
demon Law

A worthless, considered waste and idiot guy, who sold his soul to the devil, in exchange for what? Beauty? Strength? Wealth? Power?  Break all the rules of this world, let us follow the path of the devil...  "I know that one day, this world will be trampled under my feet!!"  - Du Wei

DaoisteuJSfO · Eastern
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160 Chs

Chapter 127: Crossing the Sea

Chapter 127: Crossing the Sea

in Concealment This request was completely unexpected by Ai Like.

The old guy was stunned for a moment, and then immediately his face was full of ecstasy, and he couldn't care less, and directly went up and grabbed Du Wei's wrist, his eyes were full of excitement: "You want to learn?" Do you believe in this invention of mine? Ai

Li was excited, and it was inevitable that his hand was exerted too hard, and Du Wei was tightly held by his wrist, and found that although this guy was old, his strength was really not small. I couldn't help but smile reluctantly: "Of course I want to learn!" Such a magical thing, if true, it is simply an epoch-making masterpiece.

"Hear no !!!" Ai Li Ke was furious, turned sharply and glared at his two apprentices, and cursed viciously: "Heard no!" You two stupid guys! I know that you have always made promises to me, but in fact, you don't believe it at all! You all think that my old teacher is confused and crazy, right? Now you hear me! This young boy, just take my word for it! Hum!


that, the overly excited Ai Li Ke grinned and said, "Good, good, good!" If you want to learn, I'll teach you! Haha, isn't it just a flying broom! What else do you want to learn! Yes... Just I'll take you as an apprentice... Ah no, no, no, you are a disciple of Gandorf. Well, that's troublesome..."

After thinking for a while, he couldn't think of a clue, the old guy simply shoved the broom into Du Wei's hand forcefully, and laughed: "Don't care so much first!" Let's fly first!

Before Du Wei could speak, Mage Clark was frightened. He stood on the sidelines and listened for a long time, and then he recalled that he seemed to vaguely know a little about this matter.

Well... I heard that a while ago, this old guy's apprentice injured several times when doing magician experiments, either broken hands or legs... It turns out to be this flying broom?

Unlike Du Wei, Clark underwent a rigorous magical study. Proficient in the entire body of magical knowledge. He knew that not using a magic crystal to make a flying broom was simply whimsical. This old madman is crazy himself, and no one cares about him! But if you hurt Du Wei too... The Chairman said that he had something important to see Du Wei! If Du Wei is injured under his eyelids, I am afraid that his position as a deacon will be kicked down after only one day!

No, no, no! Absolutely not!

Clark didn't care what offended this old monster, and quickly shouted: "Master Aleco! Master Alico! This..."

Alice glared, and Clark's voice immediately weakened a little. Still stiffening his head and smiling bitterly: "This... Your Honor said that there was something important to see him... Ah no, no, no! I certainly don't dare to hinder your important magic experiment. It's just that..." Clark moved smartly: "It's just that now is not the time, can you wait for Du Wei's Bachelor of Magic to meet the Chairman before coming to accompany you for the experiment?" As

long as you have met with the Chairman, your responsibility will be gone. Don't say that Du Wei broke his hands and feet, even if he broke his neck, it was none of his business.

Ai Li Ke was about to refuse, but Du Wei also saw the weight. Although he was very curious about this flying broomstick, he saw the two apprentices of the old guy looking panicked. He also understood that this thing was probably still a little dangerous, so he said: "Yes, Master Alike, in this way, I will go to see the chairman now." When I get back, I'll come back to you. Ai

Li Ke was itching at the moment, and originally did not want to wait. If you have the heart, you will simply grab Du Wei and come hard. But this kid in front of him is the only guy who agrees with his point of view now. Just now, a compliment also made the old monster listen to the heart, now look at how pleasing this little guy is. He himself also understood that if this experiment failed again, I am afraid that he would have to find someone to continue doing it. So it's not good to offend this little guy first. Otherwise, it is easy to catch him once, and there will be no way to do it next time.

Since that's the case, then wait a little longer.

Come to think of it. Eric sighed and nodded. However, the old guy's heart moved, but he stuffed the multicolored gem into Du Wei's hand and said, "This is regarded as a deposit!" You accept it, but you are not allowed to regret it!


that, he laughed a few times and walked outside, and the two apprentices behind hurried to follow. Just when passing by Du Wei's side. His eyes drifted towards Du Weidi, but with a trace of pity and sympathy.

