
Deity of Destruction

Reinhard Nava, the Golden Beast, also son of the Creator God Veldanava will now live his life with the quest of spreading love to everything. The mc is ultra op, he can stomp anyone in this verse. He can easily destroy peak Rimuru, even the one one in ending of WN. This is also a wishfulfillment fic but I assure you that there are some epic scenes. If you enjoy my stories then please give some support by tip or donation here~ https://ko-fi.com/asthoglho

Asthoglho · Anime & Comics
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58 Chs

Transmutation of Gold 3.

Chapter 39



As the demon lords and True Dragons readied themselves for another round, Zelanus stood up slowly, a strange gleam in his eyes. His battered form seemed to radiate a renewed, ominous energy. The warriors around him tensed, sensing something was amiss.

Zelanus began to laugh, a low, chilling sound that sent shivers down their spines. "Did you think you could truly defeat me with such paltry efforts?" he mocked, his voice dripping with scorn.

Just then, the Insectar King spoke, his tone serious and chilling. "Do you remember the scene where Feldway summoned all the angels and devoured their souls?" The mention of that horrifying event sent a wave of dread through the assembled warriors. Their minds flashed back to the gruesome spectacle, where countless souls were consumed, feeding Feldway's power and leaving a scar on their hearts.

A bad premonition hit them hard, a feeling that something far worse was about to happen. Zelanus, noticing their expressions, smiled cruelly, a proper emotion displayed for the first time since the battle began. The sight was unsettling, a glimpse into the true nature of their enemy.

With a flourish, Zelanus opened his hand, revealing a cluster of glowing souls. The sight was horrifying, a stark reminder of the countless lives lost to feed his insatiable hunger for power. He turned his gaze to Guy, who stood at the forefront of the warriors, his eyes wide with recognition.

"Guy Crimson," Zelanus intoned, his voice resonating with dark amusement, "how many enemies have I felled in my course of life?"

Guy bit his lower lip in frustration, the weight of Zelanus's words pressing down on him. He knew the answer all too well. Zelanus was not just a king of a race but a relentless warrior in the constant war with the Cryptid race. The number of souls he had claimed was unimaginable.

"This blasted bastard.." Guy cursed, his voice steely with resolve. "Destroy him before he can fully integrate those souls!"

The True Dragons and demon lords sprang into action, their exhaustion momentarily forgotten in the face of this new, urgent threat. They attacked with renewed fury, each strike fueled by the desperate need to prevent Zelanus from absorbing the souls he held.

Milim roared, her battle form blazing with power as she launched herself at Zelanus, her claws aiming for his heart. Velzard and Velgrynd unleashed a combined elemental onslaught, their ice and fire intertwining in a deadly dance. Veldora's storm winds howled, adding to the chaos as lightning struck down upon the Insectar King.

Dino and Dagruel moved in tandem, their attacks precise and relentless. Dino's sword flashed in the dim light, each strike aimed at the souls in Zelanus's hand. Dagruel's colossal fists crashed down, each blow shaking the ground and sending shockwaves through the air.

Zelanus fought back with all his might, his movements a blur as he deflected and countered their attacks. His fists glowed with destructive energy, each punch carrying the power to annihilate their existence. But the combined might of the demon lords and True Dragons began to overwhelm him, their teamwork and determination proving to be a formidable force.

Guy, watching the battle unfold, felt a surge of hope. They were pushing Zelanus to his limits, forcing him to defend rather than attack. But the sight of the souls still clutched in Zelanus's hand reminded him of the stakes. They had to end this, and they had to do it now.

Summoning the power of his Ultimate Skill, Lord of Pride, Lucifer, Guy launched a final, desperate assault. The air around him shimmered with divine energy as he aimed to nullify Zelanus's very existence. The energy beam shot forward, a blinding light that cut through the chaos of the battlefield.

Zelanus, sensing the danger, raised his fist to meet the attack. But this time, the combined efforts of the demon lords and True Dragons had taken their toll. His movements were slower, less precise. The energy beam struck his fist, pushing him back and causing him to stagger.

Seeing their chance, Milim and Dagruel charged together, their combined strength smashing into Zelanus and forcing him to drop the souls he held. The glowing orbs scattered across the battlefield, their light dimming as they fell.

Zelanus roared in fury, his form beginning to crack under the relentless assault. The demon lords and True Dragons pressed their advantage, their attacks unrelenting. With a final, devastating blow, they shattered Zelanus's form, his body disintegrating into dust.

