
Deity of Destruction

Reinhard Nava, the Golden Beast, also son of the Creator God Veldanava will now live his life with the quest of spreading love to everything. The mc is ultra op, he can stomp anyone in this verse. He can easily destroy peak Rimuru, even the one one in ending of WN. This is also a wishfulfillment fic but I assure you that there are some epic scenes. If you enjoy my stories then please give some support by tip or donation here~ https://ko-fi.com/asthoglho

Asthoglho · Anime & Comics
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58 Chs

Final Act II

Throw some stones.

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The sky over the Western Empire darkened as Rimuru and Yuuki faced each other. The air crackled with energy, the ground beneath them trembling from the sheer intensity of their power. This was no ordinary battle; it was a clash of titans, each possessing abilities that could reshape the world itself.

Rimuru's eyes blazed with determination, his aura a swirling vortex of black and blue energy. Yuuki stood opposite him, his presence exuding an almost divine malice, the power of his Ultimate Skill [Lord of Gods, Yhwh] radiating from him in waves.

"Are you ready, Yuuki?" Rimuru's voice was calm, yet it carried a weight of impending doom.

Yuuki smirked, his eyes gleaming with excitement. "I've been waiting for this, Rimuru. Let's see who truly holds the power of a god."

Without another word, they launched themselves at each other, their movements so fast they seemed to vanish from sight. The impact of their clash sent shockwaves rippling through the air, a testament to the immense force behind their strikes.

Rimuru's fist collided with Yuuki's outstretched palm, the force of the blow creating a massive crater beneath them. They moved with blinding speed, their bodies flickering in and out of existence as they exchanged a flurry of blows. Each hit was capable of destroying a heavenly body, yet they parried and countered with equal ferocity.

Yuuki summoned a storm of divine light, a manifestation of his angelic powers. The beams of energy shot towards Rimuru, who responded by conjuring a void of darkness that absorbed the light, nullifying its destructive force. The sky above them lit up with their cosmic battle, as if the heavens themselves were at war.

"You can't beat me with tricks like that, Yuuki!" Rimuru shouted, his voice echoing through the battlefield. He unleashed his Ultimate Skill [Azathoth], a swirling mass of chaos that surged towards Yuuki, devouring everything in its path.

Yuuki's eyes narrowed, and he raised his hand, summoning the full might of [Lord of Gods, Yhwh]. The air shimmered as a golden barrier formed around him, repelling Rimuru's attack. "Is that all you've got, Rimuru?" he taunted, his voice filled with mocking confidence.

Rimuru's response was immediate. He manipulated the space around them, warping reality itself. In an instant, he closed the distance between them, his blade slicing through the air towards Yuuki's heart. But Yuuki was ready, deflecting the strike with a shield of pure energy.

The ground beneath them shattered as they collided again, their powers clashing with such intensity that the very fabric of space seemed to tremble. Rimuru's attacks were relentless, a barrage of chaos and darkness, each strike imbued with the power of [Azathoth]. Yuuki countered with divine precision, his angelic abilities manifesting in beams of celestial light and destructive force.

As they fought, the landscape around them was transformed into a wasteland of destruction. Mountains crumbled, the earth split apart, and the sky was torn asunder by the sheer magnitude of their power. Yet, despite the devastation, they were perfectly matched, neither gaining the upper hand.

Rimuru's eyes glowed with an otherworldly light as he unleashed a torrent of dark energy, a manifestation of his rage and determination. The attack engulfed Yuuki, who responded by summoning the full might of his divine power. The resulting explosion was cataclysmic, a blinding flash of light and darkness that illuminated the entire continent.

When the dust settled, Rimuru and Yuuki stood facing each other, their bodies battered but their spirits unyielding. They were equals in power, two forces of nature locked in an epic struggle that transcended mortal limits.

Yuuki wiped a trickle of blood from his lip, his smirk unwavering. "You're stronger than I expected, Rimuru. But this isn't over yet."

Rimuru nodded, his expression fierce. "No, it's not. This ends when one of us falls."

With renewed determination, they charged at each other once more, their clash creating a thunderous roar that echoed across the battlefield. The fight between Rimuru and Yuuki was far from over, and the fate of the world hung in the balance as these two titans continued their epic battle.

The sky above them was a maelstrom of energy, lightning crackling and thunder rumbling as their powers collided. Rimuru summoned his [Gluttony] ability, attempting to consume Yuuki's energy, but Yuuki countered with a burst of divine light that shattered the darkness.

Yuuki's laughter rang out, a sound both chilling and exhilarating. "You think you can devour me, Rimuru? We have the same source!"

Rimuru's response was a fierce roar, his body glowing with an ominous light. He unleashed a barrage of dark tendrils, each one seeking to ensnare Yuuki and drain his energy. Yuuki countered with a wave of his hand, summoning a legion of ethereal angels that intercepted the tendrils, their swords cutting through the darkness.

