
demon Law

A worthless, considered waste and idiot guy, who sold his soul to the devil, in exchange for what? Beauty? Strength? Wealth? Power?  Break all the rules of this world, let us follow the path of the devil...  "I know that one day, this world will be trampled under my feet!!"  - Du Wei

DaoisteuJSfO · Eastern
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160 Chs

Chapter 126: A Disruptive Breakthrough!

Chapter 126: A Disruptive Breakthrough!

Clark next to him was terrified! He recognized this old guy! This person is a famous old monster in the magic union, not to mention his strange temper, and his status is particularly high, this old guy is more than one hundred and sixty years old! Even the current president of the Magic Guild had been guided by him when he was young! Now when you meet this old guy, you have to speak politely. In the entire magic union, among the noblest old monsters, this guy is definitely in the top three!

This old guy has a terrifying magical strength, but he likes to engage in some strange magic props research, the most terrifying thing is that he often makes some novel things, and then pulls people everywhere to do experiments, but the weird things he makes are full of grotesque ideas, and the people who are often pulled by him to do experiments are extremely disabled, undead and seriously injured. Later, the magicians and magic apprentices in the magic union would see his legs go limp.

Du Wei is an important guest that the chairman of the union pointed out to bring to meet, and if he is injured in the hands of this old monster, his responsibility is not small!

But this old guy has a lofty status, and in the magic union, even the president of the union basically will not refute his face. A small deacon of his own, in his eyes, is just a small role like an ant, where dare he refuse?

But you still have to work hard. Clark quickly pulled Du Wei, and then said with a wry smile: "Master Alike, this is the newly appointed Bachelor of Magic of Lord Chairman... I was about to take him to meet the Chairman..."

"Oh!" Master Eric was stunned for a moment, and a pair of eyes blinked at Du Wei a few times, and suddenly revealed a hotter curiosity: "Yi, you are that closed disciple of Master Gandorf?" So young? Alas, look at your young age. I'm afraid that my skills are also very limited... But it's okay, you will come to me often in the future, I can point you out more.

Clark on the side was silent, but secretly said in his heart: I often go to you, I'm afraid I don't know when I will even give my life!

Thinking of this, he hurriedly said: "That... Your Honor is still waiting to see..."

"Don't worry Doug, you're..." Alique glanced at Clark. Clark hurriedly said, "My name is Clark, and I am the new deacon. "Oh

. Clarke... Well, you go and tell Doug, this kid is doing me a favor first, and I'll send someone to meet him in a moment! That's it. Eric

waved his hand, not caring.

Finished! Clark broke out in a cold sweat. But if Eric refused, where did he refuse?

Ai Like didn't care what expression Clark had, and waved to Du Wei and smiled: "Come on!" Come here, little one. I'll show you a good thing, you help me try it, if it works, I will naturally benefit from you.

Du Wei looked at the scene in front of him, and Clark had a strange expression. And the two relieved middle-level magicians standing under the tower, where do they still not understand that this matter is strange?

He coughed, but he met the old fellow's eyes without fear, and said loudly: "Respect Master Eric." Do you want me to help you with the experiment?

"That's right!" Ai Li Ke laughed: "You are young, you should not be afraid of heights, right?"

"High is not afraid." Du Wei rolled his eyes and said with a smile: "However, I am not your disciple." If you want to experiment with me, I don't know what benefits I can get?

"Huh?" Ai Li Ke frowned, slightly angry, how noble his status was in the magic union, where had he encountered such a brat who dared to talk to him about conditions?

Du Wei was not afraid of him. said lightly: "Although it is the first time I have come to the magic union, I also know some rules here, even if the most advanced magicians, in addition to magic apprentices, can only command their own disciples of magicians, right?" You know, I'm not a magic apprentice, nor am I your protégé.

Alice was furious, although there were such rules. But what is his identity? What does he ask for. Where would others dare not do it? Even if it is not under his door, he pulls it and uses it. At most, say hello to someone else's teacher afterwards, who here does not give him face?

"Hmph!" The old guy said angrily: "If you refuse, I'll let your teacher say it... Yes! Wrong! He suddenly frowned, glanced at Du Wei, and said with a wry smile: "Your teacher is Master Gandorf... Alas, I almost forgot. I'm not good at sending you..."

Indeed, Gandorf is a generation taller than himself, and several of this kid's teacher brothers are also old monsters in the magic union. Although this old fellow is used to arrogance, he still does not dare to bully Gandorf's apprentice!

