
Deity of Destruction

Reinhard Nava, the Golden Beast, also son of the Creator God Veldanava will now live his life with the quest of spreading love to everything. The mc is ultra op, he can stomp anyone in this verse. He can easily destroy peak Rimuru, even the one one in ending of WN. This is also a wishfulfillment fic but I assure you that there are some epic scenes. If you enjoy my stories then please give some support by tip or donation here~ https://ko-fi.com/asthoglho

Asthoglho · Anime & Comics
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58 Chs


initially wanted to do something like reaching 100 PS +2 chapters or something but now that I think about it, it is a worthless idea. I mean, I post chapters for fun so no need to put unnecessary expectations. Anyway, enjoy~!

Throw some stones...



Reinhard observed the being with keen interest, noting her distinctive appearance. She had light blue hair that cascaded around her, contrasting sharply with the leg and arm restraints that adorned her form. Her large horns seemed to symbolize the strength and stability of the land, while her eyes reflected the depths of the inner sea of a planet, glistening with an enigmatic allure. The sight was both mesmerizing and perplexing, a unique manifestation of his aura.

Despite her intriguing appearance, Reinhard felt a sense of detachment. He had no immediate need for her in his current plans. His visit here had been driven by curiosity, and now that it was satisfied, he was ready to move on. The woman, though remarkable, was not essential to his immediate objectives.

Arriving at a decision, Reinhard's expression turned cold. He approached the woman, who looked at him with innocent, unresisting eyes. Her gaze was unwavering, filled with a sense of awe and trust. Reinhard smiled, but it was a smile devoid of warmth.

"You have potential," he said, his voice carrying a commanding tone. "But for now, your purpose lies elsewhere."

With a swift motion, he conjured his spear, its presence tearing a rift in the fabric of existence. The void around them responded to his will, creating a portal that led to another plane. Reinhard placed a hand on her shoulder, the force of his touch sending a shiver through her form.

Without another word, he pushed her towards the portal. The woman tumbled through the rift, her body spinning in the void. She offered no resistance, her eyes remaining fixed on Reinhard, filled with a mixture of curiosity and trust. As she vanished into the portal, Reinhard's voice followed her, resonating through the ether.

"Be useful to me. Plant my essence in other worlds. Live and fulfill your purpose."

The portal closed with a finality, sealing the woman's fate. Reinhard stood alone in the void, his thoughts already shifting to the next phase of his plans. The seed had been planted, and now he only needed to wait and see what fruit it would bear.

Returning to Gladsheimr, Reinhard's expression softened into a smile of anticipation. He was eager to see how the woman would fare in the unknown worlds, and what impact she would have. The future was a tapestry of possibilities, and he was the weaver, guiding the threads towards his ultimate design.

Back in his throne room, Reinhard resumed his seat, feeling a sense of satisfaction. The steps he had taken today were small but significant, each one contributing to the future he envisioned. His mind raced with ideas, plans, and contingencies, each one meticulously crafted to ensure the success of his overarching goal.

As he settled back into the comfort of his throne, Reinhard allowed himself a moment of reflection. The journey ahead was long, but he was prepared for it. With Raphael by his side, and the pieces falling into place, he felt an unshakable confidence in his path. The cosmos awaited his influence, and he was more than ready to extend his reach.

With a final, contemplative gaze into the expanse of his domain, Reinhard closed his eyes, a serene smile playing on his lips.






A few years passed, and the Demon Lord Council that Guy, Milim, and Ramiris founded became known to humans and other races. Initially, the reaction was one of resistance and fear. The idea of beings calling themselves demon lords overseeing their world was difficult to accept. However, Guy had a method to enforce acceptance.

Each year, Guy would unleash thousands of Greater Demons upon various communities. The destruction they wrought was terrible, but unbeknownst to many, this was part of Guy's plan to prevent humans and other races from self-destructing through their internal conflicts. The demons acted as a unifying threat, forcing disparate groups to band together for survival.

Milim, understanding the necessity of Guy's actions, mobilized many dragons that had come to follow her. The death of Velgaia had a profound impact on the world; from her aura, a new race of dragons had been born. These dragons, which should not have existed alongside the True Dragons, now swore fealty to their princess, Milim. She carried out her duties without hesitation, her heart hardened by the loss of Velgaia.

Ramiris, on the other hand, refused to participate in the destruction. Even though she had fallen from grace, she remained committed to her role of maintaining the balance of the world. Despite her disagreements with Guy and Milim, she respected their positions and occasionally visited Reinhard with Milim. Yet, she spent most of her time in the Cardinal World, keeping a watchful eye on the balance of power.

