
Deity of Destruction

Reinhard Nava, the Golden Beast, also son of the Creator God Veldanava will now live his life with the quest of spreading love to everything. The mc is ultra op, he can stomp anyone in this verse. He can easily destroy peak Rimuru, even the one one in ending of WN. This is also a wishfulfillment fic but I assure you that there are some epic scenes. If you enjoy my stories then please give some support by tip or donation here~ https://ko-fi.com/asthoglho

Asthoglho · Anime & Comics
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58 Chs

Yuuki ???? Kagurazaka.



Approximately 2000 years had passed since Reinhard had vanished into other realms, his departure leaving a void that echoed through the annals of history. The world had moved on, though the shadow of his legacy lingered. The demon lords, led by Guy Crimson, had taken great pains to erase any proof of Reinhard's existence. Every trace, every whisper of his name was meticulously removed from the records, a task carried out with great difficulty and no small amount of reluctance from Milim, Reinhard's sister. Her attachment to her brother made it a painful endeavor, but ultimately, she bowed to the consensus, understanding the necessity of their actions.

Despite the erasure of his legacy, the world experienced relative calm. The most significant events in the millennia that followed were three more Great Tenma Wars, conflicts of tremendous scale and devastation, but none that matched the terror and chaos of the time when Reinhard had been present. These wars reshaped the political and magical landscapes, but they were mere tremors compared to the quake of Reinhard's influence.

Every 137 years, a new phenomenon began to occur: the appearance of a swastika symbol carved into huge stones. These stones emerged in various locations, always shrouded in an aura of foreboding. The symbol itself was not inherently evil, but its appearance brought an unsettling sense of dread. Scholars, mages, and sages from all corners of the world puzzled over its meaning, yet no consensus was reached. The ancient words etched beneath the symbol remained a mystery to most, their significance lost to all but the oldest and wisest of creatures.

It was only after 1,100 years had passed since Reinhard's disappearance that these carvings began to carry a more tangible warning. The stones bore a prophecy written in ancient script:

"The most evil man in the world.

Over 900 years, he shall recover his heartbeat.

Over 90 years, he shall recover his intellect.

Over nine years, he shall recover his memories.

Over nine days, he shall recover his power.

Over nine minutes, he shall destroy the world."

The words sent a chill through all who read them. The prophecy was too ominous, and its implications too grave to ignore. Panic and fear spread across the lands, and efforts to decipher and destroy the stones intensified. However, these attempts proved futile. The stones were impervious to all forms of attack, whether magical or physical. The aura of danger they emitted only grew stronger with each passing year, adding to the general unease.

The prophecy suggested a timeline, a countdown that would lead to catastrophe. The idea that Reinhard could be the subject of this prophecy was a notion that struck terror into the hearts of the populace. For many, the mere suggestion that the man who had once threatened to destroy the world could return was enough to drive them to desperate measures.

Despite their fear, life continued. The world adapted, and though the presence of the swastika stones cast a long shadow, the people learned to live with the uncertainty. The appearance of the stones and the prophecy became a part of the collective consciousness, a grim reminder of a potential doom that loomed ever closer.

The ruling powers of the world, the demon lords, True Dragons, and other ancient beings, took the threat seriously. They conducted secret councils, pooling their vast knowledge and resources in an attempt to uncover a way to avert the predicted disaster. Yet, even their combined might and wisdom seemed inadequate in the face of the inscrutable stones.

Throughout these centuries, Milim often found herself standing before the stones, her heart heavy with conflicting emotions. Her brother's potential return was a source of both hope and dread. She remembered the Reinhard she loved, not the harbinger of destruction the world feared. The prophecy's timeline haunted her, each stage of his supposed recovery marking another step toward an uncertain future.

The world, while outwardly stable, was a place of underlying tension. The swastika stones and their prophecy loomed like a dark cloud, casting a pall over even the brightest of days. People whispered of the impending doom, their conversations filled with apprehension and speculation.

As the years turned into centuries, the prophecy's words became a grim mantra, a reminder of the ticking clock that counted down to an uncertain end. The world watched, waited, and prepared as best as it could, knowing that the day of reckoning might come at any moment.

