
Deity of Destruction

Reinhard Nava, the Golden Beast, also son of the Creator God Veldanava will now live his life with the quest of spreading love to everything. The mc is ultra op, he can stomp anyone in this verse. He can easily destroy peak Rimuru, even the one one in ending of WN. This is also a wishfulfillment fic but I assure you that there are some epic scenes. If you enjoy my stories then please give some support by tip or donation here~ https://ko-fi.com/asthoglho

Asthoglho · Anime & Comics
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58 Chs


Throw some stones.

Transmutation of Gold will finally start tomorrow, but only the first part though~



In the hallowed halls of Gladsheimr, Reinhard reclined on his grand throne, an air of contemplation hanging around him. His piercing gaze was directed inward, pondering deeply on the cosmic machinery left behind by his father, Veldanava. The three swastikas, those intricate constructs of restraints, had always seemed deficient to him. They were relics of an era he deemed obsolete, incapable of aiding in his grand vision of ascension.

He called upon Raphael, the supreme intelligence residing within him, his voice a blend of command and curiosity. "Raphael, I have deemed the three swastikas created by my father as failures. They are of no use to my ascension. I require something more fitting for my power. Can you create new 8 swastikas, ones that align with my true potential?"

Raphael responded with its usual, precise tone. "Each swastika you wish to create will require the chipping of a portion of your powers. The process will be complex and time-consuming. It is estimated that each swastika will take approximately 137 years to complete."

Reinhard's brow furrowed slightly. "Why can they not be simply replicated? Why must it take so long?"

Raphael, ever patient, explained, "The swastikas hold different portions of power, not a constant one. Each is unique in its design and composition, mirroring the complexity of your own powers. Replication is impossible due to the variable nature of the energies involved. Your power is intricate and multifaceted, hence the extensive time required."

Reinhard leaned back, his mind digesting the information. It was a significant undertaking, but one that aligned perfectly with his long-term plans. The gradual creation of these swastikas would be a testament to his patience and determination. "Very well, Raphael. Proceed with the creation. This aligns with my vision for the future."

With that settled, Reinhard's thoughts shifted back to the present. He turned his attention to the battlefield, where the clash of titanic forces was unfolding. Feldway, newly empowered and ready, was preparing to engage the demon lords, Rudra, and Velgrynd. The scene was chaotic, filled with the palpable tension of impending combat.

Reinhard picked up his goblet, swirling the crimson wine within, its rich aroma filling the air. He took a slow, deliberate sip, savoring the flavor as his eyes remained fixed on the projection of the battlefield. Feldway, enveloped in divine flames, stood as a beacon of overwhelming power, a harbinger of Reinhard's will.

A smile crept across Reinhard's lips, growing into a broad, almost maniacal grin. He could sense the fear and awe his actions inspired, not just in his enemies but even among his own ranks. His laughter began as a low chuckle, building up to a resonant, booming sound that echoed through the vast halls of Gladsheimr.

"Ah, the sight of their struggle, the dance of desperation and defiance. It is truly magnificent," he mused aloud, his voice dripping with amusement. "Let them fight, let them squirm. This is but the beginning of their trials."

He watched intently as Feldway launched into the fray, his movements precise and devastating. The demon lords, Rudra, and Velgrynd rallied, their combined might forming a formidable opposition. But Feldway, with the newfound strength bestowed upon him, was a force to be reckoned with. The clash was a symphony of chaos, each note a testament to the power and will of the combatants.

Reinhard took another sip of his wine, savoring the taste as much as he savored the unfolding spectacle. His laughter continued, a chilling sound that seemed to reverberate through the very fabric of the world. The games had truly begun, and Reinhard, from his lofty throne, relished every moment of it.





On the battlefield, the chaos reached a fever pitch as Feldway, wrapped in his aura of divine flames, deftly evaded the relentless onslaught from the assembled titans of power. Guy, Milim, Dino, Rudra, and Velgrynd attacked with a synchronized fury, each strike and spell aimed with lethal precision. Yet, Feldway moved with an almost ethereal grace, his every motion a blend of agility and unyielding might.