Over time, Milim managed to recruit Dagruel and Luminous to join the council, following orders from Guy. This was no small feat, and her persistence paid off as she brought two formidable beings into their fold. Dagruel, a powerful offshoot of Ashura, and Luminous, the masterpiece of Twilight Valentine, added significant strength to their ranks.

With these new members, Guy decided it was time to hold the first official meeting of the Demon Lords. The announcement sent waves of fear throughout the Cardinal World. The idea of so many powerful and potentially world-ending beings gathering in one place was terrifying to the populace. Whispers of impending doom spread like wildfire, and anxiety gripped the hearts of many.

As the date of the meeting approached, tension hung heavy in the air. People prepared for the worst, not knowing what to expect from this unprecedented gathering. The presence of the Demon Lords symbolized a new era, one that could either bring stability or usher in greater chaos.

Milim, ever the lively spirit, tried to reassure those she encountered. Her visits to Reinhard in Gladsheimr became more frequent as she sought his advice and comfort. Reinhard, always the calm and calculating presence, offered her guidance and support, knowing that her role in the council was crucial.

Meanwhile, the other Demon Lords prepared for the meeting in their own ways. Dagruel fortified his stronghold, preparing for the responsibilities that came with his new title. Luminous, balancing her duties in Night Rose, strategized how best to use her newfound influence within the council.

As the day of the meeting dawned, the world held its breath. The Demon Lords, each a force of nature in their own right, converged on the designated location. The atmosphere crackled with energy and anticipation. The future of the world hung in the balance, and the actions taken by these beings would shape the fate of countless lives.

In the heart of this tension, Reinhard observed from Gladsheimr, his mind always several steps ahead. He knew the importance of this gathering and the potential it held for both creation and destruction. As always, he was prepared for whatever outcome might unfold, ready to guide the world through the coming trials with an unyielding hand.

The meeting was to be held in a vast, open space, a desolate area that had been stripped of life and vegetation by the overwhelming auras of the assembled Demon Lords. The surrounding land, extending for tens of miles in every direction, bore the scars of their presence. The air was thick with residual energy, a constant reminder of the power these beings wielded. Any creature foolish enough to venture close would be incinerated by the sheer force of their combined auras.

The four Demon Lords, Milim, Ramiris, Dagruel, and Luminous, had already taken their places. Each sat on a throne of their own design, exuding an aura of authority and power. They were waiting for Guy, who had yet to make his entrance. Milim, ever impatient, tapped her fingers on the armrest of her throne, her frustration evident.

"Where is that idiot!? Always trying to make a grand entrance," she muttered, earning a nod of agreement from Ramiris, who hovered nearby.

"He's probably just trying to look cool again," Ramiris added with a sigh. Neither seemed to grasp the strategic intent behind Guy's delay.

Unknown to them, Guy was intentionally making them wait, emphasizing his dominance and asserting the gravity of the occasion. He understood that the longer he delayed, the more anticipation and tension would build, both among the Demon Lords and the watching world.

Suddenly, the air grew heavier, charged with a palpable energy. A colossal aura descended upon the meeting site, its force so immense that it triggered earthquakes in the distant settlements. The ground trembled, and the sky seemed to darken as if acknowledging the presence of an unparalleled power.

Guy finally appeared, his aura blazing like a dark sun. His presence alone commanded attention and respect. He strode confidently to his seat, his eyes sweeping over his fellow Demon Lords, gauging their reactions.

Milim and Ramiris fell silent, their earlier complaints forgotten in the face of Guy's overwhelming presence. Even Dagruel and Luminous, both formidable in their own right, felt a momentary pause in their thoughts, recognizing the significance of Guy's entrance.

Guy took his place and looked out over the desolate expanse, his voice booming with authority and resonating across the land. "Walpurgis is now starting," he declared, his words carrying the weight of destiny.

The world responded in kind. Fear and anticipation gripped the hearts of those who heard the announcement. In distant lands, leaders and common folk alike wondered what decisions would emerge from this gathering of titans. The name "Walpurgis" echoed through the minds of many, a harbinger of potential doom or salvation.

Among those most wary of this gathering was Rudra, the enigmatic ruler whose long-standing game with Guy was about to escalate. He watched the proceedings with a mixture of concern and determination. The stakes had never been higher, and the game between him and Guy was poised to enter a new phase.