Alas. Poor boy, when I met our teacher, you suffered a lot.

Just looking at the multicolored gem in Du Wei's hand, both of them swallowed their saliva hard.

Old Ai Li Ke gave one to Du Wei first, which was also useful.

Hmph, this kid, don't think about repenting after accepting it, if he wants to repent, return the gem to me, that's no way! As for whether Du Wei will hack his ground, the old guy is not afraid, with his status and status, this kid does not dare! Hum!

Seeing Ai Li Ke and the others leaving, Clark was relieved, went up and grabbed Du Wei, and said with a bitter smile: "In the future, you'd better avoid this old guy... Alas, he is not easy to mess with.

Du Wei shook his head: "I think he's funny, that flying broom, I'm really curious."

Clark glanced at Du Wei and thought: After all, the days of learning magic are too broken, and Master Gandorf seems to have taken this apprentice before his death, and he did not teach him the complete basic system of magic... Hmph, you can make a magic array without a magic crystal? How is it possible!

Saying that, Clark didn't say much, anyway, it was none of his business.

Du Wei finally followed Clark into the gate under the tower, there are no stairs in this tower, but there is a magic array on the ground floor, similar to those teleportation arrays outside, there is a crystal disk on the wall next to it, stepping into the magic array, Clark turned a few blocks and came to the top floor of the tower.

Pushing open an ancient, oak-scented thick door, this is the room of Yago Doug, president of the Magic Guild.

Unlike other magicians, Jago Doug is the president of the Magic Guild, and he is in this room. Outside was an office, and when Du Wei walked in, he felt that there was not much difference between this place and the study of ordinary people. It's just that behind the desk in the office, there is a circular door, which should be the chairman's private magic laboratory.

Du Wei stood in this room, and at first he had a strange feeling... Here it seems... Too big?

That's right! This is the top floor of the tower, calculated according to the visual inspection of Du Wei from the outside. The upper and ground rooms on the top floor of the tower have only a space of tens of square meters at most. But now this place, just this study, is no less than a hundred square meters! As for how big that lab is in the back... Du Wei didn't dare to think about it.

Clark smiled and said, "Every floor here is a laboratory for the Great Magicians. But in the small tower, there is definitely not enough space. So the magicians rearranged the place with a kind of spatial magic. Every layer here... Place is huge, big!

As he spoke, the round door inside slowly opened, and an old and majestic voice came: "Clark, did you bring our new Bachelor of Magic?"

Clark heard. He quickly retracted the expression on his face and lowered his hand solemnly: "Yes, Your Honor, I brought Mr. Du Wei here." "

The president of the Magic Guild, the supreme leader of the entire Roland Continent of Magicians. Yago Doug slowly walked out from behind the door.

When Du Wei saw this Mr. Chairman for the first time, he felt a little more favorable in his heart.

For nothing else, this old magician. He actually has black hair, and even his eyes are black. Black hair and black eyes, this featureIt is very in line with Du Wei's own nation in his previous life, so he first has a feeling of being close to him.

Instead of wearing the expensive, gold-silk magic union president's mage robe, Yagodoug wore a white robe with him, but it seemed to have been smoked, and there were some smudges.

"Okay. Clark, you can get out... Oh yes, I know what happened below just now. Eric just notified me with a magic array. You don't have to worry about that. Now, you can go out and wait below. Jago Doug waved his hand casually, and Clark quickly bowed his head and turned to go out.

Du Wei stood silent, while he looked at Jago Doug. Jago Doug was also looking at him.

After a while. Yago smiled and said, "Hello, we finally met." My new Bachelor of Magic, Mr.

Du Wei had to admit that the president of the magic union was a very attractive old man who smiled very kindly.

"Sit down." Jago Doug casually pointed to a few strange mounds on the floor of the room. These things were all round arch shaped, with a faint white glow, which Du Wei thought were wood, but when he walked in, he found that it was not.

Yago glanced at Du Wei and said with a smile: "I'm sorry, but few people generally come in my room, so there is no comfortable sofa... Oh, just sit on it. This is a chair made from the skull of the 'Mara Elephant'.

Du Wei couldn't help but take a secret breath.

Mara Elephant?

