
Deity of Destruction

Reinhard Nava, the Golden Beast, also son of the Creator God Veldanava will now live his life with the quest of spreading love to everything. The mc is ultra op, he can stomp anyone in this verse. He can easily destroy peak Rimuru, even the one one in ending of WN. This is also a wishfulfillment fic but I assure you that there are some epic scenes. If you enjoy my stories then please give some support by tip or donation here~ https://ko-fi.com/asthoglho

Asthoglho · Anime & Comics
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58 Chs

Champion, Einherjars.

Extra chapter because... No idea, really.

Don't forget to throw some stones alright?



As the Demon Lords settled back into their seats, the atmosphere became even more charged with anticipation. Misery stepped forward once more, her eyes sweeping across the assembly. "The next agenda," she announced, "is our response to the growing large human settlements in the world."

Guy leaned forward, his eyes glinting with a dangerous light. "This is a matter of great importance," he began, his voice resonating through the air, amplified to reach even the furthest corners of the world. "Humans, by their nature, have a tendency to overreach. They expand, they conquer, and they destroy. It is our duty to ensure they do not upset the balance we are striving to maintain."

Milim's eyes sparkled with excitement, her usual energy undiminished. "So, what's the plan, Guy?" she asked eagerly, leaning forward. "Do we get to smash some human cities?"

Guy smiled, a predatory grin that sent shivers down the spines of those watching from afar. "Indeed, Milim. I propose that each of us be given the authority to chip away at the power of any large human settlement that shows signs of overreaching. This will serve two purposes: it will remind humans of their place, and it will ensure they do not become a threat to the balance of our world."

Dagruel nodded slowly, his massive form exuding a sense of grim determination. "Humans have always been a source of conflict and strife. It is wise to keep them in check. I support this plan."

Luminous, her regal bearing unshaken, added her voice to the chorus. "Humans, with their fleeting lifespans and insatiable ambitions, often forget their limitations. A reminder is indeed necessary. They need to understand the consequences of their actions."

Ramiris, who had been floating quietly, now spoke up, her voice carrying a hint of reluctance. "I agree, but we must ensure that our actions do not lead to unnecessary suffering. We should target their leaders and their military might, not the innocent lives."

Guy gave her a nod of acknowledgment. "Your point is valid, Ramiris. Our goal is not to wipe out humanity but to maintain balance. Strategic strikes will be our method, ensuring that the impact is felt where it matters most."

Milim grinned, clearly relishing the prospect of action. "Well, as long as we get to have some fun while we're at it, I'm in. Humans do tend to get out of control if left unchecked."

Luminous leaned forward, her eyes narrowing thoughtfully. "What of the human kingdoms that show restraint and wisdom? Should we not have a way to reward such behavior, to encourage a more balanced approach?"

Guy considered this for a moment before nodding. "An excellent point, Luminous. We will establish a system of observation and judgment. Those human settlements that demonstrate wisdom and restraint will be left in peace. But those who overreach, those who seek to upset the balance, will face our wrath."

Dagruel's deep voice rumbled through the air. "And what of those who dare to defy us, who believe they can challenge our authority?"

Guy's smile was cold and fierce. "They will learn the true meaning of despair. Our message will be clear and unmistakable: the Demon Lords are the ultimate authority in this world. Any who challenge us will be crushed."

As the Demon Lords continued their discussion, the world listened in fear and awe. The balance of power was shifting, and the humans, who had grown accustomed to their own dominion, now faced a new reality. The Demon Lords, in their infinite power and wisdom, were now the overseers of the world's fate.

The meeting was not just a declaration of power; it was a statement of intent. Each Demon Lord would play their part in shaping the future, ensuring that the world remained in balance, even if it meant wielding their terrible power against those who dared to disrupt it.

The heavy silence that followed was filled with the weight of their decisions. Misery stepped back, allowing the gravity of the moment to sink in. The Demon Lords had spoken, and their will would be enacted across the world.

Guy, with a final glance at his fellow Demon Lords, concluded the discussion. "With this plan, we will ensure the stability of our world. We will maintain the balance and remind all beings, human or otherwise, of the power and authority we hold. The era of the Demon Lords has truly begun."

