
Deity of Destruction

Reinhard Nava, the Golden Beast, also son of the Creator God Veldanava will now live his life with the quest of spreading love to everything. The mc is ultra op, he can stomp anyone in this verse. He can easily destroy peak Rimuru, even the one one in ending of WN. This is also a wishfulfillment fic but I assure you that there are some epic scenes. If you enjoy my stories then please give some support by tip or donation here~ https://ko-fi.com/asthoglho

Asthoglho · Anime & Comics
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58 Chs

Luminous Valentine has fallen?

Throw some stones!

Next chapter will be Walpurgis~



Reinhard reached a decision to visit a certain someone. Gazing down at the Cardinal World from his domain, he searched for the designated location. His eyes finally landed on a large town filled with beautiful white structures, and he stopped. That was exactly where he needed to go. Rising from his throne, Reinhard descended from Gladsheimr to the Cardinal World.

In the town known as Night Rose, the masterpiece of Twilight Valentine, Luminous Valentine, was just waking from her slumber. Her beloved town was a sight to behold, a testament to her power and grace. However, her peaceful rest was interrupted by her subordinate, a vampire named Valentin, who hastily woke her with news of an emergency.

Despite the urgency in Valentin's voice, Luminous needed no explanation. She had already sensed the cause. Gazing skyward, she saw the descent of an awe-inspiring figure. The man descending from the heavens was beyond beautiful, his presence radiating an almost divine light. His body was coated in a golden aura, enhancing his already stunning appearance.

For the first time in her life, Luminous felt a deep sense of admiration. She paused her usual regal demeanor and prepared to receive this exalted guest. There was no mistaking it—this was Reinhard, the Law himself, descending upon her town.

As Reinhard approached, the townsfolk of Night Rose stopped in their tracks, mesmerized by the sight. The air seemed to shimmer around him, a testament to his otherworldly power. Luminous rose from her throne, her gaze never leaving the descending figure.

When Reinhard finally landed, the ground beneath him seemed to hum with energy. His presence was overwhelming, and even the air felt charged with his immense power. Luminous stepped forward, her usual regal confidence mixed with genuine awe.

"Welcome to Night Rose, Reinhard," she greeted, her voice steady despite the fluttering in her chest. "It is an honor to have you here."

Reinhard's eyes, cold and calculating, met hers. There was a brief moment of silence, a palpable tension in the air. Then he spoke, his voice as commanding as it was serene. "Thank you for your hospitality, Luminous Valentine. I have come to discuss matters of great importance."

Luminous nodded, her mind racing with possibilities. What could have brought Reinhard to her town? What could he possibly want from her? She gestured for him to follow her inside the grand hall, eager to hear what he had to say.

Reinhard and Luminous walked side by side, a gesture that signified equal standing in their meeting. Despite his immense power, Reinhard accepted this arrangement, respecting Luminous and her domain. However, one particular vampire was not pleased with this display of equality. Valentin, one of Twilight Valentine's creations, was deemed a failure due to his attitude. He was easily angered and had a tendency to oppress others.

Seeing Reinhard walking beside Luminous, Valentin's fury bubbled over. He stepped between them, his gaze cold and filled with disdain. He looked down on Reinhard, a man far out of his league, and began to insult him. "You are not worthy to even speak, let alone walk beside our Queen," Valentin sneered. "Why do you bother getting close to her?"

Reinhard smiled in amusement, finding Valentin's arrogance laughable. Without a word, he patted Valentin on the shoulder. The pressure of his touch forced Valentin to his knees, the immense power behind it undeniable. It was only then that Valentin realized the grave mistake he had made.

Reinhard's smile remained as he leaned down slightly, his voice calm but laced with an undercurrent of authority. "You should learn your place," he said. "Worms has really learned how to blab"

Valentin's eyes widened in fear, his body trembling under the weight of Reinhard's power. The realization of his insignificance washed over him, and he understood how foolish he had been to challenge someone like Reinhard.

Luminous watched the exchange, her eyes narrowing slightly at Valentin's behavior. She knew Valentin's tendencies, but this was an embarrassment. She nodded to Reinhard in appreciation for handling the situation so swiftly.

"Valentin," she said, her voice stern, "You will apologize and remember your place."

With difficulty, Valentin managed to stammer out an apology. "I-I apologize, my Queen. And to you, Lord Reinhard."

Reinhard straightened, his amusement fading as he looked back at Luminous. "Shall we continue?" he asked, his tone now purely businesslike.

Luminous nodded, leading the way once more. The tension that Valentin had created dissipated, leaving only the anticipation of the important discussion ahead. As they entered the grand hall, the door closed behind them, sealing the world out and the secrets they were about to share within.