Guy Crimson, with his Lord of Pride, Lucifer, launched devastating bursts of energy, each one capable of laying waste to entire armies. His physical prowess was unparalleled, his attacks swift and devastating. However, Feldway danced around his strikes, his body a blur of motion, effortlessly avoiding the blows. The flames of his Yetzirah flickered with an almost mocking quality, incinerating any magical attack that dared approach. Guy's Napalm Burst, which could erase millions of angels, was reduced to harmless sparks against the infernal shield.

Milim Nava, with her Draconic Magic, unleashed torrents of destructive power. Her rage and determination fueled her attacks, her magic infused with the essence of a True Dragon. But even her formidable spells were no match for Feldway's consuming flames. The fire that enveloped him seemed to devour the very fabric of magic itself, rendering Milim's attacks futile. Her frustration was palpable as she hurled spell after spell, only to watch them disintegrate before reaching their target.

Dino, now a fallen angel, wielded his sword with deadly precision, each swing imbued with his darkened power. He fought with a blend of angelic grace and demonic ferocity, his strikes aimed to exploit any weakness. But Feldway, with his unparalleled agility, parried and dodged every blow, his flames acting as both shield and weapon. Dino's newfound power was impressive, but Feldway's dominance was absolute.

Rudra, with his unwavering determination, and Velgrynd, the Scorch Dragon, combined their efforts in a relentless assault. Velgrynd's flames, once thought unmatched, were met and surpassed by Feldway's inferno. Her frustration grew as her pride was challenged, her every attack nullified by the transcendent flames. Rudra's swordsmanship, precise and deadly, found no purchase against Feldway's otherworldly defenses.

As the battle raged on, it became evident that Feldway was operating on a different plane of power. His movements were fluid and calculated, his attacks devastatingly effective. Noir's previous calculations, whispered among the demons, revealed a terrifying truth: the body Feldway currently inhabited was merely a vessel, a convenient form to wield his power without tainting the blessed body bestowed by Veldanava. His true form, locked away somewhere, was a monstrosity even Noir feared.

With each passing moment, the gap in power became more apparent. Feldway, even in this form, was a match for the True Dragons and superior to Guy Crimson. The ability granted by Reinhard to consume souls and nourish his existence had elevated him to a realm beyond comprehension. His flames, an extension of his very essence, burned with a purifying intensity that erased all before them.

The demon lords, despite their combined might and determination, found themselves helpless against this celestial juggernaut. Their attacks, no matter how powerful or coordinated, were nullified by Feldway's infernal aura. His flames consumed everything, leaving nothing but ash in their wake.

As Feldway continued to dodge and counter with effortless precision, the battlefield bore witness to a spectacle of overwhelming power. The ground around him was scorched and blackened, the air thick with the acrid scent of destruction. The demon lords, once thought invincible, were pushed to their limits, their every effort thwarted by this god-like adversary.

Feldway's smile grew as he sensed their growing despair. He was no longer merely a servant of Reinhard; he was a force of nature, a harbinger of doom. The demon lords, for all their power and pride, were but pawns in this grand game. And as the flames of his Yetzirah blazed ever brighter, it became clear that the true trial had only just begun.

Guy, Milim, Dino, Rudra, and Velgrynd were reaching the limits of their patience. Feldway's relentless dodging and the devastating power of his Yetzirah had them on edge. Their combined might seemed futile against his divine flames and unparalleled agility. Frustration boiled over as Feldway, with an infuriatingly calm demeanor, declared his next move.

"I will unleash a single attack," Feldway announced, his voice echoing with a divine resonance that sent shivers down their spines. "Use everything you have to prevent it. If you succeed, you pass the trial. Fail, and this world is doomed."

Guy clenched his fists, his pride wounded by the casual dismissal. "We haven't even familiarized ourselves with your abilities yet!" he snapped, his voice tinged with anger and desperation. The others nodded in agreement, their expressions a mix of determination and anxiety.