As the battlefield fell silent, the warriors stood panting, their bodies bruised and their energy nearly depleted. They had won, but the cost had been great. The souls Zelanus had held were freed, their light fading as they ascended, finally at peace.

Guy looked around at his allies, a weary smile on his face. "That was a hassle" he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "We stopped him."

The True Dragons and demon lords nodded, their faces reflecting the same mix of exhaustion and relief. They had faced an overwhelming adversary and emerged victorious, their determination and teamwork proving to be their greatest strengths.

But even as they celebrated their hard-won victory, Zelanus's form reassembled from the dust, his laughter echoing through the battlefield. "You fools," he sneered. "You thought it would be that easy? Watch as I integrate these souls and show you true despair." (A/N: As an Einherjar, Zelanus is technically immortal so..)

Zelanus's body began to glow with an eerie light as the souls he had collected started merging with him, their screams of agony echoing through the air. The demon lords and True Dragons could only watch in horror as Zelanus's power surged, his form transforming into something even more terrifying.

Guy clenched his fists, his resolve hardening. "This isn't over," he muttered. "We will stop you, no matter what."

The battle was far from over, and the stakes had never been higher. With renewed determination, the demon lords and True Dragons prepared to face the monstrous foe that Zelanus had become, knowing that their world depended on their victory.

Just as they were about to launch their final, decisive attacks against Zelanus, the battlefield suddenly fell silent. The warriors paused, their focus shifting as they sensed a change in Zelanus. The Insectar King had stopped paying attention to them entirely. His eyes were fixed on a distant figure, his Lord, Reinhard.

Zelanus muttered, his voice barely audible but carrying an unmistakable weight, "The process is finished."

The warriors followed his gaze, their hearts sinking as they saw the sky darken with the presence of countless glowing orbs. At least four million souls of True Ancestor Giants, the same race as Dagruel, floated ominously above them. These were the souls Reinhard had reaped when he defeated the Mad King of the Giant race, Ashura.

Reinhard stood tall and imposing, his arms wide open as if embracing the world. His voice boomed, echoing across the battlefield and beyond, reaching every corner of the world. "Rise, my warriors!" His words resonated with an unearthly power, and the souls began to shimmer and take physical form.

The sight was both awe-inspiring and terrifying. The giants, now revived, stood as an immortal army, their expressions blank and their eyes glowing with a cold, unwavering light. They were no longer the proud warriors of the Giant race but thralls bound to Reinhard's will, condemned to fight endlessly within his domain until he was satisfied—a satisfaction that would never come.

Reinhard surveyed his newly formed army with a satisfied smile, then turned his gaze to the assembled warriors of the True Dragons and demon lords. His voice, dripping with a mix of triumph and menace, filled the air. "The ritual is complete. My preparations are finished. This scenario is now coming to an end."

The realization hit the warriors hard. They had fought valiantly, but the true battle had always been beyond their understanding and control. Reinhard's cause had been fulfilled, and his power now stood unchallenged. The revival of the giants was a testament to his dark ambition and the grim future he envisioned.

Guy Crimson's eyes narrowed with a mix of frustration and determination. "We cannot let this stand," he declared, his voice cutting through the oppressive atmosphere. "Reinhard must be stopped, no matter the cost."

But even as they readied themselves for what seemed an impossible battle, a sense of hopelessness began to creep in. The sheer scale of Reinhard's power, the endless army of resurrected giants, and the chilling finality of his words weighed heavily on their hearts.

Milim, her fiery spirit undimmed, stepped forward, her voice fierce and unwavering. "We will not bow to despair, brother! We have faced impossible odds before and emerged victorious. We will do so again!"

The True Dragons and demon lords rallied around her, their resolve hardening despite the overwhelming odds. They knew the path ahead was fraught with danger and uncertainty, but they were united in their determination to fight for their world, for the lives that had been lost, and for the hope that still flickered within their hearts.

Reinhard watched them with a cold, calculating gaze. "You can try," he said, his voice a sinister whisper that carried across the battlefield. "But know that every step you take will be a step closer to your own destruction."




The newly revived giants were sucked into Gladsheimr, their forms dissolving and merging with the ethereal structure. The Gladsheimr began to pulse with a vibrant, otherworldly light, each pulse growing stronger as the souls integrated into its core. The entire realm seemed to vibrate with the influx of power, beams of radiant energy shooting into the sky.

Reinhard stood at the center of it all, a satisfied smile playing on his lips. He watched as the Gladsheimr, now complete, shone brilliantly. The atmosphere was thick with the overwhelming energy of countless souls, a testament to his unyielding ambition and dark mastery.

