
Deity of Destruction

Reinhard Nava, the Golden Beast, also son of the Creator God Veldanava will now live his life with the quest of spreading love to everything. The mc is ultra op, he can stomp anyone in this verse. He can easily destroy peak Rimuru, even the one one in ending of WN. This is also a wishfulfillment fic but I assure you that there are some epic scenes. If you enjoy my stories then please give some support by tip or donation here~ https://ko-fi.com/asthoglho

Asthoglho · Anime & Comics
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58 Chs

Higher Authority.

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In the grand hall of the demon lords' stronghold, a sense of cautious optimism permeated the air. The walls, adorned with ancient runes and protective spells, seemed to hum with power, as if aware of the significance of the gathering within. The demon lords assembled around a massive, obsidian table, each exuding an aura of immense power and confidence.

At the head of the table sat Rimuru Tempest, his calm demeanor masking the weight of responsibility on his shoulders. To his right, Guy Crimson lounged with a predatory smile, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. Milim Nava, ever energetic, fiddled with a small magical artifact, her expression a mix of curiosity and determination. Luminous Valentine sat gracefully, her eyes sharp and calculating, while Dagruel stood tall and imposing, his presence a silent reminder of their strength. Dino leaned back casually, but his gaze was alert, ready for anything. Ramiris fluttered nearby, her tiny form brimming with nervous energy, occasionally casting glances at the center of the table.

There, encased in a translucent barrier of pure magic, lay the physical body of Reinhard Nava. His form, though inert, radiated a palpable aura of power. The demon lords knew the importance of this body, it was the key to preventing Reinhard's complete ascension. It was their trump card, a symbol of their recent victories, and a reminder of the threat still looming over them.

Guy's voice broke the silence, rich with amusement. "Well, I have to say, having this bastard's body here feels like quite the win, doesn't it? Two of his Einherjar sealed and now this. We're doing pretty well."

Dagruel grunted in agreement, his deep voice resonating through the hall. "True, but we must remain vigilant. We don't know the identity of the third Einherjar. That unknown factor bothers me."

Luminous nodded, her expression thoughtful with hesitation. "Yes, and we cannot underestimate Reinhard. He's bound to have contingencies. We need to ensure every possible angle is covered."

Milim, her usual exuberance tempered by the seriousness of the situation, spoke up. "Reinhard was different before. Kind. I just… I can't believe he's doing this. But we have to stop him, no matter what."

Rimuru placed a reassuring hand on Milim's shoulder. "We will, Milim. We've come this far, and we're not backing down now."

Dino leaned forward, his casual demeanor giving way to a rare moment of seriousness. "Speaking of contingencies, have we made any progress on identifying the last Einherjar? We've sealed Feldway and Zelanus, but the third one is a complete mystery."

Ramiris, hovering nearby, piped up, her voice tinged with frustration. "I've been trying to track any unusual movements or energy signatures, but it's like this third one doesn't exist. It's really weird."

Rimuru sighed, his mind racing through the possibilities. "Whoever it is, we need to be prepared. Our best bet is to strengthen our defenses around Reinhard's body and keep a close watch on any suspicious activity."

The demon lords nodded in agreement, the weight of the unknown pressing on them. They had faced numerous challenges and emerged victorious, but this final piece of the puzzle eluded them. The mystery of the third Einherjar hung over their heads, a shadow that refused to be dispelled.

Guy's eyes flicked to Rimuru, a rare hint of genuine concern in his gaze. "What about you, Rimuru? You're the one who's kept us together through all this. Got any insights?"

Rimuru leaned back, his eyes closed in thought. "We need to think like Reinhard. He's always been several steps ahead. If we can anticipate his next move, we might be able to counter it. For now, let's focus on fortifying our defenses and gathering as much information as we can."

As the meeting continued, the demon lords discussed various strategies and contingencies, their minds sharp and focused. Each of them contributed their unique insights and abilities, weaving a tapestry of plans designed to thwart Reinhard's ambitions. The atmosphere was charged with determination and a shared resolve to protect their world from the looming threat.

