
Deity of Destruction

Reinhard Nava, the Golden Beast, also son of the Creator God Veldanava will now live his life with the quest of spreading love to everything. The mc is ultra op, he can stomp anyone in this verse. He can easily destroy peak Rimuru, even the one one in ending of WN. This is also a wishfulfillment fic but I assure you that there are some epic scenes. If you enjoy my stories then please give some support by tip or donation here~ https://ko-fi.com/asthoglho

Asthoglho · Anime & Comics
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58 Chs

Final Act I.

Throw some stones~

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Only a few hours had passed since the meeting where the demon lords had discussed their strategies. Rimuru had felt a fleeting sense of relief, thinking they had a solid plan to thwart Reinhard's intentions. However, reality hit hard when alarming news arrived from the depths of Tempest.

Rimuru stood in stunned silence, the weight of the situation pressing down on him. Diablo was gone. Along with him, the body of Reinhard, the grail for the ritual, had vanished. It was a betrayal that Rimuru hadn't seen coming, a blow that shook the very foundation of his trust.

Benimaru stormed into the room, his usual calm demeanor replaced with unbridled rage. "That damn demon! How could he do this to us?" he bellowed, his fists clenched tightly at his sides.

Zegion, standing next to him, exuded an aura of menace. "We must find him and retrieve the body. This betrayal cannot go unpunished."

Rimuru's heart ached at their words. Diablo had always been his most loyal subordinate, the one who would go to any lengths to assert Rimuru's dominance. The thought of Diablo betraying him was almost too painful to bear. It wasn't just anger that Rimuru felt; it was a profound sense of loss and betrayal.

"No," Rimuru finally said, his voice quiet but firm. "We need to understand why Diablo did this. He must have a reason."

Benimaru turned to Rimuru, his eyes blazing with anger. "A reason? He stole the grail! He's jeopardizing everything we've worked for!"

Rimuru shook his head, trying to maintain his composure. "I know Diablo better than anyone. He wouldn't betray us without a compelling reason. There must be something more to this."

The room fell silent as Rimuru's words hung in the air. The other members of Tempest, including Shion, Souei, and Ranga, looked at him with a mixture of concern and confusion. They respected Rimuru's judgment but couldn't understand why he was so hesitant to condemn Diablo.

"Remember," Rimuru continued, "Diablo was the one who suggested guarding the body of Reinhard. He was the one who brought us the news about the stolen swastika. It doesn't add up."

Shion, usually quick to support Rimuru, looked troubled. "But Rimuru-sama, what if he's working for Reinhard? What if this was his plan all along?"

Rimuru's eyes met hers, and she saw the pain in his gaze. "I can't believe that, Shion. I can't believe that Diablo would betray us so completely. There has to be another explanation."

The others exchanged uneasy glances, still grappling with their own anger and confusion. Benimaru stepped forward, his voice softer but still firm. "Rimuru-sama, we trust you. If you believe Diablo has a reason, then we will support you. But we can't ignore the threat this poses. We need to find him and get answers."

Rimuru nodded, appreciating Benimaru's understanding. "You're right. We need to find Diablo and the body of Reinhard. But we must approach this with caution. If there's a deeper plan at play, we need to uncover it."

As the members of Tempest dispersed to begin their search, Rimuru couldn't shake the feeling of betrayal that gnawed at him. Diablo's previous reactions in the meeting had been a farce, a carefully constructed act to deceive them all. The demon who had always been by his side, who had pledged unwavering loyalty, was now the one who had stolen the swastika and the body of Reinhard.

Rimuru walked out into the cool night air, his thoughts swirling with confusion and heartache. He looked up at the sky, searching for answers in the stars. "Diablo," he whispered, "why did you do this? What are you planning?"

He still believed in Diablo, still hoped that there was a reason for his actions that he couldn't yet see. But the pain of betrayal was sharp, a wound that wouldn't easily heal. As he stood there, alone in the darkness, Rimuru resolved to find Diablo and uncover the truth. He owed it to his people, to his friends, and to himself to understand the reasons behind this shocking turn of events.

The hunt for Diablo had begun, and with it, the quest for answers that would determine the fate of their world.

Rimuru sprinted through the forest, his senses attuned to every trace of Diablo's passage. The trees blurred around him as he moved with relentless speed, following the faintest clues left by the demon. Every step was a mix of determination and anguish, his heart heavy with the betrayal that had cut so deeply. He had to find Diablo, had to understand why his most loyal subordinate had turned against him.

