
Deity of Destruction

Reinhard Nava, the Golden Beast, also son of the Creator God Veldanava will now live his life with the quest of spreading love to everything. The mc is ultra op, he can stomp anyone in this verse. He can easily destroy peak Rimuru, even the one one in ending of WN. This is also a wishfulfillment fic but I assure you that there are some epic scenes. If you enjoy my stories then please give some support by tip or donation here~ https://ko-fi.com/asthoglho

Asthoglho · Anime & Comics
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58 Chs

Feldway's Yetzirah.



As the world fought desperately against the hordes of angels, a sudden, eerie change rippled through the battlefield. The cacophony of battle cries and clashing weapons began to fade, replaced by a profound, unsettling silence. All at once, the angels halted their movements as if responding to an unseen command. It was as if time itself had paused, leaving both defenders and assailants suspended in a moment of uncanny stillness.

Warriors from every corner of the Cardinal World stood bewildered, their breaths held in anticipation. The angels, who had been relentless and merciless in their assault, now turned in unison, their collective gaze shifting toward a singular point on the horizon. To some, this focal point lay to the north; to others, it was south, east, or west. Yet, no matter their position, it became undeniably clear that every angel was staring at the same spot—the center of the continent.

The scene was hauntingly beautiful and deeply unsettling. The angels' movements were synchronized, almost mechanical, as they began to rise into the air. Their wings, glowing with an ethereal light, created a shimmering wave of luminescence that spread across the sky. This wave rolled outward, touching every part of the world, transforming the heavens into a canvas painted with angelic light.

From remote villages to bustling cities, from dense forests to barren wastelands, eyes turned skyward to witness the unfolding phenomenon. The weaker settlements, which had been on the brink of annihilation, felt a wave of relief wash over them. The angels' departure, though unnerving, signaled a temporary reprieve from the unyielding assault.

For the warriors on the front lines, the sight was both a blessing and a curse. They had been spared, but the mystery of the angels' new directive gnawed at their minds. What force could command such a disciplined and immediate response from these celestial beings?

In the sky, the angels began to converge, flying with a purpose that seemed almost reverent. Their destination was clear—the center of the continent, where an unknown force now called them. The serene, almost graceful flight of the angels stood in stark contrast to the violent chaos they had inflicted just moments before.

As the angels moved, their silence was deafening. The usual hum of energy that accompanied their presence had faded, replaced by a quiet that felt heavy with anticipation. The world watched, breathless, as the vast, glittering swarm of angels ascended and aligned themselves into a massive, orderly formation. Their ranks stretched as far as the eye could see, creating a sight that was both magnificent and terrifying.

For those left behind, the relief of survival mingled with an undercurrent of dread. What could lie at the heart of the continent that warranted such a mass exodus of angelic forces? What new threat or mystery awaited in the wake of their departure?

The haunting beauty of the angels' flight, their synchronized movements, and the sheer scale of their numbers left an indelible mark on all who witnessed it. This was a moment that would be etched into the annals of history—a prelude to an even greater, more profound conflict yet to come.

The demon lords were perplexed by the sudden, coordinated actions of the angels. Their curiosity was piqued, yet not all of them could afford the time to investigate. Luminous was preoccupied with restoring order in her domain, barking orders as she forcibly shooed Veldora away from her territory, irritated by his careless destruction. Dagruel, with a heavy heart, was organizing his army, tending to the wounded and carrying the fallen to bless their souls, ensuring their valor was honored.

However, Milim, Guy, and Dino found themselves unencumbered. Guy, who asked Velzard to watch over his territory, gathered the two and set off towards the heart of the continent, determined to uncover the source of this angelic convergence. The journey was swift, their powerful forms cutting through the air with ease, each of them silently mulling over the mystery that lay ahead.

As they approached the scene, the first thing that struck them was the sheer scale of the angelic assembly. Millions of angels, their wings shimmering with celestial light, were gathered in a vast formation, their eyes fixed on a central figure who exuded an overwhelming aura of fire and holiness. The sky was ablaze with a golden glow, as if the heavens themselves were on fire.

