eyes of destruction, he showed it to them when a small magic circle occurred in his eyes both of the girls were surprised to see that. agrim went on to explain this ability allows him to break magic spells and spells like illusions and concealment are his specialty, but for now, he told her to check the power levels of the people around him, though unlike games a status screen doesn't appear the user just gest an instinctive message in their mind about a person or item. regardless of what meredith went forward to see the status of everyone first, she saw knights all 200 of them were 6th rank and the spearmen who were also 6ht rankers with a few 7th ranks mixed in agims personal guard was 7th rank, all this surprised her so she went ahead to check Yuki Hime who was 8th rank when she looked at the butler behind agrim he was also 8th rank. then her eyes found lancer and gaziff who were eating together who were 9th rankers this almost gave her a heart attack she was worried she would lose her head because a person has to be royalty or some background of extremely high status to bring out that many people of such strength even the butter was an 8th rank who didn't look older than 16 himself and the two bodyguards who are 9th rank. not to forget the fact that their group was almost done in by a group of bandits which had only one 7th ranker and this guy had 13 of them protecting him. while Meredith was losing her mind Chloe was getting concerned about what happened to her friend, while agrims was simply enjoying sweets.