
Deity of Destruction

Reinhard Nava, the Golden Beast, also son of the Creator God Veldanava will now live his life with the quest of spreading love to everything. The mc is ultra op, he can stomp anyone in this verse. He can easily destroy peak Rimuru, even the one one in ending of WN. This is also a wishfulfillment fic but I assure you that there are some epic scenes. If you enjoy my stories then please give some support by tip or donation here~ https://ko-fi.com/asthoglho

Asthoglho · Anime & Comics
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58 Chs

Parallel Existence?

My advance chapters are already close to finish, look forward to it guys.



Rimuru, his expression stern and resolute, gathered once more with the other demon lords. The air was thick with tension, each leader acutely aware of the gravity of the situation. They had witnessed the activation of the swastikas and the return of Reinhard, but the emergence of Yuuki as a formidable enemy added a new layer of complexity to their already dire circumstances.

As they assembled in the grand hall, the atmosphere was heavy with anticipation. Guy Crimson, Milim, Luminous, and the others looked towards Rimuru, awaiting his report. The destruction left in the wake of Yuuki's machinations was fresh in their minds, and the urgency of their meeting was palpable.

Rimuru began, "I've encountered a new threat. His name is Yuuki, and he appears to wield control over the Angel Series Ultimate Skills. He's also somehow managing to control powerful beings, such as Dagruel."

At his words, the tension in the room spiked. The mention of Dagruel, a fellow demon lord now turned against them, sent ripples of shock through the assembly. Rimuru continued, his voice steady despite the gravity of his news.

"Dagruel was controlled by Yuuki through an implanted Angel Series Ultimate Skill. This skill not only allowed Yuuki to dominate Dagruel's will but also acted as a bomb set to destroy him if tampered with. Fortunately, I was able to save Dagruel's soul."

With a gesture, Rimuru activated his power. The room shimmered with a soft glow as Dagruel's form began to materialize. Slowly, his massive body reconstituted, and he stood before the other demon lords, restored but visibly shaken.

Dagruel's eyes opened, filled with a mixture of confusion and relief. He looked around, taking in the sight of his comrades and allies. "Rimuru," he rumbled, his voice deep and resonant. "I...thank you."

Rimuru nodded. "We're all in this together, Dagruel. We can't afford to lose anyone, especially not to someone like Yuuki."

The other demon lords were visibly relieved to see Dagruel returned to them. Milim stepped forward, her eyes blazing with determination. "This Yuuki sounds like bad news. What do we know about him?"

Rimuru shared what little information he had. "Yuuki is an enigmatic figure, powerful and cunning. He seems to be a key player in the Eastern Empire's plans. His Ultimate Skill, Michael, makes him nearly invincible as long as he has supporters. He's also somehow able to track the swastikas despite our efforts to relocate them."

Guy Crimson frowned, his expression thoughtful. "Yuuki... If he has control over the Angel Series Ultimate Skills, he's a significant threat. His abilities and strategy suggest he's been planning this for a long time."

Luminous spoke up, her voice tinged with concern. "We need to find a way to counteract his control over the Angel Series Skills. If he can dominate Dagruel, he might be able to control others as well."

Rimuru nodded. "I agree. Ciel and I will work on a solution. In the meantime, we need to strengthen our defenses and protect the remaining swastikas. We can't let Yuuki or Reinhard gain any more ground."

The demon lords exchanged grim looks. The situation was dire, but they were determined to stand together against this new threat. Each of them had faced unimaginable challenges before, and they would face this one with the same resolve.

As the meeting continued, they discussed strategies to counteract Yuuki's control, reinforce their defenses, and protect the vulnerable swastikas. They knew that the next move was crucial and that any misstep could lead to catastrophic consequences.

Guy Crimson, taking charge, laid out a plan. "Each of us will be responsible for guarding the swastikas. Rimuru, since you have the ability to save souls, you should be on standby to assist any of us if Yuuki attempts to control another of our allies."

Milim slammed her fist into her palm. "I'll take charge of the defense around the swastika near my territory. If Yuuki or any of his minions show up, they'll regret it."

Luminous added, "I'll coordinate with my forces to keep a watchful eye on any suspicious activity. We can't let them catch us off guard again."

