
Deity of Destruction

Reinhard Nava, the Golden Beast, also son of the Creator God Veldanava will now live his life with the quest of spreading love to everything. The mc is ultra op, he can stomp anyone in this verse. He can easily destroy peak Rimuru, even the one one in ending of WN. This is also a wishfulfillment fic but I assure you that there are some epic scenes. If you enjoy my stories then please give some support by tip or donation here~ https://ko-fi.com/asthoglho

Asthoglho · Anime & Comics
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58 Chs

Meeting between the Evil and Good.

Are you guys interested in a Reinhard that is stronger or equal to the Sixth Heaven??



In the incomplete or shadow of Gladsheimr, a realm of awe-inspiring splendor and primordial light, Reinhard stood at the center, a figure of unparalleled charisma and power. His presence was overwhelming, a being of pure dominance and authority. The long-term plan he had meticulously crafted over millennia was finally reaching its zenith, and the ritual's culmination was within sight.

Before him, three Einherjar knelt in unwavering loyalty and reverence. Feldway, Zelanus, and Noir, each a formidable entity in their own right, bowed deeply, their faces a mixture of awe and unwavering dedication.

Reinhard's laughter, that bone-chilling, world-reverberating sound, had already set the tone. Now, with a more controlled but equally powerful demeanor, he gazed down at his subordinates. His amusement was palpable, a hint of a smile playing at the corners of his lips as he regarded the three.

"Feldway, Zelanus, Noir," he began, his voice a deep, resonant command that demanded absolute attention. "The plan we have nurtured for eons is finally bearing fruit. The swastikas are being activated, and our goal is within reach."

Noir, his dark eyes glittering with a mix of excitement and malice, stepped forward. "My lord," he said, his tone deferential, "the demon lords have taken measures to relocate the swastikas. They are attempting to thwart our efforts by scattering them across the world."

Reinhard's smile widened, a predatory gleam in his eyes. "How amusing," he murmured. "Their futile attempts to outmaneuver us are nothing but the last gasps of a dying world. Yet, I must admit, their resilience is... entertaining."

He paused, his gaze turning inward as he considered the implications. "Those 'two'," he mused, his tone darkening slightly. "They have grown significantly. They will undoubtedly pose a challenge, but one that I eagerly anticipate."

His eyes flicked back to his kneeling subordinates, the momentary seriousness giving way to a renewed sense of purpose. "Feldway," he commanded, "you will open the fifth swastika tomorrow. I wish to witness the spectacle that those 'two' will present. Their resistance will only make our victory all the sweeter."

Feldway bowed his head lower, his voice filled with solemn determination. "As you command, my lord. The fifth swastika will be opened, and the ritual will continue as planned."

Reinhard then turned his attention to Noir, his most cunning and treacherous follower. "Noir," he said, his voice a silk-wrapped blade, "return to your post. Ensure that our operations proceed without interruption. Your delight in your work has not gone unnoticed, and I expect nothing less than perfection."

Noir's smile was a dark, twisted thing, filled with a perverse joy. "It will be done, my lord," he replied, his voice a whisper of malevolence. "I live to serve."

With a nod, Reinhard dismissed them. The three Einherjar rose, their loyalty and determination clear in their eyes. They turned and left, ready to carry out their master's will with unwavering dedication.

As the chamber emptied, Reinhard's gaze lingered on the darkened horizon of Gladsheimr. His thoughts returned to the demon lords, to the challenges that lay ahead. The ritual was proceeding, but the true battle was yet to come. His anticipation was a tangible thing, a hunger for the confrontation that would test his mettle against the mightiest beings of this world.

He raised his hand, feeling the power of the incomplete Gladsheimr thrumming beneath his fingertips. The sky above the realm crackled with energy, a reflection of his own boundless ambition. "Soon," he murmured to himself, his voice a promise of impending doom. "Soon, the world will tremble before me."

The aura of fear that had traveled with him through the void for 2,000 years radiated outwards, touching the hearts and minds of all who felt it. Even the strongest beings in the world could barely resist its effects, the madness and despair creeping into their thoughts. For the ordinary people, it was a nightmare given form, driving many to the brink of insanity or beyond.

Reinhard reveled in the chaos, the disorder that heralded his return. His laughter, though silent now, echoed in the hearts of those who dared to challenge him. He was a force of nature, a being whose very presence reshaped the fabric of reality.

