
Demon Lord System - War of Throne

Demon lords, beings that create and control monsters. Unique existences that were created by the Demon God for unknown reason. But there's one goal that were imprinted within the minds of those unique existences. Reach the top and claim the Throne! This is the story where Vestia, one of the newly created demon lord slay the strong and trample the weak in his journey to the top with the help of his 'System'. __________________ Update : 3-4 chapter a week words per chapter : 2k - 2.2k

Evorias · Fantasy
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20 Chs

7. Improving the Dungeon

Today mark the 16th day since I woke up.

That's mean the 15 day cool down to create my own [Storm] card is over and I can create one today.

The process was quite simple, I only need to think about creating it and it 'puff' it appeared in my hand.

I checked it's rank and as usual my luck factor works again.

I got another [Storm] S-rank card.

I put the [Storm] card inside my inventory then continue to took out my Book of Creation and checked own many DP I got yesterday.

In total I have more than 40.000 DP right now and the DP daily income is between 1500 to 2000 DP a day.

My QP also rose quite a lot after I completed all those daily quest and weekly quest and now I have 33.000 QP.

Unfortunately there's no sign of other affordable armors in the system shop even after waiting for 2 weeks.

The only thing that shows up were only bunch of high ranked S-cards, monster summon pools, some very expensive armors, and other miscellaneous items.

So I decided to save up for when another armor appear and to buy a monster summoning pool.

From what I see in the past 2 weeks, the price for S-cards and monster summoning pool are divided by their ranks and it always the same.

SS-rank S-cards are priced 1.000.000 QP, S-rank S-cards are priced 100.000 QP, A-rank S-cards are priced 50.000 QP, B-rank S-cards are priced 10.000, and C-rank S-cards are priced 1.000 QP.

As for the summon pools, The lowest F-rank already cost 500.000 QP, the E-rank cost 1.000.000 QP, the D rank cost 10.000.000 QP, and for the C-rank cost 100.000.000 QP.

The F-D rank S-cards and The summon pools from B-SS-rank haven't shown up yet so I still don't know about their price.

As for the other items in the shop, each of them has different prices.

Anyway in these two weeks, my level has risen up to level 20, while Lucia level is 23 and Livia level is 25.

Fortunately till now the humans haven't found my dungeon yet.

I need a little bit more time to raise my dungeon defenses before they got here so today I will use my saved DP to build another floor, rooms, and traps.

The first thing I do was adding another floor to my dungeon and move my dungeon heart to the second floor and that left me with about 30.000 DP left.

I moved the torture chamber from the first floor to the second floor as well and decided to upgrade it so it can fit more people.

I also add 3 new rooms on the first floor.

I build a labyrinth in the third room, a poisonous Swamp forest in the fourth room, and put one small treasure chest in the last room so if the humans actually start to invade my dungeon, they will stop there to bring back the treasure, and of course the treasure room is accompanied with some hidden traps.

I also upgraded all those room to level 2 to enlarge the area.

For a level 1 room, it only have 2 km for length and width, while the height is 5 km.

A level 1 room also only can accommodate up to 200 defense troops.

After I upgraded the rooms, the room sizes become larger about three times bigger than before and it can accommodate more defense troops inside.

I then build another forest area on the second floor and moved both of my summon pools there.

Arok and Giant Black Rat summon pool can only be build in the forest area and other summon pool also have their own habitat criteria to be build to.

After that, I build a lot of traps inside those rooms to increase my dungeon defenses.

In total it all cost me 37.500 DP, 10.000 for adding another floor, 5.000 for the labyrinth including the upgrade, 8.000 for the poison swamp forest including the upgrade, 2.000 for upgrading the forest and rocky mountain in the first floor, 4.000 for all the traps, 5.000 for the torture chamber upgrade, and 500 for the new forest area in the second floor and that left me with 2.500 DP in my purse.

I know they all cost me almost all of my DP but it worth the cost.

And since 16 days has passed, now I have 160 giant black rats and 80 aroks in my army.

My army can be considered as a big army for a newly born demon lord.

I also checked the price for the A-rank Storm Lycanthrope which come from Livia race lineage and it cost me 10.000 DP to create one.

I also found another thing about monster and it relates to their level.

There are two types of created monster which is a growth monster which can grow but have to start from level 1 and other is fixed level monster which born in a state where they already high leveled but they can't increase their level.

All of the monster summon pool is already designed to create fixed level monster while to create a growth monster, it can only be created using 'combination' or buy their lineage from the Book of Creation and choose to make the a growth type monster.

Fortunately I was thinking about leveling up myself and Lucia when I created Livia so when I created her, I automatically choose her to be a growth type monster.

The difference between those two are that a growth type monster is born weak but they can level up and improve themselves by getting new skills and abilities, so they can keep getting stronger while raising their level.

