
Deity of Destruction

Reinhard Nava, the Golden Beast, also son of the Creator God Veldanava will now live his life with the quest of spreading love to everything. The mc is ultra op, he can stomp anyone in this verse. He can easily destroy peak Rimuru, even the one one in ending of WN. This is also a wishfulfillment fic but I assure you that there are some epic scenes. If you enjoy my stories then please give some support by tip or donation here~ https://ko-fi.com/asthoglho

Asthoglho · Anime & Comics
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58 Chs

Transmutation of Gold 2.

Throw some stones.



Standing at the zenith of his newly created Gladsheimr, Reinhard gazed down upon the world below, a small, almost imperceptible smile playing at the corners of his mouth. As the gravity of his presence settled over the land, that smile grew into a full, triumphant laugh. The sound of Reinhard's laughter reverberated through the air, sending shockwaves that rippled across the Cardinal World. It was a laugh that resonated with power and absolute confidence, a sound that shook the hearts of all who heard it.

"Humans," Reinhard's voice boomed, echoing like thunder. "Fragile, weak, insignificant. My father, Veldanava, treasured you, but I judge you from a higher place. You are nothing compared to the other races that inhabit this world."

His gaze swept across the horizon, eyes gleaming with disdain. "For my warriors, I had intended to sacrifice a whole country, but I see now that humans are unworthy. The second phase of the first ritual will now commence. This will be the final part of the ritual, so brace yourselves for what is to come."

As his words hung in the air, the populace below trembled, their fear palpable. They had seen glimpses of Reinhard's power, but the declaration of this new phase brought a fresh wave of terror.





Far from the epicenter of Reinhard's malevolent plans, the True Dragons gathered in a secluded, ancient place, where the echoes of their past battles still lingered. Velgrynd, Velzard, and Veldora, the mighty siblings, conversed in hushed, urgent tones, their expressions betraying their inner turmoil.

Velgrynd, her fiery eyes burning with concern, was the first to speak. "Our nephew, Reinhard, has gone too far. His actions threaten the very balance of this world. We must decide what to do."

Velzard, the Ice Dragon, nodded in agreement, her usually calm demeanor strained. "Reinhard has never heeded our words. He has always walked his own path, defying our guidance. And now, his ambitions could bring about the end of everything we know."

Veldora, the Storm Dragon, crossed his arms, his carefree attitude momentarily replaced by a rare seriousness. "You know, this isn't really our fight. It's the world against Reinhard. We True Dragons can survive the destruction of this world and many realms besides. Unlike humans, demons, and other races, we are eternal."

Velgrynd sighed, her gaze softening. "I know, little brother. But we are not just doing this for ourselves. I love Rudra, and Velzard longs for Guy's affection. We have ties to this world, to its inhabitants."

Veldora smirked, a hint of his usual mischief returning. "And I'm just in it for the fun. But that doesn't mean we can take this lightly. I've faced Reinhard before. When I was just born, he trained me. His might and determination are unparalleled. If we confront him now, without a solid plan, we have no chance."

Velzard shuddered, recalling their previous encounters. "I remember our first death at his hands. The pain, the helplessness. Resurrecting was not a pleasant experience. I do not wish to go through that again."

The room fell silent, each dragon lost in their own thoughts, the weight of their decision pressing heavily upon them. Velgrynd finally broke the silence, her voice resolute. "We cannot let him complete this ritual unchecked. We must confront him after this phase is over. We owe it to those we care about, to the world itself."

Velzard and Veldora exchanged glances before nodding in agreement. Velzard's icy resolve mirrored Velgrynd's fiery determination, while Veldora's stormy nature settled into a calm readiness. They knew the path ahead would be fraught with danger, but they also understood the necessity of their actions.

"We will face him," Velzard declared, her voice cold and clear. "Together, we stand a chance."

"Let's just hope we don't end up as dust again," Veldora added with a wry smile, trying to lighten the heavy atmosphere.

Velgrynd placed a hand on each of her siblings' shoulders, her eyes fierce. "We will confront him, and we will stop him. For the sake of this world and all who inhabit it."

