
Deity of Destruction

Reinhard Nava, the Golden Beast, also son of the Creator God Veldanava will now live his life with the quest of spreading love to everything. The mc is ultra op, he can stomp anyone in this verse. He can easily destroy peak Rimuru, even the one one in ending of WN. This is also a wishfulfillment fic but I assure you that there are some epic scenes. If you enjoy my stories then please give some support by tip or donation here~ https://ko-fi.com/asthoglho

Asthoglho · Anime & Comics
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58 Chs

Final Act III

I probably won't be able to post tomorrow so enjoy this one~

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In the vast emptiness of space, where stars glimmered like scattered diamonds, the titanic clash between Yuuki and Rimuru continued unabated. Their movements were a blur, faster than the speed of light, each strike creating shockwaves that reverberated through the fabric of the cosmos. The collision of their immense powers had already caused the destruction of three nebulas, leaving a trail of cosmic devastation in their wake.

Rimuru's [Azathoth] and Yuuki's [Lord of Gods, Yhwh] were in a relentless struggle, each trying to gain the upper hand. Rimuru summoned black holes and antimatter, wielding the fundamental forces of the universe with masterful precision. Yuuki countered with the divine might of his angelic skills, manipulating reality and dimensions with godlike authority. Their attacks clashed, resulting in explosions that would have obliterated entire solar systems.

"You've become quite powerful, Yuuki," Rimuru admitted, his voice a calm contrast to the chaos around them.

Yuuki's eyes glinted with determination. "And you've become a real threat, Rimuru. But this ends now."

The two figures disappeared in a burst of speed, reappearing at different points in the void, trading blows that sent ripples through the stars. Rimuru's ethereal form glowed with an ominous light, his presence bending the space around him. Yuuki, radiating divine energy, seemed almost invincible, his every move calculated with the precision of his godlike intellect.

As they fought, their thoughts were clear and focused, each calculating billions of possible outcomes every second. It was a battle not just of strength, but of wits, strategy, and sheer willpower. Their attacks were so perfectly countered that it seemed neither could gain the upper hand. They were perfectly matched, each pushing the other to their absolute limits.

In one exchange, Rimuru created a dimensional rift, attempting to trap Yuuki in a void of nothingness. Yuuki, however, used his mastery over space to warp out of the trap, appearing behind Rimuru and unleashing a barrage of divine energy. Rimuru spun around, absorbing the attack into a black hole he conjured at the last moment, before retaliating with a burst of antimatter that Yuuki barely deflected with a shield of pure divinity.

"You can't win, Yuuki," Rimuru said, his voice echoing through the void. "This power... it's not meant for destruction."

Yuuki smirked, his eyes filled with fierce determination. "We'll see about that, Rimuru. I'll show you the true might of the [Lord of Gods, Yhwh]."

Their battle raged on, each clash more intense than the last. Stars in the distance flickered and died, unable to withstand the sheer force of their confrontation. Planets were torn asunder, and entire galaxies trembled as the two monsters fought with everything they had.

As they fought, a sudden ripple of golden energy swept through the battlefield, causing both combatants to pause momentarily. It was a presence unlike anything they had felt before, an overwhelming aura that filled them with both nostalgia and a primal fear. In an instant, they knew who had arrived.

Reinhard Nava materialized in the void, his form radiating an awe-inspiring power that dwarfed even their own. He stood calmly, his eyes taking in the scene with a mixture of amusement and something deeper—pride, perhaps, or curiosity. His presence was so commanding that the very stars seemed to bow in his presence.

"Lord Reinhard," Yuuki breathed, his voice a mix of reverence and awe. He knelt, bowing his head deeply, unable to meet the gaze of the being he deemed himself unworthy to call 'father.'

Rimuru, on the other hand, felt a shiver of fear run down his spine. The being before him was beyond anything he had ever encountered. His very essence seemed to tremble in the presence of this supreme entity. Yet, beneath the fear, there was a burning determination to protect everything he held dear.

"Reinhard.." Rimuru whispered, his voice trembling but his resolve unbroken.