Back in Tempest, the atmosphere was tense and fraught with anger. The strongest of Rimuru's allies were in disbelief and outrage. Benimaru, Zegion, and the others had always trusted Diablo implicitly, and his betrayal felt like a personal affront to all of them. They paced and discussed, their voices a mixture of confusion and fury.

"How could he do this?" Benimaru growled, his fists clenching in frustration. "Diablo was always the most loyal. This doesn't make any sense."

Zegion's normally calm demeanor was replaced by a rare show of anger. "He must have had a reason, something we're not seeing. But whatever it is, it doesn't change the fact that he betrayed us."

Despite the palpable anger in the room, Rimuru's absence was felt deeply. He had chosen to chase Diablo himself, driven by a need for answers. While the others were consumed by their rage, Rimuru was more concerned with understanding the motives behind Diablo's actions. This wasn't just about betrayal, it was about uncovering the truth.

Veldora is currently in a state of disbelief as he received reports of widespread attacks on the territories of the demon lords. He immediately flew to the central meeting place, where the demon lords gathered to strategize. But what he found there shocked him even more.

The demon lords were under siege. Yuuki had unleashed the full might of the Empire's most elite force, the Numbers. Each member of this formidable group had been significantly enhanced, and they now posed a grave threat to the demon lords. At the forefront of this assault was Tatsuya Kondo, leading the charge with an unyielding ferocity.

Veldora's shock turned to horror when he saw his sister, Velgrynd, locked in fierce combat with their other sister, Velzard. The sheer power emanating from Velgrynd was overwhelming. Veldora had always believed in Velzard's strength, but the scene before him was shattering his expectations. Velgrynd was too strong, insanely powerful. Her attacks were relentless, pushing Velzard to her limits.

"What's happening here?" Veldora muttered, his eyes wide with disbelief. He knew Velzard was a formidable force, but Velgrynd's newfound power was something else entirely. It was like she had been reborn, her strength magnified beyond measure.

The reason for this imbalance was simple but devastating. Yuuki had handed over several Ultimate Skills he had accumulated from devouring the unique skills of other Otherworlders. These skills had been upgraded and bestowed upon Velgrynd, giving her three additional Ultimate Skills that were on par with her original Lord of Relief, Ragruel. The combination of these powers made her nearly unstoppable.

Across the various territories of the demon lords, similar scenes of chaos and battle unfolded. Guy Crimson found himself facing Tatsuya Kondo, whose precision and lethal skill were a match even for the seasoned demon lord. The air crackled with the intensity of their clash, each strike a testament to their incredible powers.

Milim, the seemingly invincible Dragonoid, was engaged in a brutal fight with Damrada. The powerful Damrada had been powered up to terrifying levels by Yuuki, and he was now a formidable adversary. Each blow Milim landed was met with an equally devastating counterattack, the ground beneath them quaking from the force of their battle.

Dagruel and the other demon lords were also besieged by the enhanced Numbers. Their once seemingly invincible territories were now battlegrounds, echoing with the sounds of fierce combat. The demon lords fought valiantly, their powers clashing with the enhanced abilities of their enemies, but the sheer force arrayed against them was staggering.

Veldora, hovering in the air, watched the scene unfold with a mixture of anger and helplessness. He wanted to dive into the fray, to aid his siblings and comrades, but he knew he had to report back to Rimuru and the other demon lords. They needed a coordinated strategy, a plan to counter this unexpected and overwhelming assault.

"Sister, hold on," Veldora whispered, his eyes locked on his struggling sister. He could see the strain on her face, the desperation in her eyes. Velgrynd was relentless, her attacks fueled by the added power of the Ultimate Skills she now possessed.

Velgrynd's voice rang out, cold and emotionless. "Sister, you can't win. Rudra has given me the power to surpass you all. Surrender now, and perhaps he will show you mercy."

Velzard gritted her teeth, her icy aura flaring as she countered another of Velgrynd's attacks. "Velgrynd. You may have new powers, but you are still foolish, Rudra is no more! I will definitely find a way to bring you back."

In another territory, Guy Crimson faced Tatsuya Kondo with an intensity that matched his opponent's. Tatsuya's katana flashed in the light, each strike precise and deadly. Guy's fists met the blade with equal force, their battle a dance of death that neither could afford to lose.

"You're insanely strong," Guy remarked, a smirk playing on his lips despite the seriousness of the situation. "But you don't amount that much."