With their resolve strengthened, the True Dragons prepared for the inevitable clash with their nephew, knowing that the fate of the world hung in the balance. The challenge ahead was daunting, but together, they were determined to stand against the overwhelming force that was Reinhard.

When Reinhard's incantations began, the demon lords and True Dragons sprang into action. Velzard, Velgrynd, and Veldora, their instincts honed by countless battles, unleashed their formidable breaths in unison, each targeting Reinhard. They knew the damage they could inflict might be minimal, but they were determined to try.

Velgrynd activated her Ultimate Skill, accelerating their attacks with unprecedented speed. The powerful streams of energy hurtled towards Reinhard, but before they could reach him, Zelanus materialized in their path. The Insectar King's presence alone was daunting, and as he raised his fist to meet the incoming attacks, the True Dragons and demon lords watched in disbelief.

With a simple punch, Zelanus shattered their combined breaths, disintegrating them instantly. It wasn't just a block or a deflection; the energy was utterly destroyed, its very existence erased. The realization of what had just happened sent a chill through the ranks of their attackers.

Guy and the True Dragons recoiled, shock and bafflement written across their faces. The sheer power of Zelanus' fist, capable of annihilating anything in existence, was terrifying. But they couldn't afford to hesitate. They regrouped, ready to test this new adversary's abilities.

Velzard and Velgrynd, their determination unshaken, charged at Zelanus from opposite sides. Velzard's ice-cold breath met Velgrynd's scorching flames, creating a devastating vortex aimed directly at the Insectar King. Zelanus stood firm, his eyes gleaming with a mixture of amusement and contempt. With a swift, fluid motion, he dodged the vortex, his agility defying belief for someone of his size.

Dino, seeing an opening, lunged forward, his sword flashing in the dim light. He aimed a series of rapid strikes at Zelanus, each one intended to probe for weaknesses. Zelanus parried effortlessly, his movements almost lazy, yet impossibly precise. Each deflection sent shockwaves through the air, demonstrating his immense strength.

Guy, not one to be outdone, unleashed a barrage of dark magic, each spell crafted to exploit different vulnerabilities. Zelanus met them head-on, his fists moving in a blur. Every spell he touched disintegrated upon contact, leaving no trace behind. Guy gritted his teeth, the frustration mounting. This was no ordinary battle, it was a clash against an entity that defied the natural order.

Milim, her eyes blazing with draconic fury, transformed into her battle form. Her immense power radiated through the battlefield as she charged at Zelanus, her hands aimed to tear him apart. Zelanus caught her hands with his bare hands, the ground beneath them cracking from the sheer force of their clash. Milim roared, her strength unparalleled, but Zelanus held firm, his grip like iron.

Velzard and Velgrynd, regrouping after their initial attack, unleashed their Ultimate Skills simultaneously. Velzard's Frost Nova collided with Velgrynd's Inferno Burst, the resulting explosion aimed directly at Zelanus. The battlefield was engulfed in blinding light and searing heat, but as the dust settled, Zelanus emerged unscathed, his form untouched by the devastation.

Dagruel, the giant of the demon lords, charged in next. His colossal fists crashed down towards Zelanus, each blow carrying the weight of mountains. Zelanus met Dagruel's fists with his own, the impact sending shockwaves that could be felt miles away. For a moment, it seemed like Dagruel might overpower him, but Zelanus' fists glowed with a destructive aura. With a final, decisive punch, he shattered Dagruel's offensive, sending the giant reeling.

Veldora, summoned a massive tempest, lightning crackling within the dark clouds. The storm descended upon Zelanus, the lightning strikes focused on his form. Zelanus stood amidst the tempest, his body absorbing the lightning. With a roar, he unleashed the stored energy back at Veldora, the counterattack forcing the dragon to retreat.

The battle raged on, each side testing the other's limits. Zelanus, despite his overwhelming power, remained passive, never initiating an attack beyond what was necessary to defend himself. His demeanor was almost mocking, as if to say that this was but a game to him.