Beside Rudra stood Velgrynd, her presence a comforting and encouraging force. She smiled at him, her eyes filled with unwavering support. "You can do this," she whispered, her voice filled with confidence.

Rudra returned her smile, drawing strength from her words. He knew that the outcome of this meeting would shape the future in profound ways.

A heavy silence descended over the meeting area, the oppressive quiet broken only by the occasional rustle of a stray breeze. The tension was palpable, a tangible force that pressed down on all present. This silence was soon dispelled by the appearance of Guy's two maids, Misery and Rain. They stepped forward gracefully, their presence commanding attention as they moved to open the proceedings.

Misery, with her calm and composed demeanor, began to speak, her voice clear and authoritative. "Welcome, esteemed Demon Lords, to the first Walpurgis. As tradition dictates, we shall begin with introductions. Each of you will state your name and race, and any title you deem appropriate."

Rain, standing beside her, nodded in agreement, her sharp eyes surveying the gathered lords. "We shall start with our host, Lord Guy Crimson."

Guy stood, his imposing figure casting a long shadow. His eyes glinted with a mix of amusement and authority as he spoke. "I am Guy Crimson, a demon and the Lord of Darkness." His voice was deep, resonant, and filled with the weight of his power. He sat back down, his presence still dominating the space.

Next was Milim, who stood up energetically, her aura crackling with barely contained power. "I am Milim Nava, a Dragonoid, and I take the title of Destroyer." Her voice was filled with a fierce pride, reflecting her strength and confidence.

Ramiris fluttered her wings nervously as she rose, her small form seeming even smaller in comparison to the others. "I am Ramiris, of the pixie race." She hesitated for a moment before continuing, "I wanted the title of Queen of Spirits"

Guy interrupted her with a shake of his head. "That title is too gentle for a Demon Lord, Ramiris. You need something that reflects your role more accurately."

Milim, always quick to offer suggestions, piped up. "How about the Bug Queen?"

Ramiris frowned and shook her head. "No, that doesn't fit..."

After some back-and-forth suggestions, Ramiris finally settled with a sigh. "Fine, I'll take the title of The Labyrinth."

Dagruel stood next, his towering figure exuding an aura of immense strength. "I am Dagruel, of the Giant race. My title is Insurgent to God." His deep voice echoed with a sense of solemnity and resolve.

Finally, Luminous rose from her seat, her regal presence undeniable. "I am Luminous Valentine, of the Vampire race, and I bear the title of Queen of Nightmares." Her voice was smooth and commanding, carrying an air of elegance and authority.

With the introductions complete, Misery and Rain stepped back, their duties fulfilled. The atmosphere remained tense, but the initial formalities had broken the ice, setting the stage for the discussions to come. Each Demon Lord had declared their identity and their power, establishing the groundwork for the momentous decisions that would shape the future of their world.

Before Rain and Misery could present the agenda, Guy raised a hand, signaling them to halt. His sharp eyes fixed on Dagruel, curiosity evident in his gaze. The other Demon Lords turned their attention to the exchange, intrigued by Guy's sudden interest.

"Dagruel," Guy began, his tone inquisitive yet commanding, "your title, 'Insurgent to God'—where does it come from? Did you ever challenge Veldanava himself to earn such a name?"

Dagruel's massive frame seemed to tense at the question. He shifted uncomfortably, his gaze dropping momentarily before he met Guy's eyes again. "No, I have never fought against Veldanava. My title is... complicated." His voice, usually so confident, carried a hint of unease. "In truth, I have no right to call myself an insurgent. Reinhard has not acknowledged my existence, and in our current forms, it is hard to say if we are even worthy of his respect."

The awkward silence that followed was palpable. Sensing the tension, Ramiris fluttered her wings and floated to the center, deciding to provide context. "Let me explain," she began, her small voice carrying an unexpected weight. "Dagruel, along with his two brothers, was once part of a single entity known as Ashura. Ashura was a force of nature, a Mad King of Giants who threatened to obliterate the world itself."

The gathered lords listened intently, their expressions ranging from curiosity to shock. "The Primordial Angels attempted to subdue Ashura," Ramiris continued, "but even their combined might was insufficient. His power was... absurd, unparalleled. In the end, it was Reinhard who had to intervene."

Milim's eyes sparkled with interest, and even Luminous leaned forward slightly, her icy demeanor thawing with intrigue. Guy's expression remained unreadable, but his focus on Ramiris was unwavering.

