
Deity of Destruction

Reinhard Nava, the Golden Beast, also son of the Creator God Veldanava will now live his life with the quest of spreading love to everything. The mc is ultra op, he can stomp anyone in this verse. He can easily destroy peak Rimuru, even the one one in ending of WN. This is also a wishfulfillment fic but I assure you that there are some epic scenes. If you enjoy my stories then please give some support by tip or donation here~ https://ko-fi.com/asthoglho

Asthoglho · Anime & Comics
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58 Chs

Alliance of Evil.



In the dimly lit bedroom of Emperor Rudra, the atmosphere was tense. The rich, heavy curtains muted the outside light, creating an intimate setting for the serious conversation between Rudra and Velgrynd. They sat facing each other, the Emperor's eyes reflecting a calm yet intense focus, while Velgrynd's expression was tinged with unease.

Velgrynd's voice broke the silence, carrying a mix of curiosity and apprehension. "Rudra, about Tatsuya's report... the name of the new recruit, Yuuki Nava, it struck a chord. Nava is a name that should only be known to those of direct lineage to my brother. As far as we know, only two have ever borne that name—Reinhard and Milim, the children of the Creator."

Rudra's eyes narrowed thoughtfully. "Indeed. It is a name of great significance. If someone is using it now, it must be investigated. But let us think this through carefully."

Velgrynd nodded, her mind racing. "Milim is under constant surveillance. We know her every move, and there have been no indications of her bearing a child. That leaves only one possible connection: Reinhard."

A heavy silence fell over the room as they considered the implications. The very mention of Reinhard's name brought with it a sense of foreboding. He was a figure of unparalleled power and mystery, and his return would have profound consequences.

Velgrynd's voice was barely above a whisper. "Could it be that this Yuuki Nava is connected to Reinhard? The thought alone is unsettling. What should we do, Rudra?"

The Emperor, who was not truly Rudra but the Ultimate Skill, Justice Lord Michael, gazed at her with a calm that belied the storm of thoughts within. Michael had long harbored a longing for its master, Veldanava, and the potential return of his lineage was a matter of deep personal interest.

"We must proceed with caution," Michael said, his voice steady. "This information is sensitive and must be kept secret. We cannot afford to act rashly. We need to verify the connection ourselves before taking any steps."

Velgrynd's eyes showed a flicker of confusion, quickly replaced by determination. She trusted Rudra implicitly, not realizing that the man she loved had passed away decades ago, and it was Michael who now guided her actions, subtly ensuring her loyalty.

"You're right," she agreed. "We cannot let this information spread until we know more. But if there is a connection to Reinhard, it could mean he is indeed planning to return. His Gladsheimr vanished when he did, and its reappearance would be a significant event."

Michael nodded. "Exactly. Reinhard's potential return is a matter of great concern. We must be vigilant and gather more information about this recruit. Only then can we decide on the appropriate course of action."

Velgrynd leaned back, the weight of their discussion settling heavily on her shoulders. "We'll keep a close watch on Yuuki Nava and see if he reveals anything that might confirm our suspicions. Until then, we remain silent."

Michael gave a reassuring nod. "Agreed. We will handle this discreetly. For now, let us maintain our focus on our current objectives and ensure that no one else learns of this potential threat."

As they concluded their conversation, the room fell silent once more, but the air was charged with unspoken tension. Michael's thoughts were consumed by the possibilities, his desire to reunite with his master driving his every move. Velgrynd, unaware of the true nature of the being before her, felt a growing sense of urgency and responsibility.

Velgrynd left the room, her footsteps echoing down the corridor as she went to attend to military matters. The heavy door closed behind her, leaving Michael alone in the dimly lit chamber. The silence was thick, almost palpable, as he pondered the implications of the report.

Michael's thoughts drifted back to Reinhard, a figure shrouded in both awe and fear. Reinhard, the son of Veldanava, the man who had slain his own father—the Creator. Michael had witnessed firsthand the incredible power and terrifying resolve of Reinhard. He knew that if there was anyone who held the key to resurrecting Veldanava, it would be Reinhard.

"Reinhard," Michael mused aloud, the name lingering in the air like a dark omen. "A man of unparalleled strength and determination. If the prophecy is true, if he is destined to return and regain his full power, then I must be prepared."

The prophecy was chilling: over 900 years, he shall recover his heartbeat; over 90 years, he shall recover his intellect; over nine years, he shall recover his memories; over nine days, he shall recover his power; and over nine minutes, he shall destroy the world. Michael knew he could not allow that last part to come to pass, but the potential for Reinhard to revive Veldanava was too significant to ignore.