Reinhard smiled, a cold, calculating expression that sent chills through both Rimuru and Yuuki. "You've both done well to reach this point," he said, his voice carrying a weight of authority that demanded absolute obedience. "Yuuki, you have shown great strength and cunning. And Rimuru, your kindness and determination are truly commendable."

Yuuki looked up, his eyes shining with a fierce elation. "Thank you, Lord Reinhard," he said, his voice filled with a newfound confidence. The presence of his master, his creator, bolstered his resolve, making him believe that his plan was indeed possible.

Rimuru, however, felt a mix of emotions—fear, respect, and an unwavering determination to protect his world. "Why are you doing this?" he asked, his voice steady despite the turmoil within him.

Reinhard's smile widened, a predatory gleam in his eyes. "To see who is worthy," he replied. "To test the limits of my creations. And perhaps," he added, his gaze shifting to the distant stars, "to find the one who can truly stand beside me."

Reinhard's gaze returned to the battlefield, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. "Now, let us see who will emerge victorious," he murmured, his voice filled with a dark, thrilling excitement. "Let the final act begin."

Reinhard's order for Yuuki and Rimuru to continue fighting hung in the void, and a relieved smile spread across Yuuki's face. Without hesitation, the two combatants resumed their clash, but something had changed. Rimuru's keen senses quickly noticed that Yuuki's attacks lacked their former intensity, and he was beginning to falter.

"What's wrong, Yuuki?" Rimuru asked, his voice carrying a mix of concern and curiosity. "Are you finally tired?"

Yuuki's smile was bittersweet, a mixture of determination and resignation. He met Rimuru's gaze, his eyes reflecting a depth of emotion that transcended their conflict. "Rimuru, I'll entrust everything to you. You must do everything in your power to stop father"

Rimuru's heart pounded in his chest. The weight of Yuuki's words hit him like a tidal wave. He could see the sincerity and desperation in Yuuki's eyes. This was more than just a fight for power or survival; it was a plea for salvation.

Reinhard watched the exchange with an amused smile, his eyes gleaming with a sinister delight. "How touching," he remarked, his voice dripping with mockery. "The epitome of evil and the pinnacle of kindness, fighting for the fate of the universe. It's truly entertaining."

Yuuki's attacks grew weaker, and his defenses crumbled under Rimuru's relentless onslaught. Despite his waning strength, he fought with a fierce determination, each blow carrying the weight of his plea for Rimuru to succeed where he could not. Rimuru's strikes grew more precise, his focus sharpened by Yuuki's words.

"You can't give up now, Yuuki," Rimuru urged, his voice filled with a desperate determination. "We have to do this together!"

Yuuki shook his head, a sad smile on his lips. "No, Rimuru. This is where my journey ends. But yours is just beginning. You have to be the one to do it."

Suddenly, Yuuki's expression shifted. Determination hardened his features as he activated his Ultimate Skill [Astarte]. With a flash of brilliance, he used its power to evolve the unique skill he had obtained from the otherworlder, [Singularity], into an Ultimate Skill.

Rimuru's eyes widened as he sensed the immense power radiating from Yuuki. The transformation was breathtaking, a testament to Yuuki's resolve and cunning. Yet, despite the newfound strength, Yuuki's next move was even more shocking.

"Rimuru," Yuuki said, his voice calm and resolute. "I'm counting on you."

Before Rimuru could react, Yuuki began to self-destruct, his body glowing with an intense, blinding light. The energy he was releasing was astronomical, capable of obliterating the universe itself. Rimuru's mind raced, and in a split-second decision, he knew what he had to do.

Without hesitation, Rimuru activated [Azathoth] and began to devour Yuuki, absorbing the immense energy that threatened to annihilate everything. The process was excruciating, the sheer force of Yuuki's power pushing Rimuru to his limits. Yet, he endured, driven by the desperate need to protect everything he held dear.

Reinhard watched the scene unfold, his expression one of detached amusement. "So this is how it ends for you, Yuuki," he mused. "A fitting conclusion for my wayward son."

As Yuuki's form disintegrated, his last words echoed in Rimuru's mind. "Stop him, Rimuru. Save them all."