Feldway, however, paid no heed to their complaints. His serene expression remained unchanged as he floated his Yetzirah, the massive railgun tank, into position. The air crackled with energy as the weapon hummed to life, its colossal barrel pointing directly at the ground. The target was not just a random location on the surface, Feldway aimed for the core of the planet itself. The implications were horrifying—once breached, the core's cataclysmic explosion could disintegrate the entire solar system.

With a slow, deliberate smile, Feldway began to channel his energy into the Yetzirah. The railgun's mechanisms whirred and clicked, its structure glowing with an unholy light. The very air around it seemed to distort, a visible sign of the immense power being gathered.

The demon lords, sensing the gravity of the situation, quickly regrouped to discuss their strategy. Guy, despite his frustration, took the lead. "We need to combine our strengths and create a barrier powerful enough to withstand that attack," he said, his voice commanding and urgent. "Milim, your Draconic Magic can provide a strong foundation. Dino, your fallen angel powers might help to reinforce it. Velgrynd, use your acceleration to add an additional layer of protection."

Rudra, his sword at the ready, nodded. "I'll use my skills to create a buffer zone, buying us some time to strengthen the barrier. We can't afford any mistakes."

As they quickly formulated their plan, the tension in the air grew palpable. Each of them understood the stakes—failure was not an option. The weight of the world, quite literally, rested on their shoulders. Velgrynd's eyes blazed with determination as she focused her energies, her frustration transforming into a steely resolve.

"We need to synchronize our efforts perfectly," Velgrynd said, her voice firm. "Any lapse in concentration could mean the end of everything."

Guy glanced at Dino, who was still adjusting to his new powers. "Dino, are you with us?" he asked, his tone softer but no less urgent.

Dino, despite his usual laziness, gave a determined nod. "Yeah, yeah, I get it. This isn't the time to slack off."

The Yetzirah's energy continued to build, the railgun tank glowing brighter and brighter. Feldway's smile never wavered as he watched them scramble. His confidence was unnerving, a stark contrast to the frantic energy of the demon lords.

As Feldway's attack reached its peak, the demon lords and their allies took their positions, channeling their powers into a single, unified defense. The ground beneath them trembled, and the air hummed with raw energy. Guy's aura of pride and power enveloped them all, providing a unifying force that held their combined efforts together.

Feldway, now satisfied with the energy gathered in his Yetzirah, raised his hand. The air around him crackled with anticipation. "Prepare yourselves," he said softly, his voice carrying an ominous finality.






The world held its breath as Feldway's Yetzirah attack descended with the force of a cataclysmic explosion. The railgun tank released its immense energy, a blinding beam that tore through the air with an ear-splitting roar. The ground trembled, and the sky seemed to split apart as the attack hurtled towards its target—the very core of the planet.

In that moment, the combined forces of Guy, Milim, Dino, Rudra, and Velgrynd felt the overwhelming pressure of the impending destruction. The light from the attack was blinding, searing their senses and casting long shadows across the battlefield. The intensity of the energy was palpable, a force of nature that threatened to annihilate everything in its path.

Just as the attack was about to make impact, a blinding flash enveloped the entire world. The explosion was deafening, a cataclysmic event that seemed to reverberate through the very fabric of reality. The ground beneath them shuddered violently, and a shockwave of unimaginable force rippled outwards, flattening everything in its wake. The sky was filled with the roar of unleashed power, and for a moment, it seemed as if the world itself would be torn asunder.

When the light finally began to dissipate, the battlefield was eerily silent. Smoke and dust hung in the air, obscuring the view. But as the haze cleared, it became evident that the world was intact. There were no signs of destruction, no craters or burning landscapes. Everything was just as it had been before the attack.

Guy stood with his arms crossed, a victorious smile on his face. The demon lords and their allies appeared unscathed, their expressions a mix of relief and triumph. Feldway, floating above them, observed with a curious expression.

"How?" Feldway began, but Guy cut him off with a confident laugh.