Guy, seeing no other option, decided to use his trump card. He summoned the power of his Ultimate Skill, Lord of Pride, Lucifer. The air around him shimmered with insane energy as he prepared to nullify Zelanus' very existence. But as he launched his attack, Zelanus met it head-on with a simple punch, the energy dissipating as if it had never been.

Reinhard watched from his elevated position, his smile growing as he witnessed the futile struggle. The demon lords and True Dragons, despite their combined might, were unable to make a dent in Zelanus' defenses. Their attacks, no matter how powerful, were rendered meaningless.

As the battle reached a standstill, Zelanus stood amidst the panting, exhausted warriors, his expression unchanged. "Is that all you have?" he taunted, his voice dripping with condescension. "You cannot hope to defeat me, let alone my master."

The True Dragons and demon lords exchanged weary glances, the weight of the realization sinking in. They were up against a force far beyond their understanding, and the true battle had yet to begin.

The demon lords and True Dragons exchanged determined glances, realizing that their individual attacks had little effect on Zelanus. It was time for a different approach. They regrouped, formulating a plan through telepathy, and decided to rely on teamwork and coordination rather than brute force alone.

Guy took the lead, orchestrating their movements. "We'll need to combine our strengths and strike simultaneously. Milim, you and I will focus on frontal assaults. Velzard, Velgrynd, and Veldora, support us with your elemental powers. Dino, Dagruel, cover our flanks and watch for any openings."

They nodded in unison, their resolve strengthening. This was not just a fight for their survival but a battle to protect the very fabric of their world.

With their strategy in place, they launched their coordinated assault. Milim and Guy attacked from the front, their combined power creating a barrage of energy blasts and physical strikes. Milim's draconic strength and Guy's mastery of dark magic created a deadly synergy, each attack complementing the other. Zelanus met their assault with his fists, his movements precise and devastating. He deflected Milim's blows and neutralized Guy's spells, but the relentless onslaught began to push him back.

Velzard, Velgrynd, and Veldora circled around Zelanus, unleashing their elemental powers in tandem. Velzard's icy breath created massive glaciers that trapped Zelanus's movements, while Velgrynd's flames melted through any defense he tried to form. Veldora's storms added to the chaos, lightning striking down with pinpoint accuracy. Zelanus found himself caught in a maelstrom of ice, fire, and lightning, each element threatening to overwhelm him.

Dino and Dagruel took advantage of the distraction, moving in from the sides. Dino's sword slashes aimed at Zelanus's weak points, his blade moving with incredible speed. Dagruel's colossal fists crashed down with the force of mountains, each blow calculated to destabilize Zelanus's stance.

Despite their combined efforts, Zelanus remained a formidable opponent. His passive demeanor did not change, if anything, he seemed more amused. "Impressive," he muttered, deflecting another of Dino's strikes. "But futile."

Zelanus retaliated with a series of powerful punches, each one creating shockwaves that rippled through the battlefield. He broke free of Velzard's ice, countered Velgrynd's flames, and redirected Veldora's lightning with his fists. His ability to destroy the existence of their attacks remained a constant threat.

The demon lords and True Dragons adjusted their tactics, coordinating their movements with increasing precision. Guy used his telepathy to relay real-time updates, allowing them to react instantly to Zelanus's counters. They moved like a well-oiled machine, their attacks flowing seamlessly from one to another.

Milim roared, channeling her full draconic power into a concentrated beam of energy. "Take this!" she shouted, the beam slicing through the air towards Zelanus. At the same moment, Velzard and Velgrynd combined their breaths, creating a fusion of ice and fire that followed Milim's beam.

Zelanus raised his fist, ready to disintegrate the incoming attacks, but Dagruel seized the opportunity. With a ground-shaking leap, he aimed a massive punch at Zelanus's side, forcing him to divert his attention. The combined elemental attack struck Zelanus head-on, creating a massive explosion that shook the battlefield.

As the dust settled, Zelanus emerged from the debris, his form slightly battered but still standing. His expression remained one of cold amusement. "You are strong," he acknowledged, "but not strong enough."

Guy gritted his teeth, his mind racing. They had to find a way to break through Zelanus's defenses. He signaled to Veldora, who nodded and unleashed a massive storm, the winds and lightning merging into a single, concentrated vortex. Dino and Dagruel moved in unison, their attacks perfectly timed to exploit any openings created by the storm.