"This..." At this moment, Ai Like seemed to be a child who saw that there was a fun toy in his hand but could not touch it, scratching his ears and cheeks in a hurry, frowning: "You say, how can you help me do an experiment?" Alas, there is not a young boy in my door, and now those magic apprentices outside see me as if they see a ghost, and I am embarrassed to go and arrest people..."

Looking at Du Wei's smiling face, the old guy suddenly gritted his teeth, reached out and touched it in his arms for a while, and then touched a small box, gently opened it, and revealed a gemstone that exuded a strange brilliance!

All kinds of gemstones that Du Wei has always seen, including red, blue, black, and so on... But all in a single color. And this gemstone, from a distance, exudes a colorful brilliance! Obviously, it is not an ordinary product!

"You help me finish this test, and I'll give you this thing." Master Alique smiled.

"Nope!!" As soon as Master Ai Like finished speaking, the two disciples behind him were shocked and quickly shouted!

I can't imagine that the teacher is really confused, and even this kind of thing is easily given away! I already knew that there was such a good thing, even if I fell and injured myself, it was worth it!

How clever Du Wei is, although he still doesn't know what this shimmering five-colored gem is, but he also immediately understood that it must be a good thing!! Otherwise, the two of them in the distance would not be so gaffe!

"Shut up! Useless things, do an experiment and push three and four! Now it's still bad old man's business! Roll me far away! Dare to say more, break your legs!! Ari was furious. One look glared over, and the two disciples really did not dare to speak anymore! They all know the teacher's temper, which is extremely strange, and the temper comes up, that is absolutely the same!

Don't look at it as a master and apprentice, but this old monster said to break his leg, that is really breaking his leg! Absolutely unambiguous!

Although Du Wei was shocked in his heart, his face was very calm. Shaking his head, he said, "This... I don't recognize what you have in your hand, where do I know if it is useful to me ... And the gems, I have a lot of them at home, how many there are..."

As soon as he said this, the old Alice was furious, if it were not for the fact that the other party was Gandorf's apprentice, from the generation. He is the same generation as himself, and a thunder god has long summoned lightning to slash over.

"What! You say this thing is useless! Illiterate brat! This thing took me ten years to collect in the sea, and it took another three years to refine it into its current appearance! I dare say there is no better gem on the entire continent than this thing! Hum! Here's the magic use, how do you know!!

Du Wei still looked calm and shook his head, "Okay." Even if this thing is good, I may not like it, and it may not be useful to me. Seeing

that the old guy was so angry that he was about to put things away, Du Wei quickly changed his tone. He said, "Well, this thing looks quite interesting, so I reluctantly accepted it, but there must be a condition for you to do the experiment."

"What conditions!" Old Ai Li laughed angrily: "Let's listen!" Brat! "

Du Wei stared at the broken broom he threw on the ground, and frowned: "You should first talk about what experiment you want me to help you do, I have the bottom in my heart, and then I can decide."

"Hmph!" One mentions his own experiments. Old Eric's face immediately showed the arrogance of Lao Tzu's number one in the world, and with a wave of his hand, the broom on the ground automatically flew into his hand as if it was alive, and he held this broken broom high, like a proud king holding his gorgeous scepter, his face was full of pride: "This is the biggest invention of my Ai Li Ke ** Master in my life!" Hmph, as soon as this thing comes out, the entire magical world will be shocked! Brat. Listen up! This is the greatest invention of my life, sir... Belch... The name is called... Uh..." his voice froze. After a pause, it was obvious that he hadn't thought of naming it beforehand. Temporarily thought for a while, and then immediately said loudly: "Flying broom!! "

Flying broomsticks?

Du Wei was stunned for a moment, and then looked at the two disciples behind Old Eric. After a brief stunned, Du Wei couldn't help but laugh.

"What's so strange about that?" Du Wei frowned, with a wry smile on his face: "Isn't it just blessing a miniature wind magic array on the broom?"

"What do you say? What's so strange about that? Old Ai Li Ke this anger is not small, he has been intoxicated to study this thing in recent years, it can be called the greatest masterpiece of his life, at this moment he was so degraded that he almost jumped up on the spot, even if it was an old monster over a hundred years old, he was almost so angry that he even pulled off his beard, and roared: "It's not unusual for you to say!" You show me something that can fly!

Du Wei pouted and found the flying cloak that Gandorf had left for him from the magic baggage he was carrying.

"This is the flying cloak that Mr. Gandorf left me." Du Wei walked up and handed it over, frowning: "It's just a flying prop, what's strange."

Old Ai Li Ke saw this cloak, and suddenly the whole person was stunned. The hands took it, and the anger on his face suddenly disappeared without a trace, replaced by a faint sadness!

