
rainbow city

Meredith was losing her mind over the number of people this person was traveling with and their extraordinary strength, it was already quite obvious that a person like this should have advanced stages experts in his family and probably more than one. she was worried for she has been extremely discourteous to him, people like him are known for being extremely short-tempered, one wrong word and offender's head can fly. Chloe on the other hand was also tense just a moment ago her friend was talking in a proud tone to this rude noble in front of him, but now that is no longer the case, Meredith had buried her head in the table and was fumbling something after checking the status of the people here.

Meredith soon came out of her trance when she got pounced upon by her friend Chloe who asked her a million questions about what had happened to her, after calming down a bit Meredith explained the situation to Chloe by whispering in her ears, but as the amount of information grew Chloe's face got red and her expression changed, agrim who noticed thought that they must have misunderstood something and wanted to clear things up, but before he could do something with the girls stood up and gave a proper bow apologizing for their behavior. agrim asked them what made them behave this way, both the girls explained to him that without doubt, he is a royal from the country and that they broke aristocratic protocol with him insulting him, calling him a failure of a noble. but agrim told them that he was no royal or anything with that great a status, he explained that he is from a noble family from the eastern continent which made their name from adventuring but the current king prosecuted their family for he believed that their great amount of power is a threat to the crown. as such their family left that place after bitterly fighting and now he was here, though the story agrim prepared was far more detailed he didn't think he should divulging too much with these girls, though the girls were aware that agrim was not telling them the complete story they kept themselves from asking anything to him.

the 3 chatted for some more time and left to sleep after it was late, the next day the group started late in the morning, as it was decided all of them will be traveling together to the rainbow city, the group had been on the march for 6 days now they should be reaching their destination the next day the girls were amazed at the speed they were traveling on, during this period of time the 3 of them have become good friends and have talked about many things, from these many discussions agrim found out that Chloe is the daughter of the duke 0f regal shade but she is illegitimate but because of her high mana pool it was decided that she will spend most of her time in the countryside with the marquis who is a good friend of the duke. the reason it was so was that her power was too great even in an early age that has made her a victim of bullying by her siblings and the duchess. agrim also showed them many things the phone was on them though the girls simply took that as an ancient artifact. both Chloe and Meredith had made their peace with the fact that agrim had many things with him, things which were rare even in ancient times. during this time agrim also shared a more detailed story about his family which was a total bullcrap but it allowed him to get close to them he also told them that he has more people with him but they are hiding at this moment at some different place and will make their appearance once agrim has stabilized his position. the girls could not understand at first what did agrim meant when he said that he needs to stabilize his position, from their point of view he had a lot of power and many items and riches which can be offered to get refuge, but agrim told them that he wants territory which will act as his base of operations, something like the free cities. though both Chloe and Meredith thought that if he can indeed make such a place it will be nice if the Masha kingdom can be their allies. though both of them told them that free cities here have stood for centuries are made after many wars between organization kingdoms and ancient families, and they most certainly make it difficult for him.

agrim was aware of this fact and was making preparation to protect himself from the shadows and make an intelligence group of spies and assains to help him spread discord among the ancient families so that he can easily make his city though he has large islands and the entire howling valley for himself he still needs a place like this which will be his colony, he intends to make many such colonies, they will accommodate people of many races and will be devoid of unjust. or such is the plan. agrim also showed them cartoons and anime on his phone the girls were particularly interested in them.

the next day after traveling for 3 hours the rainbow city finally could be seen at the horizon its walls were gigantic, and were 45 meters in height and had a yellow sheen, Chloe explained to agrim that these walls were made of magical fluids which hold the bricks together which is why they change color based on the time of day, for example, it is yellow now but by sunset it will be violet. though on the city gates the situation had changed a lot for them it was 2hundred knights traveling at incredible speeds and the wizard on the gates could sense a large amount of mana from the carriage, the guard captain was worried that this must be someone very important he immediately ordered to close the gates, which caused a large outbreak outside many travelers and merchants who were coming here were told to take their things and make way for the people coming, the large group of people outside was very unhappy with this but when they saw the convoy approaching they realized that this person must really be very important and made way in haste because none of them want to die the merchants, for example, behaved the best because it was not the first time they witnessed something like this, upon reaching the gates agrims group found mary, Chloe's knight who was standing there with people prepared to welcome them. Chloe had already sent her here to tell the city lords about their misadventures and meeting agrim and the collective strength of his people, mary followed through this order and reported it to the city lord who was astonished that a fallen noble of such strength will be coming here. he also made all the preparations needed to welcome them