"Did you really think we'd just let your attack destroy our world?" Guy taunted. He turned to the others, his smile broadening. "If so you're more foolish than I thought"

Milim, Dino, Rudra, and Velgrynd exchanged knowing glances, each of them recalling the moment of realization that had saved them.


In the split second before the attack hit, Guy's mind raced. Using his Thoughts Acceleration, he reached out to the others via telepathy. The accelerated mental link allowed them to communicate and strategize at an extraordinary speed.

"Instead of using a barrier, let's divert the attack," Guy's voice echoed in their minds. "We need to create a crack in reality itself, right in the trajectory of the attack. We combine our forces and forcefully tear open a rift in space. That will send the attack to another dimension."

There was no time for debate. The plan was risky, but it was their best chance. Each of them focused their energies, their powers combining and intertwining. The very fabric of space began to ripple and distort under the immense pressure of their collective might.


As the light of the attack descended, a massive rift appeared in the air, shimmering and pulsating with otherworldly energy. The beam from Feldway's Yetzirah hit the rift, and instead of exploding upon impact, it was drawn into the tear in reality. The attack vanished into the void, sent hurtling into another dimension far removed from their own.

When the light cleared, Feldway's expression shifted from curiosity to mild irritation. He had underestimated their resourcefulness.

Guy crossed his arms, his smile never wavering. "We passed your trial, Feldway. You promised that if we succeeded, you would keep your word."

Feldway's eyes narrowed, but he nodded slowly. "Indeed, a promise is a promise. You have proven your worth."

The demon lords and their allies stood tall, their relief and triumph evident. They had faced the unimaginable and emerged victorious, thanks to their quick thinking and unyielding resolve.

As they regrouped, Rudra couldn't help but laugh. "I never thought I'd say this, but I'm glad I was here to witness that."

Guy smirked. "Welcome to the club, Rudra. Now let's see what else Feldway has in store for us."

Guy and the others allowed themselves a moment of relief, feeling the weight of Feldway's promise settle around them like a protective barrier. They had faced insurmountable odds and emerged victorious, if only for now. Feldway, true to his word, stopped paying attention to them and instead turned his gaze toward Gladsheimr, waiting for his next order.

But as Feldway's focus shifted, a chilling realization dawned on the demon lords and their allies. Feldway, formidable as he was, was not their true enemy. Their real foe was the one who commanded Feldway—the enigmatic and twisted Reinhard. The realization brought a new wave of tension, as the implications of Reinhard's control became clear.

Guy's smile faded, replaced by a furrowed brow. "Of course. Feldway was just the beginning," he muttered, clenching his fists. "Our real fight is with Reinhard."

Milim, still crackling with energy, nodded vigorously. "That brother of mine! He's obviously playing here. Feldway is just the first wave!"

Dino, rubbing the back of his neck, sighed. "As if one overpowered enemy wasn't enough. Now we have to deal with the real deal too."

Rudra, his expression serious, tightened his grip on his sword. "Reinhard's the real threat. I never fought him however I bet he can trash Guy around"

Velgrynd, her eyes never leaving Feldway, added, "We can't underestimate him. If Reinhard can transform someone as powerful as Feldway, who knows what else he's capable of?"

Just as the tension reached its peak, Reinhard's voice rang out again, echoing throughout the world. His tone was laced with condescension, each word dripping with a twisted sense of satisfaction.

"Congratulations, survivors of the second trial. You have proven yourselves worthy... for now. Celebrate, if you must, for you have bought yourselves a moment of respite. But know this: I regret that I did not get to witness the destruction of your world."

Reinhard's words were philosophical and cruel, twisting the knife of fear and uncertainty. He spoke as if their struggles were nothing more than a game, a source of entertainment for him.

The demon lords and their allies exchanged glances, a mix of relief and lingering dread in their eyes. Guy's smile returned, albeit more grimly. "So, we passed this round. But Reinhard's still out there, watching, waiting for his next move."

Milim stomped her foot, her frustration boiling over. "I'll make him pay for this! He's not going to get away with playing with our lives!"