Michael's loyalty to Veldanava was absolute. His every action was driven by the desire to see his master revived. If aligning with Reinhard was the only way to achieve that goal, then so be it. But Michael was also cautious. Reinhard's return could mean unprecedented upheaval, and he had to ensure that he could control the situation to his advantage.

He recalled the countless battles and the profound impact Reinhard had on the world. The mere mention of his name could inspire fear and reverence in equal measure. Michael needed to assess the true nature of this new recruit, Yuuki Nava, and determine if he indeed had a connection to Reinhard. The possibility that Reinhard's essence lived on in this recruit was too crucial to overlook.

Michael's eyes narrowed as he formulated a plan. He needed to see this Yuuki Nava up close, to gauge his power and potential. The Emperor's audience would be the perfect opportunity to test the waters.

Reaching out to a nearby communication device, Michael summoned Tatsuya Kondo. The loyal officer appeared swiftly, his demeanor as cold and calculating as ever.

"Your Majesty," Tatsuya said with a respectful bow.

Michael, maintaining the guise of Emperor Rudra, addressed him. "Tatsuya, I have a task for you. Summon the new recruit. Inform him that the Emperor grants him an audience."

Tatsuya's expression remained stoic, but there was a flicker of curiosity in his eyes. "As you command, Your Majesty. I will bring him immediately."

As Tatsuya left to carry out the order, Michael settled back into his thoughts. This audience would reveal much about Yuuki Nava. Was he merely a talented warrior, or was there something more, a spark of the legendary power that once belonged to Reinhard?

The room was quiet once more, but Michael's mind was a storm of calculations and possibilities. He could not afford to underestimate this recruit. If Yuuki truly held a connection to Reinhard, it could change everything.

Tatsuya Kondo returned to the chamber with a figure beside him—a young man with striking black hair, a composed demeanor, and a presence that seemed to warp the very air around him. Yuuki Nava Kagurazaka stepped forward, his eyes scanning the room with a mix of curiosity and calculation. His amiable smile did little to mask the sinister aura that clung to him like a shadow.

Michael, still in the guise of Emperor Rudra, observed the young man intently. The twisted nature of Yuuki's core was almost palpable, a dark and familiar resonance that stirred something deep within Michael's memories. There was an undeniable connection to something ancient, something powerful. Despite his pleasant exterior, Yuuki exuded an evil aura so potent that it made Michael's skin crawl.

"Your Majesty," Tatsuya said, breaking the silence as he bowed, "I present Yuuki Nava Kagurazaka."

Michael's eyes narrowed slightly as he regarded Yuuki. The young man's twisted core and the familiarity it held were unsettling. He could see through the facade, recognizing the dark potential that lay beneath the surface. Yuuki's smile was calm and composed, yet there was a flicker of something dangerous behind those eyes.

"Yuuki Nava Kagurazaka," Michael began, his voice steady but carrying an undercurrent of scrutiny, "you have been making quite an impression. I have but one question for you."

Yuuki's smile remained in place, though his eyes sharpened with interest. "Of course, Your Majesty. I am at your service."

Michael leaned forward slightly, his gaze piercing. "Tell me, are you aware of an existence named Reinhard?"

For the briefest moment, Yuuki's composed facade cracked. His body flinched involuntarily, a reaction so swift that most would have missed it. But not Michael. He saw it, and he knew. The name Reinhard had elicited a response that Yuuki could not completely suppress.

Yuuki quickly regained his composure, but the damage was done. His flinch, though minuscule, was a significant tell. It was the first time Yuuki had ever lost control of himself in such a manner, and it spoke volumes to Michael.

The chamber fell silent, the tension thick in the air. Michael's eyes never left Yuuki's, a knowing smile curling his lips. He extended his hand towards the young man, a gesture both inviting and commanding.

"Yuuki Nava Kagurazaka," Michael said, his voice filled with a dark promise, "I see potential in you. Are you interested in joining me?"

Yuuki's eyes widened slightly, the offer taking him by surprise. He stared at Michael's outstretched hand, the weight of the moment pressing down on him. The dark aura that surrounded him seemed to pulse, reacting to the gravity of the decision before him.

The silence stretched, each second feeling like an eternity. Yuuki's mind raced, thoughts colliding as he considered the implications. This was not just an invitation; it was a test, a challenge, and perhaps, an opportunity.

