
Deity of Destruction

Reinhard Nava, the Golden Beast, also son of the Creator God Veldanava will now live his life with the quest of spreading love to everything. The mc is ultra op, he can stomp anyone in this verse. He can easily destroy peak Rimuru, even the one one in ending of WN. This is also a wishfulfillment fic but I assure you that there are some epic scenes. If you enjoy my stories then please give some support by tip or donation here~ https://ko-fi.com/asthoglho

Asthoglho · Anime & Comics
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Transmutation of Gold 1

Still no idea who the spirit was? Guess the clue for the next world is lost.

Anyway, stones bastards.



A century and a half passed in the Cardinal World, a time marked by an uneasy peace and the constant shadow of Reinhard's looming presence. For the first century, the world held its breath, fearing another trial, another devastating attack. But to their surprise, Reinhard remained silent. The demon lords and their allies cautiously rebuilt, always on guard, always expecting the worst.

However, as the years turned into decades and then into a century, the tension began to ease. Life, in its resilient way, started to return to a semblance of normalcy. Kingdoms rebuilt their armies, cities rose from the ashes, and even the demon lords found moments of relative peace. Guy, Milim, and the others continued to strengthen their realms, ever watchful but also cautiously optimistic.

But then, as the world approached a century and a half since Reinhard's last trial, the peace was shattered. Feldway, the right hand of Reinhard, appeared once more. His mere presence, despite being contained within a disposable body, sent waves of terror across the Cardinal World. The skies darkened, and the very air seemed to tremble as he descended, his form casting a long, ominous shadow over the land.

The first to react were the people, their fear palpable and immediate. Whispers of Feldway's return spread like wildfire, causing panic and chaos. Cities that had rebuilt over the decades now faced the imminent threat of annihilation once again. Soldiers and civilians alike looked to the skies, their hearts pounding with dread.

In their respective territories, the demon lords felt the disturbance instantly. Guy, sensing the immense power, immediately mobilized. He contacted Milim, Dino, and the others, their telepathic link buzzing with urgency. "Feldway is back," he communicated tersely. "We need to move, now."

Milim's eyes flashed with anger and determination. "I'm on my way," she replied. Dino, still adapting to his new role, nodded grimly. "We'll stop him."

The demon lords converged on the location where Feldway had appeared, their combined power and presence formidable. But despite their speed and urgency, they were too late. By the time they arrived, Feldway had already completed his task. The ground where he stood was scorched, the air thick with the lingering essence of his power.

All that remained was a large stone structure, its surface etched with words. The sight of it was both puzzling and foreboding. Guy approached it cautiously, his senses on high alert. "What did he leave behind?" he muttered, his eyes scanning the structure.

Milim landed beside him, her expression a mix of frustration and curiosity. "We were too slow," she said, clenching her fists. "But what is this?"

Dino and the others arrived shortly after, their eyes widening at the sight of the stone. Velgrynd, still feeling the burn of Feldway's previous confrontation, examined the structure with a wary gaze. "This is a message," she said, her voice low. "But from whom, and for what purpose?"

As they stood there, contemplating the ominous structure, the weight of the moment pressed down on them. The return of Feldway, the fear he instilled, and the mysterious stone left in his wake all pointed to one thing: Reinhard's plans were far from over. The demon lords knew they had to decipher the message and prepare for whatever lay ahead. The peace they had known for a century and a half was shattered, replaced once more by the looming threat of a power far greater than their own.

After the event where Feldway placed the first Swastika in the heart of the Former Elven Kingdom, the world was left reeling from the shock. The Former Elven Kingdom, a place of ancient beauty and tranquility, was now marred by the presence of the ominous stone structure. The swastika, radiating a malevolent energy, stood as a grim testament to Reinhard's far-reaching influence. The land that once thrived with life and magic now felt cold and desolate, the presence of Velgaia's life force having been snuffed out.

The demon lords gathered at the site, their expressions a mix of anger, confusion, and determination. Guy Crimson, always the strategist, stared at the swastika, his mind racing with possibilities. "Why here? What significance does this place hold for him?" he muttered, more to himself than to anyone else.

Milim, still seething from their previous encounter with Feldway, stomped her foot in frustration. "This doesn't make any sense! Why this Elven Kingdom? What is Brother planning?"

