
Delusional Idol Lovers

Stella, an 18 years old girl suffers from delusion for her idol. The question is, was her love story with the idol, was really just a delusion, or there is much more to the story? Music, idol, vampire how are all these interconnected to the famous guy Jake?

dazstar7 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

You know me...

Stella... not knowing what to say just stares at the boy. "Uhh...you are?", asks Stella looking at the boy clueless. The new met friend of hers, named Mia whispers to her, "Wowwww u know this handsome guy??" Stella pinches her in such a way that the guy cannot see it. "Oh, yeah...sorry for the late introduction, didn't expect to meet you here..Well boo, I am your old friend ", saying this the guy rolls his eyes at her. "M-my old friend? You mean?", asks Stella, still clueless of what this stanger dude is talking about. "I am in love with the moon...", the guy says. Instantly Stella understands who this guy is. She quickly slaps his back and exclaims, "DON'T TELL ME U ARE HARRY!!!" The guy smiles and says, "so u do remember my name..."

Harry is an old online friend of Stella. He was always the cold introvert guy. He is from another country. Harry has seen Stella before in pictures but Stella never saw Harry's picture. One thing Stella knew about Harry was that he's a model. That's what he told her . They first started talking to each other in a writer's connecting app. Harry is also a friend of her ex... for whom her entire life changed . He is friends with Stella as well. There was a time that Stella had this slight bit crush on this guy (yes from his bold and cold badboy type chatting personality though she never saw how he looked like). There was also a time that Stella was suspicious that this guy likes her too. 

There was a time that her ex explained the reason for their first breakup. Among a lot of the reasons, he admitted that he felt guilty because his friend also liked Stella. He also admitted that he was supposed to be a matchmaker for Stella and that friend , but he instead... fall for her. Still to this day, Stella still is suspicious that Harry likes her, and Harry is that friend he was talking about back then. Harry's a little rude always. But, Stella always wanted to be his friend. After her breakup with her ex a lot of things changed. Stella and Harry rarely talked with each other. But now suddenly , they are university mates???

"SOOOO Harry, how come u are in a chinese university?" , asks Stella. " If you can be, I can't be?", says Harry with a wtf look at her. " Well, yeaH! but then..... I have many questions to ask u. As we already know each other, I guess we should talk to each other more often. Ya know. I still have many things to know...so-", says Stella when someone interrupts her. " You are still as talkative as before", says Harry rolling his eyes at her. 

Later, Mia, Stella and Harry meets at the library again. " As u two know each other, why don't we hang out??", says Mia enthusiastically. Stella, with a sarcastic look at her says, " Wellll, I am pretty sure Harry won't hangout with us. He is usually...well-", says Stella when again someone interrupts her. Unexpectedly, Harry tells Mia with a smile,"Sure! Why not??"

What now? Stella didn't expect this to come from Harry. "But you...you usually...well...why are u acting all friendly suddenly?", asks Stella with a shocked eyes.

Just at that moment someone calls Mia. " Yes, I am coming", Mia says to the other party behind the call. After cutting the call , she tells both of them, "Ummm, guys u talk first, I gotta go now. My sister needs to be taken back home from her night school prom party. I will see you guys at 2 pm tomorrow. It's weekend tomorrow , so I think that would be a great time for us to hangout. I will also bring my boyfriend! Gotta go, byeee !", saying this Mia quickly disappears leaving Stella and Harry all alone. "Urrr...um, so ", stutters Stella. Though they have talked a lot before online... face to face is quite different right? The library is kinda quiet as well. People don't usually come for a night study session. Almost no one was there, even the one librarian guy who was there also started leaving suddenly.Neither Stella nor Harry noticed him leaving . The librarian guy probably didn't notice Stella and Harry as they were at a corner. He turns off the lights and locks the library main door of their university. Seeing the lights go off, Stella quickly goes towards the door.




"Shi- it's locked", says Stella with a sigh. Even the lights are off now. Harry just looks at her. 




After a second of silence, suddenly the moonlight falls through the window at Stella's eyes and makes it shimmer. "So...you were asking..why I sound friendly?", saying this Harry starts to get closer to Stella. He takes a step forward and she steps backward, "w-what are you?" , stutters Stella. Suddenly, she finds her back against the wall as Harry is in front of her and his both hands on the wall and Stella in the middle...and just like that he pins her against the wall. "You really, don't know why?" , says Harry. Stella's heart beats so fast. This has never happened to Stella before. This was the first time that she was facing this kind of situation. "See , H-Harry I don't really get what u -", before Stella could say anything more, Harry faints. "What the...", Stella tries to make sense of everything that just happened. 

Soon, Stella calls for help from Mia and she comes to their rescue. "What happened to Harry?", asks Mia seeing him fainted. "Umm...nothing", says Stella awkwardly. "WAIT did something happen between you two? Why are you blushing??" says Mia with a tell-me-the-juice look. "No nothing. He is just probably afraid of the dark, so he fainted", says Stella.

After a while, Harry finds himself in the medical room of the university. Stella takes the courage to ask him of what just happened. Just as she was about to ask what happened, she gets a call.

"Are you Ms.Stella ?", asks the person. "Yes, why?", ask Stella. "We have heard your youtube covers and we found out that you read in our university. We want you to sing at our university function. Oh, also, I am Liam from the student council of Shanghai Dreamers University", says the guy with a matured voice. What??? Singing solo in a big university at China?? This is definitely a huge opportunity. "If I can sing here, maybe I will get more opportunities yesssss!", says Stella without realizing that while saying this , she was so happy that she was hugging Harry tightly. 

What's going on? Do you all like Harry or Jake? I am not going to give any spoilers~

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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