This huge creature is not a monster, but actually just a huge elephant animal, and Du Wei has seen their pictures. The reason why this giant elephant made Du Wei unforgettable was because he saw the record in the book that it was an ordinary animal whose strength was comparable to that of Warcraft. In the forest, even ordinary monsters easily did not dare to provoke such giant beasts.

"I think you must be looking forward to our meeting too." Yago Doug looked at Du Wei and smiled, probably seeing Du Wei's unease, he smiled and said: "Okay, don't be informal, I just have a few questions for you."

Saying that, he slowly walked around the table, and then even brought Du Wei a cup of tea with his own hands.

Looking at this white-glowing cup in front of you... Wouldn't this thing be made of some animal bones?

"This is a drink made by 'Elding grass'." Yago Doug smiled lightly, "I know you seem to be very proficient in magical potions. You should know that alding grass tastes very good, and it also has a refreshing effect. I'm old, older, and inevitably lack energy, so this stuff is my main drink right now.

Du Wei took a sip under the gaze of the chairman, and then his eyes lit up, and then he squinted and savored for a while. Blurted out: "You added northern orange leaf grass in it."

A hint of appreciation fluttered in Jagodoug's eyes: "Not bad." It seems that you are really proficient in pharmacy. Let me test you, do you know why I add orange leaf grass?

"Pure alding grass has a somewhat dry taste. The sweetness of the northern orange leaf grass can neutralize this bitterness. Of course, more importantly, I have seen some records that some indigenous tribes in Nanyang have the habit of chewing northern orange leaf grass since childhood, which can make people's bones stronger. Du Wei replied, but secretly said in his heart: the bones are stronger. In fact, in the previous life, isn't it calcium supplementation, hum...

"Good." It seems that the chairman is very satisfied: "Your knowledge of pharmacy is really extensive. This makes me very satisfied. Perhaps, it also solved a big problem for me.

Du Wei frowned slightly: "May I ask you, what is the matter with me... I think the magic union found me, probably not because of my relationship with Teacher Gandorf, right?

Yago Doug smiled peacefully: "First of all, I need to ask you a few questions. And, I need your honest answer. I'm not Clark. You don't have to tell me the answers you told him, understand?

Du Wei's heart was cold, and Yago Doug looked at Du Wei, and there seemed to be a strange gaze flashing in his eyes. This look is not that majestic look. It seems to be still very kind, but it seems to be able to see through Du Wei.

"Okay." Du Wei nodded.

"Well, the first question. I need to know, Master Gandorf... Is he really dead?

Du Wei was stunned. Then he nodded and whispered, "Yes."

Jago Doug sighed... Sure enough. The original stones are broken, and it seems that Gandorf is really no longer alive. Originally, I still had a little fantasy.

"So, can you tell me... Master Gandorf, how did he die?

Du Wei knew that in front of this chairman, the lie he had made up before about Clark would not work, and thought for a while. He deliberately showed a look of embarrassment: "This..."

"What's the problem?"

Du Wei sighed: "Teacher Gandorf told me, if I say it, I'm afraid I will be in trouble."

"It's okay, just say it." Yagodoug smiled slightly: "I think that even if there is any trouble, the magic union will definitely be on your side."

Du Wei's face was a little gloomy, but he immediately came up with an idea in his heart!

Would you like to give it a try?


"That's right." Du Wei raised his head and looked into the eyes of the chairman. Slowly said: "It's like this... Mr. Gandorf led me all the way north. Then we went to the frozen forest. "Why


"I don't know the specifics, but he seems to be looking for some rare magical beasts."

Yagodoug nodded. This interpretation was endorsed. In order to find suitable magic test materials, magicians can catch Warcraft, which is a very normal move. What's more, he knew that Gandorf had a pass for the frozen forest in his hand.

"Then we went north in the frozen forest, and finally we crossed the Great Round Lake."

"Big Round Lake?" Yago Doug was a little surprised. Everyone knows that Dayuan Lake is an iconic place in the current frozen forest! All those who entered the frozen forest did not dare to cross the Great Round Lake and continue north.

It is worthy of being a legendary magician powerhouse.

"On the north side of Dayuan Lake, the teacher captured a lot of monsters, and we encountered the Ice and Snow Demon Wolf... Well, but it seems that it is not an ordinary wolf, but a wolf king. Later, he met the evil face spider. Du Wei said this and sighed.