Descending closer, the three demon lords beheld the awe-inspiring sight. In the center stood a six-winged angel, his wings unfurled and crackling with an intense, almost tangible heat. His very presence seemed to warp the air around him, creating ripples of fiery energy that cascaded outwards. The angel's body was enveloped in a blazing aura, the flames licking at the edges of his form yet never consuming him.

Guy, Milim, and Dino felt a palpable pressure as they drew nearer. The sheer power radiating from this angel was unlike anything they had ever encountered. Dino, in particular, felt a cold sweat trickle down his spine as recognition dawned on him. This was Feldway, his former superior, and a being whose strength was unparalleled even among the Primordial Angels. To say Dino was terrified would be an understatement; the sight of Feldway sent a shiver of fear and reverence coursing through him.

Feldway stood tall, his expression a mix of serene confidence and fiery determination. The flames surrounding him pulsed rhythmically, mirroring the beat of his heart. He gazed at the demon lords with an intensity that seemed to pierce through to their very souls. The other angels, sensing his supreme authority, began to kneel, their heads bowed in a display of unwavering allegiance. The sight was mesmerizing, the coordination and reverence of the angelic host creating a scene that was both beautiful and terrifying.

As the last angel took its place in the vast, kneeling ranks, Feldway raised a hand, and the flames around him roared to life, growing even more intense. The ground beneath him cracked and sizzled from the heat, and the air shimmered with the sheer power he emanated. Feldway basked in his own might, a living embodiment of divine fire.

Milim, always brash and headstrong, felt a rare flicker of hesitation. Guy, usually unflappable, found himself momentarily stunned by the grandeur and power of Feldway's entrance. Dino, meanwhile, could only stare, his mind racing as he tried to comprehend the full implications of Feldway's presence.

The scene was one of divine spectacle, a display of power that left an indelible mark on all who witnessed it. Feldway's entrance was not just epic; it was a declaration, a testament to the might of Heaven and the challenge that now lay before the demon lords. The stage was set for a confrontation that would shake the very foundations of the Cardinal World.

As Feldway made his grand entrance, the air seemed to thrum with anticipation. The very ground beneath the demon lords' feet seemed to vibrate with the sheer power emanating from the Primordial Angel. Yet, the spectacle was far from over. The ominous voice of Reinhard echoed across the skies, his tone dripping with condescension.

"The second trial has begun," Reinhard's voice boomed. "To survive, you must ensure the survival of this world. Prove your worth."

The words sent shivers down the spines of those who heard them. It was a chilling decree that hinted at the cataclysmic events to come. Milim, ever the fiery and outspoken one, was less intimidated and more annoyed. She crossed her arms, stomping her foot in defiance.

"How mean can you get, brother?!" Milim shouted, her voice carrying over the battlefield. "When I see you, you're going to cook me all the delicious things I want! You hear me?!" She pouted, throwing a tantrum that, in any other context, would have seemed out of place. But for those who knew Milim, it was just another testament to her unpredictable nature.

The scene shifted back to Feldway, who stood amidst the kneeling angels, his eyes closed in a moment of serene concentration. He muttered words of acceptance, his voice low but carrying an otherworldly resonance that seemed to vibrate through the very fabric of reality. The angels around him responded in kind, their auras flaring in a final act of devotion.

Then, the flames began to rise. At first, they were gentle, like the flickering of a candle. But quickly, they grew in intensity, roaring to life with a divine ferocity. The fire engulfed Feldway, yet he remained unharmed, his form becoming a beacon of radiant energy. The flames expanded outward, consuming the tens of millions of angels that surrounded him. Their celestial forms were swallowed by the inferno, their very essence drawn into the blazing core of Feldway's power.

The process was both divine and awe-inspiring. The fire burned with a purity that seemed to cleanse the air itself. The angels' forms dissolved into shimmering particles of light, each one contributing to the ever-growing conflagration. It was as if the heavens themselves were weeping tears of flame, the energy of the angels being absorbed into Feldway's being.

From a distance, it looked like a pillar of divine fire had descended from the heavens, illuminating the battlefield with an ethereal glow. The sight was mesmerizing, a testament to the awe-inspiring power that Feldway commanded. Even the most hardened warriors could not help but feel a sense of reverence and dread.