The stones stood as silent sentinels, their ominous presence a testament to a fate that seemed inevitable. The prophecy, with its precise timeline, left no room for doubt or complacency. Each stage of Reinhard's supposed resurrection was met with heightened vigilance and dread.

The world, despite its fears, continued to turn. But the shadow of Reinhard's potential return hung over everything, a reminder that the past was never truly gone, and the future held uncertainties that could reshape everything they knew.

In the dimly lit meeting hall, four demon lords were seated around an imposing stone table. Milim Nava, known as Milim the Destroyer, lounged casually in her chair, her expression a mixture of boredom and curiosity. Beside her were three newer members of the council: Frey the Queen of Harpies, Carrion the BeastMaster, and Clayman the Marionette Master.

Clayman, with a sly smile playing on his lips, leaned forward. "I have some news that might interest you all. A slime has defeated the Orc Lord."

Frey raised an eyebrow, clearly unimpressed. "A slime? Defeating the Orc Lord? That's hardly believable."

Carrion chuckled, his eyes reflecting amusement. "A slime? Really, Clayman? This must be some sort of joke."

Clayman shook his head, his expression serious. "No joke. The reports are true. The Orc Lord was powerful, but this slime somehow managed to defeat him. It's something we should keep an eye on."

Milim, who had been silent until now, perked up. "A slime, huh? That sounds interesting. It's been a while since I've had a proper fight. Maybe I'll go check it out."

Frey sighed, her wings rustling with annoyance. "Milim, don't waste your time on such trivial matters. A slime isn't worth our attention."

Carrion nodded in agreement. "Frey's right. We've got more important things to worry about. Let the slime be. It's probably just a fluke."

Clayman, who has a clever smirk, shrugged. "If Milim wants to go, let her. Who knows, she might find it entertaining."

Milim grinned, her excitement growing. "I'm going. I don't care if it's a waste of time. It sounds like fun."

Frey rolled her eyes. "Do whatever you want, Milim. Just don't expect us to take it seriously."

Carrion smirked. "Yeah, go ahead and have your fun. Just don't cause too much trouble."

Clayman, masking his hope that Milim might destroy the slime, added, "Yes, enjoy yourself, Milim. We'll be here handling the real issues."

Milim stood up, stretching her arms. "Don't worry, I won't be long. I just want to see what this slime is all about."

Without waiting for a response, she turned and strode towards the exit. The other demon lords watched her go, their expressions ranging from indifference to mild amusement.

Outside, Milim took a deep breath, feeling the thrill of anticipation. She glanced at the horizon, imagining the encounter that awaited her. With a powerful leap, she launched herself into the sky, her form a blur of energy as she sped towards the town where the slime resided.

As she soared through the air, Milim's thoughts raced. She wondered what kind of creature this slime could be, and whether it would provide the challenge she craved. The prospect of a new and interesting fight filled her with exhilaration.

Back in the meeting hall, the remaining demon lords resumed their discussions, their focus shifting to other matters. They had dismissed the slime as a minor curiosity, unaware of the significance this encounter might hold. Only Clayman harbored a lingering interest, his mind already plotting potential schemes.

Milim's journey to the town of the slime had begun, driven by whim and a thirst for excitement. The world around her seemed to blur as she moved with incredible speed, her destination growing ever closer. She was ready for whatever awaited her, eager to test her strength against this mysterious opponent.




In another world, far removed from the intrigues of the demon lords, a humble slime began his day with a sense of satisfaction and peace. Rimuru Tempest, once an ordinary human from Earth, now found himself at the center of a growing community in this fantastical realm. He often reflected on how far he had come since his rebirth.

"I died from being stabbed a hundred times by some thugs in the streets," Rimuru mused to himself, a wry smile forming on his gelatinous face. "Who would have thought that such a tragic end would lead to a new beginning in this strange yet wonderful world?"

His mind wandered back to his first moments here, when he had encountered the Storm Dragon Veldora. The dragon, having just awoken from a long slumber, was intrigued by the sight of a talking slime. Their initial meeting had been tense, but they quickly formed an unlikely friendship. Veldora, bored after his centuries-long nap, found the little slime's company entertaining and agreed to a pact of camaraderie.

