
demon Law

A worthless, considered waste and idiot guy, who sold his soul to the devil, in exchange for what? Beauty? Strength? Wealth? Power?  Break all the rules of this world, let us follow the path of the devil...  "I know that one day, this world will be trampled under my feet!!"  - Du Wei

DaoisteuJSfO · Eastern
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160 Chs

Chapter 125 Old Monster

Chapter 125 Old Monster

Clark breathed a sigh of relief, did not dare to speak more, and seemed to be a little jealous of these two guys, pulled Du Wei into the magic array, gently touched a crystal turntable on a column next to him, and slowly turned it.

In an instant, the scene in front of them changed again, and the two had already arrived outside.

It is a square about the size of two football fields, and in the center, you can see a huge tower. Du Wei immediately knew that this was already inside the magic union!

Du Wei was still guessing in his heart about the two strange magicians who guarded the magic array just now... Suddenly remembered, those two guys didn't even have badges on their chests! I don't know what level they are...

"Don't think about it. Your Excellency Du Wei. Clark glanced at Du Wei, and there was a smile in his eyes: "When I first saw these guys, I also suffered a little loss like you." They are all monsters and cannot be estimated by normal people. These guys are the members of the Sorcerer's Law Enforcement Team.

"Magician Law Enforcement Team, what kind of existence is it?" Although he knew that this question was a little abrupt, Du Wei still pretended to ask it casually, after all, he was still young, a child, and sometimes said something inappropriate, which was not an outrageous thing. This is also an advantage of Du Wei.

Clark pondered for a moment, thought for a while, and said, "Anyway, you are also the one who entered the inside, these things are also the precautions you need to know, and it is also appropriate to tell you now... The Magicians' Law Enforcement Team is an internal force that has existed in the Magicians' Union for thousands of years, and this law enforcement team is directly under the command of the president of the union, in a sense, they are a defensive force in the hands of the Magicians' Union. It's similar to the existence of the Holy Knights of the Temple Land... However, there are some differences.

Subsequently, with Clark's introduction, Du Wei had some preliminary understanding of this mysterious force.

The Magician Law Enforcement Team, according to the regulations of the Magic Union, is not allowed to attack anyone other than the Magician! This force exists entirely to destroy evil magicians! There have been many powerful and evil magicians on the continent, and the magicians are powerful. It makes it difficult for others to confront. And the scarcity of magicians also makes it a huge loss to use regular magicians to fight evil magicians. Powerful and evil magicians, the combat power is amazing, if you lose a great magician in order to destroy such an enemy, this loss is also unbearable.

So, this magician law enforcement team was born, and no one knew the true face of this force. However, it seems that this force has never attacked other groups. The Magic Guild has never used this force against other forces on the continent. It is only when the Evil Magician Land appears, that this force will be allowed to be annihilated.

And the scary thing is that this law enforcement team seems to be born to be the nemesis of magicians! They also don't know how they were cultivated and trained, as if they are natural enemies of magicians! Powerful magicians encounter this law enforcement team. will suffer. It was as if they possessed a special restraint power for magicians!

Recalling the brief temptation of spiritual power just now, Du Wei couldn't help but turn pale... Specifically restraining the magical powers of magicians?

According to the profession system of the Roland Continent, magicians restrain samurai, and this monster restrains magicians... Isn't it invincible?

But then Du Wei immediately thought of a possibility: maybe. The special abilities of these monsters are only effective for magicians, and may not be useful for other samurai.

One thing is one thing, this is the natural principle of all things.

"The secret of this monster, you don't inquire indiscriminately. As long as you know some taboos and precautions, don't provoke them if you have nothing to do. Clark looked at Du Wei's complicated face and hurriedly reminded.

"Of course!" Du Wei immediately raised his face and revealed a youthful and innocent smile: "It's okay, why should I provoke this monster?"

Clark was slightly relieved, although he was sure that ninety percent of Du Wei's innocent smile was pretended. But as long as he knows how powerful he is, he doesn't mess around.

"This high tower is the second building in the imperial capital. Eighty-eight meters high, it is also the center of the entire magic union's defensive magic array... But there is no need for any defense here... Because, I don't think anyone in this world can break through this place! Clark smiled and said, "Because, in the magic union, all the private laboratories of great magicians above the eighth level are in this tower!" There are 18 floors here. Each floor belongs to a great magician. Especially the few who live on the top floor, but they are level nine powerhouses!