Tatsuya's expression was stoic, his eyes focused. "This is not a personal fight, Guy Crimson. It's a necessary step to bring about the new world The Emperor envisions."

Milim's battle with Damrada was equally fierce. Her raw power clashed with Damrada's enhanced abilities, their blows creating shockwaves that tore through the landscape. Despite her fury, Milim couldn't help but admire Damrada's resilience.

"Hateful bastard" Milim said, her voice a mix of respect and irritation. "Maybe you're the reason my brother is like this..."

Damrada's smile was grim. "I don't need to stop you, Milim. I just need to buy enough time."

Throughout the territories, the demon lords fought with everything they had. They knew the stakes were higher than ever before. If they failed, Reinhard's plan would come to fruition, and the world would be plunged into chaos.

Veldora clenched his fists, determination hardening his resolve. He needed to get this information to Rimuru. They couldn't afford to lose any more ground. With a final glance at the battlefield, he turned and flew towards Rimuru's location, his mind racing with the urgency of their situation.

Rimuru, running through the forest, felt a pang of foreboding. He knew the battles raging across the demon lord territories were critical. They had to hold out, had to find a way to counter Yuuki's relentless assault. And he had to find Diablo, to understand the reason behind his betrayal. 

As Rimuru finally emerged from the forest into a clearing, he saw a figure standing in the distance. His heart pounded as he recognized Diablo. The demon's expression was unreadable, but there was a flicker of something in his eyes – regret, perhaps?

"Diablo!" Rimuru called out, his voice carrying a mix of frustration and hope. "Why did you do it? Why did you betray us?"

Diablo's gaze met Rimuru's, and for a moment, the demon seemed to hesitate. Then, with a deep sigh, he spoke. "There are things you don't understand yet, Rimuru-sama. I did what I had to, but I never intended to betray you."

Rimuru's mind raced, trying to process Diablo's words. "Then explain it to me. Help me understand."

Diablo took a step forward, his expression softening slightly. "There are forces at play here that go beyond our understanding. Trust me, Rimuru-sama, everything I've done has been for a reason. You'll see soon enough."

Rimuru's frustration grew. "That's not good enough, Diablo. I need to know the truth."

Diablo nodded slowly. "And you will, Rimuru-sama. But first, I must fulfill my goal. Everything hinges on that."

As Rimuru grappled with his emotions, Veldora arrived, his face a mask of urgency. "Rimuru, we have a big problem. The demon lords are under attack, and it's bad. Yuuki has unleashed the Numbers, and they're overwhelming our forces.".




The night was unusually still in the Western Empire, an eerie calm that seemed to precede a storm. Leon Cromwell, the platinum-haired demon lord, stood atop the highest tower of his castle, his eyes scanning the horizon. The tension in the air was palpable, and he could feel the subtle shifts in the magical energy around him. Something was coming.

Suddenly, a powerful, oppressive aura descended upon the castle. Leon's eyes narrowed as he sensed the presence of an incredibly strong opponent. Before he could react, a figure appeared in the sky, illuminated by the pale moonlight.

It was Yuuki Nava, his presence exuding an almost palpable sense of malice and power. Leon's heart skipped a beat. He knew Yuuki was strong, but this aura was beyond anything he had anticipated.

"Leon Cromwell," Yuuki called out, his voice carrying a mocking tone. "It's time we settled things."

Leon didn't waste time with words. He summoned his sword, its blade glowing with a radiant light. "You'll regret coming here, Yuuki Kagurazaka."

With a burst of speed, Leon launched himself at Yuuki, their swords clashing with a resounding boom. The force of the impact sent shockwaves through the air, shaking the very foundations of the castle. Sparks flew as their blades met, each strike more powerful than the last.

Yuuki smirked, effortlessly parrying Leon's attacks. "Is that all you've got?" he taunted, his eyes gleaming with amusement.

Leon gritted his teeth, pushing himself harder. He unleashed a flurry of strikes, each one aimed at finding a weakness in Yuuki's defense. But Yuuki was unfazed, his movements fluid and precise. It was clear that he was toying with Leon, testing his limits.

As the battle raged on, Leon began to feel the strain. Yuuki's strength was overwhelming, and it was becoming increasingly clear that he was outmatched. Desperation gnawed at him, but he refused to back down.

Suddenly, a blinding light enveloped the battlefield. Leon felt a surge of hope as a familiar figure appeared beside him. Chloe Aubert, the hero, had arrived.

"Chloe!" Leon gasped, relief flooding through him.

