
Deity of Destruction

Reinhard Nava, the Golden Beast, also son of the Creator God Veldanava will now live his life with the quest of spreading love to everything. The mc is ultra op, he can stomp anyone in this verse. He can easily destroy peak Rimuru, even the one one in ending of WN. This is also a wishfulfillment fic but I assure you that there are some epic scenes. If you enjoy my stories then please give some support by tip or donation here~ https://ko-fi.com/asthoglho

Asthoglho · Anime & Comics
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58 Chs

Meeting her aunts.

Throw some stoneess!!



Reinhard surveyed the scene before him. His sister Milim clung to the chaotic dragon Velgaia, tears streaming down her face. Despite his affection for Milim, Reinhard's mind was preoccupied with the potential havoc she could wreak if left unchecked.

"Raphael," he commanded, his voice echoing with authority, "seal Velgaia's current form."

Raphael, Reinhard's Ultimate Skill, responded immediately. A shimmering barrier of intricate runes enveloped Velgaia, gradually sealing the dragon's chaotic essence. As the light faded, Velgaia lay dormant, a peaceful semblance returning to the battlefield.

Reinhard knelt beside Milim, placing a reassuring hand on her head. "Don't worry," he said softly. "Velgaia will be healed in time. You must take care of her until then."

Milim nodded, her sobs subsiding. With that, Reinhard stood, his gaze shifting to the horizon. "Let's go home," he said. In an instant, they vanished, reappearing in Gladsheimr.

Back in his domain, Reinhard took his place on the grand throne. The room's ambient magic hummed with energy, reflecting the immense power contained within Gladsheimr. As he settled in, Raphael's voice echoed in his mind.

«Master, there is a matter that requires your attention» Raphael began. «Do you recall the event when your aura of fear created something in the void?»

Reinhard's interest piqued. "Yes, what of it?"

«The creation process has completed» Raphael continued. «A being has emerged—a young man with black hair and an amiable smile. He is a blank slate, without memories or purpose.»

A cold smile crept across Reinhard's face. "Excellent," he murmured. "One of my plans has come to fruition."

He rose from his throne, the vast power of Gladsheimr at his disposal. "Raphael, calculate the coordinates of that certain planet."

Raphael complied, and the air crackled with energy as Gladsheimr's power surged. A rift in space and time began to form, shimmering with otherworldly light. The very fabric of reality seemed to tremble under the immense power being channeled.

"Prepare to send the newly created being to that planet," Reinhard ordered. He first grabbed the Swastika located under the ocean and held it in his hand. "Lock this into its physical body and conform him into a child before dispatching him."

The rift stabilized, glowing with a radiant intensity. Reinhard watched with satisfaction as Raphael initiated the final phase. The young man, now transformed into a child, was gently pulled into the rift, destined for a world where he would become an integral part of Reinhard's grand design.

As the portal closed, Reinhard leaned back, his cold smile lingering. Gladsheimr's power had once again been demonstrated, setting the stage for future events that would further his ambitions.

Reinhard leaned back on his throne, the grandeur of Gladsheimr enveloping him in a sense of unchallenged authority. The hum of immense power resonated through the room, a constant reminder of the strength at his fingertips. His mind wandered to thoughts of this replica of Gladsheimr. He is certain the he will conjure the real one in the future. The question of whether it would need a core to function properly intrigued him.

As he pondered this, Raphael's voice cut through the silence, drawing his attention. «Master, there's something else you should know.»

Reinhard raised an eyebrow. "What is it now, Raphael?"

«It's about the three Einherjar you once commanded. Their core abilities remain active, and you have the option to transfer these abilities to new individuals of your choosing.»

Reinhard's interest was immediately piqued. The thought of resurrecting the legacy of his formidable Einherjar excited him. He thought deeply about who could be worthy of such immense power and responsibility. Three names quickly surfaced in his mind—three loyal followers who had proven their unwavering allegiance and exceptional prowess time and again.

"Hmm, that is quite intriguing," Reinhard mused aloud. "I know exactly who should inherit these abilities."

He allowed himself a moment to visualize each of them, considering their strengths and how they could serve his grand designs. Yet, he also knew that bestowing these powers was not a task to be taken lightly or done in haste. It required careful planning and precise timing.

For now, Reinhard decided to set aside this plan. The time to create new Einherjar would come, but it was not yet. There were other pressing matters and plans unfolding that needed his immediate attention.

Reinhard's thoughts lingered on his loyal subjects and the future battles they would face. He knew that with the right people empowered by the legacy of the Einherjar, his reign would be even more unassailable. He relished the anticipation of what was to come, a cold smile playing on his lips as he envisioned the future of his dominion.