Rimuru stood amidst the cosmic battlefield, his heart heavy with the loss of Yuuki. He turned to face Reinhard, his resolve stronger than ever. "I will stop you," he declared, his voice unwavering. "I will protect everyone I love."

Reinhard's smile widened, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. "Then show me, Rimuru Tempest. Show me the power of your determination."

The aftermath of the intense battles left the landscape scarred and silent, save for the heavy breathing of the victorious demon lords. The bodies of the Numbers, Yuuki's elite forces, lay strewn across the battlefield, their formidable strength finally subdued by the combined might of the demon lords. Tatsuya Kondo, the last of Yuuki's lieutenants, lay at the feet of Guy Crimson, a twisted smile of satisfaction on his face despite his defeat. His goal had been fulfilled, and it seemed Yuuki's plan had come to fruition without a hitch.

Guy, along with the other demon lords, gathered to assess the situation, their expressions a mix of triumph and wariness. But their moment of respite was shattered when they saw Diablo, one of Reinhard's Einherjar, meddling with the seals of Feldway and Zelanus. Alarm bells rang in their minds, and they sprang into action, rushing towards Diablo with all the speed and power at their disposal.

To their dismay, none of them could even touch him. Guy quickly calculated the situation. Diablo hadn't been long in the physical world, which meant he shouldn't have grown significantly in power. Yet here he was, untouchable, even to the likes of Guy and Milim, who could move faster than the speed of light.

Guy's mind raced. "This shouldn't be possible," he muttered. "Diablo hasn't had time to acclimate fully to the physical realm. I should be able to overpower him."

Despite their best efforts, Milim, Dino, and Luminous could not land a single blow on Diablo. Their combined speed and strength, capable of shattering mountains and tearing the fabric of reality itself, seemed useless. Diablo stood there, a smirk playing on his lips, confident and unyielding.

"You cannot touch me," Diablo said, his voice dripping with a mixture of amusement and contempt. "Not on this planet, not even my fellow Einherjar can. Distance is but a mere word"

His words sent a chill down their spines. Guy, realization dawning on him, barked orders. "Milim, Dino, Luminous! Stop him at all costs!"

But it was too late. With a wave of his hand, Diablo released the seals. The ground beneath them shook violently, and a massive earthquake rippled through the entire world. Mountains crumbled, oceans roared, and the very sky seemed to crack under the strain.

From the broken seals emerged Feldway and Zelanus, their faces etched with fury. Their anger was palpable, but they held it in check. They knew the importance of the moment, the final part of the ritual was beginning.

Feldway, with his flames of destruction, and Zelanus, with his fists of annihilation, glared at the demon lords. But their focus quickly shifted. The ritual called to them, a pull they could not ignore. Without a word, the three Einherjar, now united and unbound, took to the sky, their forms streaking towards the stars.

Guy and the other demon lords watched, powerless to stop them. The power and coordination of the Einherjar were beyond anything they had anticipated. Milim clenched her fists in frustration, her eyes blazing with a desire to fight and protect. Dino looked on with a mix of disbelief and anger, while Luminous seethed at their inability to intervene.

In the heavens above, the battle between Rimuru and Reinhard raged on, their clashes sending shockwaves that threatened to tear the very fabric of the universe. The arrival of the Einherjar would change the course of this titanic struggle, and the demon lords could only hope that Rimuru would be able to hold his ground.

As the three Einherjar soared through the void of space, their destination clear, Reinhard's presence loomed ever larger in their minds. They were flying towards the epicenter of chaos, where the fate of the universe would be decided. And behind them, on the scarred and trembling planet, the demon lords regrouped, determined to do whatever it took to protect their world from the impending doom.

The stage was set, and the final act of this cosmic confrontation was about to begin.

The clash between Rimuru and Reinhard was nothing short of cataclysmic. Each blow from Rimuru, charged with his Ultimate Skills and the raw power of Azathoth, sent shockwaves through space, dwarfing even the mightiest of nuclear explosions. The very fabric of the universe seemed to tremble with each swing of Rimuru's fists, each thrust of his sword, each arc of his magical prowess. Yet, despite the devastation around them, Reinhard moved with an unsettling calmness, as if he were merely observing a child's tantrum.