Chloe nodded, her expression determined. "I'm here to help, Leon-onii-chan!."

Together, they launched a coordinated assault on Yuuki. Chloe's time-stopping abilities added an unpredictable element to the fight, giving them a much-needed edge. For a moment, it seemed like they might be able to turn the tide.

But Yuuki's smirk never wavered. With a flick of his wrist, he unleashed a devastating wave of energy, forcing Leon and Chloe to scatter. The sheer force of the attack left a deep crater in the ground, a testament to Yuuki's overwhelming power.

"Impressive," Yuuki said, his tone dripping with sarcasm. "But not nearly enough."

Before Leon could react, Yuuki was upon him. With a swift, brutal strike, he drove his sword through Leon's chest. Leon gasped, blood spilling from his lips as he fell to his knees.

"Onii-chan!" Chloe cried out, rushing to his side.

Yuuki laughed, a cruel, chilling sound. "Such a shame. You never stood a chance."

Chloe's eyes blazed with fury. She activated her time-stopping ability, freezing the world around her. With a fierce determination, she launched herself at Yuuki, her sword aimed at his heart.

But Yuuki was prepared. As Chloe's blade neared, he unleashed a burst of energy that shattered her time-stop field. Chloe was thrown back, her body slamming into the ground with a sickening thud.

"Did you really think you could defeat me?" Yuuki sneered, his eyes glinting with malice.

Leon struggled to his feet, his vision blurry from the pain. He summoned the last of his strength, his sword glowing with a brilliant light. "I won't let you win," he vowed, his voice a mere whisper.

With a final, desperate effort, Leon charged at Yuuki. But his strength was spent, and Yuuki easily sidestepped his attack. With a swift, brutal motion, Yuuki struck Leon down, his sword slicing through him with lethal precision.

Leon fell to the ground, his vision fading. He could hear Chloe's anguished cries, but they seemed distant, muffled by the haze of pain. As darkness closed in, his last thoughts were of regret. He had failed.

Chloe, her body battered and bruised, crawled to Leon's side. Tears streamed down her face as she cradled his lifeless form. "Leon... no..."

Yuuki watched the scene with a detached amusement. "Such a touching display," he said, his voice cold. "But it's time to end this."

Before he could strike, a powerful blast of energy erupted from the castle. A figure emerged from the shadows, his presence exuding a terrifying power.

It was Dagruel, the giant demon lord. His eyes blazed with fury as he confronted Yuuki. "You will pay for this," he growled, his voice echoing with rage.

Yuuki's smile widened. "Oh, this will be fun," he said, his eyes gleaming with excitement.

The battle between Yuuki and Dagruel was a clash of titans. The ground shook with each blow, the air crackling with the force of their attacks. Dagruel's immense strength was formidable, but Yuuki's agility and cunning gave him the upper hand.

Dagruel roared, his fists slamming into the ground with enough force to create massive shockwaves. But Yuuki was too fast, dodging his attacks with ease. With a swift, precise strike, Yuuki drove his sword into Dagruel's side, the blade cutting deep.

Dagruel staggered, blood pouring from the wound. But he refused to fall. With a Herculean effort, he launched one final, devastating punch at Yuuki. The force of the blow sent Yuuki flying, crashing into the ground with a thunderous impact.

But Yuuki was far from harmed. He rose to his feet, his eyes blazing with an unholy light. "Impressive," he said, wiping the blood from his mouth.

With a surge of energy, Yuuki unleashed a barrage of attacks. Dagruel tried to defend himself, but he was weakened, his movements slow and labored. Yuuki's strikes were relentless, each one finding its mark with deadly precision.

Dagruel fell to his knees, his strength spent. Yuuki stood over him, his sword raised for the final blow. "Goodbye, Dagruel," he said, his voice cold and merciless.

With a swift motion, Yuuki drove his sword through Dagruel's heart. The giant demon lord let out a final, agonized roar before collapsing to the ground, lifeless.

Yuuki stepped back, his eyes scanning the battlefield. Leon and Dagruel were dead, and Chloe was barely clinging to life. The scene was one of devastation and loss, a testament to his overwhelming power.

As Yuuki prepared to leave, he sensed a presence behind him. He turned to see Rimuru standing there, his eyes filled with a mixture of grief and fury.

"Yuuki," Rimuru said, his voice trembling with anger. "You will pay for this."

Yuuki's smile widened. "I'd like to see you try," he said, his eyes gleaming with excitement.