As the last of the angels was consumed, Feldway's eyes snapped open, now glowing with an unearthly light. His entire body radiated with newfound strength, the souls of the angels having been transformed into pure energy that coursed through his veins. He smiled, a look of elation crossing his features as he felt the immense power surging within him.

The demon lords watched in stunned silence, realizing the magnitude of the challenge that lay before them. Feldway's act of consumption was not just a display of power; it was a declaration of his dominance, a clear indication that the trials set by Reinhard would not be easily overcome.

The scene was one of divine ascension, the battlefield now marked by the presence of a being whose power seemed to defy the very laws of nature. Feldway's transformation was complete, and with it came the realization that the true battle had only just begun.

Guy, Dino, and Milim instantly felt the gravity of the situation. The air around Feldway crackled with divine energy, a palpable force that seemed to press down on everything around it. They knew, without a doubt, that the Feldway standing before them far surpassed any being they had ever encountered in terms of pure power.

In the past, Guy had always viewed Feldway as a near-equal. Feldway, the Divine One of Heaven, held a position that mirrored Guy's own dominion over the Underworld. They had been rivals, each holding a balance of power in their respective realms. But now, the scales had tipped dramatically. Feldway's power had grown exponentially, putting him in a league of his own.

Guy's sharp mind raced through possibilities. He had faced innumerable threats in his time, always confident in his ability to adapt and overcome. His Ultimate Skill, Lord of Pride, Lucifer, had the power to nullify any skill he understood. But as he observed the flames enveloping Feldway, he realized that this was something beyond his comprehension. These flames were not part of the system that governed their world; they were an anomaly, an aberration that defied the rules set by Veldanava.

"Unless Milim goes berserk and taps into that nigh-infinite power of hers again, there's no stopping him," Guy muttered, his voice tinged with a rare note of concern. The thought of relying on Milim's berserk state was unsettling. While it granted her immense power, it also rendered her uncontrollable and unpredictable. It was a last resort, not a reliable strategy.

Milim, always one to act on impulse, was already preparing herself for a confrontation, her fists clenched and her eyes ablaze with determination. Dino, on the other hand, was more cautious, his lazy demeanor masking a keen awareness of their dire situation. He knew Feldway well enough to understand that this new power made him nearly invincible.

Guy's mind continued to churn. He could feel the limits of his own power being tested just by standing near Feldway. The divine flames seemed to repulse his attempts at analysis, resisting the probing tendrils of his skill as if they existed outside their understanding. It was maddening.

"This is Reinhard's doing," Guy realized, his thoughts snapping into focus. The man had transcended the system created by his father, Veldanava. He had pushed beyond the boundaries of their world, crafting powers that defied the established order. "Damn him," Guy cursed under his breath, a rare show of genuine frustration.

The landscape around them bore the scars of Feldway's arrival. The angels, now fused with his essence, had turned the battlefield into a scene from a divine apocalypse. Flames danced and flickered, casting eerie shadows that seemed to move with a life of their own. The power emanating from Feldway was almost tangible, a force that warped the very air.

Milim's fiery resolve clashed with Dino's cautious pragmatism, but both knew that Guy's assessment was accurate. Feldway was a force unlike any they had faced before. The thought of confronting him head-on sent a shiver down their spines, but retreat was not an option.

As Feldway basked in his newfound power, a confident smile playing on his lips, the three demon lords stood in silent agreement. They would face this challenge together, drawing on their combined strength and wits. But deep down, each of them understood the gravity of the situation. They were up against a power that transcended their understanding, a force unleashed by a man who had rewritten the very rules of their existence.

And as the flames continued to burn, consuming everything in their path, the realization set in that the true battle was only just beginning.




Rudra sat on his throne, his brow furrowed in deep confusion. The sudden disappearance of the angels from his sight and the cryptic mention of a second trial by Reinhard gnawed at his mind. He had released the angelic army at Reinhard's behest, trusting the enigmatic figure's words. Yet, he hadn't anticipated the sheer devastation that would follow. The current Rudra, despite his immense power, still held onto his human morals. The guilt from the countless deaths weighed heavily on him, especially since the angels had been summoned through his own Ultimate Skill, a gift from Veldanava himself.