Dino, leaning lazily against a tree, yawned. "This is troublesome. Can't we just smash the thing and call it a day?" Despite his nonchalant attitude, even he understood the gravity of the situation.

Velgrynd, ever the voice of reason, shook her head. "I doubt that is possible. With the characteristics of my nephew, he won't leave a single mishaps in his actions"

Guy nodded in agreement. "Velgrynd is right. We can't act impulsively. We need to figure out Reinhard's endgame."

As they deliberated, their thoughts were interrupted by a familiar, terrifying voice. Reinhard's voice echoed across the world, chilling the hearts of all who heard it. "Congratulations, survivors of my trials. You have done well to amuse me so far. But now, the first phase of my ascension begins. The foundation must be laid, and I shall complete the first Swastika. Prepare yourselves, for the transmutation of gold begins."

The demon lords exchanged uneasy glances. There was no time to ponder Reinhard's words, as a sense of urgency gripped them. They knew they had to return to their territories and prepare for whatever came next. However, just as they were about to depart, Reinhard's voice pierced the air once more.

"In Gladsheimr, I have no need for a false paradise. Behold the true power of the Creator's heir."

In Gladsheimr, Reinhard stood from his throne, his eyes gleaming with a malevolent light. He raised a hand, and with a mere flick of his finger, the entire golden domain began to disintegrate. The grand, opulent structures that made up the false Gladsheimr crumbled into dust, cascading down like golden rain. The sky above the Cardinal World darkened as the second moon, long assumed to be a celestial body, was revealed to be nothing more than an elaborate facade.

As the golden moon broke apart, the populace of the Cardinal World watched in horror and awe. The sight was both beautiful and terrifying, the golden particles scattering across the sky like stars falling from the heavens. Many had no idea that the second moon was anything but a natural satellite, and the realization that it was a construct left them stunned.

The demon lords could only watch as the golden domain fell apart, a symbol of Reinhard's power and arrogance. Guy clenched his fists, his mind racing. "That bastard," he said, his voice grim. "Reinhard is preparing for something, get ready."

Milim nodded, her usual carefree demeanor replaced by a rare seriousness. "We'll stop my brother, no matter what it takes."

Dino sighed, standing up straight for once. "Looks like we don't have a choice. Let's get to work."

Velgrynd's eyes burned with determination. "As long as Rudra agrees"

As the last remnants of Gladsheimr crumbled into the void, the demon lords knew their battle was far from over. They had survived the trials, but now they faced an even greater challenge. The world watched, waiting with bated breath, as the forces of good and evil prepared for the ultimate confrontation.

After the destruction of the fake Gladsheimr, Reinhard's chilling voice once again echoed across the realm, sending ripples of unease through every corner of the world. He stood in the ruins of the golden domain, contemplating his next move. The creation of his new Gladsheimr required a core of immense power and purity.

Reinhard's thoughts drifted to the spirit he had summoned during his time in Ramiris' Labyrinth. This spirit was no ordinary entity it had the ability to traverse space and time, a feat that marked it as unique. Furthermore, Reinhard knew that this spirit had been born from his own aura in the void where he himself had been created. It was, in essence, a pureblood descendant, a perfect candidate to serve as the core for his new domain.

"Raphael," Reinhard called out, his voice echoing in the now-empty space. "What is the status of the spirit?"

Raphael's voice, ever calm and precise, responded. "The spirit is awakening from its slumber, my lord."

A smile of ecstasy spread across Reinhard's face. Luck was indeed on his side. "Excellent," he murmured. "The perfect core for the true Gladsheimr."

Reaching his decision, Reinhard descended from the heavens to the Cardinal World. His arrival was nothing short of cataclysmic. The sky darkened, and a palpable sense of dread permeated the air. To the inhabitants of the world, his presence was a terrifying enigma. Most were unaware of his identity, history had only recorded the terror of Feldway, with no mention of Reinhard. Yet, even without knowing who he was, they felt an instinctual fear that dwarfed their terror of Feldway.

Reinhard's calm and amused smile as he descended was enough to send chills down the spines of those who witnessed it. His aura was overwhelming, suffocating, and it took a full three minutes for the world to gather their collective thoughts and barely begin to comprehend the magnitude of his presence.