After a long silence, his fingers gently stroked over his cloak and sighed, "Alas... Sure enough, it's this cloak... Master Gandorf, did he leave this thing to you? Well, had he always been with him before? Saying

that, this old fellow's eyes suddenly turned a little red, faintly, and even his beard trembled slightly, obviously his heart was very agitated at the moment.

"Good." Du Wei nodded: "This is indeed what Mr. Gandorf carried with him before."

"Hmm..." Ai Li Ke sighed, returned the flying cloak to Du Wei, calmed his eyes, looked at Du Wei, and said, "Do you think the flying props I said are that simple?" Hum!

Then he said something slowly, which made Du Wei stunned.

What he said was: "This cloak. Or the first magic item I made when I was young! At that time, Master Gandorf gave me some pointers, and this cloak was made by my own hands and then given to Master Gandorf as a souvenir!

"This... Did you do it? Du Wei was stunned for a moment, but then he saw that this old fellow's expression was definitely not lying.

"Yes!" Ai Like waved his hand: "You put this thing away." There

was a pause. His face turned grim, and he sneered: "Do you think the flying props I said are the same as this thing?" Hmph, this flying cloak, I want to make a hundred now, it's no problem! It's just that this flying broom I made is completely different from this thing!


that, he pointed at Du Wei and said, "Look at this broom in my ground." What's the difference!

After that, he threw the broom to Du Wei.

Du Wei took a closer look in his hand and couldn't help but be shocked!

"This... Above..." He raised his head, his face became much more serious, and looked at the old magician carefully: "Are you sure... Can this thing fly?

"Humph! See it! Alice laughed three times. Get back to proudness: "Now you understand the mystery!" What

shocked Du Wei was that this broom was definitely very different from the flying cloak left by Gandorf!

This difference. It is exactly as Ai Li can say, it is enough to shake the huge change in the world!


That flying cloak, although it is also a good flying magic prop, but in principle, it still uses a magic array... Most importantly, according to the usual magic theory, to set up a magic array, you must use magic crystals! That flying cloak. At the hilar of the shoulder, two fist-sized ground-grade magic crystal stones are inlayed! Because of these two crystals, before use, the magician must inject sufficient magic power into it to make the hidden wind magic array in the cloak get power, so that the cloak can fly with the help of this wind magic array!

Use Magic Filled Crystals as an energy source, a necessity for any magic array!

This also directly makes this flying cloak impossible to popularize. Because even these are two high-grade magic crystals. The value is also tens of thousands of gold coins! Moreover, once the mana in the crystal is exhausted. A magician has to re-inject his magic.

I still remember that on the way back to the imperial capital from the Rollin Plain, Du Wei once discussed with Clark whether he could use a magic array to make a carriage fly. The results of the discussion at that time were undoubtedly confirmed: unless it consumed a large amount of expensive, almost sky-high magic crystals, it was possible to arrange something as heavy as a carriage to fly!

And this broom ...

Du Wei carefully checked, and even the handle of the broom was not let go, and after careful inspection, he found that this broom was not set with any magic gems, or any magic crystals!!

It's true!

No need for any expensive magic crystals or gemstones... It can also make an ordinary broom carry people to fly ...

So, what if you don't use a broom? Like what... Carriage? Or other Du Wei can build flying machines of various shapes?

No magic crystals or magic gems... What does this mean?

Flying ... Possibilities for popularity!!!

The age of flight is coming?!

Du Wei's inner shock at this moment is definitely not a little bit!

This old guy... How did he do it?

No magic crystals and magic gems... Even if there is some magic array on this broom... So where does the magic come from?

Without the infusion of mana, how does the magic array work?

It's like an electric light, you don't have power, you don't have electricity, you don't have a battery, how can the light light up?

There is no energy!


But looking at this old guy's proud and confident look... With his identity and Du Wei, he will definitely not tell such a lie indiscriminately!

So, is it true?!

This is subversion!! It's a revolutionary creation!!

However, this is a revolutionary innovation... Why did the two disciples behind him have disapproving expressions? It stands to reason that to be able to become a magician, it is absolutely impossible to be an idiot in terms of IQ! If you can learn esoteric magic, you are definitely not a fool!

Such a revolutionary innovation, even you can see the great value in it, why do the apprentices of these two old guys have a sad expression?

I'm afraid there's something else weird about this!

Forcibly suppressed all kinds of doubts in his heart, in the face of this kind of thing, Du Wei will never let go. He took a hard breath and looked at Master Eric, this time his tone was much more respectful, and he said in a deep voice: "Master... I'm willing to help you experiment... But I have one more condition.

"Say!" Ai Li was a little impatient.

"How was this flying broom made... I want to learn! Du Wei's tone was unquestionable!