"Why did they vanish?" Rudra muttered, his voice barely a whisper. He looked up, his eyes meeting those of Velgrynd, his loyal companion and confidante. "What is Reinhard planning?"

Velgrynd sighed, her expression a mix of frustration and resignation. "Reinhard is... relentless," she said, her tone heavy with a blend of admiration and disdain. "Once he sets his mind on something, there's no turning back. He won't retract his decisions, no matter the cost."

Rudra's eyes narrowed, a mixture of anger and helplessness bubbling within him. "But the damage, Velgrynd... the destruction... I didn't foresee this. All those lives lost..."

Velgrynd stepped closer, placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "I understand, Rudra. I truly do. My nephew has always been different, even as a child. There was a coldness to him, a determination that bordered on the fanatical. He inherited the power of Veldanava, but his heart... it is as unyielding as the abyss."

Rudra felt a shiver run down his spine. He had always known Reinhard to be powerful, but hearing Velgrynd's words painted a darker picture. "We must stop this, Velgrynd. We must put an end to his games before the world itself breaks."

Velgrynd nodded, her eyes filled with determination. "You're right. For the sake of this world, we cannot let Reinhard's madness continue unchecked. Even if it means siding with Guy and the others, we have to act."

Rudra's heart felt heavy with the weight of his decision. Aligning with Guy was not something he took lightly, but the wellbeing of the world was at stake. He stood up, his resolve hardening. "Then we shall join the fray. We will confront Reinhard and put an end to this madness."

Velgrynd's lips curled into a small, approving smile. "Let's do this, Rudra. Together, we can make a difference. We can stop him."

With a deep breath, Rudra reached for his sword, the blade gleaming in the dim light of the throne room. The weight of the weapon felt reassuring in his hand, a symbol of his commitment to protect the world from the chaos unleashed by Reinhard. He knew the path ahead would be fraught with challenges, but with Velgrynd by his side, he felt a renewed sense of purpose.

As they prepared to leave, Velgrynd's thoughts lingered on her nephew. She knew Reinhard's ruthlessness all too well, and it pained her to think of what he had become. Yet, she also knew that her loyalty to Rudra and her duty to the world came first. They had to stop Reinhard, no matter the cost.

With one last glance at each other, Rudra and Velgrynd set off, ready to face the trials ahead and confront the enigmatic force that threatened to tear their world apart.




Guy, Milim, and Dino stood frozen, watching as Feldway finished devouring the myriad souls of the fallen angels. The fire that consumed them had granted Feldway an overwhelming surge of power, and it was evident in the aura that now surrounded him. Feldway's eyes, glowing with a newfound intensity, met theirs, and a small, confident smile played across his lips.

The stillness was broken as Feldway's gaze shifted slightly. "I see Rudra approaches," he said, his voice carrying an eerie calm. "It seems I must make haste."

He began to chant, his voice resonating with a divine and ominous power.

"Elachon, elachon,

Tesfaye zohar shekhinah,

Yachad etzchaim olam..."

The demon lords knew better than to stand idle. Guy's eyes narrowed as he assessed the situation, and with a swift command, he, Milim, and Dino launched a coordinated barrage of attacks at Feldway. Milim's Dragon Roar erupted with a terrifying force, Dino's swordsmanship created lethal arcs in the air, and Guy's Napalm Burst sent waves of destructive energy toward Feldway.

Yet, Feldway moved with an almost supernatural grace. Each attack was evaded with fluid, precise movements that seemed choreographed by some unseen force. His chant never faltered, each syllable rolling off his tongue with a cadence that felt otherworldly.

"Yichud elyon, kodesh ve'nora,

Malchut shaddai, yisod kadosh..."

The attacks intensified. Milim's fists glowed with a brilliant light as she smashed through the ground, sending shockwaves rippling toward Feldway. Dino, despite his recent fall from grace, pushed his limits, his blade a blur of lethal strikes. Guy summoned torrents of dark energy, each blast capable of obliterating entire armies.

But Feldway was untouchable. He moved as if he were one with reality, weaving through the attacks with a divine precision. The flames of his aura flickered and danced, an ethereal cloak that protected him from harm.

"Eliyahu ha'navi, chazak ve'amatz,

Ruach Elohim, tikun olam..."