As the meeting neared its conclusion, a palpable tension filled the air. Misery, sensing the gravity of the moment, stepped forward with an air of solemnity. "We now move to our last and most important agenda," she announced, her voice echoing ominously. "This concerns a name that demands our utmost attention—Reinhard Nava."

The very mention of the name silenced the assembly. The Demon Lords, who had been so fierce and unyielding moments ago, now wore expressions of unease and contemplation. Each one reacted differently to the name: Milim's eyes widened in surprise, Luminous's lips pressed into a thin line, and Ramiris's usually carefree demeanor turned serious.

Milim was the first to break the silence, her voice tinged with confusion and a hint of defiance. "Why are we bringing my brother's name into this discussion? What does he have to do with our plans?"

Luminous and Ramiris also leaned in, their attention fully captured. They respected Reinhard and were visibly perplexed by Guy's intentions.

Guy shrugged, a nonchalant smirk playing on his lips. Instead of immediately answering Milim's question, he directed his gaze upward, staring intently at the second moon hanging brightly in the sky. The assembly followed his gaze, realizing he was looking directly at Gladsheimr.

A sardonic laugh echoed through the air, causing every Demon Lord to tense up. The laugh was unmistakably Reinhard's. He had been watching the entire scenario unfold and couldn't help but be amused by Guy's audacity. The man was brave—or perhaps foolish—to address him in such a manner, knowing full well the risk of incurring his wrath.

Reinhard's presence was both awe-inspiring and terrifying. He remained in Gladsheimr however his aura was overwhelming and divine. Despite the palpable tension, he wore a smile that hinted at his amusement and superiority.

"Guy, your bravery is commendable," Reinhard began, his voice carrying a weight that silenced any further protests. "To bring my name into this council... It's a bold move, indeed."

Guy, maintaining his composure, nodded slightly. "We acknowledge your power, Reinhard. But it's not just about recognition. It's about understanding your ambition and how it impacts us all."

Reinhard chuckled, a sound that sent shivers down the spines of those present. "Indeed, you are perceptive. My ambition extends beyond this world, and I have plans that will shape the future."

Milim, unable to contain her concern, stepped forward. "Brother, what are you planning? Why declare war on the world?"

Reinhard's smile widened. "Because this world needs a challenge. It needs to evolve, to strive for something greater. In 1,000 years, I will enter a slumber to prepare for my ascension. During this time, all creatures within the Cardinal World must prevent that from happening. This is a test, a way to see who truly deserves to exist in the new world I envision."

The declaration sent waves of shock through the assembly. The Demon Lords, who had considered themselves the pinnacle of power, now faced a challenge that dwarfed any they had encountered before.

Luminous, regaining her composure, asked, "And what if we fail? What happens if no one can stop you?"

Reinhard's eyes glinted with a mixture of amusement and menace. "Then the world will break, and from its fragments, a new one will be born. One that aligns with my vision of perfection."

Guy, leaned back in his chair, a thoughtful expression on his face. "So, this is not just about power. It's about proving our worth."

"Exactly," Reinhard replied. "You have 1,000 years to prepare. Make the most of it."

With that, Reinhard's presence began to fade, his divine voice dissipating into the ether. The Demon Lords were left in a state of contemplation, the weight of the challenge ahead pressing down on them.

The silence that followed was heavy, filled with the unspoken understanding of the monumental task before them. Guy finally broke the silence, his voice resolute. "We have our work cut out for us. Let this be the beginning of a new era. Walpurgis is now coming to an end"

As his words echoed across the desolate lands, the world erupted in fear and anticipation.

Milim's emotions churned within her. Her brother's declaration was both perplexing and worrisome, yet a part of her believed that Reinhard was simply toying with them. After all, he always had a flair for the dramatic. Surely, he didn't truly intend to destroy the world? She shook her head slightly, trying to dismiss the unease that gnawed at her.

As the weight of Reinhard's words settled over the assembly, Guy stood from his seat with a grin that could only be described as predatory. "It is declared then," he announced, his voice brimming with a dangerous glee. "Reinhard Nava, the most evil man in the world, is now the enemy of the Demon Lord Council."

The declaration sent shockwaves through the gathered lords. Ramiris and Luminous exchanged uneasy glances, the rapid escalation of events leaving them reeling. Neither had anticipated becoming Reinhard's adversaries after just one meeting. The burden of this sudden enmity weighed heavily on their shoulders, filling them with regret for attending the council.