Unbeknownst to them, Noir stood silently in the shadows, his eyes flickering with a mix of loyalty and hidden intentions. He listened intently, every word and plan etched into his memory. His allegiance to Reinhard remained a closely guarded secret, a ticking time bomb within their ranks.

The discussion among the demon lords grew more intense as they considered the best course of action for safeguarding Reinhard's body. The stakes were incredibly high, and the need to make the right decision weighed heavily on each of them.

"We need to decide who will hold onto Reinhard's body," Luminous stated, her eyes narrowing as she looked around the table. "In case the worst happens, we need someone we can trust implicitly."

Dagruel nodded, his expression grim. "It needs to be someone who can move swiftly and stay hidden if necessary. We can't afford to let Reinhard's followers get their hands on it."

Milim, her usual exuberance subdued, added, "And someone powerful enough to protect it from any attacks. This body is our best chance of stopping Reinhard."

There was a moment of silence as everyone pondered the question. Finally, Rimuru spoke up, his voice thoughtful. "What about Diablo?"

The suggestion hung in the air, met with a mixture of surprise and skepticism. Luminous raised an eyebrow. "Diablo? He's powerful, but do we really know enough about him to trust him with something this important?"

Rimuru nodded slowly. "I know he's mysterious, but that's part of why I think he's the best choice. If the worst happens and he needs to run, I have a feeling that not even I could catch up to him. He's incredibly capable and has always been loyal."

The room fell silent again, the demon lords exchanging uncertain glances. It was clear they were wary of entrusting such a critical task to someone they didn't fully understand.

Guy Crimson, however, leaned forward, a knowing smile playing on his lips. "I support Rimuru's suggestion."

The others looked at Guy in surprise, and he continued, "I've known that bastard since our days in the Underworld. He was the only demon who could make me struggle back then. If there's anyone who can handle this responsibility, it's him. His loyalty is unwavering, and his power is undeniable."

Dino, still looking somewhat skeptical, shrugged. "If Guy vouches for him, then I guess we don't have much of a choice. But we need to ensure that Diablo understands the gravity of this task."

Rimuru nodded, relieved to have Guy's support. "I'll speak with Diablo personally. He needs to know exactly what's at stake and the importance of keeping Reinhard's body out of enemy hands."

Milim, looking somewhat reassured, added, "Alright, then. Let's prepare Diablo for this task. We can't afford any mistakes."

The decision made, the demon lords turned their focus to the next steps. Rimuru would inform Diablo of his crucial role, and they would bolster their defenses around Reinhard's body. Despite their confidence, the lingering uncertainty about the identity of the third Einherjar remained a concern.

As the meeting continued, plans were put in place to ensure that every possible angle was covered. The demon lords' determination was palpable, and their unity in the face of the looming threat was stronger than ever.

Rimuru, feeling a renewed sense of resolve, concluded the meeting. "We have our plan. Let's stay vigilant and be ready for anything. Reinhard won't catch us off guard."

As Rimuru sought out Diablo to relay the important task, a sense of cautious optimism settled over him. They had come this far, and with their combined strength and strategic planning, they were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

As the demon lords continued their intense discussion about who should be entrusted with Reinhard's body, the atmosphere in the room shifted dramatically with the sudden change in Diablo's expression. His usual composed demeanor was replaced by an expression of shock and anger, causing immediate concern among the gathered demon lords.

"Diablo, what happened?" Rimuru asked, his voice filled with urgency.

Diablo's eyes flashed with fury as he delivered the news. "The swastika that was hidden in Tempest has been stolen."

The room fell into stunned silence. The implications of this were enormous. Tempest was not just a powerful nation but a fortress of evolved beings, each immensely strong due to their connection to Rimuru. The idea that someone could infiltrate and steal the swastika from under their noses was almost unthinkable.

Luminous was the first to break the silence, her voice edged with disbelief. "How is that even possible? Tempest is filled with powerful beings. Surely someone would have noticed."