Yagodoug's face changed again: "So many top Warcraft? Did Master Gandorf capture it all? These

are many monsters that have never even seen them, but have only heard of their names!

"Yes, but the teacher also spent time capturing these thingsA lot of magic. Du Wei sighed.

"And then?"

"Then, we were on the north side of the forest, originally going to return, but due to an accident, the teacher took me and continued north." Du Wei's face deliberately pretended to show a trace of fear inadvertently, and this expression was captured by Yago Doug. Then Du Wei whispered, "We... Met a person. "People


"A wounded knight." Du Wei did not pretend to be very calm, but deliberately showed a trace of trepidation. Such an expression fell into Mr. Chair's eyes, but it was more real: "Originally, we saw a wounded knight there, which was a little strange. Because the teacher said that no one will dare to go to the north of Dayuan Lake.

"Indeed, your teacher is right. Usually no one dares to cross the Great Round Lake. Jago Doug nodded.

"However, we met the knight, but we didn't expect it. That knight is an evil guy! Speaking of this, Du Wei closed his eyes, as if to hide the fear in his heart.

I have to say, he acted like it. Moreover, at his age, others really could not have imagined that such a young teenager would dare to tell such a lie.

"That knight, when he met us, seemed to be surprised. Then, I don't know why, he suddenly shot at us! I've never seen such a powerful knight! His strength is very strong!

"Did it to you?" Jago Doug immediately guessed: "Could it be that the wounded knight you are talking about is Hussein of the temple?" Well

, that's right. According to the news, Hussein was also chased all the way to the north and disappeared into the frozen forest.

"Well, that's right. That guy's name is indeed Hussein. Du Wei nodded affirmatively, then clenched his fists and said in a low voice: "The teacher said that his strength has reached the level of a paladin.

"Paladin?!" Yago Doug was surprised! This is very much news!

Paladin? There hasn't been a paladin on the continent for a hundred years! Did Hussein's temple traitor really reach the level of a paladin?

Well, though... I heard that he killed the other two great knight captains alone, so it seems that it is not surprising that his strength has reached the paladin.

"Why did Hussei attack you?" Jago Doug asked with a frown.

Even if Hussein became a paladin. He dared to take the initiative to strike at Gandolf? Even if the paladin is against a legendary powerhouse like Gandorf, he may not be able to get benefits!

"Hussein seemed to have met us by surprise, and then he probably wanted to kill people."

Du Wei's answer is very reasonable.

Was the fugitive traitor of the temple seen by someone and killed and killed?

It also makes sense.

"Didn't Hussein know your identity before he struck?" Jago Doug raised one last question.

"I don't know."

That's right! Probably Hussein didn't know that he was facing the top magician on the continent. Hurried shots Otherwise, if you know the identity of the other party. Hussein would never dare to challenge a strong man at that time.

"The result?" Jago Doug sighed.

"Result. The teacher threw me away, and then he got into a big fight with that Hussein... At last. That Hussein died at the hands of his teacher. Du Wei said this, wiped his eyes vigorously, he expected to be interrogated like this before he came today, so he prepared something in his sleeve...

Not some medicinal powder... Because he was sure that no magic potion could hide from a great magician's nose! So what Du Wei used was... Sand!

A few grains of sand were hidden in his sleeve all the time, and at this moment, his heart was crossed, and he rubbed the sand into his eyes hard, and tears suddenly flowed!

Du Wei said intermittently while crying: "The teacher and that guy fought very fiercely, and the two fought for a long time... The teacher even cast magic such as the 'Wheel of Time'..."

The Wheel of Time?

Well, this is indeed the top magic that Mage Gandorf is good at.

"In the end, that knight was killed by the teacher, but the teacher..." Du Wei sighed: "That knight is really powerful, before he died, he threw his sword at the teacher, and the teacher was stabbed by the sword."

"And then?" Jager Doug looked gloomy.

"... Then, the teacher was so badly injured that even the magic healing technique could not heal... That knight's vindictiveness was very eccentric. After the teacher killed the knight, he spoke to me and after a few words, he ... passed away.

Jago Doug looked gloomy, closed his eyes and thought carefully for a while.

The words of this child... It makes sense.

There can be a strong man like killing Gandorf. I'm afraid that only the strength of the Paladin can do it.

