
Deity of Destruction

Reinhard Nava, the Golden Beast, also son of the Creator God Veldanava will now live his life with the quest of spreading love to everything. The mc is ultra op, he can stomp anyone in this verse. He can easily destroy peak Rimuru, even the one one in ending of WN. This is also a wishfulfillment fic but I assure you that there are some epic scenes. If you enjoy my stories then please give some support by tip or donation here~ https://ko-fi.com/asthoglho

Asthoglho · Anime & Comics
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58 Chs

Brother and Sister.

I initially wanted to post two chapters a day but it seems troublesome and I have no motivation for that so bear with this guys!



In the Eastern Empire, Yuuki Nava's smile stretched wider as he sensed the abrupt cessation of Michael's life force. The ultimate skill that had once animated Rudra was now extinguished, leaving a void filled with Yuuki's burgeoning power. He felt the influx of energy coursing through his veins, a testament to the power dynamics he had meticulously orchestrated.

Yuuki had always been aware of the weaknesses inherent in the Castle Guard ability. Having two users of such a skill could be detrimental, and Michael's overconfidence had played directly into his hands. Reinhard Nava, with his absolute dominance, had swiftly and predictably crushed Michael's foolish ambition. Yuuki's patience had paid off.

From the beginning, Yuuki and Michael had never been true partners. Their alliance was purely transactional, a deal of convenience. The agreement was simple: if one were to fall, the other would inherit everything. With Michael's demise, Yuuki now possessed the full breadth of their combined resources and power. He stared at his reflection, noting the energy radiating from his body. The infusion of power from Michael's death had bolstered his confidence.

The next day dawned with an unsettling disturbance. Across the world, people looked to the skies, their eyes widening in terror and awe. Hovering above them was a gargantuan golden skeleton, its sheer size defying comprehension. The colossal structure was a skeletal titan, its bony frame shimmering with an eerie luminescence.

Reinhard stood proudly within the skull of the giant skeleton, his gaze cast downward upon the world's inhabitants. His presence exuded an oppressive aura, a palpable reminder of his overwhelming power. The air around him crackled with energy, and his eyes glinted with a mix of amusement and contempt.

The golden skeleton was a testament to Reinhard's dominion, a declaration of his impending reign. Its appearance alone was enough to send waves of panic and despair through the populace. People screamed and fled in terror, their minds unable to process the magnitude of the threat looming above them.

Reinhard's gaze swept across the landscape, taking in the scenes of chaos below. His lips curled into a satisfied smile as he watched the pandemonium unfold. The fear he instilled was intoxicating, a reminder of his unparalleled might. Yet, beneath his amusement lay a calculated mind, one that was always several steps ahead of his adversaries.

On the ground, the response was immediate. Armies mobilized, and nations scrambled to defend themselves against this apocalyptic vision. But deep down, even the most hardened warriors knew that their efforts would be futile. Against the power of Reinhard Nava, there could be no victory, only survival.

Meanwhile, Yuuki Nava watched the unfolding spectacle from a safe distance. He observed Reinhard's display with a mixture of fascination and trepidation. The golden skeleton was a clear message to the world, Reinhard's power was absolute, his reign inevitable. But Yuuki was not dissuaded. He had anticipated this move, and his plans were already in motion.

With Michael out of the picture, Yuuki's path to challenging Reinhard was clearer. He knew that facing the three Einherjar would be a formidable task, but with the power he now wielded, he was confident in his gamble. The swastika at his side was both a weapon and a shield, a crucial element in his strategy.

Yuuki's mind raced as he considered his next move. Negotiating with Reinhard would require finesse and cunning, qualities he possessed in abundance. He was prepared to use every ounce of his power and intellect to turn the tide in his favor. Unlike Michael, he understood the true nature of their enemy. Reinhard's arrogance was both his strength and his weakness.

As the world reeled from the appearance of the golden skeleton, Yuuki set his plan into motion. He dispatched his agents to key locations, ensuring that every piece of the puzzle was in place. The swastika would be his ace, the card he would play when the time was right. He would approach Reinhard not as a supplicant, but as an equal, ready to exploit any advantage.