Du Wei immediately noticed.

This tower is home to some of the continent's top powerful magicians. Who dares to run here to use their brains! Even a monster as powerful as the Dragon Patriarch would probably have to flee in the face of the joint attack of more than a dozen great magicians!

As the two were talking, they suddenly saw the door of the bottom floor of the tower in front of them being pushed open, and an old man in a white robe rushed out of it with an excited face. This guy doesn't know how old he is, the old lady dragon clock, the white beard on the chin, can almost drag to the waist, and ingeniously tied a bow!

On the white robe, when viewed closely, it was full of smudges, and I don't know how long it had not been cleaned.

This old guy walked out, and Clark who was far away quickly took a few steps back, pulled Du Wei to stand by the side of the road, and bowed to give a salute!

Du Wei's eyes were sharp, and he immediately saw that this old guy with scruffy clothes, with the badge on his chest, was actually a ninth-level magician!

What surprised Du Wei was that this old guy didn't seem to see the two, he was excited and excited, but he was dragging a tattered broom in his hand! As if a child jumped out, looked up at the sky, and suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed: "Hahahaha!" I finally made it! I researched it! Sir, I am a genius! Talented!! Hahahaha!!

This burst of maniacal laughter was filled with endless pride and excitement, and then he suddenly grabbed his hair, then threw the broom in his hand on the ground, turned around and said angrily: "What else are you grinding!" Come out quickly! Don't wait for me to invite you out, sir!"

As soon as the

words fell, I saw two figures flashing out of the bottom gate of the tower, both were magicians in gray robes, both of them were about forty or fifty years old, and the magic badges they wore were both level six. However, at this moment, his face was full of trembling expressions, looking at this white-bearded old man, but it was like a mouse seeing a cat, grinding and rubbing, he did not dare to step forward.

This old guy smiled, and his face softened a little: "Okay, come on!" I promise I won't fail this time! Whoever comes to try it first, teacher I have a heavy reward!

The two intermediate magicians glanced at each other, and both saw a hint of strangeness in each other's eyes. At the same time, a thought came to mind: reward? I'm afraid it's a serious injury! Six of his brothers were ordered by this eccentric teacher to serve as test specimens, and as a result, after a few months, the first four people either broke their legs or broken their hands. Fortunately, the magic healing techniques were all cured, but the four guys saw that things were not good, and they all ran away under the pretext that their injuries were not good.

Now there are only two of them left, the teacher's experimental products, and the next thing is to be "tasted" by the two of them!

The two glanced at each other at the same time, and both took a step back with tacit understanding... Although there are advanced healing techniques, as long as you fall to death on the spot, then any injury can be cured, but after all, the body is your own, and no one wants to taste the pain of breaking your leg and hand.

This white-bearded old magician saw the two apprentices retreating, and immediately understood the worries in the hearts of the two, and couldn't help but be furious, such an old guy, he was full of anger when he cried out, and said angrily: "Two bastard things!" Do you actually doubt my genius, sir! Do you dare to doubt that this great invention of mine will fail!

The two of them were in a hurry, and one of them pretended to be bold, and said with a bitter smile: "Teacher, you don't know, I am not good at wind magicians by nature, I."There is also fear at height, dizziness as soon as you reach a high place, it's really ..."

The other also hurriedly said: "Teacher, I am clumsy, the disciple is not afraid of the pain of flesh and skin, but for the teacher's genius invention, if it is damaged a little, it is not good!" What's more, if you think about it, both of us are in our fifties, this kind of thing..."

The white-bearded old mage was stunned for a moment, glanced at the two apprentices, couldn't help but relax, shook his head and said: "Alas, I'm also confused, both of you are in your fifties, this kind of thing, with your age, is really not suitable... Well, it's a pity that I don't have a young apprentice in my hands..."

As he was speaking, he suddenly saw Du Wei, who was standing with Clark hanging his hands on the side, and couldn't help but light up his eyes and laughed: "Ah! Isn't there a kid here! Come on, come on! Here you go!


speaking, he waved to Du Weilian repeatedly, and the expression on his face was smiling, how kind and kind.

Just looking at the teacher's kind smile, the two apprentices behind him couldn't help but feel a cold breath in their hearts, and they threw themselves into Du Wei's eyes, somewhat with an expression of pity and schadenfreude.