"Veldora, my first friend here," Rimuru thought fondly. "I couldn't have built this place without him."

With Veldora's vast knowledge and power, Rimuru had managed to navigate the many challenges that arose in this new world. His journey began with the salvation of a goblin settlement, which had been on the brink of destruction. Rimuru provided them with the strength and leadership they needed to survive and thrive, naming and evolving them in the process. From there, his influence expanded as he encountered and aided various races and individuals.

His most significant acquisition of allies came when he encountered the Ogres, a proud and noble race. After a fierce battle, they recognized Rimuru's strength and chose to follow him. With his powers, he transformed them into Kijins, even more powerful beings, enhancing their abilities and solidifying their loyalty.

Recently, Rimuru had faced the Orc Lord, a formidable adversary who threatened the entire Great Forest of Jura. The Orc Lord's ambition and gluttony posed a dire threat to all who lived within the forest. As the self-proclaimed protector of this land, Rimuru couldn't allow such devastation. The battle was intense, but with his strategic acumen and the strength of his allies, Rimuru emerged victorious, securing peace for the forest once more.

"Today seemed to be a great day," Rimuru thought as he floated around his bustling town, observing the harmony and progress of his people. The goblins, now goblinas, were hard at work, constructing new buildings and tending to their crops. The Kijins were training, honing their skills for future battles. Everything seemed perfect.

But then, Rimuru felt a shift. His senses, honed through countless battles and experiences, detected a massive presence rapidly approaching the town. It was unlike anything he had felt before, a powerful aura that sent chills through his core.

"What's this?" Rimuru muttered, his form tensing with sudden alarm. "This presence... it's huge! And it's coming straight for us!"

Without wasting a moment, Rimuru darted towards a nearby hill, the highest point from which he could see the approaching figure. His mind raced, considering all the possible scenarios. Was it a friend? A foe? Another challenger seeking to disrupt the peace he had worked so hard to establish?

As he reached the hilltop, the wind blew through the trees, creating a haunting melody. Rimuru's keen eyes scanned the horizon, searching for the source of the powerful aura. His heart pounded with a mix of excitement and apprehension. This visitor, whoever it was, would bring a significant change to his world.

"Guess I'll find out soon enough," Rimuru thought, steeling himself for the encounter. "Whatever happens, I'll face it head-on. This is my home now, and I'll protect it with everything I've got."

The minutes felt like hours as Rimuru waited, the anticipation building with each passing second. His mind was a whirlwind of thoughts and strategies, but he remained calm and focused. He knew that whatever was coming, he had to be ready.

And so, the humble slime stood atop the hill, a determined glint in his eyes. The horizon began to shimmer as the powerful presence drew nearer. Rimuru braced himself, ready to meet this mysterious guest who was about to change his life once again.

The wind howled across the hilltop where Rimuru stood, the approaching presence growing stronger with every passing second. Suddenly, the sky above him split open with a deafening explosion, sending shockwaves through the air. Rimuru braced himself as dust and debris flew around him, obscuring his vision.

When the dust settled, Rimuru saw a figure descending from the sky, her aura radiating immense power. As she landed with a thunderous crash, the ground beneath her feet cracked and shattered. There stood Milim Nava, the Destroyer, her pink hair and piercing eyes exuding an air of playful menace.

"Hey there!" Milim greeted, her voice surprisingly cheerful despite her dramatic entrance. "I'm Milim Nava, the only dragonoid and called Destroyer! Who are you?"

Rimuru blinked, taken aback by her sudden appearance and casual tone. "I'm Rimuru Tempest. Nice to meet you.."

Milim's eyes narrowed as she scrutinized Rimuru. "A slime, huh? Interesting." Her curiosity piqued, she activated her birth skill, Milim's Eye, to gauge Rimuru's strength. As her gaze focused on Rimuru's core, she suddenly took a step back, her expression shifting from curiosity to shock.

"What... what is this?" Milim muttered to herself, her eyes wide. "Why does this slime feel so familiar? It's like... I am in the presence of 'him'...."