In this heavy silence, Reinhard began to speak. His voice was clear and resonant, carrying an unspoken promise of power and doom. "People of this world" he declared, his tone dripping with condescension and amusement. "The trials you have faced were but a prelude. Now begins the true test. The first phase of my ascension is upon you, and it starts with the creation of my domain."

The world listened in stunned silence as Reinhard continued. "To build my Gladsheimr, I require a core of unmatched purity and strength. A core that embodies the very essence of my power. And so, I have chosen the spirit that was born of my aura, a being of my own creation."

His eyes glinted with malevolence as he announced, "The ritual of ascension shall commence. Rejoice, for you bear witness to the dawn of a new era."

As his words hung in the air, Reinhard raised his hands, beginning the intricate and ancient gestures that would initiate the ritual. The sky above began to swirl with dark, ominous clouds, and a low rumble of thunder echoed across the land. The ground trembled as the reality seemed to respond to his will.

The inhabitants of the world could do nothing but watch in horror and awe. The demon lords, still recovering from their last ordeal, felt the weight of the new challenge pressing down on them. Reinhard's calm yet terrifying demeanor left them no room for doubt, they were up against a force far beyond their previous understanding.

With the stage set and the ritual beginning, the world braced itself for the monumental changes that were about to unfold. Reinhard's declaration marked the start of a new, even more perilous chapter in the saga of the Cardinal World.

Reinhard stood majestically in the sky, his presence alone an overwhelming force that made the ground below tremble. As he raised his hand, the spirit he had chosen as the core for his new Gladsheimr materialized, its size dwarfing a small town. The colossal spirit pulsated with energy, its very essence resonating with the power of its creator.

With a voice that commanded the very elements, Reinhard began to chant his Briah summoning incantation. The words, ancient and powerful, echoed across the land, causing the sky to darken and the stars to dim. The light of the universe itself seemed to be drawn into the vortex of energy that surrounded the spirit. Slowly, but with an unstoppable force, the true Gladsheimr began to rise from nothingness.

"From the void, I call upon the heavens,

With power unchained, I forge my domain.

Light of the cosmos, bend to my will,

Grant me the strength to transcend all bounds.

By my command, Gladsheimr, arise!"

The sight was mesmerizing and horrifying. The fabric of reality seemed to bend and twist as the grand structure took form, its gleaming surface reflecting the absorbed light of the universe. The sheer scale and majesty of the process left the world watching in a mix of awe and terror. Reinhard, standing amidst this spectacle, mused at their reactions, his smile a blend of amusement and condescension.

Despite the overwhelming power of the summoning, the demon lords, led by Milim, refused to stand idle. Milim, her voice filled with a desperate plea, called out to her brother. "Brother, please stop this! You're going too far!"

But Reinhard merely ignored her, his gaze fixed intently on the formation of Gladsheimr. The demon lords, realizing that words would not sway him, prepared to take action.

Milim, her draconic magic flaring with intensity, launched a barrage of powerful attacks. Velgrynd, with her Ultimate Skill, unleashed waves of scorching heat. Velzard's icy breath combined with Veldora's tempestuous storms created a chaotic mix of elements. Dino's sword slashes, imbued with his formidable power, and Dagruel's body, defying the very laws of physics, added to the onslaught.

Their combined assault was a sight to behold, a symphony of destruction aimed at halting the creation of the Gladsheimr. For a moment, it seemed to be working. The structure wavered, cracks appearing as the attacks took their toll. The demon lords rejoiced at the sight, believing they had managed to stop the impossible.

However, their joy was short-lived. When they turned to gauge Reinhard's reaction, they were met with a sight that chilled them to their core. Reinhard's expression was one of slight displeasure, a look that promised unimaginable wrath. They flinched, the thought of incurring his anger far more terrifying than any battle they had faced.

But Reinhard did not strike. Instead, with a simple gesture, he summoned another of his Einherjar. This time, it was not Feldway who appeared, but another being of equal terror, Zelanus, the King of the Insectars race. His arrival was marked by a ripple of destructive energy that sent shockwaves across the battlefield.

Zelanus knelt before Reinhard, his respect evident in every movement. "My lord, I am at your command."

Reinhard's voice was cold and commanding. "Prevent them from disrupting the creation of Gladsheimr."

With a nod, Zelanus rose and turned to face the demon lords. His presence was overwhelming, his aura radiating a destructive power that rivaled Feldway's. He was a force of nature, second only to Reinhard in his sheer might.

