
Demon Lord System - War of Throne

Demon lords, beings that create and control monsters. Unique existences that were created by the Demon God for unknown reason. But there's one goal that were imprinted within the minds of those unique existences. Reach the top and claim the Throne! This is the story where Vestia, one of the newly created demon lord slay the strong and trample the weak in his journey to the top with the help of his 'System'. __________________ Update : 3-4 chapter a week words per chapter : 2k - 2.2k

Evorias · Fantasy
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20 Chs

8. Inheritance

I followed the sound and found myself in front of a hidden shabby shack.

The shack was built between 2 big trees and where covered by a lot of leafs.

From the looks of it, this shack has been abandoned for a long time and if I didn't follow the sound, it would be impossible for me to find it.

After I found out that the sound came from inside this abandoned shack, I began to doubt whether this is actually something good or maybe a trap.

The strange thing was the sound didn't get any louder even though I was practically in front of the sound source right now.

Since I already came this far, I will move forward and face it.

I opened the door and peeked inside.

The darkness didn't bother me at all as I can see very well in the dark, one of the perk of being a demon lord.

When I looked inside the shack, I found nothing except a small glowing red crystal floating on the center of the shack.

Since I didn't see anything dangerous or any traps inside, I went inside the shack and touched the floating read crystal.

It was at that time that I heard another familiar sound inside my head.


[New information unlocked : Inheritance]

[You have triggered an inheritance from one of the past demon lord]

[Complete it to receive the prize inside the crystal]

- Task : Inheritance!

Requirement : Complete the inheritance trial!

Reward : 100.000 QP, Vampire King Cloak (S-rank), ???.

Failure Penalty : You won't be able to attempt another inheritance for the next 10 years.

And before I could react to it, my vision started to blur and suddenly I found myself at another place.

'What!?!? Did I got teleported?' I thought

[The host have accessed the inheritance trial successfully, complete the trial to go back to the real world]

[The time in the trial pass 10 times faster than the outside world, please keep this in mind]

So I'm currently inside that inheritance trial thing.

'System, what does inheritance mean?'

[Answer, The inheritance is something that the past lords left behind before their doom]

[They did this so that their lineage won't be cut off entirely]

[All inheritance are kept inside a crystal known as the inheritance crystal and to gain the inheritance inside the crystal, one has to pass the trial that the inheritance has prepare for the challenger]

[There are many things that can be found inside the inheritance crystal, named created monsters, Equipment, Weapons, Monster Summoning Pool, S-cards, and other things as well]

[If the host failed to complete the trial then the host will be sent back to the outside world but with a penalty that the host cannot use the demon lord power for a month time and banned from challenging any other inheritance for ten years]

I can't afford to fail if that was the case now, but at least I got the gist of it now.

So right now I need to complete this trial first to get from here.

The time difference made it that ten days inside here equals to one day outside.

I can't spend to much time here or Lucia and Livia will get worried if gone missing for to long.


I didn't expect to get in this kind of situation, blame my luck for it.

Now that I have understand my situation, I inspected my surrounding and found myself sitting on a chair inside a room or should I say a tent.

There is a big table in front me where there lays a lot of paper works and some kind of map.

I stood up, looked toward the entrance and slowly walked to it.

I put my ears near the entrance to check whether there any sound from outside or not and when I found that I can only hear nothing but silence.

Since I don't know what to do, I asked the system for some hints.

'System, is there any hint for me as to what I need to do to complete the trial?'

[Answer, the system can help by giving some hints but the system cannot do that to often as it will exposed the system existence inside you]


[Answer, the demon god has always watch every demon lord who challenge an inheritance trial and if he find that the demon lord is interesting enough then there's a chance for him to give out an additional reward]

[The system can't help to much here as the demon lord is currently watching you]

'Then at least tell me a hint to what I should I do at this moment'

[Answer, there are 3 things that can help you complete this trial with the maximum score]

- Raise affinities with the named monsters

- Win the battle with more than 50% of your troops alive.

- Defeat at least 1 of the enemy demon lords by yourself.

[Good Luck host!]

Alright let's take this slowly first, I cannot do something reckless.

This is a chance for me to gain something valuable and I can't miss it because of my own mistake or I will regret it a lot in the future.

I sit down on the chair again and picked up some of the paper works on the table.

I then started to read them one by one.

I took me about 2 hours to read them all but at least I gained what I needed the most right now.


In summary, I am currently acting as the leader of one of the attacking team that the demon lord has sent out.

I can't found the name of the said demon lord but what I know is that currently the demon lord of my camp is at war with several other demon lords.

The demon lord has entrusted me to command 100.000 monsters bellow the C-rank, 1.000 C-rank monsters, 100 B-rank monsters, and 12 A-rank monsters to attack one of the enemy demon lords.

While in this trial, I am acting as one of the demon lord unnamed S-ranked monster.

Fortunately I also gain the monster abilities and on top of that I can also use my power of [Storm] but I can't use my other abilities.