As for fixed level monster, they are born as a high leveled monster and already strong at the start but they will be the same and won't be able to increase their level at all.

So if I want to have an immediate strong troops then I can choose to create the fixed level monsters and if I want to have a monster that can grow very strong then I can choose to create a growth type monster.

"Master, what are you thinking about? It's quite rare to see you dozing off like that."(Lucia)

"Hmm? I'm thinking about creating a new monster but I can't come up with a good combination."(Vestia)

"I'm sure with whatever combination master choose, the result will be an S-rank monster in minimum. I am very sure of it, after all from what I see this far master is a very lucky person."(Lucia)

"Since you say so then it must be true. I think I will refrain from creating another monster and safe the cards for now. We still have two weeks before the banquet, so there still time to prepare. Lucia, I want you and Livia to focus on leveling up for now while I'm going to focus on treasure hunt around the area. I believe with my luck, I should be able to find something good."(Vestia)

"Then who will take care of the human farm?"(Lucia)

Lucia has been calling the torture chamber as the DP farm since last week.

She said that we tortured the humans to get DP so she called it DP farm in short rather than calling it the torture chamber all the time.

"Let's leave it to that human girl. She's been doing great this past week. I can even leave the job to her and focus on something else.

"That human girl? Do you mean Lydia, the first human girl that we captured? The one master got fancy with that master?"(Lucia)

"Her name is Lydia? and what do you mean I fancy her?"(Vestia)

"Master... Don't you realize it? I never thought that you would be the dense type when you always act so assertive with all those human girls."(Lucia)

"Hmm... Well now that you mention it I think I took a liking on her."(Vestia)

"Hmm... What makes her so special to you master?"(Lucia)

"Well you remembered that I tortured her for 3 days right? I thought that it was time for her to broke down because from what I see, she was not the type of person that have a strong will. Every time I hurt her, she cried and cowered in fear but when I came for her on the fourth day, she changed into a different person."(Vestia)

" Hoo... That's quite interesting, master."(Lucia)

"Yeah, I noticed that she changed when her expression shows pleasure instead of pain. She learned to feel pleasure in pain and also when she cause pain to others."(Vestia)

"*giggle* Well, how about taking her in as your subordinate, master? Even if she is a human right now, we can change her race later but we need to make sure that she's loyal to you, master."(Lucia)

Speaking of loyalty, I haven't tried the 'affinity' function of the system since when I tried to check Lucia and Livia loyalty, their's has already reached 100.

I asked the system about it and it answered that created monsters loyalty usually will start at 100 and it won't decrease that easily.

Since then I had forgotten about that function existence, I will use it to that human girl later on.

"Wait, we can do that? You never told me about this before, Lucia."(Vestia)

"I didn't tell you about this because you don't have the mean to do it right now, master. There's a special room that have the function to rebirth human as demon but you need to unlock it first."(Lucia)

"What do you mean by unlock it first?"(Vestia)

"*sigh* Actually the dungeon also has a level and currently our dungeon is still at the lowest level which is level 1. The requirements to level up a dungeon is complicated and you need a lot of time to do it. It's not about killing other living beings to get exp, but leveling up a dungeon need some rare items. There are also some special rooms that can give some positive effects to the whole dungeon but it doesn't exist in the dungeon catalog. Master can only obtain it from treasures chest."(Lucia)

"And where can I find those treasure chest?"(Vestia)

"You can get them as a reward from future events or winning a war. That's all I can say for now, I can't say more than this or I'm afraid you will lose your track. Don't think to much about it, it's still early for master as a newly demon lord to participate in those events."(Lucia)

"Alright, I will do as you say and focus on my current goal first. You can go outside now, and bring Livia with you. I want both of you to reach at least level 30 before the banquet."(Vestia)

"Alright, master. I hope you have a safe journey as well."(Lucia)

After that the both of us went on our own ways.

*Time Skip*

It's been three days since I started my journey to search for hidden items or treasures.

After searching all the places I could think of such as bellow a dying tree, inside a bee hive, and many other weird places, I only found 3 E-rank S-cards.

I was to focused with my treasure hunt activity that I didn't realize the day had already turned to night.

Since it's getting late and I don't want to stay the night outside of my dungeon, I went back immediately.

But as I was running back to my dungeon, I suddenly heard a faint sound inside my head so I stop running and start to focus on hearing that sound.

It sounds like a girl voice asking out for help but that voice was so faint that I even doubt myself whether it was real or not.

At first I thought that it was only my imagination playing with my sense as I was quite tired not physically but more to mentally as a demon lord wouldn't be tired that easily.

But after I heard it over and over again, I realize that the voice was real and didn't came from my imagination.

So I decided to check it out.