
Delusional Idol Lovers

Stella, an 18 years old girl suffers from delusion for her idol. The question is, was her love story with the idol, was really just a delusion, or there is much more to the story? Music, idol, vampire how are all these interconnected to the famous guy Jake?

dazstar7 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Friendship and goodbyes

"Do you think we will be friends forever?", Mia takes a long breath. She wonders what will happen if Stella and Anne moves out of China. Now, as a friend, she should hope the best for them, but that fear of loosing a friend bugs her mind. Within some months they all became such good friends. "Don't worry, Mia...true friends are meant to reunite with each other no matter what....", says Harry with a smile. Stella smiles at both of them and looks at the sky.




"Hmm....let's have a barbecue party!!!", says Stella. It's not that Stella didn't think of this. She did. But she didn't know what to do about this. She was tearing up but she faked a smile, because she knew that this was always her dream and she has to do it. On the other hand, Anne who turned into her best friend from an enemy, knew exactly what Stella felt deep inside. She just looked at her and took a deep breath. Soon the night came and the moon was shining so brightly at them. It represented all of their happiness and sadness of goodbyes. They didn't talk much about it, but their eyes sparkling in the moonlights, told it all. How they will miss each other!

The day of the departure finally comes. They have to go now. Stella tries to hold back her tears and bid them goodbye. She always believed that candle flames aren't a good thing if you wanna start something new forgetting all the sadness. So, that's what she did. Now is the time for her to start a new journey. These friends that she made along the way, will always be with her, deeply embedded in her heart.

 With that thought Stella and Anne bid the other two goodbyes and start for boarding the airplane. Stella hugs Anne and tears up. The other two joins them. "It's okay guys, you two take care of yourselves. Let us be proud!!...so that one day we would be able to proudly say that our two friends are the world famous idols, GOT IT?? No more sadness", said Mia. Hearing these encouraging words from them made Stella thank the universe so much for providing her with such wholesome friends that she always wanted.

Later, Anne and Stella boards the plane. It was a special plane just for boarding of the trainees. Because of an issue, Anne and Stella weren't able to sit beside each other. Their tickets were different. Anne was in a different chamber or compartment than Stella. Stella sat in one of the behind sits on the plane. But one thing is mentionable, the plane was way too well ventilated and had a scent of strawberries and lemons all around. Stella thinks to herself, "uhh....so are all the people around me...trainees...woah so they are TO BE IDOLS?" without even realizing she is also a to be idol now. One thing that Mr. Daniel told them was that, before the company officially introducing the trainees to each other everyone should wear a mask. So, as expected everyone wore a mask boarding the plane. But just from the outside, Stella could tell all are pretty and handsomes here. The guy that sat beside her looked particularly handsome even though he was wearing the mask but actually looked quite familiar. Stella wanted to strike up a conversation just to be friends (No she is still in love with the Jake thing, this is like as a friend .) " Uh hi.....you are a new trainee from Yahoo entertainment , right??" , asks Stella. The guy was listening to something with an earphone. For some reason, Stella found that instead of replying to Stella , this weird guy just looked at her with a shocked eyes, as if it was so impossible to see him. "You...can see me..?", says the mysterious guy.

Sorry that this chapter is short. I will write more tomorrow. I am just feeling a bit discouraged because barely anyone reads it...and nobody comments...but I will try my best and keep writing.

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