Finally, Yuuki's smile returned, but this time it was tinged with a hint of something more—ambition, perhaps, or a recognition of shared purpose. He reached out and grasped Michael's hand firmly, his eyes meeting those of the Emperor with a newfound resolve.

"I am honored, Your Majesty," Yuuki said, his voice steady and resolute. "I will not disappoint you."

Michael's smile widened, a sense of satisfaction settling over him. This young man, with his twisted core and dark potential, was indeed connected to Reinhard. How deep that connection ran remained to be seen, but for now, Michael had found a valuable ally.




In the sprawling icy expanse of the Northern Continent, a secluded castle stood in stark contrast to the desolate landscape. Inside, the atmosphere was warm and inviting, with the scent of tea wafting through the air. Seated around an elegantly set table were Guy Crimson, the Demon Lord, his two primordial maids, and the Ice Dragon, Velzard. It had been 997 years since the ominous prophecy revealed itself, and the weight of its words hung heavily in the air.

Guy Crimson, with his trademark crimson hair and sharp eyes, sipped his tea thoughtfully. Despite his outwardly calm demeanor, there was a restlessness about him. The prophecy foretold the return of Reinhard, and each passing year brought them closer to that fateful day. Guy's eyes narrowed as he pondered the prophecy once more, his mind racing with unanswered questions and scenarios.

"Three years left," Guy muttered, his gaze distant. "Reinhard should have regained his memories by now, but there hasn't been any sign of him."

Velzard, the majestic Ice Dragon, sat across from Guy, her serene presence a stark contrast to his anxious energy. She set her teacup down and gave him a reassuring smile. "Guy, you worry too much. We've prepared for this. If Reinhard truly returns, we will face him together. Nothing bad will happen."

Guy sighed, leaning back in his chair. Velzard's calm confidence was comforting, but it didn't entirely quell his concerns. "I know, Velzard. But the uncertainty is what bothers me. Where could he be? Why haven't we seen any sign of him yet?"

Velzard chuckled softly, her icy blue eyes twinkling with amusement. "You always overthink things, Guy. Remember, we've taken every precaution. Reinhard won't catch us off guard this time."

Guy nodded, a slight smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. Velzard was right. They had created various contingencies to counter Reinhard's return. Precautions against Feldway and Zelanus had also been established. Unlike their devastating defeat two millennia ago, Guy was confident in their preparations.

"I suppose you're right," Guy conceded, setting his cup down. "We've done everything we can. Now we just have to wait and see what happens."

The conversation shifted to the current state of the demon lords. Guy's expression turned contemplative as he considered their strength and potential. "The new generation of demon lords is... lacking. Most of them are fodder compared to the first and second generations."

Velzard raised an eyebrow. "Except for Leon, right?"

Guy nodded, a hint of admiration in his eyes. "Yes, Leon has potential. He might be a fourth-generation demon lord, but he's shown remarkable growth. Still, the rest are weak. They have no idea who Reinhard is or what he's capable of. If a battle starts, I wonder how useful they'll be."

Guy's primordial maids, standing silently behind him, exchanged glances but remained quiet. Their loyalty to Guy was unwavering, and they understood the gravity of his concerns.

Velzard reached out and placed a hand on Guy's arm, her touch cool and reassuring. "We'll manage, Guy. When the time comes, we'll face Reinhard together. I will really punish that nephew of mine."

Guy smiled, a genuine warmth in his expression. "You're right, Velzard. Hell, I won't accept a defeat this time"

The heavy atmosphere lifted slightly, replaced by a sense of camaraderie and determination. The prophecy still loomed over them, but they were ready. They had faced insurmountable odds before, and they would do it again if necessary.

As they continued their tea, Guy's thoughts drifted to the past. The battles they had fought, the victories and losses, and the allies they had made along the way. Despite the uncertainty of the future, one thing was clear—when the time came, they would stand together against whatever challenges lay ahead.

The conversation gradually shifted to lighter topics, the tension easing as they enjoyed their time together. For now, they could afford a moment of peace, knowing that they had done everything possible to prepare for the prophecy's fulfillment.





A few months had passed since Rimuru and Milim had become friends. Rimuru couldn't quite put his finger on it, but Milim seemed to treat him more like a family member than just a friend. Not that he minded—having a catastrophe-level ally like Milim was certainly better than having her as an enemy.