The battlefield was a scene of chaos and destruction, the very air charged with the intensity of their battle. Rimuru's attacks were a blend of raw power and strategic precision, each strike aimed at finding a weakness in Yuuki's defenses. Yuuki, in turn, fought with a grace and ferocity that spoke of his mastery over his divine abilities.

As the fight dragged on, it became clear that they were pushing each other to their limits. Rimuru's body ached with the strain of maintaining his power, but he refused to back down. Yuuki's eyes gleamed with a mix of admiration and hunger, relishing the challenge that Rimuru presented.

In a moment of respite, they faced each other, their breaths heavy but their resolve unshaken. The world around them lay in ruins, a testament to the ferocity of their battle.

"You've surprised me, Rimuru," Yuuki admitted, his voice tinged with genuine respect. "But don't think for a moment that I'll go easy on you."

Rimuru's smile was grim. "I wouldn't have it any other way."

With a mutual nod, they charged at each other once more, their clash sending shockwaves through the air. The battle between Rimuru and Yuuki was a dance of death and power, a testament to their unyielding wills and the immense forces they commanded.

As Rimuru and Yuuki clashed, the ground beneath them could no longer withstand the intensity of their battle. They both knew the planet itself was at risk, and without a word, they ascended into the skies, higher and higher until they broke through the atmosphere and entered the cold, dark void of space.

In the vast expanse of the cosmos, they unleashed their full power. Each attack could obliterate entire solar systems, yet they moved with such speed and precision that the vast energies were contained to their immediate vicinity. Their bodies flickered like starlight, moving faster than the speed of light, each strike calculated and countered in the blink of an eye.

Yuuki's [Lord of Gods, Yhwh] manifested in a radiant burst of angelic wings, each feather a blade of divine energy that slashed through the vacuum of space towards Rimuru. Rimuru responded with [Azathoth], summoning a swirling vortex of chaos that devoured the divine blades, nullifying their destructive power.

Their calculations were on a scale beyond comprehension, each of them capable of processing information at speeds that defied the very concept of time. Rimuru would unleash a barrage of dark energy spheres, each one capable of creating a black hole, but Yuuki would counter with a shield of celestial light that absorbed the attack and returned it tenfold.

"You can't win, Rimuru," Yuuki's voice echoed through the void, amplified by his divine power. "Your power is impressive, but it pales in comparison to the might of a god!"

Rimuru's eyes blazed with determination. "I don't need to be a god to stop you, Yuuki. My power comes from those I care about, and I won't let you harm them!"

With a roar, Rimuru summoned the full force of his [Void God Azathoth], the black energy swirling around him forming a massive, all-consuming abyss. Yuuki responded in kind, his [Lord of Gods, Yhwh] shining with blinding brilliance as he unleashed a torrent of holy fire. The two attacks collided, creating a cataclysmic explosion that illuminated the cosmos, visible from countless worlds away.

Despite the ferocity of their battle, neither gained the upper hand. They were perfectly matched, their powers and abilities canceling each other out. When Rimuru used [Gluttony] to try and consume Yuuki's energy, Yuuki countered with [Metatron], a divine force that repelled and purified the consuming darkness.

They continued to clash, moving through the void with such speed that they left trails of energy in their wake. Planets and stars shuddered at their passing, but they fought with a precision that prevented collateral damage, both aware of the lives that could be lost in their struggle.

Yuuki's eyes gleamed with a malevolent light as he revealed a new strategy. He summoned the power of [Raphael], the Angel of Wisdom, to enhance his already formidable intellect. With this boost, he created a complex array of energy constructs, each one a trap designed to ensnare and incapacitate Rimuru.

Rimuru, not to be outdone, tapped into the full extent of [Ciel], his ultimate Manas, to enhance his own calculations. He maneuvered through Yuuki's traps with ease, countering each one with an attack of his own. The space around them became a battleground of energy constructs and devastating attacks, each one nullifying the other in a display of raw power and strategic brilliance.

"You can't keep up with me, Yuuki!" Rimuru shouted, his voice filled with defiance. "No matter how powerful you become, I'll always find a way to stop you!"

Yuuki's smile was cold. "We'll see about that, Rimuru. The power of a god is limitless, and I'll show you the true meaning of despair!"

With a gesture, Yuuki summoned the power of [Sandalphon], unleashing a wave of annihilating energy. Rimuru countered with [Azathoth], creating a barrier of absolute void that absorbed the destructive force. The clash created a shockwave that rippled through space, the sheer power of their confrontation warping the space and time itself.

As they fought, it became clear that they were not just battling for dominance, but for the very future of their world. Each strike, each counter, was a test of their resolve and their will to protect what they held dear. They were the epitome of opposing forces, Yuuki, the embodiment of malevolent ambition and divine power, and Rimuru, the pinnacle of kindness and determination.

Their battle continued to escalate, each of them pushing beyond their limits, their powers growing ever more immense. They moved through the void with such speed and precision that even the stars seemed to blur in their wake. Yet, despite the intensity of their struggle, they remained evenly matched, neither able to gain a decisive advantage.

