
The principal?

Nagi and Himari arrived pretty quickly at the principals office. As always, there was captain Ono guarding the door. Nagi was expecting a quick (and probably very embarrassing) send off, but as soon as the captain saw Himari he opened the door behind him and said

"The principal has been expecting you"

Himari went thought. Nagi was ready to wait out, maybe even go back to the dorms, but the captain invited him in too.

"Oh Nagi, come on in, I was planning on inviting you too, but It seems I don't need" Then, the principal pointed to the two chairs in front of his desk.

The principal's office was pretty big. The main attractions where a desk, a lot of paintings, another small table on the side, probably for more casual conversations, and a sofa on the other side.

Himari and Nagi both sat down. Nagi felt a little out of place, in the place. Unless something bad had happened, it was rare to see a not even a first year (the opening ceremony, where they would be declared official first years, was the day after) in the principal office.

Strangely, Himari seemed right at home, there. I mean, from what Nagi had observed, she was pretty careless, yet that sensation he felt was extreme.

"Anyway, the reason I called you here, is because I wanted to greet you personally, Mage of the End"

Who is Himari? What is her secret?

I dunno, you gotta read to find out!

natsume_sancreators' thoughts