Luminous dismissed Valentin with a sharp look, calling instead for Gunther, her old butler. "Gunther, please serve us some delicacies," she ordered. Gunther bowed and swiftly moved to fulfill her request, leaving the room in a moment of hushed elegance.

Reinhard and Luminous took their seats, an air of formality and anticipation hanging between them. Luminous broke the silence first, her voice composed. "So, Reinhard, what brings you to my domain? What is your agenda here?"

Reinhard leaned back slightly, his gaze steady. "I came to see the said masterpiece that Twilight bragged about," he replied, a faint smile playing on his lips.

Luminous felt a twinge of awkwardness. Despite her immense pride, she couldn't help but feel overshadowed by the almost perfect being before her. Reinhard possessed everything she admired, and there was little she could boast about in his presence. The room fell silent for a moment, the awkwardness palpable.

Sensing this, Reinhard smoothly transitioned to the next topic. "I have a task I wish to assign to you," he said, his tone more businesslike.

Luminous straightened, her usual haughty attitude replaced by genuine interest. "I'm listening," she said, her eyes fixed on him.

Reinhard paused, considering his words carefully. "Firstly, what do you think of my physical body?" he asked, his gaze intense.

Luminous didn't hesitate. "It is the most majestic and beautiful thing I have ever witnessed," she said sincerely.

Reinhard nodded, satisfied with her answer. The conversation shifted, the weight of his request lingering in the air as Gunther returned with a tray of delicacies.

Reinhard took a delicate bite of the offered treat and paused, his expression thoughtful. "It lacks flavor," he commented, setting the delicacy back on the tray.

Luminous felt a jolt of shock ripple through her. Her confidence in their culinary skills was immense, having compared their offerings favorably against those of other races. However, unknown to her, Reinhard's palate had been refined by experiences in the 20th century, where he had tasted more sophisticated and delicious delicacies.

Reinhard stood from his seat, moving closer to Luminous with a measured grace. He gently lifted her chin, his smile both charming and predatory. "How would you like to taste it?" he murmured, his voice low and enticing.

Luminous felt a primal instinct ignite within her, an overwhelming surge of emotion that threatened to drown her. Just as she was about to lose herself, Reinhard stepped back, his expression shifting to one of mild amusement. "I worded that wrong," he said, his tone more casual.

Luminous looked away, a flush of embarrassment coloring her cheeks. When she gathered the courage to look at Reinhard again, she saw a small, knowing smile on his face. It became clear to her that he had planned this reaction all along, playing with her emotions as easily as he might toy with a piece of fine porcelain.

The realization sent another wave of complex feelings through Luminous, a mix of irritation and fascination. She couldn't deny that Reinhard's presence was compelling, his every action calculated yet effortlessly graceful. Despite her pride, she found herself drawn deeper into the enigmatic aura he exuded.

Luminous took a deep breath, steeling herself. Knowing that she would ultimately accept any demand from Reinhard, she decided to steer the conversation in a different direction. "What do I gain from following your words?" she asked, attempting to maintain a calm and composed demeanor, though inside she felt a tumultuous mix of emotions.

Reinhard paused, seemingly pondering her question. "Power, women, authority, influence, whatever you desire. I shall hand it to you," he responded, his voice steady and unyielding.

The sheer magnitude of his offer left Luminous momentarily stunned. Each option held immense weight, and she knew that her choice would inevitably shape Reinhard's opinion of her. She wasn't sure why his impression of her mattered so much, but it did. Just as the pressure of the decision began to overwhelm her, her loyal butler, Gunther, stepped forward.

"Your Majesty," Gunther began, bowing deeply to Reinhard, "I apologize for any impertinence. Might I suggest an alternative? Perhaps Lord Reinhard could owe Her Majesty a favor. She has not yet had time to consider her desires."

Luminous felt a wave of relief wash over her at Gunther's intervention. His suggestion provided a way out of the immediate dilemma. She glanced at Reinhard, who still wore that infuriatingly knowing smile. She quickly looked away, feeling a flush of embarrassment.

Reinhard's smile broadened slightly. "A favor, you say?" he mused. "Very well. I shall owe you a favor, Luminous Valentine."

Luminous felt a mixture of relief and triumph. The favor was undoubtedly the biggest prize here, and now it was hers. She couldn't help but wonder what she might ask of him in the future, but for now, she was content with the outcome.

Now that the deal was done, Reinhard finally revealed the purpose of his visit. He leaned back in his seat, his eyes steady on Luminous. "There is something I need you to do for me," he began. "In a few years, perhaps centuries or millennials, I will ascend to a higher state. With that ascension, my body will remain in the physical world, and I need you to take care of it."