Milim, her eyes wide with shock, added, "Each of them can probably take on someone like Dino himself! How could anyone get past them?"

Guy leaned back, a frown creasing his forehead. "This is troublesome. Whoever did this must be incredibly powerful and skilled. I'll gouge their brains if I see them"

Dagruel's expression darkened as he considered the implications. "If they can steal from Tempest, then nowhere is truly safe. This puts us at a significant disadvantage."

Rimuru, regaining his composure, turned to Diablo. "Do we have any leads? Any signs of how they managed to get in and out?"

Diablo shook his head, frustration evident in his eyes. "None. The security measures were intact, and there were no signs of a struggle. It's as if they just appeared and disappeared with the swastika."

Guy's eyes narrowed in thought. "This complicates things. We already had enough to worry about with Reinhard's body and the other swastikas. Now we have to deal with a potential traitor or an incredibly powerful enemy."

Rimuru clenched his fists, determination hardening his features. "We can't let this derail us. We still have Reinhard's body, and we need to make sure it stays out of enemy hands. We also need to track down that stolen swastika and figure out who's behind this."

Luminous nodded in agreement. "We need to tighten our security even further and investigate everyone. There's no room for error."

Diablo, his anger simmering just below the surface, spoke up. "I will personally lead the investigation in Tempest. Whoever did this will not go unpunished."

Rimuru placed a hand on Diablo's shoulder. "I trust you, Diablo. Do whatever it takes to find out who's responsible. In the meantime, we need to decide who will keep Reinhard's body safe."

The gravity of the situation hung heavily over them as they resumed their discussion. Rimuru's earlier suggestion of Diablo as the custodian of Reinhard's body now seemed even more fitting. Despite the skepticism, Guy's endorsement helped to sway the others.

Rimuru took a deep breath and addressed the group. "Given the recent events, I still believe Diablo is our best option. He's proven himself time and again, and if anyone can handle this responsibility, it's him."

Guy nodded, reinforcing Rimuru's point. "Diablo has my full support. His loyalty and power are unquestionable."

Milim, still visibly shaken by the news, finally nodded. "Alright. If you both trust him, then I will too. We just have to be extra cautious."

Dagruel and the others agreed, albeit reluctantly. The decision was made, and the responsibility was placed on Diablo's shoulders. They knew it wouldn't be easy, but they had no choice but to trust in their ally's capabilities.

As the demon lords continued to deliberate on their strategy, Ramiris, with her usual exuberance and seemingly silly ideas, suddenly brightened up and interrupted the tense discussion.

"Hey, why don't we just have Rimuru consume Reinhard's body?" she suggested, her eyes wide with excitement. "If the body is gone, then we won't have to worry about it being used in the ritual, right?"

The room fell silent as everyone considered her suggestion. It seemed so simple and stupied yet so brilliant. Rimuru consuming Reinhard's body would eliminate the threat entirely. Guy and Milim exchanged glances, and even Dagruel looked intrigued by the idea.

"That... actually makes a lot of sense," Guy admitted, a hint of amazement in his voice. "If the body no longer exists, Reinhard's plans would be significantly hampered."

Milim nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah! That could work! Rimuru, you should totally do it!"

However, their optimism was short-lived as Rimuru sighed loudly, his expression troubled. He looked around the room, seeing the hopeful expressions of his comrades, and decided to explain the situation.

"I wish it were that simple," Rimuru began, his voice tinged with frustration. "I did consider consuming Reinhard's body to prevent it from being used. But when I tried, something unexpected happened."

The room tensed as the demon lords leaned in, listening intently.

Rimuru continued, "I asked Ciel to consume the body, but she kept giving me an error message. No matter how many times I tried, it was always the same. It was as if there was something preventing her from executing the command."

Luminous frowned. "An error? What kind of error are we talking about?"

Rimuru shook his head. "When I asked Ciel about the problem, she seemed... shocked. She said that her authority wasn't high enough to consume the body. It's the first time I've encountered something like this."