The day wore on, and the skies remained dominated by the ominous presence of the golden skeleton. Panic had given way to a tense, fearful silence as people awaited the next move. Nations held their breath, their leaders struggling to devise a response to the unparalleled threat.

Within the skull of the skeleton, Reinhard continued to observe. His mind was a whirl of thoughts and plans, each one more intricate than the last. He reveled in the fear he had sown, yet his focus remained sharp. The activation of the remaining swastikas would be a challenge, but one he was eager to embrace.

As night fell, the golden skeleton remained a constant reminder of the peril facing the world. Reinhard's power was a beacon of destruction, casting a long shadow over everything. 

A change would sweep across the landscape as a figure materialized in front of the colossal golden skeleton. The air shimmered with energy, the atmosphere charged with an intensity that could only mean one thing, Milim Nava had arrived. Her eyes locked onto the figure of Reinhard, her elder brother, standing dominantly within the skull of the skeleton.

Milim's heart ached with a mix of nostalgia and confusion. She remembered the Reinhard who had been so kind, the brother who had raised her with love and care. Thousands of years ago, he had been her protector, her mentor, and her only family after the loss of their parents. Now, here he was, orchestrating chaos and destruction.

"Brother!" Milim's voice rang out, a plea and a demand all in one. "Why are you doing this? What happened to the brother I knew?"

Reinhard's gaze shifted to Milim, his expression unreadable. For a moment, there was a flicker of something in his eyes, a hint of the brother she once knew. But it was gone as quickly as it appeared, replaced by a cold, unyielding stare.

"There is no brother," Reinhard's voice was like a blade, cutting through the air. "I have no sister."

Milim's breath hitched, the words striking her like a physical blow. She had always known Reinhard to be fierce and unyielding, but this was different. His words were laced with a deliberate cruelty, meant to sever the bond they once shared.

"Don't lie to me!" Milim shouted, her voice breaking. "You raised me, Reinhard! You were my only family! Why are you doing this?"

Reinhard's lips curled into a cruel smile. "I destroy everything I love, Milim. That's my nature. You are no exception."

Tears welled in Milim's eyes, the pain of his rejection cutting deeper than any physical wound. She had always looked up to Reinhard, had always believed in his strength and wisdom. Now, his words were tearing her apart.

"Why, brother?" Milim whispered, her voice trembling. "Why would you do this to me?"

Reinhard's eyes were hard, devoid of any warmth or compassion. "You're fragilea, Milim. And weakness has no place in this world. I've given you all the reasons you need to hate me. So hate me, with every fiber of your being."

Milim's heart shattered. The brother she loved was gone, replaced by this monstrous figure. Her sorrow quickly turned to rage, a fury that burned hotter with each passing second. Her power surged, an unstoppable force fueled by her anger and heartbreak.

Reinhard watched her, his expression impassive. He saw the power building within her, the sheer force of her rage. Yet he remained calm, almost indifferent.

With a scream of fury, Milim unleashed her power, the ground beneath her cracking and splitting from the sheer intensity of her energy. She launched herself at the golden skeleton, her fists crackling with destructive force.

But Reinhard was unfazed. With a mere flick of his wrist, the skeleton's massive hand swung down, slapping Milim to the ground with a force that left the earth trembling. She crashed into the ground, the impact forming a massive crater around her.

Reinhard looked down at her, his gaze cold and unrelenting. "You forget, Milim," he said, his voice dripping with condescension. "Your Ultimate Skill was mine to begin with. There is no way you can defeat me."

Milim lay in the crater, her body battered and bruised. But the fire in her eyes had not dimmed. She glared up at Reinhard with a mix of rage and determination. Her brother might have turned against her, but she would not be broken.

Reinhard's cold eyes bore into hers. He saw the defiance in her gaze, the unyielding spirit that refused to be crushed. It was both a source of frustration and a strange sense of pride. Despite his words and actions, part of him admired her tenacity.

"You think your rage makes you strong," Reinhard said, his tone mocking. "But it only makes you reckless. And recklessness will be your undoing."

Milim struggled to her feet, her body shaking from the effort. "I won't give up on you, brother," she said through gritted teeth. "I'll find a way to bring you back, no matter what."

Reinhard's expression darkened. "There is no bringing me back, Milim. This is who I am now. Accept it, and perhaps you'll find the strength to survive in this world."