I can't even access my inventory, but at least I still can use my storm power.

There are 5 enemy demon lords in total.

Those demon lords are much younger then my camp demon lord and that's why they gang him for a 1 vs 5 war.

The one that I will face later is the [Rock] demon lord, Garock and that means most of the enemy troops will have the rock attribute which made my power of storm in disadvantage.

From what I read in the scout report, they have the same amount troops as I have right now, so that means I can't face them directly in the battle or I will lose more than 50% of my troops and I can't let that happen.

I then checked the abilities of all the monsters above B- rank under my command as I know that the monsters bellow the B rank will be treated as cannon fodder.

And I found out that all the B-rank monster were from the same race so that means they were created using DP.

The B-rank monster race is the called Blood Baron.

When I checked the monsters bellow the B-rank, I can find ghouls, giant bats, blood knights, and other monsters as well but those three names got my intention.

I guess that the demon lord from my camp has the power over [Blood] or [Vampire] as those monster are related to those two power.

When I checked the 12 A -rank monster abilities, I can't help but be happy as I found 2 of them can use fire magic and 3 of them can use ice magic.

As for the other 7, 2 of them can use wind magic, 3 of them can use poison, and the last two can create oil from their body.

But even though they all have their own specialty, Each of them also can use blood magic.

For this battle, I have decided to assume defense position rather than the attacking position.

Since my camp is fighting 5 demon lords right now, the dungeon of my camp also have 5 entrance each facing one of the enemy dungeon.

And for the enemy to win this war, they need to destroy my camp dungeon heart first.

That's why I'm very sure that they will attack in the open and leave their dungeon behind.

Fortunately the terrace around me is forest themed and I can use the surrounding area to set up traps.

According to the papers works, the battle will start in 2 days and that means I Have two days left to make my preparation.

I immediately called for all of my troops and gather them in one place then made them dig a lot of pit fall traps.

They called me sir duke, so I assume my race should be Blood Duke, a higher lineage then the blood baron.

I also ordered the two A-rank monsters that can create oil from their body to produce as many oil as they can and ordered the lower rank monsters to spread the oils all over the forest.

I plan to set the forest on fire later to cut off their path from retreating or to attacking and made them trapped inside the ring of fire.

After that I can just attacked them from afar, at least this plan will reduce their troops a lot.

I had already ordered the three A-rank monsters to create as many poison as they can and save it in a hidden big moat outside the fire ring area so that when the enemy monsters tried to break from the fire ring in panic, they won't be able to notice those poisonous moat and fall inside it.

While I was working on my plan, suddenly I felt a two strong auras heading here and from what I feel, this body that I'm controlling now was familiar with these two auras so I assume they are comrades.

A few seconds later they arrived in my camp and immediately look for me, the commander for this side of battle field.

One of them is a girl while the other one is a beast man.

I walked towards them and was about to give my greetings but they didn't let me do that, instead they immediately asked about my preparation for the battle.

"How's your preparation doing?"(???)

The beast man asked.

His has black fur all over his body and a lion head with a very thick black mane.

He has a very big and sturdy body and a very sharp purple eyes.

As for the girl, she stood beside the lion beast man while crossing her arm, remaining silent.

She looks no different than a human girl.

She is a vampire with wavy golden blonde hair, crimson red eyes, and a porcelain complexion.

She wears a white dress shirt and a blood red coat on top of it, a black minis skirt with frills, a short pair of black boots, and black knee-high socks.

"The preparation is going well, I assure you that we will win this battle. May I know what is your purpose for being here as I believe the lord needs you the most right now."(Vestia)

Damn, I don't know who they are or what they were doing here.

From what I read in the report, I was trusted as the highest commander for this team and from what I know there were no S-rank monsters in my team so I assume that there must be a reason for them to come here.

"We are here as your reinforcement. The lord had decided to divide all ten guardians into 5 teams and and each team were tasked to support each of the offense team."(???)

My guess was right, these two are part of the 10 guardian, a named monster.

The problem is I don't know who they are and what to call them.

If I asked their name which is an idiot choice, they will realize that something is strange with me as from what I know, every monsters under a demon lord have to know the 10 guardians name.

"I see, then should I transfer the command seat to you sir?"(Vestia)

"No need to do that, the lord has put his trust on you so do it well. As for me and Restiya, we will only support you in this battle when the time to fight that wretched stone head come. Now tell me your plan for this upcoming battle."(???)

Alright, the girl name is Restiya, at least I know one of their names now.

I then explained my battle plan to the both of them.

When I first told them that I will assume the defensive position, they frowned a little, a bit disagreeing with my plan but as I hold the command here, they didn't say anything about it.

I continued to explain my other strategies that includes the advantage of the defensive terrain that we have to use it against the enemy.

After that, they retreated to a tent that my subordinates prepared for them while we were talking and continue with my preparation.

Time pass by and the time for the battle has come.