After a few days of mourning, Milim finally managed to regain her composure. She started clinging to Reinhard more than ever, and he could understand why. She was probably afraid that something similar could happen to him and wanted to protect him. Milim started talking about how she, Ramiris, and Guy created an organization together. Reinhard listened with mild interest. He already knew the other two well—Ramiris was a good acquaintance, and he was the one who permitted Guy's existence within the Cardinal World.

"An organization, huh?" Reinhard mused, a hint of curiosity in his tone.

Milim nodded enthusiastically. "Yes! We're calling it the Demon Lord Council. It's our way of maintaining some order."

Reinhard nodded, though his interest was more in Milim's well-being than the organization itself. "Would you like to meet your uncle and aunts?" he asked.

Milim's eyes lit up with excitement. "Yes, I'd love to!"

Reinhard could see she was searching for ways to cope with Velgaia's death, and he wanted to support her. "Very well," he said, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder. He then prepared to teleport them both to the Cardinal World, leaving Raphael to manage Gladsheimr in their absence.

Upon arriving at the familiar landscape of the Cardinal World, Reinhard turned to Milim with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "How about we make this greeting interesting?"

Milim's face brightened. "That sounds fun!"

Reinhard smiled lightly and took her hand. "Brace yourself for the impact," he warned. Without another word, he effortlessly slung Milim towards the North, where her aunt Velzard was currently situated along with Guy Crimson. The force of the throw was immense, breaking several sound barriers, and within a mere second, Milim's body crashed into the ice castle, obliterating it upon impact.

Shards of ice flew in every direction as the castle crumbled, and the sheer force of her arrival left a massive crater in the center of the frozen structure. Guy Crimson and Velzard, who had been discussing matters of the newly formed organization, were caught off guard by the sudden destruction. Guy's eyes widened in surprise, while Velzard's expression quickly shifted from shock to recognition.

"Milim?" Velzard called out, brushing off the ice and snow that had settled on her.

Milim stood up amidst the wreckage, dusting herself off and giggling. "That was awesome!" she exclaimed, her earlier sadness momentarily forgotten.

Reinhard teleported in smoothly beside her, a satisfied smile on his face as he surveyed the scene. "I hope the impact wasn't too small," he said, looking at Milim.

Guy Crimson crossed his arms, shaking his head with a mixture of amusement and exasperation. "You always know how to make an entrance, don't you, Milim?"

Velzard approached, a fond smile on her lips despite the destruction. "It's good to finally see you again, Milim. Though I wish you'd come a little more gently."

Reinhard chuckled, placing a hand on Milim's shoulder. "Well, consider this a proper greeting," he said.

Milim beamed up at him, her spirits visibly lifted. Despite the chaos and destruction that seemed to follow their every move, Reinhard knew that as long as Milim was smiling, everything was as it should be.

Despite having only seen Milim once at her birth, Velzard immediately recognized her niece. Velzard had always been deeply fond of her family, especially after the death of her brother, Veldanava. She had sworn to protect all of them. With a gentle smile, Velzard approached Milim.

"Hello, Milim," Velzard said softly. "Do you remember me?"

Milim, still clinging to Reinhard's clothes, looked up at Velzard with a mixture of curiosity and caution. "Aunt Velzard?" she asked tentatively. She already heard about the characteristics of her aunts from her brother before.

"That's right," Velzard replied, her smile widening. "It's been a long time. I'm glad to see you again."

As their conversation continued, Milim found herself feeling more comfortable around Velzard. The warmth and sincerity in Velzard's demeanor quickly dispelled any initial wariness Milim had. They began talking more freely, and Velzard's gentle presence seemed to ease Milim's lingering sadness.

Meanwhile, Guy Crimson ordered Misery, the Green Primordial who also served as his maid, to brew some tea for their guests. As Misery set about her task, Guy turned to Reinhard with a slightly wry smile.

"So, what brings you here, Reinhard?" Guy asked, trying to gauge the reason behind their visit. "I hope recruiting your sister without your permission didn't bother you."

Reinhard met Guy's gaze, his expression unreadable. "Not at all," he replied smoothly. "Milim mentioned your organization, and I thought it might be beneficial for her to meet her family."

Guy nodded, relieved. "Good to hear. I wouldn't want to cause any tension. You know, with your power, you're practically an unstoppable force, much like Veldanava was."

Reinhard's lips curved into a faint smile. "It's flattering to be compared to my father, but I'm not here to cause trouble, Guy. Just family matters."