With those final, cutting words, Reinhard turned his back on her, the golden skeleton shifting and moving as he directed his attention elsewhere. Milim's heart ached with a deep, abiding pain, but her resolve only grew stronger. She would not give up on her brother, no matter how far he had fallen.

As she watched him move away, a single tear rolled down her cheek. "I'll save you, brother," she whispered to herself. "Even if it's the last thing I do."

Reinhard heard her words, but he did not respond. His mind was set, his path clear. He would destroy everything he loved, and Milim was no exception. But deep within him, a small part of his old self watched with sorrow, unable to completely sever the bond they once shared.

The world watched in silent horror as the golden skeleton continued its path of destruction, with Milim standing as a lone figure of defiance against the overwhelming darkness that her brother had become.

Reinhard sat on his throne, a vast and imposing structure of blackened steel and golden inlays. His fingers drummed against the armrest as he pondered his next move. The demon lords had proven to be a tenacious lot, consistently attempting to thwart his plans. He had to admit, their persistence amused him. If they wanted to play games, then he would respond in kind, but on his terms.

A cruel smile spread across his face as his eyes shifted towards Feldway and Zelanus. "It seems our dear demon lords are intent on disrupting our progress," he said, his voice a mixture of amusement and menace. "If they wish to challenge us, let's give them something to truly fear."

Feldway's flames flickered around him, casting eerie shadows on the walls. Zelanus stood stoically, his massive form radiating an aura of annihilation. They both awaited Reinhard's orders with a mix of anticipation and eagerness.

"Feldway," Reinhard began, "I want you to visit a few kingdoms. Burn them to the ground. Make sure the demon lords are aware of your actions. Let them see the futility of their resistance."

Feldway's eyes gleamed with a dark light as he nodded. "It will be done, my lord."

"And you, Zelanus," Reinhard continued, turning his gaze to the other warrior. "Your fists will be the harbingers of despair. Crush these kingdoms until they are nothing but dust. The demon lords will have no choice but to confront us."

Zelanus grinned, a sinister expression that promised destruction. "Consider it done."

Reinhard leaned back, his cruel smile widening. "Threaten them. Demand the swastikas. If they refuse, destroy everything they hold dear. Let's see how long their resolve lasts."

With their orders clear, Feldway and Zelanus departed, each intent on fulfilling Reinhard's command with ruthless efficiency.


In the Kingdom of Galgrath(Random kingdom), the people lived their lives in relative peace. The sun shone brightly, casting a warm glow over the bustling markets and quiet homes. It was a typical day, one filled with the sounds of laughter and commerce. However, this tranquility was shattered when a massive shadow loomed over the kingdom.

Feldway descended from the sky, his form wreathed in infernal flames. Panic spread like wildfire as the people saw the harbinger of their doom. Screams filled the air, and chaos erupted as the citizens tried to flee from the impending disaster.

With a wave of his hand, Feldway unleashed a torrent of fire that engulfed entire city blocks. Buildings crumbled under the intense heat, and the streets were filled with the acrid stench of burning flesh and smoke. Feldway's laughter echoed through the flames, a chilling sound that added to the horror of the scene.

In another part of the world, the Kingdom of Alforn faced a different kind of destruction. Zelanus arrived with a thunderous crash, his fists glowing with a terrible energy. He moved through the kingdom like a force of nature, his punches reducing buildings to rubble and leaving massive craters in their wake.

The people of Alforn could do nothing but watch in terror as their homes and lives were obliterated. Zelanus showed no mercy, his every strike a testament to his overwhelming power. The air was filled with the sound of destruction and the cries of the dying.

News of these atrocities quickly reached the demon lords. Guy Crimson, Dagruel, Dino, and Milim convened in a hastily arranged meeting, their expressions grim. Rimuru Tempest joined them, his face a mask of determination. The loss of Frey had already struck a heavy blow, and now they faced an even greater threat.

"They're making a statement," Guy said, his voice low and dangerous. "They want us to know they can destroy everything we hold dear."

"We can't let them continue this rampage," Milim said, her fists clenched in anger. "We have to stop them."

"They're trying to force us into a corner," Rimuru added. "But we can't play by their rules. We need to be smart about this."