Dagruel, now fully recovered, spoke with determination. "I won't let myself be controlled again. I'll fortify my territory and ensure it's ready to repel any attack."

Rimuru, grateful for their solidarity, concluded, "We have to stay vigilant. Yuuki is a cunning adversary, and Reinhard is an immense threat. But together, we stand a chance. Let's prepare for the worst and hope for the best."

Rimuru stood resolute, his mind working in tandem with Ciel as they devised a plan to counter Yuuki's insidious control. "Ciel," Rimuru thought, "we need to find a way to alter the Ultimate Skills of others so that the Angel Series' influence is completely erased from their concept."

Ciel responded with a hint of determination, «Understood, master. I will begin the analysis and modification immediately. It will take time, but we will succeed.»

As Rimuru and Ciel worked tirelessly on their plan, another commotion erupted on the other side of the world. Guy Crimson and Milim Nava, sensing the disturbance, exchanged determined glances. Guy nodded to Milim and then turned to Rimuru. "Rimuru, you take care of things here. Guard our trump card. If Reinhard gains access to it, everything will be over."

Rimuru, understanding the gravity of the task, nodded. "Leave it to me. I'll ensure it remains safe."

With that, Guy and Milim took to the skies, flying towards the source of the commotion. They knew it wasn't the Empire's doing; Guy had been keeping a close watch on their movements since their recent losses. This could only mean one thing: Reinhard was finally making his move. Guy cursed under his breath, the thought of facing such a powerful adversary weighing heavily on his mind. Milim, though worried, steeled herself for the coming battle.

The two demon lords arrived at an Eastern Kingdom not under the dominion of the Eastern Empire. There, in the sky, stood their old nemesis, Feldway, the one who had toyed with them and the other demon lords thousands of years ago without ever breaking a sweat. His overwhelming might was still fresh in their minds, but Guy and Milim were not the same as before. Their powers had grown significantly, yet the sight of Feldway still sent a chill down their spines.

Feldway looked down at them with a condescending smile, his presence exuding an aura of undeniable power. "Ah, Guy, Milim, it's been a long time," he greeted them mockingly. "Have you come to entertain me once more?"

Guy's eyes narrowed, and he clenched his fists. "This time, it's different, Feldway. We've grown stronger, and we won't let you toy with us again."

Milim, her expression fierce and determined, added, "We'll make you regret underestimating us!"

With that, the battle began. Guy and Milim launched themselves at Feldway, their combined assault a whirlwind of power. Guy, a master of hand-to-hand combat, closed the distance with blinding speed, his fists striking with the force of a tempest. Milim, her strength immense, unleashed shockwaves with each strike, aiming to destabilize Feldway.

Feldway countered their attacks with torrents of flames, the heat searing the air around them. Despite being incomplete, his power was formidable. Guy and Milim dodged and retaliated, their movements a seamless dance of destruction and defense.

Guy moved with agility, weaving through the inferno to land a solid punch on Feldway's jaw, sending him reeling. Milim followed with a barrage of strikes that pushed Feldway further back. The demon lord found himself on the defensive, struggling to keep up with their relentless assault.

Frustration etched on Feldway's face as he summoned more intense flames, creating a blazing inferno around him. Guy and Milim momentarily retreated, regrouping with unwavering resolve.

"We need to break through his defenses," Guy shouted over the roar of the flames.

Milim nodded, her determination unyielding. "I'll create an opening. You go in for the strike."

With a fierce roar, Milim charged forward, her body radiating a blinding light. She smashed through the inferno with sheer force, creating a path for Guy. Feldway, momentarily stunned, found himself exposed.

Guy seized the chance, charging through the opening Milim had created. He focused all his power into one devastating punch, aiming directly at Feldway's core. The impact sent shockwaves through the sky, the ground below trembling.

Feldway was knocked back, his defenses shattered. But he wasn't defeated. With a roar, he unleashed a wave of fire that engulfed both Guy and Milim. They braced themselves, their bodies straining against the heat and force.

Despite the flames, Guy and Milim pressed on. They knew they couldn't let up. Guy continued his relentless assault, his fists moving with blinding speed. Milim kept the pressure on, her attacks growing more powerful.