Without hesitation, Zelanus teleported in front of the demon lords, his eyes gleaming with a challenge. "I am Zelanus, King of the Insectars. Come at me if you dare," he taunted, making a 'come' gesture with his hand.

The demon lords bristled at his arrogance, knowing full well the challenge that lay ahead. Zelanus' appearance was a game-changer, his destructive potential a clear threat to their efforts. But his actions, his dismissive gesture, fueled their anger and determination.

As the creation of Gladsheimr continued behind him, Reinhard's voice echoed once more, resonating with a chilling finality. "The ritual of ascension has begun. Carefully witness the dawn of a new era."

The battlefield was set for another clash, one that would test the limits of the demon lords' power and resolve. The world held its breath, the epic struggle against Reinhard and his fearsome subordinate Zelanus just beginning.

Reinhard watched the battle unfold below, his eyes gleaming with amusement and dark anticipation. He could see the determination in the eyes of the demon lords, the fierce resolve that drove them to challenge his will. Yet, he knew that their efforts were ultimately futile. His power was absolute, and the new Gladsheimr would be completed regardless of their interference.

With the spirit at the center, the true Gladsheimr continued to rise, its form becoming more defined with each passing moment. The light of the universe was drawn into its structure, creating a mesmerizing display of cosmic energy. The very air crackled with power as the domain of Reinhard took shape.

Zelanus, standing as an impenetrable barrier between the demon lords and the forming Gladsheimr, engaged them with a ferocity that matched their own. His attacks were precise and devastating, forcing the demon lords to fight with everything they had. Despite their combined strength, they struggled to break through his defenses.

Milim, her draconic magic flaring once more, launched a powerful blast at Zelanus, but he deftly dodged, countering with a swift strike that sent her reeling. Velgrynd and Velzard unleashed their elemental fury, but Zelanus's agility and strength allowed him to evade their attacks with ease. Veldora, his storms raging, tried to overwhelm Zelanus, but the Insectar King's resilience was unmatched.

Dino and Dagruel, working in tandem, attempted to find a weakness in Zelanus's defense. Dino's sword strikes were met with unyielding resistance, while Dagruel's sheer strength was countered with calculated precision. Despite their efforts, Zelanus remained an unmovable force, his focus unwavering.

As the battle raged on, the new Gladsheimr continued to rise, its form now towering above the landscape. Reinhard's chant reached its climax, the final words resonating with a power that shook the very foundations of reality.

"By my will, the heavens shall bow,

The cosmos shall be my domain.

Gladsheimr, rise and take your place,

As the eternal throne of my reign!"

With a final surge of energy, the true Gladsheimr was completed. The light of the universe coalesced into its structure, creating a domain of unparalleled power and majesty. Reinhard's laughter echoed across the battlefield, a sound that sent chills down the spines of all who heard it.


The demon lords, realizing the futility of their efforts, could only watch in awe and despair as the new Gladsheimr stood in all its glory. Zelanus, having fulfilled his task, stepped back, his gaze fixed on Reinhard.

Reinhard descended from the sky, his presence radiating an aura of invincibility. The populace of the world looked up in terror and awe, their minds struggling to comprehend the magnitude of what had just transpired. The creation of Gladsheimr marked the beginning of a new era, one ruled by the absolute power of Reinhard.

As he stood before his creation, Reinhard's voice rang out once more, a declaration of his supremacy. "The first phase of my ascension is complete. Behold the true Gladsheimr, a domain that transcends all others. Celebrate this day, for you have witnessed the dawn of a new age."

The demon lords, despite their defeat, remained resolute. They knew that the battle was far from over, and that Reinhard's true intentions had yet to be fully revealed. But for now, they had no choice but to regroup and prepare for the challenges that lay ahead.

Reinhard, his gaze sweeping across the battlefield, allowed himself a moment of satisfaction. His plans were unfolding perfectly, and the true Gladsheimr was a testament to his power and vision. The world would soon come to understand the full extent of his might, and none would be able to stand in his way.

With a final, commanding look, Reinhard turned and entered the new Gladsheimr, his thoughts already focused on the next phase of his ascension. The demon lords and the populace of the world could only watch in trepidation, knowing that their greatest challenges were still to come.



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