Guy couldn't help but feel a twinge of unease. Despite his own considerable power and growth since their last encounter, he could sense that Reinhard had also become even more formidable. It was as if Reinhard's strength had no discernible limits, a reality that was both awe-inspiring and intimidating.

As Misery returned with a tray of tea, she served the guests with practiced grace. Guy took a cup, his mind still racing with thoughts about Reinhard's unfathomable power. He knew better than to provoke him, but he also recognized the potential benefits of having Milim within their organization.

"Tea is ready," Misery announced, breaking the tension.

"Thank you, Misery," Guy said, taking a sip. He looked at Reinhard and Milim, who were now comfortably chatting with Velzard. "For peace" he toasted, raising his cup.

Reinhard nodded, lifting his cup in response. "For destruction."

As they sat together, the atmosphere gradually became more relaxed. Reinhard kept a watchful eye on Milim, but seeing her smile and engage with Velzard brought him a sense of satisfaction. Despite the turmoil and chaos that often surrounded their lives, moments like these reminded him of the importance of family and the bonds that held them together.

For now, they could enjoy this rare moment of peace, even if it was just a brief respite before the next storm.

As Velzard and Milim continued their conversation, Reinhard decided it was time for Milim to meet the rest of her family. With a simple thought, he called upon the other two True Dragons: Velgrynd and Veldora. He knew they would be interested in meeting their niece, whom Reinhard had kept hidden for so long.

Within seconds of receiving the call, two immense dragons appeared in the sky, their majestic forms casting long shadows over the land. They descended swiftly, their powerful wings stirring up gusts of wind as they landed. Velgrynd, with her fiery red scales, and Veldora, with his stormy black ones, both looked towards Reinhard and nodded their heads slightly. It was a gesture of respect, though Reinhard could sense their reluctance—especially from Velgrynd. Despite her reluctance, she still respected his authority.

Transforming into their humanoid forms, Velgrynd and Veldora approached the group. Velgrynd, with her striking blue hair and regal presence, and Veldora, with his wild, untamed look, both exuded an aura of immense power.

"Velzard, Milim," Reinhard greeted them. "I'd like you to meet Velgrynd and Veldora."

Velgrynd was the first to speak, her eyes softening as she looked at Milim. "Hello, Milim. I'm Velgrynd, your aunt. I've heard so much about you."

Milim, now holding Velzard's clothes, looked up at Velgrynd with wide eyes. "Aunt Velgrynd?"

Velgrynd nodded, a warm smile spreading across her face. "Yes, that's right. It's wonderful to finally meet you."

Veldora stepped forward next, his demeanor a mix of excitement and curiosity. "And I'm Veldora! your uncle. I've been waiting to meet you for a long time, Milim."

Milim's eyes widened even more. "Uncle Veldora?"

"That's me," Veldora said with a grin. "I hope you're ready for some fun."

The two dragons joined the conversation, each expressing their love for their new niece in their own unique ways. Velzard's love was strict; she wanted the best for her family and often used force to ensure they stayed on the right path. "Milim, you must always strive to be the best," she said sternly, though there was a glimmer of pride in her eyes.

Velgrynd, on the other hand, had a spoiling love. She just wanted to shower her family with affection. "Milim, if you ever need anything, just come to me. I'll always be here for you," she said, her tone gentle and reassuring.

Veldora, ever the odd one out, didn't have a specific way of showing his love. He believed in understanding each other through combat. "Milim, if you ever want to spar, just let me know. It's the best way to get to know each other," he said, his eyes sparkling with excitement.

As the family gathered, the atmosphere lightened. Milim, initially shy and withdrawn, began to open up more, comforted by the presence of her aunts and uncle. Reinhard watched with a faint smile, pleased to see Milim surrounded by family.

For now, they were together, and that was what mattered. Despite the chaos that often surrounded their lives, moments like these reminded them of the strength of their bonds and the importance of family.

Guy Crimson leaned back in his chair, observing Reinhard carefully. "I've been thinking about the Demon Lord Council," he began, swirling his tea thoughtfully. "I'd like to extend an invitation to you, Reinhard."

Reinhard didn't even blink before responding. "No."

Guy sighed, not surprised but a little disappointed. "I figured as much. You are the Law itself; titles mean nothing to you."

Reinhard nodded slightly, his eyes cool and detached. "Correct."

Guy leaned forward, resting his elbows on the table. "Then perhaps you can offer some advice. Who do you think should be part of the council? You've traveled extensively and must have met many powerful beings."

Reinhard pondered this for a moment, his mind sorting through countless encounters and battles. "Dagruel," he said finally. "He's an offshoot of Ashura, separated into three fragments long ago. His strength and presence would be invaluable."