Today, however, Rimuru was stumped by a different problem. He had taken on the role of a teacher in the Engracia Kingdom, a twist of fate he hadn't entirely planned for, but one he had come to accept. He deeply empathized with his young students and wanted to find a way to prolong their lives, which were threatened by their unique abilities. He sat in his office, a small communication orb glowing softly on his desk as he waited for Veldora to answer.

Finally, the orb flickered, and the image of the dragon's face appeared, lounging in his usual carefree manner.

"Veldora, I need your help," Rimuru said, his voice tinged with desperation. "I need to find a way to prolong the lives of my students. Any ideas?"

Veldora stretched lazily, yawning as if he had just woken up from a nap. "Prolonging lives, huh? Maybe they need to eat more nutritious food? Or, oh, how about some intense training? That always helps, right?"

Rimuru sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Veldora, I don't think pushing them through harsh training will help their lifespan."

Veldora tapped his chin thoughtfully. "What about some magical artifacts? Maybe there's a relic somewhere that can grant immortality."

Rimuru shook his head. "I've considered that, but it's too risky. I need something reliable."

The dragon's face lit up with another idea. "How about asking Milim? She's got a lot of strange knowledge tucked away in that childish head of hers."

Rimuru raised an eyebrow, skepticism clear on his face. "Milim? Really? What could she possibly know about something like this?"

Veldora grinned, clearly amused. "You'd be surprised. She's not just all brawn and destruction. Go on, give her a call. What's the worst that could happen?"

Sighing, Rimuru decided to take Veldora's advice. He activated another communication orb, and within moments, Milim's bright, cheerful face popped into view.

"Rimuru! What's up?" she exclaimed, her energy palpable even through the magical connection.

"Hey, Milim. I need your help with something. I'm trying to find a way to prolong the lives of my students. They're in danger because of their otherworlder body, and I'm at a loss for what to do."

Milim's expression shifted from cheerful to thoughtful as she pondered the problem. "Hmm, otherworlder, you say? That's a tough one. Let me think... Oh! I know exactly what you need! My friend in the labyrinth can help. She's been really bored lately, and this will be the perfect thing to get her out of her funk."

Rimuru blinked in surprise. "Labyrinth? Friend? What are you talking about?"

Milim laughed, the sound light and carefree. "Come on, Rimuru! Haven't you heard of Ramiris? She's the Queen of the Labyrinth. She can definitely help with something like this."

Rimuru scratched his head, still a bit skeptical. "Ramiris, huh? Alright, if you say so. When can we meet her?"

"Right now!" Milim exclaimed. "I'm coming to get you. And bring your students too. Ramiris loves guests!"

Rimuru smiled, despite his reservations. Milim's enthusiasm was infectious. "Alright, we'll be ready. See you soon, Milim."

The communication orb dimmed, and Rimuru stood up, stretching his arms. He called his students together, explaining the plan to them. They were a mix of nervous and excited, but they trusted Rimuru and followed his lead.

Soon, they were gathered at the entrance of the labyrinth, with Milim bouncing on her heels in excitement.

"Alright, everyone!" she said, her voice carrying over the group. "Let's go meet Ramiris!"

As they approached the labyrinth, Milim's excitement became palpable. She grinned at Rimuru and his students, her eyes twinkling with mischief.

"Watch this, Rimuru!" she said with a giggle, before launching herself at the massive stone doors that marked the labyrinth's entrance.

With a deafening crash, the doors shattered into pieces, dust and debris flying everywhere. Milim stood amidst the rubble, her hands on her hips and a triumphant look on her face. Rimuru sighed, shaking his head with a mixture of amusement and exasperation.

"Did you really have to destroy the entrance, Milim?" he asked, though he already knew the answer.

"Of course!" Milim replied cheerfully. "It's the quickest way in!"

Deep within the labyrinth, Ramiris was lounging around in Reinhard's room, absentmindedly flipping through a book. The sudden explosion jolted her upright, her eyes wide with alarm.

"What in the world…?" she muttered, quickly teleporting to the source of the commotion.

As soon as she materialized near the entrance, she spotted Milim standing proudly among the ruins. "MILIM!" she shouted, her voice a mix of frustration and resignation.

Milim burst out laughing, her laughter echoing through the labyrinth. "Hey, Ramiris! Long time no see!"

Ramiris floated over, her tiny fists clenched in irritation. "Do you have to break things every time you visit? This place is not your personal playground!"

Milim shrugged, still grinning. "Aw, come on. You know you missed me."