No wonder he didn't dare to tell Clark the truth before. Hussein's affairs are too complicated! Involving the temple... Well, he didn't dare to tell the truth, it must have been Gandorf who told him before he died.

Alas, it's just a pity that Gandorf and a paladin were both defeated and died together ... What a great loss to the Magic Guild.

Yagodoug pondered for a while: "What about you? How did you come out after Master Gandorf died? With your magical strength. I'm afraid it's not an easy way to walk back from the north side of Dayuan Lake! Du

Wei's heart tightened... This old guy is really not easy to deceive.

However, Du Wei also had a way to answer, and he immediately replied: "Before the teacher died, he gave one thing to avoid Warcraft along the way. Then he felt the magic bag from his arms, carefully took out a bottle from it, and gently poured a little bit of that green powder...

"Oh, this is dragon droppings." Yago Doug is naturally discerning. See this thing. The last trace of doubt was also removed.

With this kind of thing, it's no wonder that such a kid walks in the frozen forest, and the monsters dare not approach.

"Later, when I got to the south, I met a few mercenaries. He followed them out of the frozen forest. Du Wei finally added.

Yago Doug thought carefully for a while, and then a kind smile appeared on his face again: "Very good! You are a good boy. The soul of Master Gandorf will also bless you. "

Then, he pointed to the cup in front of him again and said with a smile: "You drink more." I think. In the frozen forest, you must have suffered a lot. Alas, I heard that you are not in good health. It's a blessing that you came out alive.

Everything seemed to make sense. Jago Doug went to the doubts in his heart and began to think about the following questions.

Gandorf's death, he didn't think too much ... Dead is already dead after all. Although a Hussein was involved. But that was a matter for the temple, and the magic union didn't need to pay attention to those god sticks. Hum! It's just that after Gandorf died. I am afraid that my own plan will only fall on this teenager!

"Your Excellency Du Wei." Yago Doug changed to a slightly serious tone: "I also have to remind you." Your teacher is very correct with you! About Hussein, you are right not to mention it to others! This matter, if before this, I am afraid that the temple will capture you back for interrogation, because the matter with that Hussein is complicated. But now... Hmph, you're from the Magic Guild. The temple can't take what you do. Our magic union will come forward to negotiate with the temple! You don't have to worry anymore. The death of Master Gandorf, let this matter pass! You have to understand. We magicians. The highest pursuit of life is to study the meaning of magic, and life is just a process for us. ** division like Gandorf. I have long seen through the meaning of life. After a pause, he said slowly: "For you, since you are a disciple of Master Gandorf, then the magic union will naturally give you some special care. Well, you haven't taken any magic level assessments, have you? As a disciple of Master Gandorf, although he did not teach you much time, I believe that you must have a talent that ordinary people cannot see. Well, in order to show importance, and respect for Master Gandov ..."

Du Wei looked at the chairman with some apprehension.

"Well, so be it. In a few days, after the end of the summer festival day, I will personally preside over the assessment of your magic level with several profound ** masters in the magic union! Jago Doug made a decision, and then stared at Du Wei carefully: "You have to understand one thing: since you are a disciple of Master Gandorf, then you are destined to be associated with magic in this life!" You are destined to be a member of the Magic Guild! And the profession of magician stands above all living beings! It is outside the world! With us, you are not the young master of the Luolin family, and you have nothing to do with the nobility ... In the future, your identity will be very simple, just a magician of the magic union. Do you understand?

This gentleman said in words, tightly linking Du Wei's identity with the magic union, how could Du Wei not hear it?

Standing outside the mundane? It's not about making yourself clear. His identity is mainly a magician, and he must stand closely on the side of the magic union. Stop seeing yourself as an aristocrat?

This... It seems to be a kind of wooing! It's also a warning and hint!

In front of others, Du Wei naturally did not refute anything, but just nodded. But in his heart, he laughed secretly: This old guy is bullying himself young and ignorant! Hmph, Gandorf's apprentice, must he be loyal to the magic union? Not necessarily! When that old guy in Gandorf was alive, he was very unimpressed with the magic union! Even his precious female apprentice. They are all hiding at home, refusing to let her join the magic union!

But these words cannot be spoken.