The demon lords nodded in agreement. Despite the gravity of the situation, their resolve had only strengthened. They would confront Feldway and Zelanus, not out of desperation, but with a carefully crafted plan.


Feldway stood amidst the burning ruins of Galgrath, watching with satisfaction as the flames consumed everything in sight. He was confident in his power, certain that no one could stand against him. That confidence was shaken, however, when he sensed multiple powerful auras approaching.

Guy Crimson and Dagruel appeared first, their combined presence like a tidal wave of power. Feldway's flames roared higher in response, but he knew this battle would not be easy. Dino and Milim arrived moments later, their expressions steely with determination. Finally, Rimuru appeared, his aura calm but deadly.

"This ends now," Guy declared, his voice carrying a promise of retribution.

Feldway's laughter rang out, defiant and mocking. "You think you can stop me? You're welcome to try."

Without further words, the battle began. Flames clashed against raw power as the demon lords launched their attacks. Guy moved with blinding speed, his fists striking with the force of a hurricane. Dagruel's massive form tore through the flames, each step shaking the ground. Dino's agile strikes and Milim's raw power added to the onslaught, creating a whirlwind of destruction.

The battle raged on, with Guy Crimson and Dagruel pressing Feldway relentlessly. Despite the overwhelming power Feldway wielded, he found himself increasingly on the defensive. The two demon lords fought with a unity and ferocity that pushed him to his limits. Feldway's flames roared and clashed against their attacks, but it was clear that this was not going as smoothly as he had anticipated.

Guy's swift, devastating blows and Dagruel's overwhelming strength combined into a formidable assault. Feldway's attempts to counter their moves were met with equal if not greater force. It was a battle of titans, and the battlefield bore the scars of their conflict—craters, scorch marks, and shattered terrain told the tale of their clash.

Amidst this chaos, Feldway didn't notice the subtle preparations being made by Rimuru and Ramiris in the background. Ramiris, the Fairy Queen, had been working tirelessly on a powerful Primitive Magic, a spell so ancient and potent that it required years of preparation. And now, the time had come to unleash it.

As Feldway unleashed another wave of flames, Guy and Dagruel exchanged a knowing glance. It was time. Rimuru nodded to Ramiris, who began to chant, her voice resonating with an ancient power. The ground beneath them started to glow with intricate runes, forming a vast magic circle that surrounded Feldway.

Feldway's eyes widened as he realized something was amiss. The air hummed with energy, and the ground pulsed with a light that grew more intense by the second. He attempted to break free, launching a furious barrage of attacks to disrupt whatever spell was being cast, but Guy and Dagruel redoubled their efforts, keeping him occupied and contained within the circle.

Rimuru, standing at the edge of the magic circle, activated the final part of the spell. The runes blazed with a brilliant light, and the air itself seemed to warp and twist. Feldway's form flickered as the magic took hold, a space-time distortion beginning to envelop him.

"No!" Feldway roared, realizing the trap too late. His flames flared wildly, but the magic was too strong. The ancient power of Primitive Magic, honed and focused by Ramiris, was something even he couldn't easily counter. (Ramiris' Primitive Magic is also outside the system, it works regardless of anything so it can fight against Feldway)

With a final, desperate surge of energy, Feldway attempted to break free, but the magic circle held firm. His form shimmered and wavered before being drawn into a vortex of light. The ground where he stood returned to its normal state, and the battlefield grew eerily quiet.

The demon lords watched as the last remnants of Feldway's presence vanished, sealed away in a different space with no way out. The sealing spell had worked, and one of their greatest adversaries was now trapped in an inescapable prison.

Guy let out a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding, and Dagruel straightened, his massive form relaxing slightly. Ramiris, exhausted but triumphant, collapsed into Rimuru's arms.

"Is it done?" Milim asked, her voice trembling with a mix of relief and exhaustion.

Rimuru nodded. "It's done. Feldway is sealed."

The group of demon lords allowed themselves a moment of respite, knowing that while one threat had been neutralized, their battle was far from over. Reinhard and his plans still loomed large, and they knew that more challenges lay ahead. But for now, they had achieved a significant victory, one that bolstered their resolve to protect their world at any cost.



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