Turning to face the assembled warriors, Reinhard's eyes gleamed with a cold, malevolent amusement. "You have fought valiantly," he acknowledged, his tone almost respectful. "But your efforts were always in vain. The Gladsheimr is now complete, and with it, my power is absolute."

The warriors could feel the despair creeping in, the realization that their struggle had culminated in Reinhard's victory. Yet, Guy Crimson, ever defiant, stepped forward, his eyes blazing with determination.

"Even now, we won't surrender," Guy declared, his voice resolute. "We'll find a way to stop you, Reinhard."

Reinhard's smile widened, his expression one of almost paternal amusement. "I admire your spirit, Guy. But the time for resistance is over. I will now take my leave."

With that, Reinhard ascended the steps of his throne within Gladsheimr. As he seated himself, the throne seemed to merge with his form, becoming an extension of his will. He raised his arms, and the Gladsheimr responded, its brilliance intensifying.

"We will drift through different spaces and times," Reinhard announced, his voice echoing with an otherworldly resonance. "Await my return, for when that time comes, the world will be destroyed."

As his final words hung in the air, the Gladsheimr began to fade, its light warping and distorting as it prepared to transcend the boundaries of reality. The warriors could only watch, helpless, as Reinhard and his fortress disappeared into the void.

In the silence that followed, the remaining warriors stood amidst the remnants of the battlefield, their faces etched with exhaustion and grim determination. They knew that Reinhard's threat was far from over, and that they would need to be ready for his inevitable return.

Guy Crimson let out a long, weary sigh of relief as he confirmed that the last vestiges of Reinhard's presence faded into the void. The silence that followed was almost deafening, a stark contrast to the chaos and destruction that had dominated the battlefield moments before. He turned to his allies, their expressions a mix of exhaustion and tentative hope.

"We did it," Guy muttered, more to himself than anyone else. "At least for now."

But before they could fully savor their temporary victory, the ground beneath them began to tremble. The warriors exchanged worried glances as the tremors intensified, the air growing heavy with an oppressive energy. The earth itself seemed to groan under the strain, fissures appearing in the ground and mountains shaking in the distance.

"It's not over," Velzard said, her voice filled with dread. "The world is breaking."

"The strain of the battle was too much," Velgrynd added, her eyes wide with realization. "It's like the fabric of reality is unraveling."

Guy's heart sank as he grasped the gravity of their situation. Without wasting a moment, he reached out telepathically to Ramiris, the Fairy Queen responsible for maintaining the balance of the world during their fight. "Ramiris, what's happening? The world is falling apart!"

Ramiris's voice came through, tinged with fatigue and desperation. "The damage is too severe, Guy. My normal powers aren't enough to stabilize it. The balance is tipping, and if it continues, everything will be lost."

Milim, who had been listening in, clenched her fists, her eyes filled with panic. "Ramiris, there has to be something we can do! You can't just give up!"

Ramiris's response was calm, yet laced with a sorrowful determination. "I have one last attempt, Milim, but it will definitely kill me. I've calculated everything. If I pour all my remaining energy into stabilizing the world, it should hold. But I won't survive."

"No!" Milim shouted, her voice breaking. "There has to be another way! We can't lose you!"

Ramiris's gentle laughter echoed in their minds, a bittersweet sound that spoke of acceptance. "Milim, don't worry. I will reincarnate someday. This isn't goodbye forever. Just for now."

As the tremors grew more violent, Ramiris began to channel her energy. The air around her shimmered with a prismatic glow, her form radiating an ethereal light. Slowly, her hair began to change, transforming into a brilliant cascade of rainbow hues. The ground beneath the warriors' feet started to stabilize, the cracks and fissures sealing as the world responded to Ramiris's immense power.

Guy, Milim, and the others watched in awe and sorrow as Ramiris gave everything she had. The world around them began to settle, the tremors gradually subsiding. The oppressive energy in the air dissipated, replaced by a calm, soothing warmth.

Ramiris's voice, now faint and distant, whispered one final time. "Take care of the world for me. I'll see you again... someday."

With that, the light around Ramiris intensified to a blinding brilliance before fading away, leaving only the memory of her sacrifice. The world, though scarred and battered, was saved. The warriors stood in solemn silence, mourning the loss of their friend while taking solace in the promise of her eventual return.

Milim wiped away her tears, her expression a mix of grief and determination. "We will, Ramiris. We'll protect this world, no matter what."