Yago Doug was satisfied with the teenager's default attitude, and a kind expression appeared on his face again: "In addition to your level assessment... I will also give you a huge surprise. Well, I know, you seem to be in your family and do not have a high status ... Oh, please forgive me for being so direct. But we magicians. Don't care about worldly status. As long as you can become a great magician, those nobles will come to greet you. So, what family status and other things, you don't have to think about it later. And, after you've finished the assessment. I'll give you a surprise... is a special identity. After having this identity, even if it is your father's identity in the future, he will definitely not dare to look down on you anymore! Surprise


Du Wei showed a surprised expression on his face, but he was secretly vigilant in his heart!

This may not necessarily be a surprise... It's a hassle!

The magic union pulled itself so close. It also spent so much capital and gave so many benefits... I'm afraid it all has something to do with this surprise!

Coming out of Jagodoug's room, Dewey went to the ground floor of the tower and was taken out of the Magic Guild by Clark.

As for the old Alico, before leaving, Yagodoug told Du Wei that he had already told Aleco about the magic experiment. Placed the next day. Just let Du Wei come back to the magic union the next day and go directly to Mage Alico.

Coming out of the magic union, Du Wei kept thinking about what Mr. Chairman meant by "surprise".

The magic union wooed itself... Assassination on the way... After returning home, my father suddenly showed favor to himself.

What exactly is the "surprise"?

The chief of the alpha guard looked indifferent, and did not talk much on the road, but just protected Du Wei and answered the house. Du Wei immediately went back to his room, then closed the door and arranged a magic array at the door. Immediately, the rat Gegewitch was called out.

"Gegewitch..." Du Wei then picked out the important ones for today's encounter in the Magic Guild. This mouse is a little timid and wretched though. But after all, he used to be a person in the magic union, and he might be able to give Du Wei some help.

"You met Eric? You also promised to help him with magic experiments? A flying broom that can arrange a magic array without using crystal stones? Gegewitch asked these many questions in one breath. The tone was very rueful, even with a trace of pity and sympathy: "Boy, I have to remind you, you ask for blessings!" That old Eric is one of the few dangerous old monsters in the Magic Guild! "Dangerous

? He's not dangerous, is he? I think it's still very kind to speak.

Gegewitch sighed: "This old fellow's 'danger' is not an ordinary meaning!" This is an old maniac who often makes some weird and scary experiments... Do you know how miserable his disciples are! When I was in the magic union, his apprentices were seriously injured twice in three days! It's all to help him get those experiments! As for what flying broomsticks ... It is necessary for me to remind you as a magician that this is probably another whimsical and absurd idea of an old maniac! He had a lot of ridiculous ideas back then! But nothing can be achieved! All failed! And every time he helps him do the experiment, he has to suffer a lot!

Gegewu jumped on Du Wei's table, the louder he spoke, his paws pointed, and he almost touched Du Wei's nose: "In short, this old guy is definitely a dangerous maniac!"

"I think it's okay." Du Wei didn't believe it: "That flying broom, if it can succeed..."

"Don't even think about it, that's a violation of the laws of magic!" Gegewitch retorted unceremoniously.

"Oh, by the way, he also gave one thing." Du Wei felt the multicolored gem from his arms.

As soon as this thing was taken out, the mouse suddenly seemed to be fixed!

Her big eyes suddenly froze, opened her mouth wide, stared at the gem in Du Wei's hand, and then suddenly screamed: "Five-color magic core!!" Oh, my God! It's actually a five-color magic core!! God! O Almighty God!! The old maniac is really crazy! He actually gave you all this thing!!!

Du Wei looked at the mouse: "This thing... Is it precious? "

"Precious??" Gegewitch suddenly jumped up as if someone had stepped on his tail: "You said expensive?!" Hahahaha! Boy, you really don't recognize the goods! Take out this thing, I tell you, magicians all over the continent will break their heads for this thing!! Valuable? I tell you, once in history, there was a ninth-level magician who was willing to exchange a forbidden spell for a piece of this multicolored stone, but he was rejected!! Many magicians are even willing to exchange all their property for such a multicolored stone!! Do you understand!


he spoke, Gegewu's eyes lit up, full of greed, as if he was about to go up and hold this stone with open paws, while drooling and shouting: "Earned!" Definitely earned! What magic experiment does he let you do! Go, go, go! Even if you encounter any danger, even if it is a broken hand and foot... Ah no, even if you break your neck, as long as you can get this thing, it is absolutely worth it! "