Luminous, in particular, was torn. She had been given a task by Reinhard himself—a responsibility that now seemed at odds with her newfound position. Her mind raced, contemplating whether she should reveal Reinhard's plans to the others. But something held her back. They had time, after all—a millennium before Reinhard's slumber. Perhaps it was best to hold her silence for now.

As the implications of Guy's announcement reverberated through the world, fear spread like wildfire. The declaration of war by the Demon Lord Council signaled the dawn of a dangerous era, one fraught with uncertainty and looming threats.

Back at the meeting, Guy reveled in the tension he had created. He cast his gaze over his fellow lords, ensuring that the gravity of their new enemy was understood. "We will make it known to the world," he continued, his tone filled with menace, "that we welcome any creature with the strength and will to stand among us. Let them come forward if they wish to be part of this council. But make no mistake—only the strongest will be allowed."

The challenge was clear, a gauntlet thrown down for all to see. Guy's words were a beacon, drawing the attention of powerful beings across the Cardinal World. It was a taunt, a dare for those who believed themselves capable to step into the fray and prove their worth.

Milim, despite her internal conflict, couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement. The prospect of facing new challengers and testing her might was something she relished. Ramiris, on the other hand, was less enthusiastic, her expression one of resigned acceptance. Luminous remained composed, her mind a whirlwind of thoughts and strategies as she considered the best course of action.

The world beyond the desolate meeting grounds was abuzz with the news. Rumors spread like wildfire, tales of the Demon Lord Council's declaration reaching every corner of the globe. From the smallest villages to the grandest cities, the fear and anticipation of the coming era took hold.

In the midst of it all, Reinhard's ominous presence loomed large. His declaration of war was a shadow over the land, a promise of chaos and conflict that none could ignore. And yet, there was a sense of inevitability about it—as if the world had always been moving toward this moment.

Guy, satisfied with the outcome of the meeting, settled back into his seat. "Let the games begin," he murmured, his grin widening as he imagined the chaos to come.

The Demon Lords had set their course, and the world braced itself for the storm that was sure to follow. As the council dispersed, each lord returned to their domains with a sense of purpose, readying themselves for the trials ahead. And in his domain, Reinhard watched with a knowing smile, the pieces of his grand design falling perfectly into place.





In the resplendent halls of Gladsheimr, Reinhard sat upon his throne, the satisfaction of the recent developments evident in his eyes. The declaration of war, while premature in his original plans, had unfolded perfectly. Guy's audaciousness had earned a sliver of Reinhard's respect. Despite the vast chasm of power between them, Guy dared to challenge the strongest being in existence. That kind of audacity was rare and slightly commendable.

With a slight smirk playing on his lips, Reinhard dismissed his musings and focused on the task at hand. He snapped his fingers, the sound resonating through the grand chamber like a thunderclap. In an instant, three figures materialized before him, summoned by his sheer will.

The first to appear was Feldway, the stalwart leader of the Primordial Angels. Feldway's loyalty to Veldanava had seamlessly transferred to Reinhard, recognizing him as the highest authority in Heaven. His presence was a testament to the celestial hierarchy and the unyielding devotion he commanded.

Next to materialize was Zelanus, the Insectar whom Reinhard had named and elevated to greater heights. Zelanus's transformation under Reinhard's influence had made him a formidable entity, one who owed his existence and strength to Reinhard's benevolence.

The final figure was a surprise to anyone unfamiliar with Reinhard's machinations—it was Noir, the Primordial of Black. Reinhard had encountered Noir in the depths of the Underworld. Recognizing Reinhard's boundless potential, Noir had pledged his allegiance without hesitation. His dark presence contrasted starkly with the ethereal glow of Feldway and the alien aura of Zelanus.

The three kneeled in unison, their heads bowed in respect and submission. Reinhard's mocking smile grew wider as he observed them.

Reinhard's eyes glinted with a cold, calculating light as he observed the three kneeling figures before him. The satisfaction of his recent actions still warmed him, but now it was time to ensure his loyal subordinates' unwavering devotion. With a casual gesture, he ordered, "Rise."

Feldway, Zelanus, and Noir stood up simultaneously, their eyes locked onto Reinhard with a mixture of reverence and curiosity. The room was charged with an almost palpable tension, as if the very air awaited Reinhard's next words.