Rimuru's attacks came at a relentless pace, a barrage of energy blasts, swipes, and incomprehensible strikes. Every fiber of his being was focused on piercing through Reinhard's defenses, on finding a chink in the armor of a foe who had become an enigma of power and cruelty. Yet, for all his might, his attacks seemed to vanish mere inches from Reinhard's body, dissipating into nothingness as if they had never existed.

Reinhard's expression remained impassive, his movements a dance of grace and precision. Each strike from Rimuru was met with a deflection, a counter, or simply a nonchalant sidestep. The attacks were powerful, yes, but Reinhard's casual demeanor suggested they were nothing more than a nuisance. A wave of his hand here, a flick of his wrist there, and Rimuru's onslaught was effortlessly neutralized. It was as if Rimuru was throwing punches at a phantom, each one met with an invisible barrier, an impenetrable wall of power that mocked his every effort.

"Is that all you have, Rimuru?" Reinhard's voice echoed through the void, carrying with it a tone of mild amusement. "I expected more from you. You have become strong, yes, but your attacks are still too predictable."

Rimuru gritted his teeth, his eyes burning with determination. He unleashed a flurry of attacks, each one more complex, more powerful than the last. He summoned spectral beasts, rained meteors from the skies, mess with the law of Causality and twisted the very laws of reality around him. Yet, each time his attacks reached Reinhard, they disintegrated, erased from existence as if they had never been. The sheer disparity in their power was becoming increasingly evident, and Rimuru's frustration was palpable.

"Why won't you fight seriously?!" Rimuru roared, his voice echoing through the cosmos. "Why do you make a mockery of this battle?!"

Reinhard's lips curled into a slight smile. "Because, Rimuru, this is not a battle. It is a lesson. And I am merely the teacher." With a flick of his wrist, Reinhard unleashed a wave of energy that sent Rimuru crashing back, his body engulfed in an explosion of light and force. The shockwave traveled across the universe, leaving behind a trail of destruction and chaos.

As Rimuru struggled to regain his footing, Reinhard's gaze turned to the horizon, his eyes narrowing slightly. The arrival of the Einherjar was imminent. Diablo, Feldway, and Zelanus were closing in, their presence a testament to the impending conclusion of this cosmic drama. Reinhard's expression turned contemplative, his interest in the battle momentarily waning. It was time. Time to ascend, to complete the ritual that had been millennia in the making.

With a wave of his hand, Reinhard dismissed the ongoing battle, his voice carrying a finality that brooked no argument. "This charade is over, Rimuru. You have shown me your strength, and it is commendable. But now, it is time for me to ascend. The final pieces are in place."

Rimuru, his body battered and his energy nearly spent, looked up at Reinhard, a mixture of fear and resolve in his eyes. "What are you planning, Reinhard? What do you hope to achieve with this madness?"

Reinhard's eyes gleamed with an otherworldly light, the swastikas around him beginning to glow with a fierce intensity. "I am fulfilling my destiny, Rimuru. I will bring about a new era, one where I am the sole ruler, the creator of a universe that bends to my will. And you, my dear Rimuru, will be a part of it, whether you like it or not."

As the final words left Reinhard's lips, Diablo, Feldway, and Zelanus arrived, their presence a dark contrast to the ethereal glow of the swastikas. Diablo's eyes met Rimuru's, a silent apology in his gaze. Feldway and Zelanus, their faces grim, stood ready, their powers surging with the energy of the ritual. The moment was upon them, the culmination of thousands of years of planning, of struggle and sacrifice.

Reinhard raised his hands, the swastikas aligning in perfect harmony around him. The energy in the void began to spiral, a vortex of light and darkness, creation and destruction. The very fabric of reality seemed to tremble, the universe itself holding its breath in anticipation of what was to come.

"Let the ritual begin," Reinhard declared, his voice echoing through the cosmos, a final command that resonated with the weight of eternity. "Let the ascension commence."

And with that, the final act of this cosmic drama began, the fate of the universe hanging in the balance, as Rimuru, the demon lords, and the forces of destiny prepared for the ultimate confrontation.




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