"The battle was," Ramiris hesitated, searching for the right words, "one-sided. Reinhard toyed with Ashura, showcasing a power that was beyond comprehension. However, instead of killing him, Reinhard chose to show mercy. Out of respect for Ashura's strength and spirit, he did not end his life. Instead, he divided Ashura into three separate beings, one of whom is Dagruel. The other two brothers, one of whom remains sealed in the heavens, share this fragmented legacy."

Dagruel's face was a mixture of pride and sorrow. The story was a testament to his origin and the complex relationship between his past and present self. The other lords absorbed this revelation, the weight of Reinhard's decision and its impact on Dagruel now clear to them.

Guy finally spoke, breaking the silence. "I see. That explains much." He nodded, a sign of respect towards Dagruel. "You carry a heavy responsibility, Dagruel. Your title is not just a name but a reminder of a formidable past."

Dagruel inclined his head slightly in acknowledgment, grateful for the understanding, albeit reluctant to dwell further on his complicated history.

Rain and Misery, seeing the moment was right, stepped forward again to resume the agenda. The air of tension had shifted to one of solemn respect, the gravity of the past blending into the purpose of their present meeting.

Ramiris floated back to her seat, a small smile of satisfaction on her face, having shed light on an important chapter of their shared history. The gathered Demon Lords, now more informed, were ready to delve into the matters at hand with a deeper understanding of each other's backgrounds and the legacies they carried.

As the introductions concluded and the air of solemn respect settled over the gathering, Misery stepped forward, her presence commanding attention. She cleared her throat, ensuring all eyes were on her. "Our first agenda," she announced, "is the allocation of domains within the world. Each of you will state your desired territories and any reasons for your choices."

Guy leaned back in his seat, his sharp eyes gleaming with a hint of amusement. "I'll begin," he declared. "I claim the northern continent. It suits my nature, and its harsh environment will serve as a fitting challenge for those who dare to approach me." His tone was final, and there was no argument from the others, who nodded in agreement.

Milim was next, her energetic demeanor contrasting with the seriousness of the meeting. "I'll take the southeast part of the middle continent," she said with a grin. "It's a cool location, and I can oversee the new dragon race born from Velgaia's aura. Plus, it's close enough to the gate of Gladsheimr for me to visit when I want."

Dagruel, still processing the weight of his past and the respect shown to him, spoke with a grave voice. "I will take the Barren Lands," he stated. "The decaying territory where Milim and Guy once clashed. It's a fitting place for me, and I intend to protect the Gate of Heavens located there." His words carried a sense of duty and purpose, resonating with the others.

Luminous, her regal aura undiminished, was next. "I shall take the western part of the continent," she declared. "The Night Rose will flourish there, and it will be a suitable home for my people." She glanced at Guy, who gave her a slight nod of approval.

Ramiris, who had been floating above her seat, shook her head when it was her turn. "I refuse any territory," she said firmly. "I can migrate anywhere, and I have no people to care for. My labyrinth is enough for me." Her voice was light, but there was a steely resolve in her eyes.

Misery nodded, taking note of their decisions. "Very well. These domains are now yours to govern and protect. We will move on to the next agenda shortly."

As the Demon Lords settled into their newly claimed territories, the room was filled with a mix of anticipation and determination. Each territory represented not just land but a part of their influence and power in the world. It was a crucial step in solidifying their presence and establishing their dominance.

Guy's eyes scanned the group, pleased with the decisions. "With our domains established, we can begin to shape the world according to our vision," he said. "But remember, with great power comes great responsibility. We must ensure that our territories reflect our strength and our commitment to maintaining balance."

Milim nodded enthusiastically, while Dagruel remained stoic, his mind likely focused on his new duty to protect the Gate of Heavens. Luminous appeared thoughtful, already considering the future of her Night Rose, and Ramiris floated nearby, her carefree demeanor masking a deep understanding of the gravity of their situation.

Misery stepped back, her role in the meeting momentarily concluded. The Demon Lords had taken a significant step towards solidifying their power and influence, and the world would soon feel the impact of their decisions.

As the meeting continued, the weight of their roles and the responsibilities that came with them became more evident. The allocation of domains was just the beginning; the true challenge lay in governing them wisely and maintaining the delicate balance of power and peace in the world. Each Demon Lord understood this, and they were prepared to face the challenges that lay ahead.

The first meeting of the Demon Lord Council set the stage for a new era, one that would be defined by their actions and decisions. And while the world outside watched with bated breath, the Demon Lords knew that their journey was just beginning.