Guy's eyes widened. "Ciel? The Manas born from your Ultimate Skill Raphael, right? She has almost god-like authority. What could possibly be higher than that?"

"Exactly," Rimuru replied, his expression serious. "If there's something out there that can restrict Ciel, it means there might be a system or entity with authority higher than a Manas. And that's concerning."

Milim, usually so full of energy, was now somber. "So, there's something out there more powerful than we imagined, something that can restrict even Ciel's abilities."

Rimuru nodded. "Yes. And that means we're dealing with forces that we may not fully understand yet. It's possible that whatever or whoever is behind this has the power to manipulate even the highest levels of our abilities."

Dagruel's face darkened. "If that's the case, then we're facing an even greater threat than we realized. We need to be extremely careful."

The room fell into a contemplative silence as the gravity of the situation settled in. The realization that there was something or someone with the power to restrict even a Manas like Ciel added a new layer of complexity to their struggle.

Guy finally broke the silence. "Alright. We'll have to proceed with our original plan. Diablo will guard Reinhard's body, and we'll tighten our defenses even more. We can't afford any mistakes."

Rimuru agreed. "Yes. We need to be vigilant. And we need to find out more about what we're up against. This might require us to gather more information about the ancient beings and forces that existed before us."

Milim, though visibly worried, mustered her usual enthusiasm. "We'll figure it out! We always do. And when we do, we'll be ready to take on whatever comes our way."

The other demon lords nodded in agreement. Despite the new challenges and the unknown threats, their resolve remained unshaken. They would continue to fight and protect their world, no matter what it took.

Rimuru, feeling a renewed sense of determination, looked at his comrades. "Let's stay focused and work together. We've faced impossible odds before, and we've always come out stronger. This time will be no different."

With their spirits bolstered and their plan in place, the demon lords prepared to face the challenges ahead. They knew the path would be fraught with danger, but with their combined strength and unwavering resolve, they were ready to confront whatever or whoever stood in their way.

In the Eastern Empire, Yuuki Nava, now sitting comfortably on the throne after Michael's demise, gazed at the assembled group of otherworlders before him. He had summoned them for a specific purpose, one that aligned perfectly with his grand ambitions. Each of these otherworlders possessed unique skills, and Yuuki intended to use these abilities to his advantage.

Yuuki's Ultimate Skill, [Lord of Gods, Yhwh], allowed him to identify the unique skills of these individuals with precision. He scanned the group, assessing each person until his eyes settled on a young woman standing at the back. His smile broadened, indicating he had found what he was looking for.

With a confident stride, Yuuki approached the woman, his aura exuding authority. The otherworlders watched nervously, sensing the significance of this moment. The young woman's eyes widened slightly as Yuuki stopped in front of her.

"What's your name?" Yuuki asked, his tone deceptively gentle.

"Hina," she replied, her voice barely audible.

Yuuki nodded, a gleam of satisfaction in his eyes. "Hina, I've been looking for someone like you."

Hina's confusion was evident, but she remained silent, waiting for Yuuki to continue.

Yuuki's smile never wavered as he addressed the rest of the group. "You all possess unique skills that are valuable to our cause. Under my guidance, you will unlock your true potential and contribute to a new world order."

The otherworlders exchanged uneasy glances, unsure of what to make of Yuuki's promises. Despite their apprehension, the allure of power and the prospect of a new future under Yuuki's leadership was hard to ignore. They nodded in agreement, one by one stepping forward to pledge their loyalty.

Yuuki's satisfaction was palpable as he looked over his new recruits. His plans were coming together, and with Hina's skill among them, he was one step closer to achieving his ultimate goal. The demon lords might have their own strategies, but Yuuki was confident that with his growing power, he could challenge even the likes of Reinhard Nava.

Leading the otherworlders out of the throne room, Yuuki's mind raced with the possibilities ahead. The world was on the brink of a new era, one that he would shape with his own hands. And with Hina's unique skill now at his disposal, the future was his to command.



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