The air around Feldway shimmered with power, the ground beneath his feet cracking and glowing with an intense heat. The very essence of his being seemed to resonate with the chant, amplifying its power with each word.

Guy, Milim, and Dino redoubled their efforts, unleashing their most powerful attacks in a desperate bid to stop the inevitable. The battlefield was a maelstrom of energy, the clash of their powers creating shockwaves that could be felt for miles.

But it was too late. Feldway's chant reached its climax, his voice rising in a final, triumphant crescendo.

"El olam, shomer brit,

Aderet Eliyahu, atarot Yesod..."

Sensing the danger, the demon lords instinctively dashed away, putting as much distance between themselves and Feldway as possible. The ground beneath them trembled as a radiant light enveloped Feldway, his form becoming a blinding beacon of divine power.

With the final words of the chant, a cataclysmic explosion of energy erupted from Feldway, the sheer force of it scorching the very air itself. The light was so intense that it seemed to burn away the darkness of the battlefield, leaving nothing but an overwhelming, all-consuming brilliance.

As the light began to fade, Feldway stood at the epicenter of the devastation, his eyes glowing with a godlike radiance. The battlefield, once filled with the sounds of war, fell into an eerie silence, the aftermath of Feldway's summoning of his Yetzirah leaving an indelible mark on all who had witnessed it.

Feldway's Yetzirah manifested. A colossal WWII railgun tank materialized beside him, its formidable presence exuding a sense of destructive power. The ground beneath it cracked and trembled as if recognizing the immense force it now bore. Feldway's eyes glinted with satisfaction as he admired the Holy Relic granted by his Lord Reinhard.

With a resolute determination, he fired a shell from the tank. The ensuing explosion was cataclysmic, a detonation that rivaled the combined effect of hundreds of nuclear bombs. The landscape for miles around was incinerated, reduced to smoldering ashes and smoke. The sheer force of the blast turned the ground to cinders, leaving behind a desolate wasteland. Feldway stood at the epicenter, his gaze sweeping over the devastation with a mixture of pride and caution.

He knew better than to underestimate his opponents. Despite the overwhelming power of his Yetzirah, Feldway was acutely aware that the demon lords had survived. They had managed to evade the brunt of the explosion, escaping in the nick of time.

As the smoke began to clear, Rudra and Velgrynd arrived on the scene. Velgrynd's eyes were filled with hostility as she stared at Feldway, her aura radiating with the fiery intensity of the Scorch Dragon. She refused to acknowledge the flames of a mere angel as superior to her own.

"I won't accept that a pigeon's flame could make me feel heat," she muttered, her frustration evident in her voice. The intensity of her disdain was palpable, a testament to her draconic pride.

The demon lords gathered once more, their forms unscathed. Guy, ever the provocateur, couldn't resist a jibe at Rudra. "Well, well, Rudra. I never thought I'd see the day when you, of all people, would come to help your arch-nemesis." His tone was laced with amusement.

Rudra's expression darkened. "Don't flatter yourself, Guy. I'm not here for you. This world is at stake, and if we don't stop Reinhard, there won't be anything left to fight over."

Guy chuckled, his eyes gleaming with mischief. "Oh, I know. It's just ironic, isn't it? The great Rudra, the empire's ruler, standing side by side with the demon lords."

Rudra's grip tightened on his sword. "Call it what you will. Desperate times call for desperate measures."

Velgrynd, sensing the tension, intervened. "Enough bickering, you two. We have bigger problems to deal with." Her eyes flickered with determination as she turned her gaze back to Feldway.

Feldway, who had been observing the exchange with a detached interest, finally spoke. His voice carried a chilling calmness. "Your squabbles are amusing, but they won't change the inevitable. The world will bow to Lord Reinhard's will."

Velgrynd's eyes narrowed, her draconic pride flaring. "We'll see about that, Feldway. You've underestimated us before, and you'll do so again."

Feldway's smile remained enigmatic as he responded, "Confidence is admirable, but misplaced confidence is dangerous. Prepare yourselves for the second trial."

The air grew tense, the anticipation of the coming battle weighing heavily on everyone present. The stakes had never been higher, and the outcome would determine the fate of their world.