Rimuru's eyes narrowed as he tapped into a deeper well of power, his [Azathoth] expanding to encompass a wider area. He created a multitude of shadowy tendrils that lashed out at Yuuki, each one a conduit for his chaotic energy. Yuuki responded with a barrier of divine light, the tendrils dissipating harmlessly against its radiant surface.

"You've become strong, Rimuru," Yuuki admitted, his tone grudgingly respectful. 

Rimuru's smile was fierce. "It's not just about strength, Yuuki. It's about the will to protect, to stand up for what's right. And that's something you'll never understand."

With a roar, Rimuru unleashed his full power, the energy of [Azathoth] and [Ciel] combining into a maelstrom of chaos and precision. Yuuki countered with the full might of [Lord of Gods, Yhwh], his divine power shining like a supernova. The two forces collided, creating an explosion of light and darkness that illuminated the cosmos.

As the shockwave subsided, they faced each other once more, their bodies battered but their spirits unbroken. 

In the cold void of space, Rimuru and Yuuki continued their epic confrontation, their powers clashing with a force that shook the very foundations of the universe. They were locked in a struggle of wills and destinies, their fates intertwined in a battle that would determine the future of their world. And as they fought, it became clear that neither would yield until the other was defeated.

On the other side of the galaxy, Diablo materialized beside Reinhard, his usually impassive face showing a rare glint of satisfaction. "My lord," he intoned, bowing deeply, "I have completed my task." In his hands, he held the physical body of Reinhard, reverently presenting it to his master. Alongside the body, Diablo handed over two swastikas, stolen from the demon lords.

Reinhard accepted his physical body with a casual grace, almost as if it were a mere trinket. His eyes, however, were sharp and discerning as he examined the two swastikas. "Only one remains," he mused aloud, his voice a rumble that seemed to vibrate through the very fabric of space.

Reinhard's gaze then settled on Diablo, a deep, penetrating look that would have made lesser beings quail in terror. Even the primordial demon and the Einherjar trembled under that gaze, aware of the depths of power and perception that lay behind it. Diablo, however, stood his ground, his eyes unwavering as he met his lord's stare. There was an understanding between them, a recognition that Reinhard knew of Diablo's machinations. Despite this, Diablo's resolve did not falter. He had acted for Reinhard's sake, and he was adamant in his loyalty.

Seeing that Diablo had no intention of explaining further, Reinhard let out a small sigh. "Very well," he said, a touch of resignation in his tone. "You have always acted for my benefit, Diablo. I trust your judgment, even if I do not always understand your methods."

Reinhard turned his attention away from Diablo, focusing instead on the distant, raging battle between Rimuru and Yuuki. The clash of their titanic powers was visible even from this distance, a cataclysmic conflict that threatened to obliterate entire star systems. Reinhard's lips curved into an amused smile as he watched the spectacle unfold.

"Rimuru," he murmured, almost to himself, "My other half." His gaze shifted slightly, settling on the figure of Yuuki. "And Yuuki, my son. Isn't this amusing? I have sparked a cosmic war using my own blood and power. They have grown so strong, risen to challenge even me."

Reinhard rose from his throne, his movement fluid and regal. He began to clap slowly, the sound reverberating through the space around him. "Excellent" he called out, his voice carrying an edge of genuine admiration. "You have both surpassed my expectations. Your strength, your resolve—it is truly commendable."

He turned to Diablo, his expression one of determined resolve. "Perhaps it is time for me to make my appearance," he said. "The game has been entertaining, but now it must reach its climax."

Reinhard issued his commands with an authority that brooked no argument. "Diablo, arrange the swastikas in their respective locations. Unseal Feldway and Zelanus. The ritual cannot be completed without the presence of Nigredo and Rubedo."

Diablo bowed deeply once more, his eyes gleaming with determination. "As you command, my lord." With a wave of his hand, he vanished, already set on his new task.

Reinhard watched him go, his mind already shifting to the final steps of his grand design. The unsealing of Feldway and Zelanus was critical. Nigredo and Rubedo, the two Einherjar, held essential roles in the ritual. Without them, the ritual  would remain incomplete.

Reinhard turned his gaze back to the battle raging across the stars. He felt a thrill of excitement at the prospect of entering the fray, of testing the mettle of these two formidable opponents. Rimuru and Yuuki had proven themselves worthy of his attention, and now, they would face him directly.

He extended his senses, feeling the ebb and flow of their immense powers. Rimuru's [Azathoth] and Yuuki's [Lord of Gods, Yhwh] clashed with a ferocity that shook the very cosmos. They were locked in a deadly dance, each move countered with precision, each attack met with an equal and opposite force.

Reinhard's smile widened. "Yes," he whispered to himself, "this will be the ultimate test. Let us see if they can stand against the true might of Reinhard Nava."

With that, he prepared to descend into the battlefield, his heart thrumming with anticipation. The final act was about to begin, and the universe itself would bear witness to the outcome.



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