Reinhard's gaze pierced through them, and his question hung in the air like a guillotine blade, "Are you willing to die for me?"

The three were visibly taken aback, their surprise momentarily disrupting their composure. However, they quickly regained their poise. Feldway's eyes shone with celestial determination, Zelanus's multifaceted gaze shimmered with unwavering resolve, and Noir's dark eyes reflected an utmost pleasure of whatever fate awaited him.

"Yes, my Lord," they affirmed in unison, their voices strong and unhesitating.

A pleased smile tugged at Reinhard's lips as he nodded approvingly. "Good," he said softly, and with a graceful motion, he manifested his Yetzirah, The Longinuslanze Testament. The spear, a symbol of his unparalleled power, shimmered into existence, its presence commanding absolute attention.

With a single, fluid thrust, Reinhard drove the spear forward. The movement was almost too swift to follow, and in its wake, three immaculate holes appeared in the chests of Feldway, Zelanus, and Noir. The thrust of the spear defied logic, splitting into three precise, fatal strikes. It was a simple, yet profound demonstration of the spear's divine power and Reinhard's mastery over it.

Despite the gaping wounds in their chests, the three subordinates did not flinch. Instead, a serene, almost ecstatic smile spread across their faces. The pain was insignificant compared to the honor of perishing by their lord's hand. Feldway stood tall, his celestial form unwavering. Zelanus, with his insectoid features, showed no sign of fear or regret. Noir's dark presence seemed to deepen, his eyes gleaming with a final, devoted light.

As the life faded from their bodies, they remained standing, a testament to their unwavering loyalty and the sheer power of their will. Their deaths were not a surrender but an ultimate act of devotion, their final service to the one they revered above all.

Reinhard's cold smile lingered as he looked upon the three who had died willingly for him. It was a grim, yet satisfying confirmation of the absolute loyalty he commanded. The scene was one of silent, stoic reverence, the bodies of Feldway, Zelanus, and Noir standing as eternal sentinels to their lord's dominion.

Reinhard observed the lifeless forms of Feldway, Zelanus, and Noir with a satisfied expression. Their unwavering loyalty and willingness to die for him had been proven beyond any doubt. As a token of his appreciation, Reinhard decided to bestow upon them his blessings. With a wave of his hand, he channeled his immense power, resurrecting the three as his new Einherjars.

The room shimmered with a divine light as Feldway, Zelanus, and Noir were brought back to life. They opened their eyes, now glowing with an ethereal brilliance. A newfound immortality coursed through their veins, and they could feel their very essence changed. They understood that as long as they continued to reap souls, they would grow ever stronger. The realization of their new state elevated their loyalty to heights previously unimaginable.

The three knelt once more, their respect and reverence for Reinhard evident in their every movement. "Thank you, my Lord," they intoned in unison, their voices filled with profound gratitude.

Reinhard, seated on his throne, looked upon them with a mixture of pride and satisfaction. He then extended his hand, and three orbs materialized in the air before him. Each orb pulsed with a bright, almost blinding light, signifying the immense power contained within. The orbs floated in front of Feldway, Zelanus, and Noir, each resonating with a unique energy.

"These orbs," Reinhard began, his voice resonating with authority, "contain abilities that I wish to bestow upon you. They are gifts for your loyalty and service."

Without hesitation, the three Einherjars accepted the orbs, their hands closing around the glowing spheres. The energy from the orbs seemed to merge with their very beings, a powerful integration that would enhance their abilities even further. The light from the orbs gradually dimmed as they became one with Feldway, Zelanus, and Noir.

Feldway felt a surge of celestial power course through him, his angelic form glowing brighter. Zelanus's insectoid features shimmered with a new, potent vitality, his multifaceted eyes reflecting a deeper strength. Noir's dark presence intensified, his aura becoming even more formidable.

As the integration completed, the three Einherjars rose to their feet, now more powerful than ever before. They stood before Reinhard, their devotion unwavering and their determination renewed. The room was filled with a silent, yet palpable energy, the testament of their rebirth and the promise of their future service.

Reinhard's eyes gleamed with satisfaction as he watched his newly empowered Einherjars. He had forged them into perfect instruments of his will, their loyalty and strength bound to him for eternity. The scene was one of silent reverence and renewed purpose, the three Einherjars ready to carry out any command their lord might bestow.