Guy nodded, considering this. "And?"

"The current Masterpiece of Twilight Valentine," Reinhard continued. "I've never met her, but I'm aware of her capabilities."

Guy took a mental note of these recommendations. "Dagruel and masterpiece of Twilight Valentine, huh? Interesting choices. I'll keep them in mind. Perhaps Milim could handle the introductions, she seems quite curious about the world."

Milim perked up at this, her eyes shining with excitement. "I can do that!"

Reinhard watched his sister, a faint smile playing on his lips. Guy raised his teacup, but before he could take a sip, Reinhard stopped him. "That tea is far too simple," he declared, waving his hand dismissively.

In an instant, a goblet of shimmering, golden liquid appeared before each of them. "This is a 3 thousand-year-old wine, fermented from the void itself," Reinhard said, lifting his goblet. "A proper drink, not some horse piss."

Guy hesitated for a moment before taking a cautious sip. The flavor exploded in his mouth, a perfect blend of richness and complexity. The aroma was intoxicating, a heady mix of otherworldly scents. He blinked, momentarily overwhelmed. "This... is incredible," he admitted, unable to hide his admiration.

Reinhard took a sip of his own goblet, nodding in satisfaction. "Proper drinks for proper conversations."

The atmosphere around the table lightened as they enjoyed the exquisite wine. Velzard, Velgrynd, and Veldora joined in, each taking a goblet and savoring the rare treat. Milim, still clinging to Reinhard, looked up at him with a smile. She was beginning to see a different side of her brother, one that was more than just power and authority.

As they continued to drink and talk, Guy's thoughts wandered to the future. The Demon Lord Council was just the beginning. With Reinhard's advice and Milim's enthusiasm, they would gather the strongest beings and create a force to be reckoned with. But for now, they would enjoy this moment of peace and camaraderie, a rare respite in their tumultuous lives.

Reinhard returned to Gladsheimr, leaving Milim behind with her newfound sense of freedom. He knew that her exploration of the world would not only help her grow but also give her a way to cope with her recent losses. Meanwhile, Reinhard had his own plans to focus on, plans that required meticulous attention and preparation. With at least two millennia before the significant events he foresaw, Reinhard was determined to perfect every aspect of his strategy.

Seated on his throne, Reinhard initiated a conversation with his Ultimate Skill, Raphael. "Raphael, report on the progress of the project," he commanded.

«Notice. The plan has been properly calculated. Permission to proceed?» Raphael responded in its usual monotone.

A cold smile played on Reinhard's lips. "Permission granted."

Reinhard began by reaching deep into the Jura Forest, where he had hidden a powerful artifact—the Swastika. This artifact was a crucial part of his plan. With a wave of his hand, he summoned it to Gladsheimr, feeling the immense energy it contained. "Raphael, lock the Swastika within the chipped soul," he ordered.

The Ultimate Skill complied, encapsulating the artifact within the fragment of Reinhard's soul. «Notice. The Swastika has been successfully integrated into the soul fragment.»

"Good," Reinhard said, satisfaction evident in his voice. "Now, send the soul to the same location as the previous being created from my aura."

The air around Reinhard shimmered as Raphael executed the command. The soul, now carrying the potent Swastika, was dispatched through the vastness of space and time to the 'certain place' Reinhard had designated.

"This should be a good enough seed for my plan," Reinhard mused, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. "I've already planted it. Now, I just need to wait."

With that task complete, Reinhard turned his attention to another critical matter: his physical body. To achieve the Emanation of Law, he needed to discard his current form, but it wasn't just any body—it was the vessel that held the hundreds of millions of souls he had reaped over time.

He spent the entire afternoon contemplating the best course of action. The body had to be preserved and placed somewhere secure, yet accessible when needed. The weight of its importance was not lost on him, and every detail had to be perfect.

As he pondered, his mind wandered through the possibilities. Each scenario was carefully considered, weighed, and measured against his overarching plan. Reinhard's focus was absolute, his thoughts a whirlwind of strategy and foresight. The world outside Gladsheimr moved on, oblivious to the machinations of the being within.

Reinhard leaned back on his throne, the weight of his plans pressing on his mind. He knew that the path ahead was long and fraught with challenges, but he was ready. Every piece was falling into place, and soon, his vision for the future would become a reality.

As the afternoon turned into evening, Reinhard's determination only grew stronger. He had set his plans in motion, and now it was only a matter of time before they bore fruit. The world might not know it yet, but the wheels of destiny were turning, guided by his unyielding hand.