Feldway, now on the back foot, struggled to keep up. His flames, though fierce, began to wane. He realized he couldn't afford to hold back any longer.

Summoning all his remaining power, Feldway created a massive vortex of fire, intending to incinerate everything. The sky turned a fiery red, and the heat became unbearable. Guy and Milim stood their ground, eyes locked onto Feldway with unyielding resolve.

"Milim, we have to end this now," Guy shouted, his voice hoarse from the heat.

Milim nodded, eyes blazing. "Together, we can do it."

With a final, united effort, they charged at Feldway, their combined powers creating an unstoppable force. Feldway, realizing the danger, poured every ounce of his strength into his flames, creating a fiery barrier.

But Guy and Milim were undeterred. They pushed through the flames, enduring the searing heat. With one final, mighty strike, they shattered Feldway's barrier and landed a blow that sent him crashing to the ground.

Feldway lay there, battered but not defeated, glaring up at them. "You've grown stronger," he admitted, voice a low growl. "But this isn't over."

Guy and Milim, though exhausted, stood tall. "We'll be ready," Guy replied, voice steady despite his fatigue. "This time, we won't let you win."

Feldway, with a pained smirk, slowly rose to his feet. "We shall see," he said, before vanishing into the shadows.

Just as they began to relax, a sudden, overwhelming aura descended upon the kingdom. Feldway, in his last act of defiance, summoned all his remaining power and unleashed a cataclysmic inferno. Flames erupted from the ground, engulfing the entire kingdom.

Guy and Milim's eyes widened in horror as the flames spread uncontrollably. "No!" Milim screamed, her voice echoing with desperation.

They tried to divert the flames, but Feldway's final attack was too powerful. The inferno consumed everything in its path, killing millions. The souls of the fallen activated the swastika hidden beneath the kingdom.

Guy and Milim stood amidst the devastation, their hearts heavy with guilt and anger. "We failed," Guy muttered, fists clenched in frustration.

Milim's eyes filled with tears, her voice a whisper. "We couldn't stop him"

The swastika's activation sent a shockwave through the air, signaling the next step in the empire's plan. Despite their efforts, Feldway had succeeded in his mission.

Guy and Milim knew they had to regroup and come up with a new strategy. The battle was far from over, and the stakes were higher than ever. With renewed determination, they vowed to stop Reinhard and the empire, no matter the cost.

In the heart of Gladsheimr, the shimmering golden structure that threatened the safety of the world, Reinhard sat on his throne, an aura of overwhelming power radiating from him. His gaze was fixed on Feldway, who knelt before him, the remnants of his power evident in his ragged appearance.

"So, Feldway," Reinhard's voice echoed through the grand hall, cold and mocking. "Was it really necessary to use a Parallel Existence to fight Guy and Milim? If they knew they were only facing a mere 20% of your true power, they would be devastated."

Feldway remained silent, his head bowed. Despite the scorn in Reinhard's voice, there was no hint of fear in his eyes—only respect and unwavering loyalty.

Reinhard continued, his lips curling into a sardonic smile. "Still, I must admit, I enjoyed the show. It was quite entertaining to see how strong Rimuru Tempest and Yuuki Kagurazaka have become. According to my calculations, even you, Feldway, might not be able to win against those two if you were to fight them. Their power has grown exponentially."

He leaned back on his throne, his eyes gleaming with a dangerous light. "But in the end, they are nothing but worms beneath my feet. None can reach my power."

The hall shimmered with the golden light of Gladsheimr, a testament to the five swastikas that had been activated. Most of Reinhard's immense power had been restored, and the very fabric of reality seemed to tremble in his presence.

"We have activated five swastikas," Reinhard mused, his voice almost contemplative. "However I am far from done. Activating the remaining three swastikas will be a challenge, given that the demon lords are on high alert. Nonetheless, I will make sure to enjoy every second of it."

His gaze turned back to Feldway, who still knelt before him. "Rise, Feldway. You have done well, even if it was only a fraction of your true strength. The time for games is over. We will proceed with our plan and crush any opposition that stands in our way."