The coordinated assault began to take its toll on Zelanus. For the first time, a hint of frustration crossed his face. He was being pushed to his limits, his movements becoming more aggressive and less controlled. The demon lords and True Dragons pressed their advantage, their attacks relentless and unyielding.

But even as they seemed to gain the upper hand, Zelanus unleashed a powerful counterattack. He released a shockwave of destructive energy, forcing them all to retreat. "Enough!" he roared, his voice echoing across the battlefield. "You cannot hope to defeat me with mere numbers."

Guy, breathing heavily, looked around at his allies. They were exhausted but not defeated. "We need to keep pushing," he said, his voice resolute. "We can't let him complete Reinhard's ritual."

The battle continued, a clash of titanic forces, each side testing the other's limits. The demon lords and True Dragons fought with renewed determination, their teamwork and strategy proving to be their greatest strengths. And while Zelanus remained an overwhelming adversary, they knew that together, they stood a chance.

The world watched in awe and terror, the fate of their realm hanging in the balance as the epic battle raged on.

The demon lords and True Dragons soon began to notice the vast difference in power between Zelanus and Feldway. Feldway had been an indomitable force, seemingly invincible and insurmountable. In contrast, Zelanus, though formidable, was showing signs of vulnerability under their combined assault. It was a small but crucial glimmer of hope.

Guy, assessing the situation, barked out commands through telepathy, "Focus your attacks! We can break him if we keep pressing!"

The renewed assault began with Milim and Guy leading the charge. Milim's fists, imbued with her draconic power, collided with Zelanus's exoskeleton, creating cracks that spiderwebbed across its surface. Guy's dark magic seeped into those cracks, weakening the Insectar King's defenses further.

Velzard and Velgrynd unleashed a synchronized breath attack, their icy and fiery powers merging into a devastating beam that targeted the weak points in Zelanus's armor. Veldora's storm winds howled around them, adding an additional layer of chaos and power to the attack.

Dino and Dagruel capitalized on every opening, their coordinated strikes aimed to exploit the damage caused by their allies. Dino's sword slashes were precise, targeting the joints and softer parts of Zelanus's exoskeleton. Dagruel's colossal fists hammered down with the force of mountains, each blow creating fissures in Zelanus's armor.

As the battle raged on, Zelanus began to falter. His once-impenetrable exoskeleton started to crack and splinter under the relentless onslaught. Guy, noticing the progress they were making, couldn't help but smile. However, his smile turned into a scowl as he realized someone was missing.

"Where the hell is Ramiris?" Guy muttered, frustrated. She could be a great support on the battlefield, but there was no sign of her.

Before he could voice his frustration further, Ramiris's voice echoed in his mind. "Guy, I'm here! I've been maintaining the balance of the world. Your fight is cracking it, and I'm doing my best to prevent everything from falling apart!"

Guy paused, understanding the gravity of her responsibility. "Fine, just keep doing what you're doing. We'll handle this."

With renewed determination, the demon lords and True Dragons continued their assault. Each attack was a calculated strike, aimed at the growing fractures in Zelanus's exoskeleton. The Insectar King, though still powerful, was visibly struggling to keep up with their coordinated efforts.

Finally, with a resounding crash, Zelanus dropped to one knee, his exoskeleton shattered and his form battered. The demon lords and True Dragons stood panting, their bodies bruised and their energy nearly depleted, but they had managed to bring Zelanus to his knees.

Guy wiped the sweat from his brow, his eyes never leaving Zelanus. "We've got him on the ropes. Don't let up now!"

Milim, breathing heavily but still full of fight, grinned at Guy. "Let's finish this!"

Zelanus, despite his weakened state, raised his head and met their gaze. "Impressive," he said, his voice carrying a grudging respect. "But this is far from over."

The demon lords and True Dragons knew he was right. The battle was not yet won, but for the first time, they had managed to make a dent in the seemingly unassailable wall before them. With grit and determination, they prepared to launch their final assault, knowing that the fate of their world depended on their success.



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