
A mage of the end?

Nagi was about to fall off his chair. A Mage of the end? Nagi had heard stories, but he had never seen one up this close . 

"I know you might be surprised and scared, but she won't do you any harm, second prince Nagi Nakamura" the principal reassured him.

"Oh, you're a prince?" Himari asked

"Yes... I was planning on reveling it to you sooner or later but..." Nagi explained

"Ok, now that you both know your biggest secrets, why don't you two become friends?" The principal proposed

"Fine by me" Himari responded

"But... she's not a noble..." Nagi was hesitant. 

"Who cares?" Himari took his hand and made him stand up. "It's not like nobles like you and commoners like me can't be friends, right?"

"Yes... b-but" 

"Ok, it's decided. Let's go, it's getting late. Thanks for having us principal!" Himari got up and went for the exit. Nagi was about to do the same, when the principal stopped him.

"Mr Nakamura. Please, accept her. She might save your life more than one time, and having friends is always good, isn't it?" The principal told him.

"Fine" Nagi finally said, before reaching her new friend at the exit.

Once he reached her, they started walking silently to the dorms. At a good distance from the principals room, Himari asked.

"Ok, so what's a Mage of the end?"

Nagi was almost hit by a heart attack.

The truth is discoverd.

Kind of...

natsume_sancreators' thoughts