The ritual would not fail. The swastikas would be activated, and the world would bend to his will. No matter the resistance, no matter the cost, Reinhard's vision would be realized.

And as he stood there, in the shadow of Gladsheimr, Reinhard's thoughts turned once more to the demon lords, to the battle that would determine the fate of all. His anticipation grew, a dark, twisted joy at the prospect of their confrontation. He had waited for this moment, planned for it meticulously. Now, it was within his grasp.

"Let them come," he whispered, his voice a challenge to the world itself. "Let them try to stop me. They will find that their efforts are in vain."

With a final, lingering glance at the horizon, Reinhard turned away, his mind already plotting the next move in his grand design. The world would bow to him, or it would be destroyed. There was no other option.

And so, the shadow of Gladsheimr loomed over the world, a harbinger of the darkness to come.





Tatsuya, having received another crucial order from Yuuki, moved with swift precision towards the southern kingdom. Yuuki had indicated that the swastika was hidden beneath the capital, and Tatsuya had free rein to do whatever was necessary to complete the task. As he approached the kingdom, the air around him seemed to tense with the anticipation of the battle to come.

Upon reaching the capital, Tatsuya's presence alone was enough to send ripples of fear throughout the city. But as he descended towards the hidden swastika, he was met with an imposing figure: Dagruel, the fearsome Giant Demon Lord.

Dagruel's towering form cast a shadow over Tatsuya. "You shall not pass, intruder," Dagruel's voice boomed with a resonant authority that seemed to shake the very earth.

Tatsuya, unfazed by the massive figure before him, drew his katana with a calm and deliberate motion. The blade gleamed with an almost ethereal light, reflecting Tatsuya's mastery over his weapon. "I have a task to complete, and I won't let anyone stand in my way," he replied coolly.

The battle commenced with a fury that seemed to break the atmosphere itself. Tatsuya's katana moved like lightning, striking with precision and speed that defied comprehension. Each slash was a masterpiece of martial prowess, designed to exploit the smallest weakness. But Dagruel's body was a fortress. His skin, tougher than any known material, repelled the strikes that would have felled lesser beings.

Tatsuya's attacks were relentless. He danced around Dagruel, his movements a blur as he sought an opening. Sparks flew as the katana met Dagruel's skin, the impact creating shockwaves that echoed through the city. But for all his skill and speed, Tatsuya found himself stymied. Dagruel's body did not adhere to the conventional laws of physics. No matter how precise or powerful his strikes, they seemed to have little effect.

Dagruel retaliated with immense power, his fists crashing down like meteors. Each blow created craters in the ground, sending debris flying in all directions. Tatsuya evaded with near-superhuman agility, his katana flashing as he parried and countered. But it was clear that brute force alone would not overcome Dagruel.

Realizing the futility of continuing with his katana, Tatsuya sheathed the blade and drew his gun, Nambu Pistol. This weapon was not just any firearm,it was a tool of divine retribution, capable of unleashing immense destructive power. A God level weapon.

Dagruel, sensing a shift in the battle, braced himself. Tatsuya's first shot rang out like thunder, the bullet infused with a power that could pierce the very fabric of reality. It struck Dagruel with an explosive force, sending him staggering backward. The Giant Demon Lord roared in pain and anger, his eyes blazing with a fierce determination.

The gunfight that ensued was a spectacle of destruction. Each shot from Nambu Pistol unleashed a torrent of energy, the bullets tearing through the air with a terrifying speed. Dagruel countered with his own formidable attacks, his fists and body moving with a surprising agility for one so massive. The ground around them shattered, buildings crumbled, and the sky seemed to darken with the intensity of their clash.

Tatsuya fired in rapid succession, each shot calculated and precise. He aimed for Dagruel's vital points, seeking to exploit any weakness. The explosions from the bullets created shockwaves that rippled through the city, reducing structures to rubble. But Dagruel was relentless, his durability and strength seemingly boundless.

Dagruel launched himself at Tatsuya, his fists coming down like sledgehammers. Tatsuya dodged with incredible speed, his movements a blur as he returned fire. The impact of their attacks sent tremors through the ground, causing buildings to collapse and the earth to quake.

Despite the immense power of the pistol, Dagruel's resilience was astonishing. He absorbed the blows, his body regenerating at an extraordinary rate. Tatsuya's shots were powerful enough to pierce through mountains, yet Dagruel endured, his will unbroken.

