
Delusional Idol Lovers

Stella, an 18 years old girl suffers from delusion for her idol. The question is, was her love story with the idol, was really just a delusion, or there is much more to the story? Music, idol, vampire how are all these interconnected to the famous guy Jake?

dazstar7 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Singing on a stage

Stella daydreamt of this moment before. She always thought that... as soon as she goes to another country, her talents will be noticed more. Now, she will perform on stage! In her birth country... this happened too. But, it was different. She wasn't recognized like this before. It was more like,her old school just wanted ANY normal people to just do the performance when needed, not that they actually needed someone good at singing. Now that she is in China, things are really different. She can now rest assured. Her self confidence increases.

The day of the programme comes. Stella wears a beautiful purple blackish dress which awestrucks the public. Harry and her new friend Mia comes to watch her singing performance on the stage. "Woo-hoo, you are a star Stella. You will definitely rock the performance!!!", saying this Mia shouts from the crowd. On the other hand, Harry just smiles. Stella looks at both of them, smiles and takes a deep breath. Thinking to herself that she can do it, she starts singing. In a few seconds she manages to catch the attention of a lot of people from inside and outside the university. Everyone is mesmerized at not only her voice but also her singing skills. Among them Mr. Daniel was one. Mr. Daniel is a talent scout of a very famous entertainment company named Yahoo entertainment. Apparently, he came here to see the performance of his niece Anne. But seeing the performance of Stella really mesmerizes him. Anne is a very popular girl at this university. She is in the fashion department of the university , but rumors say that she is going to train in an entertainment company in Korea. She is not only popular for her looks but also for her branded bags. She also dances amazing and her singing is so so. After the end of the performance , when everyone is busy eating good foods and socializing with each other, many boys approaches Stella. This is so new to Stella. As before, she was indeed asked out by many boys but it was all in online. This is the first time, real people are coming to compliment her singing. Seeing this, the popular girl Anne gets annoyed. "Hi ! You are Stella from the Physics department, right?", asks Anne to Stella. Stella nods uncomfortably as she has already predicted what this girl was going to say, (as expected from a highly spiritual girl!!! )."Do you know that nerdiness and popularity cannot go together??", says Anne giggling sarcastically along with her fashionista friends. "Hahahaha, is that so?? Then...I must say that music isn't all about looks, it's more so about your heart. Only pure hearts... free from jealousy can sing well", says Stella pouting with a now-if-you'll-excuse-me look. Saying that... Stella leaves. Harry smiles at her and Mia slaps her back indicating good job to her. 

Mr. Daniel approaches Stella soon. "I am Mr.Daniel from Yahoo entertainment in Korea. Here is my business card. You sing amazing, kid. Keep it up. You have the potential to be a trainee and later, to become an idol. Although, I haven't seen your dancing skills yet, I think you will be able to cultivate it easily. Your voice is already amazing. I hope you will consider this offer. If you want to, then please contact me and you will have to do some formalities before signing the final contract with us", says Mr. Daniel. Stella just stands there in shock. It was as if lightning has stroke her. The opportunity that she planned for in a systematic manner, the opportunity that she thought she would need to compete for with thousands of other potentials later after completing the first year of her university....is suddenly at her doorstep ??? She finally reacts, " EHHHHHHH??? Me??? Are you sure?? A trainee?? In Yahoo entertainment???", says Stella in shock. "Wowwww, that's so cool. I am so jealous of you Stella ", sobs Mia dramatically. Mr. Daniel smiles and laughs a bit, "You have underestimated yourself , kid".

Just at this happy moment Anne comes out of nowhere. "Uncle!! How was my performance?? It was good right?", says Anne. "Yeah...it was good. But I hope you will do better", says Mr. Daniel. Soon after that Anne finally notices Stella. "Look who's here! Are you bothering my uncle to sign you at his company?? " , asks Anne with an I-will-kill-you typa look. "Stop that Anne. Actually Stella is better than you at singing. On the other hand, you are a very skilled dancer. Instead of fighting like a kid, you two should learn from each other", says Mr. Daniel with a sigh. "But...uncle...why is she-",and before Anne could say anything more, Stella says " I am signing the contract with Yahoo entertainment", making a sneering face at her.Aishhh. "You girls stop fighting, if you two really want to be a trainee and later ACTUALLY DEBUT, then you two have to work together and help each other out. GOT IT?" shouts uncle. "Y-yes", says both the girls. Mia and Harry laughs at their helplessness but when Mr. Daniel looks at both of them they stops laughing .Oops. 

Decision was made that before signing the contract the two of them will have to teach each other what they are individually better at , staying at China for 3 months. Within these 3 months the other formalities will be taken care of, by Yahoo Entertainment.

Though Anne and Stella hadn't started at the right foot they actually started getting along pretty well. They still sometimes sneered at each other but there were moments when they laughed together as well. They even started hanging out and sometimes also invited Mia and Harry along. The four of them actually became quite good friends and became quite close. Stella improved her dancing so much by the influence of Anne and Anne's singing skills also improved at a great degree.

2 months has passed. One month is remaining till Anne and Stella will go to Korea. Stella hasn't told her parents yet about this. She did tell them about the performance...but she wanted to surprise her parents later by saying that she will actually become a trainee. One day, Mia suggests a new hangout plan. "Guys, let's go to the beach. I have found this amazing beach that is not only a beach but also includes a forest", says Mia. Stella, Harry and Anne all agrees to go there together. 

Later the next day, they all pack their bags to go to the beach. They smash each other with a water gun and have a lot of fun. When the four youths gets tired of playing with the water way too much, they sit by the beach . The gentle breeze feels them up, as if all of them have some new hopes. "You guys....never fake it. Thanks for this wholesome friendship", utters Stella. All of them takes a deep breath and calmly enjoy the humid breeze under the morning blue cotton like sky.

I know that not many people read my book, but I hope...you can sigh"

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