Rimuru, noticing her reaction, tilted his head in concern. "Oi, are you okay? You seem a bit... surprised."

Milim shook her head, trying to dispel the unsettling feeling. "I'm fine. Just... surprised, that's all." She quickly pushed those thoughts aside, focusing instead on the other presence she sensed. Her eyes lit up with recognition. "Wait a minute... I sense Uncle Veldora nearby!"

Rimuru's eyes widened in surprise. "Uncle Veldora? You know Veldora?"

Milim grinned, her previous shock forgotten. "Of course, I do! Veldora's my uncle! So, you're the one who's been keeping him company, huh? That's interesting."

Rimuru chuckled, relieved to see her mood lighten. "Yeah, Veldora and I have been friends since I got here. He's been a great help."

Milim's eyes sparkled with curiosity and excitement. "You know, Rimuru, I think I like you. You seem fun! But I have a condition."

Rimuru tensed slightly, ready for anything. "What's that?"

Milim's playful grin turned slightly mischievous. "You have to guide me around your town. Show me everything, or else I might get bored and, you know... destroy it."

Rimuru swallowed hard, knowing she wasn't entirely joking. "Sure, Milim. I'd be happy to show you around. No need for any destruction."

Milim clapped her hands together, her smile widening. "Great! Let's get going then!"

As they started down the hill, Rimuru couldn't shake the feeling that this encounter was the beginning of something significant. Milim's reaction to him had been unexpected, and her connection to Veldora added another layer of complexity. He glanced at Milim, who was already looking around with eager interest.

"So, Milim," Rimuru began, trying to make conversation as they walked, "what brings you here in the first place?"

Milim shrugged, her eyes still scanning their surroundings. "I heard about a slime that defeated the Orc Lord. Thought it sounded fun, so I decided to come and see for myself. And now, I'm even more curious!"

Rimuru smiled, feeling a mix of relief and excitement. "Well, I'm glad you came. I think you'll find our town pretty interesting."




Milim's excitement was palpable as she and Rimuru continued their tour of the town. Everywhere she looked, there were new sights, sounds, and smells that captivated her attention. She marveled at the bustling market, the diverse inhabitants, and the warmth of the community. Rimuru watched with amusement as she interacted with the townspeople, her exuberance infectious.

At one point, they came across a stand selling fries. The aroma of freshly fried potatoes filled the air, making Milim pause. She stared at the stand, her expression shifting from joy to a distant, nostalgic look.

"Milim, are you okay?" Rimuru asked, noticing the change in her demeanor.

Milim blinked, snapping out of her reverie. She forced a smile and nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine. It's just... these fries reminded me of my brother. He used to cook for me sometimes, and it was always fun."

Rimuru sensed the depth of her feelings and decided it was best to change the topic. "Well, how about we grab some of those fries and keep exploring? There's still a lot to see!"

Milim's eyes lit up again, and she eagerly agreed. They continued their tour, sampling various foods from the stalls. Milim couldn't contain her delight, trying everything from sweet pastries to savory meats. By the end of the day, she was thoroughly stuffed, her earlier sadness forgotten in the flurry of new experiences.

As night fell, Rimuru led Milim to a grand building where Veldora was staying. The dragon had been lounging inside, enjoying the comforts Rimuru's town had to offer. When they entered the room, Veldora looked up, his eyes gleaming with recognition.

"Milim! It's been ages!" Veldora boomed, his voice echoing through the room.

Milim's face lit up with a genuine smile as she ran to embrace Veldora. "Uncle Veldora! I've missed you!"

Rimuru watched the interaction with a mixture of curiosity and disbelief. Seeing the two of them together, he had to admit there was a familial bond between them, no matter how odd it seemed.

Veldora grinned at Rimuru. "Curious about Milim? Well, she is only the second child of my brother!" he said, his tone filled with a mix of nostalgia and amusement.

Rimuru's eyes widened. "Second child? But I thought the creator only had one child..." That was what the monsters in his town mentioned to him.