Luminous blinked, taken aback. The task sounded more like a reward than an assignment. The idea of being entrusted with something so significant thrilled her, though she fought to keep her emotions in check. She composed herself quickly, masking her excitement with a look of contemplation.

"Why not simply destroy your body?" she asked, despite an inner voice screaming in protest. The mere thought of his perfect form being destroyed filled her with dread, but she needed to understand his reasoning.

Reinhard chuckled, a deep, resonant sound that seemed to vibrate through the room. "There is no creature in this world that can harm my body," he said confidently. "Besides, if it were to break, then so shall the whole world."

Luminous processed his words, realizing the magnitude of what he was saying. His body wasn't just a vessel; it was a humongous bomb. She shuddered slightly at the thought of the cataclysmic consequences if anything were to happen to it.

"But why me?" she asked, her voice softer, genuinely curious. "Why entrust something so important to me?"

Reinhard's gaze softened slightly, a hint of respect in his eyes. "You are the masterpiece of Twilight Valentine. You possess strength, wisdom, and the dedication needed for such a task. More importantly, I trust you to guard it with the seriousness it demands."

Luminous felt a swell of pride at his words. It wasn't often that she received such high praise, especially from someone like Reinhard. She bowed her head slightly in acknowledgment. "I understand. I will guard your body with my life."

Reinhard nodded approvingly. "I have no doubt that you will."

As they continued their conversation, the atmosphere in the room shifted from formal to more relaxed. They discussed the logistics of the task, with Reinhard explaining that his body would need to be kept in a place of absolute security, where no one could find or tamper with it. Luminous suggested several possible locations within her domain, and they debated the merits of each one.

Throughout the discussion, Gunther quietly refilled their drinks and served more delicate pastries, his presence a steady background to their exchange. Luminous found herself increasingly fascinated by Reinhard's depth of knowledge and his calm, authoritative manner. He seemed to possess an understanding of the world that far surpassed her own.

Eventually, their conversation drifted to more personal topics. Reinhard shared some of his experiences from the 20th century, recounting stories of battles fought and victories won. Luminous listened intently, absorbing every detail. In return, she spoke of her own history, her creation, and the challenges she had faced in establishing her rule.

By the time they finished, the initial tension had long dissipated. Luminous felt a newfound respect for Reinhard, and perhaps even a sense of camaraderie. As he prepared to leave, she stood and bowed deeply, a gesture of genuine respect.

"Thank you for entrusting me with this task," she said. "I will not disappoint you."

Reinhard smiled slightly, inclining his head. "I know you won't, Luminous. Until we meet again."

With that, he turned and departed, leaving Luminous to reflect on the meeting. She watched him go, a myriad of thoughts swirling in her mind. She had a task of immense importance ahead of her, and she was determined to prove herself worthy of the trust he had placed in her.

After Reinhard's departure, the room seemed to exhale with a quiet stillness. Luminous, still processing the significance of the meeting, took a moment to compose herself. She then turned to Gunther, her trusted butler, and gave a quiet command. "Gunther, summon Valentin."

Gunther nodded and swiftly left the room. Luminous sat back on her throne, her mind turning over Valentin's earlier actions. She was grateful that Reinhard's opinion of her hadn't been tarnished, but Valentin's behavior could not go unpunished. A suitable retribution was necessary to maintain order and respect.

It wasn't long before Valentin appeared in the throne room, his head bowed, his posture tense. He immediately dropped to his knees before Luminous, his voice trembling slightly as he began to speak. "My Queen, I only sought to protect you from those who might harm you. It is my duty to keep away any bugs that threaten your grace."

Luminous's eyes narrowed at the word "bugs." The audacity of Valentin to refer to someone of Reinhard's stature in such a manner was infuriating. Her displeasure was palpable, and the room seemed to grow colder in response to her rising anger.

"Valentin," she said, her voice icy. "Do you have any idea of the magnitude of your transgression? You dared to insult an entity far beyond your comprehension. Reinhard is no mere 'bug.' He is an existence that holds the balance of our world. Your insolence is an embarrassment to my name."

Valentin flinched at her words, clearly understanding the gravity of his mistake. "My Queen, I—I only wished to protect you..."

"Silence," Luminous commanded, her voice sharp. "Your misguided loyalty has brought shame upon me. You must be punished, not only for your disrespect but to serve as a reminder to others of the consequences of such insolence."

Valentin trembled, knowing his fate was sealed. Luminous rose from her throne, her presence commanding and regal. She extended her hand, and a surge of her immense power filled the room. Valentin's eyes widened in fear as he felt her magic envelop him.