The banter between the two continued, with Ramiris listing all the times Milim had caused trouble in the past and Milim brushing off each complaint with a casual wave. Their exchange was lively and animated, with Ramiris growing increasingly exasperated while Milim remained unfazed.

"And another thing," Ramiris said, poking Milim in the chest with a tiny finger. "You never clean up after yourself! Last time, you left a giant crater in the training grounds!"

Milim laughed. "Yeah, that was fun, wasn't it?"

Ramiris huffed, crossing her arms. "Fun for you, maybe. I had to fix it!"

Their back-and-forth continued for a good while, with Rimuru and his students watching in a mix of amusement and bewilderment. Rimuru couldn't help but smile at the sight of the two powerful beings bickering like old friends.

Finally, Ramiris seemed to notice Rimuru and his students standing nearby. She floated over, her irritation giving way to curiosity. "And who are these?" she asked, her tone less hostile but still wary.

Before Rimuru could introduce himself, Ramiris's eyes widened, and she stared at Rimuru with a look of shock. "You… You're different," she murmured, her voice trembling slightly.

Rimuru tilted his head in confusion. "Different? What do you mean?"

Ramiris didn't answer immediately. She hovered closer, scrutinizing Rimuru with an intensity that made him uneasy. The silence stretched on, heavy and charged, as if she was trying to piece together a puzzle that eluded her grasp.

Milim, noticing Ramiris's reaction, stopped laughing and turned serious. "What's wrong, Ramiris? You look like you've seen a ghost."

Ramiris finally tore her gaze away from Rimuru and looked at Milim. "I don't know, Milim. But there's something about this slime… Something familiar and unsettling."

Rimuru felt a chill run down his spine. What could possibly be so familiar about him to cause such a reaction? He exchanged a glance with Milim, who seemed equally puzzled.

"Well, whatever it is," Milim said, trying to lighten the mood, "I brought him here because he needs your help, Ramiris. His students are in danger, and we're hoping you might have a solution."

Ramiris took a deep breath, regaining her composure. "Alright, let's discuss this further inside. Follow me."

As they followed Ramiris deeper into the labyrinth, Rimuru couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to his connection with these powerful beings than he understood. The reaction of Ramiris hinted at secrets he had yet to uncover.

The group followed Ramiris deeper into the labyrinth, where they entered a surprisingly cozy chamber. Despite the grandeur of the labyrinth, Ramiris's room was cluttered with an assortment of items: books piled haphazardly, strange artifacts scattered about, and an odd collection of fast food wrappers.

Ramiris floated over to a table laden with an assortment of fast food—burgers, fries, and sodas. She grabbed a burger and took a huge bite, munching noisily. Rimuru blinked in surprise.

"Ramiris," he said, "where did you get all this food? I didn't expect to see western fast food here."

Ramiris, still chewing, glanced at Rimuru. "Oh, this?" she said through a mouthful of burger. "Milim's brother gave me the recipe. Pretty neat, huh?"

Rimuru raised an eyebrow. "Milim's brother? I thought you said she only had one brother, and he's been gone for thousands of years."

Ramiris shrugged, taking another bite. "Yep, he's been gone a long time. But he sure knew how to cook! Left behind all sorts of recipes. You'd be surprised at how delicious some of them are."

Rimuru felt a shiver of suspicion. "Just how old are these recipes, exactly? They seem pretty modern."

"Thousands of years old, I guess," Ramiris said nonchalantly, licking ketchup off her fingers. "Now, what's the problem you needed my help with?"

Rimuru shook his head, pushing his curiosity aside for now. "Well, I have these students," he began, motioning to the five children who had been quietly observing the strange interaction. "They're otherworlders, and their bodies contain a berserk energy that's slowly destroying them from the inside. I need to find a way to stabilize that energy."

Ramiris's eyes widened, and she nearly choked on her fries. "Otherworlders, you say? Berserk energy? That's serious stuff." She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and floated closer, suddenly all business. "You need to stabilize their energy, right? I think a superior spirit should do the trick."

"A superior spirit?" Rimuru repeated, a glimmer of hope in his eyes.

"Yep," Ramiris said, nodding vigorously. "Superior spirits can merge with them and stabilize their energy. It's a pretty straightforward solution."

Rimuru felt a wave of relief wash over him. "That's perfect! Thank you, Ramiris!" His opinion of her had greatly improved, and he couldn't help but smile.