Feldway stood, his expression resolute. "As you command, my lord. The remaining swastikas will be activated, and your full power will be restored."

Reinhard's laughter echoed through Gladsheimr, a sound that sent shivers down the spines of even the bravest warriors. "Indeed, Feldway. The world will soon be destroyed and none shall stand in my way."

Sitting upon his throne, Reinhard looked towards Zelanus, his loyal servant. His voice, calm yet commanding, echoed throughout the vast chamber.

"Zelanus, fetch Rudra. Or should I say, Michael? If his purpose in opening the swastikas was to pique my curiosity, he has succeeded. My magnanimous heart will grant him an audience."

Zelanus bowed deeply, his respect for Reinhard unwavering. "As you command, my lord."

With a swift exit, Zelanus left the hall to retrieve Michael. It did not take long before Zelanus returned, with Michael—inhabiting the body of Emperor Rudra—following closely behind. As they entered the grand hall, Michael's eyes scanned the surroundings, taking in the grandeur of Gladsheimr and the overwhelming presence of Reinhard.

Michael, still maintaining the guise of Rudra, stepped forward confidently. "Reinhard, it is an honor to stand before you."

Reinhard's piercing gaze fell upon Michael, a knowing smile playing on his lips. "Cut the act, Michael. I am well aware of who and what you are—a Manas, an ultimate skill that has gained sentience."

Michael's confident demeanor faltered for a moment, replaced by a flicker of shock. He quickly regained his composure, but the unease lingered. "You are indeed perceptive, Lord Reinhard. But surely, you must understand the purpose of my actions. I seek to revive the Creator, Veldanava, your father."

Reinhard's expression darkened, his eyes narrowing with a cold amusement. "Revive Veldanava? My father, whom I destroyed? You dare speak of reviving him?"

Michael's confidence wavered again, but he pressed on, believing he could reason with Reinhard. "Yes, Reinhard. You should be overjoyed. Reviving Veldanava will restore balance and order to the world."


Reinhard's laughter was a chilling sound that reverberated through the hall. "Balance? Order? Do you think I care for such trivialities? My philosophy is one of absolute power. I destroy everything I love. My father was not an exception. I killed him and bestowed him with destruction."

Michael's eyes widened in realization, understanding the depth of Reinhard's conviction. He had underestimated Reinhard's ruthlessness and absolute power. Despite the Castle Guard ability that gave him an invincible barrier, Michael felt a shiver of fear. He knew Reinhard's power was absolute, capable of breaking through any defense.

"Reinhard, I implore you to reconsider. With your power and my guidance, we can achieve true perfection," Michael pleaded, his voice tinged with desperation.

Reinhard's smile faded, replaced by a look of utter disdain. "You still do not understand, do you? There is no perfection in this world. Only destruction, at least not yet. Perfection will only be reached by me"

With a mere flick of his hand, Reinhard unleashed a torrent of golden energy that shattered Michael's Castle Guard. The invincible barrier that Michael had relied on disintegrated, leaving him vulnerable and exposed.

"No... This can't be," Michael muttered, his voice trembling with fear.

Reinhard's eyes gleamed with cold amusement as he raised his hand once more. "Your existence ends here, Michael. Your dream of reviving Veldanava is nothing but a farce."

A blinding flash of light enveloped Michael, and in an instant, his body was disintegrated, leaving nothing but a fading echo of his presence. The power of Reinhard was absolute, and even the mightiest of barriers were meaningless before him.

As the light faded, Reinhard sat back on his throne, his expression one of satisfaction. "Let this be a lesson to all who dare to defy me. My power is absolute, and none shall stand in my way."

Zelanus, having witnessed the spectacle, bowed deeply once more. "Your power is truly unmatched, my lord."

Reinhard nodded, a triumphant smile playing on his lips. "Indeed. The remaining swastikas will be activated, and the world will tremble before my might. None shall escape the destruction I bring."

The golden light of Gladsheimr shimmered brighter than ever, a testament to the power and dominance of Reinhard. The world stood on the brink of annihilation, and only the strongest could hope to survive the wrath of the being who sat upon the throne, his power absolute and unchallenged.



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