"Luminous Valentine," she intoned, "Queen of Nightmares, shall now purge the arrogance and folly from you. You shall be divided, and through this division, your essence shall be purified."

With a swift, decisive motion, Luminous used her power to split Valentin into two separate beings. The process was excruciatingly painful, and Valentin's screams echoed through the chamber. The magic tore through his essence, separating the parts of him that were rebellious and insubordinate from those capable of loyalty and service.

When the transformation was complete, two figures lay on the floor before her. One, the original Valentin, now a husk of his former self, devoid of the defiance that had once defined him. The other, a new being, knelt with eyes filled with unwavering loyalty and a newfound sense of purpose.

Luminous looked down at the two beings, her expression stern but satisfied. She had accomplished what she intended. The rebellious nature of Valentin had been expunged, replaced by a creature wholly dedicated to her service.

"Rise," she commanded the new being. "From this moment forth, you shall serve me with unwavering devotion. You shall be an example of true loyalty."

The new Valentin, now a figure of absolute fealty, stood and bowed deeply. "Yes, my Queen. We live only to serve you."

Luminous turned to Gunther, who had watched the entire process with silent approval. "Ensure that both of them are properly accommodated. The new Valentin shall take on the responsibilities of the old, but with a renewed sense of duty."

Gunther nodded. "As you command, my Queen."

With that, Luminous returned to her throne, feeling a sense of order restored. The disruption caused by Valentin's insolence had been dealt with, and she could now focus on the monumental task ahead. She had promised to protect Reinhard's physical body during his ascension, and she intended to fulfill that promise with the utmost diligence.

As she sat back, she allowed herself a moment of reflection. Reinhard's visit had been unexpected, but it had brought a new purpose to her existence. She felt a renewed sense of determination to prove herself worthy of the trust he had placed in her. The task ahead was immense, but she welcomed the challenge. With the lessons of the day firmly in mind, Luminous Valentine prepared to embark on her new mission, her resolve stronger than ever.

Reinhard returned to Gladsheimr, the divine aura of his domain surrounding him like a protective cloak. The vast expanse of his palace shimmered with otherworldly light, reflecting the grandeur of his power. He walked with deliberate steps to his throne, his mind still on the meeting with Luminous.

Sitting down, he let out a small sigh, feeling the weight of his responsibilities settling over him. Just as he was about to close his eyes for a much-needed rest, Raphael's voice echoed in his mind.

«Master, there is an urgent matter that requires your attention.»

Reinhard's eyes opened, a hint of curiosity sparking within them. "What is it, Raphael?"

«Notice: The aura you left in the void is on a trajectory to reach the Cardinal World within two millennia. This will create a perfect opportunity for your planned entrance during that period.»

Reinhard nodded, finding the timing satisfactory. Two millennia was ample time to prepare for his ascension and ensure his plans came to fruition. "Good. That aligns well with our timeline. Anything else?"

Raphael continued, «There is another development. The residual aura left in the void is coalescing, forming a new being. This entity appears to be the second of your kind, a Spectral, similar to your own race.»

The revelation intrigued Reinhard deeply. A descendant born from his leftover aura was an unexpected but fascinating occurrence. "A new Spectral, you say? How far along is its formation?"

«The process is gradual but steady. It will take time, but the being is developing a stable form and consciousness. Your presence may expedite the process.»

Reinhard's interest was piqued. The thought of witnessing the birth of a new Spectral was too compelling to ignore. He stood from his throne, the decision made. "I will go to the void. Show me where it is forming."

With a surge of his immense power, Reinhard teleported from Gladsheimr to the void, the place where he had first been born. The void was a realm of infinite nothingness, where time and space twisted into an eternal expanse of darkness and light. It was here that his aura lingered, a remnant of his own creation, now giving birth to something new.

Arriving at the designated location, Reinhard felt the familiar, raw energy of the void. He observed the swirling mass of his aura, a concentrated vortex of power. It was a sight both chaotic and beautiful, the beginnings of life forming from the remnants of his essence.

He approached the vortex, his presence stabilizing the chaotic energy. As he drew closer, the mass of aura began to take shape, responding to his will and command. It slowly coalesced into a humanoid form, ethereal and translucent, yet brimming with potential.

Reinhard watched intently as the being's features became more defined. It had a similar spectral quality to his own form, but with unique characteristics that distinguished it as its own entity. The process was mesmerizing, a testament to the profound connection between creator and creation.

The new Spectral began to show signs of consciousness, its eyes opening to reveal a spark of awareness. Reinhard extended a hand, touching the being's forehead gently. "Welcome to existence, my kin."