The battle raged on, each combatant pushing the other to their limits. Tatsuya's mastery of his gun was evident in every shot, his skill unmatched. But Dagruel's raw power and resilience made him a formidable opponent. The two were locked in a stalemate, neither able to gain a decisive advantage.

Dagruel's fists struck the ground, creating shockwaves that sent Tatsuya flying. But Tatsuya landed gracefully, immediately returning fire with a barrage of bullets. The explosions lit up the sky, the sheer force of their clash felt miles away.

Dagruel roared, his voice a thunderous declaration of his strength. He charged at Tatsuya, his fists ready to crush anything in their path. Tatsuya met him head-on, firing shot after shot with unerring accuracy. The impact of their clash created a storm of energy, the very air crackling with power.

As the battle continued, it became clear that neither combatant would yield. Tatsuya's skill with Nambu and his unrelenting determination were matched by Dagruel's overwhelming power and resilience. The city around them lay in ruins, a testament to the intensity of their conflict.

Finally, both fighters paused, breathing heavily. The ground beneath them was scorched and shattered, the air thick with the aftermath of their battle. Tatsuya and Dagruel stared at each other, acknowledging the strength and tenacity of their opponent.

Dagruel's eyes burned with a fierce light, his body battered but unbowed. "You are strong," he admitted, his voice a rumble of grudging respect. "However, I will definitely kill you."

Tatsuya nodded, his grip on Nambu Pistol unwavering. "Kill me?," he replied, his voice calm and resolute. "I would love to see that scene"

The battle had reached a stalemate, a temporary pause in their clash. But both knew that it was only a matter of time before they resumed their fight. The swastika remained hidden, the fate of the southern kingdom hanging in the balance.

Tatsuya Kondo, his patience waning, sent a telepathic message to Yuuki, "Requesting backup. I'm about to take Dagruel's will off him." With his message sent, he faced Dagruel once more, determination hardening his gaze.

The two resumed their fierce battle, exchanging devastating blows. Tatsuya's katana, wielded with unparalleled skill, struck at Dagruel with relentless precision. However, the Giant Demon Lord's body defied the known laws of physics, rendering Tatsuya's attacks less effective. Dagruel's sheer physical resilience and immense strength created a formidable challenge.

He holstered his katana and drew his gun, a weapon infused with the power of his Ultimate Skill, Sandalphon. The air around him shimmered with divine energy as he prepared his next move.

Tatsuya aimed his gun with a focused intensity, channeling the full power of Sandalphon into a single bullet. This was the Judgment Bullet, capable of traveling at Mach 100. He imbued it with a Necrosis Bullet, designed to disrupt and destroy internal circuits. The combination of these two devastating powers created a weapon of unparalleled destructive potential.

Dagruel, sensing the imminent danger, braced himself for impact. The bullet tore through the air, a blur of lethal intent, and struck Dagruel with pinpoint accuracy. The impact was catastrophic. Dagruel roared in agony as the bullet's effects ravaged his body, disrupting his internal circuits and causing immense pain. The Giant Demon Lord's form shuddered as he struggled to maintain control.

Tatsuya watched with a cold, calculating gaze as Dagruel rampaged, his movements becoming increasingly erratic. Just as Dagruel's thrashing reached its peak, Yuuki arrived on the scene. He surveyed the chaos with a calm, almost amused expression.

"Troublesome," Yuuki muttered, noting that Dagruel did not possess an Angel Series Ultimate Skill. However, his smile remained unfaltering. "If he doesn't have one, then I can just put one on him," he declared confidently.

Raising his hand, Yuuki invoked his powers. A radiant light enveloped Dagruel as Yuuki began to bestow an Angel Series Ultimate Skill upon him. The process was intense and grueling, as Dagruel's formidable will fought against the foreign power trying to take hold.

Dagruel roared again, his defiance momentarily surging. But the power of Yuuki's Ultimate Skill was relentless, slowly overpowering the Giant Demon Lord's resistance. Dagruel's struggles began to subside, his wild movements slowing as the Angel Series Ultimate Skill took hold.

Yuuki's smile grew as he felt the control solidify. "Welcome to my control," he said, his voice filled with chilling authority. Dagruel's eyes, once blazing with defiance, now took on a dull, obedient sheen. The immense willpower that had defined him was now shackled by Yuuki's command.