Veldora smirked but said nothing further, and Milim looked away, avoiding Rimuru's questioning gaze. The silence was thick with unspoken history, but neither Milim nor Veldora seemed willing to break it.

Sensing the conversation was heading into deeper territory, Rimuru decided to steer it back to lighter topics. "So, Milim, what's your favorite thing about our town so far?"

Milim perked up, a bright smile spreading across her face. "The food! Definitely the food. There's so much variety, and everything is so tasty!"

Rimuru laughed. "I'm glad you enjoyed it. We'll have to make sure you get to try even more next time."

As the evening wore on, the three of them continued to chat and share stories. Milim's energy was infectious, and even Veldora seemed more animated than usual.

Eventually, the night grew late, and Milim started to yawn. "I think it's time for me to get some sleep," she said, stretching her arms. "Today's been amazing, but I'm exhausted."

Rimuru nodded. "I'll show you to your room. We've prepared a nice place for you to stay."

Milim stood up and gave Veldora another hug. "Goodnight, Uncle Veldora. It's so good to see you again."

"Goodnight, Milim. Rest well," Veldora replied, his tone gentle.

Rimuru led Milim to her room, which was cozy and well-furnished. She looked around with a satisfied smile. "This is perfect. Thank you, Rimuru."

"No problem, Milim. I'm glad you're here," Rimuru said, giving her a nod. "Sleep well, and we'll continue our adventures tomorrow."

Milim plopped down onto the bed, already looking forward to the next day. As Rimuru closed the door behind him, he couldn't help but feel grateful for this unexpected ally. Milim's presence brought a new dynamic to their town, and he was curious to see how things would unfold from here.

As Rimuru left Milim's room and headed back to his own quarters, Milim remained still for a moment before standing up. She glanced to the side where Veldora was already waiting. The two of them shared a mutual understanding, their playful demeanors giving way to a more serious air.

Veldora folded his arms and gave Milim a knowing look. "So, why are you really here, Milim?" he asked, his voice low and serious.

Milim sighed and sat back down on the bed. "I was curious about the slime who defeated the Orc Lord. It seemed strange that such a creature could accomplish that."

Veldora nodded thoughtfully. "And now that you've met Rimuru, has your impression changed?"

Milim fell silent, her gaze fixed on the floor. Her silence was enough of an answer for Veldora, who sighed heavily.

"It's him, isn't it?" Veldora asked, though it was more a statement than a question.

Milim looked up, her eyes filled with a mix of confusion and worry. "His soul... it shines the same as brother's. And his skill has some similarities, it feels like a mere offshoot from the original Ultimate Skill of my brother"

The room seemed to grow colder as the weight of their words settled between them. Veldora's expression was grim, and Milim's normally cheerful demeanor was overshadowed by concern.

"Do you think we should report this to Guy?" Milim asked, her voice barely above a whisper. "The prophecy... it's still eating at me. If my brother really does return..."

Veldora nodded slowly. "We need to be cautious. Reinhard's Gladsheimr disappeared when he vanished, so there's no telling when or if he will reappear. We can't ignore the possibility."

The atmosphere between them was heavy and serious, a stark contrast to the playful interactions they had with Rimuru earlier. The gnawing concern for the prophecy of Reinhard hung over them like a dark cloud, casting a shadow on their thoughts.

"We need to keep a close eye on Rimuru," Veldora said finally. "If there's any chance he's connected to Reinhard, we need to be prepared."

Milim nodded in agreement. "I'll stay close and monitor him. If anything changes, we'll need to act quickly."

The two of them sat in silence for a moment, the weight of their shared responsibility pressing down on them. They knew that the world could change in an instant, and they needed to be ready for whatever came next.

"Be careful, Milim," Veldora said, his tone softening slightly. "We can't afford to make any mistakes."

"I will, Uncle" Milim replied, her voice firm with resolve. "We'll figure this out together."

With that, Veldora left the room, leaving Milim alone with her thoughts. She stared out the window, her mind racing with the implications of their conversation. The gnawing concern for Reinhard's prophecy continued to eat at her, but she knew she couldn't let it cloud her judgment.