Dino, with a resigned shrug, remarked, "At least we have some time to breathe. We'll need it to figure out our next steps."

Rudra nodded, determination etched on his face. "We'll use this time wisely. We need to gather our strength and prepare for whatever comes next."

"Oh, Rudra is always right~!" Velgrynd was just supporting Rudra.

As they stood amidst the aftermath of the battle, the realization of their precarious position settled in. They had survived this trial, but the war was far from over. With Reinhard's ominous presence looming over them, they knew they had to be ready for anything. But for now, they allowed themselves a brief moment of solace, a chance to regroup and plan their next move.

The battlefield, once a scene of chaos and destruction, now held a strange sense of calm. The demon lords and their allies had proven their resilience, their unity, and their resolve. And as they prepared for the challenges ahead, they knew they would face whatever came their way—together.





In Gladsheimr, Reinhard sat on his throne, a twisted smile playing on his lips. He watched the demon lords and their allies on a large, floating mirror-like surface that displayed the events in the Cardinal World. Their relief was palpable, their unity a testament to their resilience. Yet, to Reinhard, it was all just an amusing show.

He laughed, a sarcastic sound that echoed through the grand hall. "They speak of fighting me," he mused, his voice dripping with disdain. "They celebrate their little victory, convinced they've won something meaningful. How naive."

Feldway, standing silently nearby, kept his head bowed, awaiting further instructions. Reinhard's eyes glinted with a cruel satisfaction. "Reluctantly, I'll accept their victory this time," he continued. "Their struggle was... entertaining enough to satisfy me for now."

But Reinhard knew the truth. His leniency was a calculated move, a way to ensure they would be around when he truly needed them. "Let them live," he said, almost to himself. "They'll confront me when my ascension begins. And then, it will be the end of their world."

He leaned back, contemplating his next steps. "We'll lay low for the next centuries. Raphael, you'll oversee the creation of the eight swastikas."

Raphael's voice, devoid of emotion, responded, "Understood, my lord. Each swastika will take approximately 137 years to create."

Reinhard nodded, his smile widening. "Good. Feldway, you'll distribute them as they're completed. This world will be reshaped by my design, and when the time comes, they'll see the true extent of my power."

Feldway bowed deeper, acknowledging his orders. Reinhard's eyes returned to the mirror, his mind already planning the intricate details of his grand scheme.


Back in the main world, the battlefield had finally quieted. The demon lords and their allies stood amidst the ruins, assessing the damage and catching their breath. It was then that Ramiris, the Queen of Spirits, revealed herself. She fluttered down from above, her tiny wings beating rapidly.

Guy's eyes narrowed as he spotted her. "Ramiris! Where were you during the battle? We could have used your help!"

Ramiris crossed her arms defensively. "Who else would clean the battlefield afterward if I exhausted myself fighting? Do you think anyone else could handle this mess?"

Guy's frustration bubbled over. "You could have made a difference, Ramiris! Instead, you hid while we fought for our lives!"

Ramiris pouted, her small frame puffing up in indignation. "It's not like that! Someone had to be prepared to restore balance. And besides, Veldanava isn't around to help clean up anymore. It's all on me now!"

Guy's scowl deepened. "Excuses, excuses. You always have a reason for not getting your hands dirty."

Ramiris stuck out her tongue. "Well, excuse me for thinking ahead! Maybe if you were a bit more strategic, we wouldn't have been in such a mess to begin with!"

Milim burst into laughter at their bickering, her voice a bright contrast to the tension. "You two never change! It's always the same with you."

Despite the tension, the camaraderie between them was undeniable. Ramiris and Guy continued their heated exchange, each point countered with another, while Milim's laughter echoed around them.

The scene, though tinged with the aftermath of battle, held a sense of normalcy. They were battered and bruised, but they were alive. And for now, that was enough.

As they prepared to regroup and rebuild, the shadow of Reinhard's next move loomed large. But together, they would face whatever came their way. Their bond, forged in the fires of conflict, would be their greatest strength in the battles yet to come.