Ramiris waved a hand dismissively, returning to her fries. "No problem. Happy to help."

However, as Rimuru looked around the room, his raised impression quickly plummeted. The place was a mess, with food wrappers and empty soda cans strewn about. Books were stacked precariously, and various trinkets lay in disarray.

Rimuru couldn't help but laugh a little. "You really live like this, Ramiris?"

Ramiris glanced around, seemingly unfazed by the mess. "What? It's cozy!"

Milim joined in, laughing heartily. "Ramiris has always been a bit of a slob. But she's got a good heart."

Rimuru shook his head, still smiling. "Well, I appreciate the help, messy room or not."

Ramiris grinned, her mouth full of fries. "Anytime, Rimuru. Just don't expect me to clean up!"

Ramiris, finishing off her fries with a contented sigh, floated up and clapped her hands. "Alright, everyone! It's time to lead you to the summoning room." She turned and motioned for the group to follow her deeper into the labyrinth.

Rimuru and his students followed Ramiris through winding corridors, their excitement growing with each step. Milim walked beside Rimuru, occasionally glancing at him with a curious expression.

As they reached the summoning room, Rimuru couldn't help but marvel at its beauty. Large crystals lined the walls, their soft, ethereal glow illuminating the room with a serene light. The atmosphere was both majestic and calming, a stark contrast to the chaos they had left behind in Ramiris's chamber.

"This is the summoning room," Ramiris announced, her voice echoing softly in the spacious hall. "It's pretty simple. All you need to do is stand in the middle and pray. If a spirit accepts your prayer, then you're in luck. If not, well, better luck next time."

Rimuru smiled reassuringly at his students. "Alright, let's get started. Chloe, why don't you go first?"

Chloe Aubert, the youngest of the students, stepped forward hesitantly. She glanced back at Rimuru, who gave her an encouraging nod. Her worries seemed to melt away as she saw his reassuring smile.

Chloe took a deep breath and walked to the center of the room. She closed her eyes and began to pray, her small hands clasped together. The room fell silent, and everyone watched with bated breath.

Suddenly, a powerful energy filled the room. The crystals around them started to pulsate with an intense light, and a familiar phenomenon began to unfold. Ramiris's eyes widened in shock.

"This... this can't be happening again," Ramiris muttered, her gaze fixed on the ceiling. Milim, sensing the gravity of the situation, turned to Ramiris with concern.

"Ramiris, what's going on?" Milim asked, her voice filled with unease.

Ramiris didn't respond. Her eyes were glued to the figure that was slowly materializing above them. Rimuru and the others followed her gaze, and their eyes widened as they saw a woman in a white dress floating gracefully above them. Her presence radiated an overwhelming aura of power and tranquility.

Ramiris began shaking her head in denial. "No, it can't be... It's her..." She glanced at Rimuru, her eyes filled with a mix of fear and awe. For a brief moment, she saw the silhouette of Reinhard standing behind him, and she whispered, "Is this the work of fate?"

Rimuru, unaware of the weight of the situation, stared warily at the spirit. He sensed the immense power she held, but before he could react, the spirit rushed toward him. Her movements were swift and graceful, and in an instant, she was in front of him.

The spirit gently took Rimuru's face in her hands and, much to his surprise, leaned in and kissed him. The kiss was brief but left Rimuru stunned. The spirit then turned her attention to Chloe, her ethereal form merging with the young girl. The intense pressure in the room dissipated as the merging completed, and Chloe's eyes opened, now glowing with a new, serene light.

The room fell silent once more, the only sound being the soft hum of the crystals. Rimuru looked around, his mind racing with questions. What had just happened? Why had the spirit reacted that way?

Milim and Rimuru exchanged glances, both of them sensing the significance of the event. Ramiris, still in a state of shock, floated down to Rimuru's side.

"Rimuru, do you have any idea what just happened?" she asked, her voice trembling slightly.

Rimuru shook his head, his thoughts still jumbled. "No, but I have a feeling this is just the beginning of something much bigger."

Ramiris nodded, her expression serious. "We need to be careful. That spirit... she was someone very important. And the fact that she chose Chloe means there's more at play here than we understand."

Milim stepped forward, her usual playful demeanor replaced with a rare look of determination. "Whatever it is, we'll face it together. We're friends, right?"

Rimuru smiled, feeling a renewed sense of resolve. "Right. Let's get through this, one step at a time."

With that, the group exited the summoning room, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, united by a bond that was growing stronger with each passing moment.



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