As the night wore on, Milim made a silent vow to protect Rimuru and the town, no matter what the cost. She would keep a close eye on him, ready to act if the situation called for it. The future was uncertain, but she was determined to face it head-on, with her friends and allies by her side.

In his own room, Rimuru lay in bed, oblivious to the weighty conversation that had just taken place. He wondered about the strange reactions of both Milim and Veldora, but for now, he pushed those thoughts aside. He had more immediate concerns to deal with, and he needed to be ready for whatever challenges lay ahead.

The night deepened, and the town of Rimuru slept peacefully, unaware of the heavy burden that weighed on the minds of two of its most powerful residents. The future was uncertain, but one thing was clear: they would face it together, no matter what came their way.





In the grand halls of the Eastern Empire's palace, the atmosphere was tense. The opulent chamber, adorned with banners and symbols of power, was filled with a heavy silence. The Number One among the ranks, Tatsuya Kondo, stood at attention, his demeanor cold and calculating. Before him sat Emperor Rudra, a figure of immense authority, and Marshal Velgrynd, whose presence was known to only a select few within the ranks.

Tatsuya bowed deeply, his eyes unwavering as he began his report. "Your Majesty, Marshal, there have been no major occurrences in the west. The most notable event is the recent defeat of an Orc Lord, but it holds no significant importance for us."

Velgrynd's eyes narrowed, a flicker of annoyance crossing her face. "Why do you waste our time with such trivial matters, Tatsuya?" she snapped, her tone sharp.

Tatsuya remained composed, his expression unchanged. "I apologize, Marshal. I included the information for completeness, but I understand it is of little consequence."

His loyalty to the Emperor was absolute, and this unwavering dedication was reflected in his every action and word. He was a man of few emotions, his calculated nature ensuring that he always served the best interests of the Empire.

Emperor Rudra observed the exchange with a thoughtful expression. "Continue, Tatsuya. Is there anything else of note?"

Tatsuya's eyes flickered with a hint of recollection. "Indeed, Your Majesty. There is a matter concerning a new recruit within the Numbers. A black-haired individual who has recently risen to prominence, securing the rank of Number Ten."

This piqued the interest of both Rudra and Velgrynd. The Emperor leaned forward slightly, his gaze intent. "Tell me more about this recruit."

Tatsuya nodded. "He is formidable, displaying exceptional skill and potential. In my opinion, he is worthy of our attention and nurture. His capabilities could be a valuable asset to the Empire."

The chamber fell silent as Tatsuya's words hung in the air. The Emperor and the Marshal exchanged a glance, the weight of the report settling in.

"A rising star, you say?" Rudra mused, his fingers tapping lightly on the armrest of his throne. "We shall see how he develops. Keep a close watch on him, Tatsuya. His progress will be of great interest to us."

Tatsuya bowed again, acknowledging the command. "As you wish, Your Majesty. I will ensure he is monitored closely."

Velgrynd's expression softened slightly, the initial annoyance giving way to a more contemplative look. "This recruit... does he have a name?"

Tatsuya's eyes met hers briefly before returning to the Emperor. "He goes by the name of Yuuki Nava Kagurazaka, Marshal. His potential is undeniable."

With the report concluded, Tatsuya stood silently, awaiting further instructions. The Emperor and the Marshal exchanged a stunned glance at each other before dismissing him.

As Tatsuya turned to leave, his mind was already calculating the next steps. The Empire's strength lay in its ability to adapt and evolve, and nurturing promising talents like Yuuki was a crucial part of that strategy. The cold, calculating look in his eyes never wavered, his loyalty to the Emperor driving his every action.

Outside the chamber, the vast expanse of the Eastern Empire stretched out before him. The future was uncertain, but Tatsuya was unwavering in his resolve. The Empire's dominance must be maintained at all costs, and he would ensure that every move he made would contribute to that goal.

As he walked away, the heavy doors of the chamber closed behind him, sealing in the weighty discussions and decisions that shaped the fate of the Empire. The Eastern Empire was a realm of power and ambition, and Tatsuya Kondo was one of its most loyal and formidable warriors, dedicated to ensuring its continued supremacy.



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