Guy placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "We'll rebuild and prepare for the future. For when Reinhard returns, and for when Ramiris comes back to us."

The True Dragons and demon lords nodded in agreement, their hearts heavy but resolute. They had faced unimaginable trials and emerged stronger. Together, they would honor Ramiris's sacrifice and stand ready to defend their world, no matter the cost.





In the opulent and dimly lit chamber of the Night Rose, Luminous Valentine lay in her grand, velvet-draped bed. The room was filled with an intoxicating fragrance of rare blooms, their petals shimmering under the soft glow of enchanted lanterns. Beside her, nestled among the silken sheets, lay the motionless form of a man. Her fingers traced the contours of his face with a tenderness that would astonish anyone familiar with her usually icy demeanor.

Luminous's touch was gentle, almost reverent, as she caressed the body beside her. Her fingertips moved slowly, savoring the sensation of his cool skin. There was an unmistakable warmth in her gaze, a deep, abiding affection that bordered on obsession. Anyone who knew her as the aloof and formidable ruler would be utterly baffled by the sight.

She sighed contentedly, her crimson eyes reflecting a rare softness. "Finally, you're here," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "I've waited so long for this moment, Reinhard."

Her thoughts drifted back to the moment she had been given her task by Reinhard. Initially, she had been hesitant. Aligning herself with the enemy of the world had seemed unthinkable. But her desires, her infatuation with Reinhard, had ultimately overpowered her reservations. She had spent the duration of the battle in meticulous preparation, every detail attended to with an almost fanatical precision.

The chamber had been transformed into a sanctum of beauty and devotion. Exotic flowers from distant lands, their petals a riot of colors, adorned every surface. Their fragrance filled the air, creating an atmosphere of serene tranquility. She had ensured that no one would witness this scene, arranging for complete privacy so that she alone could welcome the body of the man she admired most.

Her fingers trailed down to his lips, and she smiled, a mixture of melancholy and ecstasy in her expression. "You've always been the one, haven't you? The one I could never quite reach, the one who stood above all others." Her voice was a soft murmur, filled with an intense, almost desperate affection.

Luminous shifted slightly, propping herself up on one elbow so she could gaze down at his face. She cradled his cheeks in her hands, her thumbs gently stroking his skin. "I did everything you asked," she continued, her tone imbued with a fervent sincerity. "I made sure the place was perfect. No one saw, no one will ever know. It's just us now."

She leaned in closer, her lips brushing against his ear as she spoke. "I will protect you, Reinhard. No matter what happens, I will keep you safe. This world may crumble, but I won't let anything happen to you."

Her eyes glowed with a fervent light, reflecting her unyielding resolve. She had always been known for her strength and her ability to command respect and fear. But here, in this moment, her strength was directed toward a singular purpose: safeguarding the man she had dedicated herself to.

She pressed a soft kiss to his forehead, her heart swelling with a mix of devotion and sorrow. "Sleep now," she whispered. "I'll be here when you wake."

The room was silent, save for the gentle rustle of the silk sheets and the soft hum of magic that kept the chamber insulated from the outside world. Luminous lay back down, her body curling protectively around Reinhard's. She closed her eyes, her mind drifting through memories of their encounters, the words they had exchanged, and the unspoken bond that had always existed between them.

Her thoughts were a swirling mix of reverence and longing. Every touch, every caress was an expression of the deep, consuming passion she felt for him. It was a passion that had driven her to defy her own instincts and align herself with Reinhard's dark ambitions.

Luminous's fingers continued their gentle exploration, tracing the lines of his jaw, the curve of his neck, and the breadth of his shoulders. She reveled in the sensation, her heart aching with a bittersweet joy. "I am yours, Reinhard," she murmured, her voice filled with a profound sense of belonging. "Forever and always."

The night wore on, and the chamber remained a sanctuary of stillness and devotion. Luminous's unwavering gaze never left his face, her thoughts consumed by the man she had sworn to protect. She knew that the path ahead would be fraught with danger and uncertainty, but she was prepared to face it all for him.

As the first light of dawn began to filter through the heavy drapes, casting a soft glow over the room, Luminous tightened her embrace around Reinhard. Her resolve was stronger than ever, her determination unshakable. She would be his guardian, his protector, and his most devoted follower. And she would ensure that nothing, not even the forces of the world itself, could harm him.

With a final, tender kiss to his lips, Luminous settled into a watchful slumber, her mind filled with dreams of the future she would carve out for them. In that moment, she was at peace, content in the knowledge that she was exactly where she needed to be, by Reinhard's side, now and forever.



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