Tatsuya, seeing the change in Dagruel, lowered his weapon. "It's done," he said, a mix of relief and satisfaction in his voice.

Yuuki nodded, pleased with the outcome. "Excellent work, Tatsuya," he praised. "Now, let's move on to the next phase of our plan."

The battlefield, once a scene of brutal combat, now lay in eerie silence. The swastika beneath the capital remained hidden, but with Dagruel under Yuuki's control, its activation was only a matter of time.

"Dagruel," Yuuki commanded, "you will guard this location and ensure that the swastika is activated as planned."

Dagruel, now completely under Yuuki's control, nodded mechanically. "As you command," he responded, his voice devoid of its former thunderous power.

As Tatsuya and Yuuki prepared to leave the battlefield, a colossal aura descended upon the place. Kondo's instincts screamed danger, and he immediately went on high alert. However, Yuuki simply smiled, a glint of anticipation in his eyes.

"So, he's finally here," Yuuki murmured, his smile widening. Before them appeared Rimuru, his presence imposing and his face etched with cold fury. This was the one Yuuki considered his true rival—the opposite to his own powers. While Yuuki wielded the Angel Series Ultimate Skills, Rimuru possessed the Sin Series Ultimate Skills. An ironic twist of fate: Yuuki, a devil, represented Heaven, while Rimuru, the good one, represented Hell.

Rimuru's eyes were fixed on Dagruel, who now stood like a lifeless puppet under Yuuki's control. He could feel the change in Dagruel, and Ciel, his Manas born from Ultimate Skill Raphael, quickly analyzed the situation.

«Dagruel has been controlled by an external force» Ciel reported.

As Rimuru was about to order Ciel to lift the control, Yuuki raised his hand. "I know what you're thinking," he said, his voice smooth and taunting. "But I'd advise against it."

Rimuru's eyes narrowed. "What are you talking about?"

Yuuki's smile never wavered. "The Angel Series Ultimate Skill I planted in Dagruel is more than just a means of control. It's a bomb. If you attempt to alter or remove it, Dagruel's body will disintegrate."

The amiable smile on Yuuki's face twisted into something more maniacal from Rimuru's perspective. "So, what's it going to be, Rimuru? Will you risk it?"

Rimuru's face remained stoic. He had no intention of playing Yuuki's game. "Ciel, proceed."

«Understood.» Ciel began to alter Dagruel's Ultimate Skill. As predicted, Dagruel's body began to destabilize. A series of explosions erupted from within Dagruel, causing his massive form to disintegrate into bits. The ground shook from the force, and dust and debris filled the air.

Yet, to Yuuki's surprise, Rimuru remained calm. In his hands floated the shimmering soul of Dagruel, unscathed by the explosion. Yuuki's eyes widened in genuine astonishment before he clapped slowly, a mocking applause.

"Impressive," Yuuki admitted. "You've managed to save his soul. But alas, our purpose here is complete."

Rimuru's gaze sharpened. "You won't get away with this."

Yuuki chuckled, a dark, resonant sound. "Oh, but we already have. The kingdom is in ruins, the swastika has been activated. Your attempts to stop us are too late."

With a swift motion, Rimuru launched a powerful attack at Yuuki, intending to end this once and for all. However, his strike was met with an impenetrable barrier. Yuuki stood behind it, unharmed and still smiling.

"It's the effect of Ultimate Skill Michael," Yuuki explained. "As long as there are those who support me, I cannot be harmed."

Rimuru glared at him, frustration boiling beneath his calm exterior. "That's unfair."

Yuuki laughed, the sound echoing ominously. "Unfair? You, who possess such overwhelming power, calling me unfair? How ironic."

Realizing he couldn't defeat Yuuki under these conditions, Rimuru watched as Yuuki and Tatsuya began to retreat. Yuuki's smug expression remained as they vanished from sight, leaving Rimuru standing amidst the devastation.

"Who are they?" Rimuru wondered aloud, his mind racing with possibilities. He knew they were from the Empire, but their true identities and the extent of their power were still a mystery.

As the dust settled, Rimuru was left with the daunting task of assessing the damage and planning the next move. He had underestimated the enemy, and now, the consequences were dire. The swastika had been activated, and Dagruel's control had been a harsh lesson in the lengths their foes would go to achieve their goals.



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