
Deity of Destruction

Reinhard Nava, the Golden Beast, also son of the Creator God Veldanava will now live his life with the quest of spreading love to everything. The mc is ultra op, he can stomp anyone in this verse. He can easily destroy peak Rimuru, even the one one in ending of WN. This is also a wishfulfillment fic but I assure you that there are some epic scenes. If you enjoy my stories then please give some support by tip or donation here~ https://ko-fi.com/asthoglho

Asthoglho · Anime & Comics
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58 Chs

Guy Crimson vs Dino.

I initially wanted to post this in the usual time but since I created a lot of chapters yesterday, here you go.

Throw some stones~



In the icy expanse of the northern continent, the air crackled with the energy of impending battle. Guy Crimson, the Lord of Darkness, stood at the forefront of his domain, his piercing red eyes scanning the horizon. The sheer number of angels descending upon his territory was staggering, a testament to the threat he posed to Reinhard's ambitions. Beside him, his loyal maids, Misery and Rain, prepared for the onslaught, their expressions a mix of anticipation and bloodlust.

"Let them come," Guy said, a smirk playing on his lips. "Let's show them the true meaning of fear."

At his command, the army of Greater Demons surged forward, their dark forms a stark contrast to the glowing angels. The battlefield erupted into chaos as demons clashed with angels, the sound of battle reverberating through the frozen air. The demons, with their infernal strength and dark magic, were formidable opponents. The angels, despite their divine power, found themselves at a disadvantage. Demons were their natural bane, and every strike from a demon seemed to sap their celestial energy.

Rain, the Primordial of Blue, with her sapphire eyes glowing with power, moved with lethal grace. Her mastery over magic allowed her to wield devastating spells that tore through the angelic ranks. Water and Ice erupted from the ground, entangling and crushing the angels with ruthless efficiency. Poisonous mists enveloped the battlefield, weakening the angels and leaving them vulnerable to the demons' attacks.

"Is this all you've got?" Rain taunted, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "Come on, give me a challenge!"

Misery the Primordial of Greem, fought with a quiet intensity. Her command over vines and poison magic made her a fearsome opponent. She summoned a bunch of vines that swept through the angels, drowning them in waves of poison power. Nuclear magics formed at her command, piercing through the angels' celestial armor and shattering them into fragments of light. Despite her calm demeanor, there was no mistaking the deadly precision of her attacks.

"Stay focused, Rain," Misery said, her voice calm but firm. "We have a lot of work to do."

Guy watched his maids with satisfaction before turning his attention to the Cherubims that had begun to appear among the angelic ranks. These high-ranking angels were formidable opponents, their power far surpassing that of the ordinary angels. Guy's grin widened. This was exactly what he had been waiting for.

"Finally, something worth my time," Guy said, his voice a low growl. He raised a hand, summoning a massive surge of dark energy. With a flick of his wrist, he unleashed it upon the Cherubims, the darkness spreading like a living entity. The Cherubims tried to counter with their holy light, but the dark energy enveloped them, snuffing out their divine aura.

One Cherubim, with six wings and a blazing sword, broke free from the darkness and charged at Guy. Its eyes burned with righteous fury. "You will not prevail, demon lord!" it declared, its voice echoing with divine authority.

Guy laughed, a deep, resonant sound that seemed to shake the very air. "We'll see about that," he replied. He met the Cherubim's charge head-on, his own dark magic clashing against the angel's divine light. The force of their collision sent shockwaves through the battlefield, and for a moment, it seemed as if time itself had stopped.

The Cherubim fought with all its might, its strikes swift and precise. But Guy was faster, stronger. He parried each blow with ease, his movements a blur of dark energy. With a final, powerful strike, he engulfed the Cherubim in a vortex of darkness, crushing its divine form until it disintegrated into a burst of light.

"Too easy," Guy muttered, his eyes scanning for the next challenger.

All around him, the battle raged on. Misery and Rain continued their onslaught, their combined efforts decimating the angelic ranks. The demons, invigorated by their leaders' prowess, fought with renewed ferocity. The angels, despite their divine origin, were no match for the combined might of Guy and his forces.

From the icy cliffs overlooking the battlefield, Velzard watched, her presence a silent reassurance. Guy had made it clear that this was his fight, and she respected his wishes. But she remained vigilant, ready to intervene if the situation demanded it. For now, she was content to let Guy have his fun.

The battlefield was a maelstrom of chaos and destruction. The angels, though powerful, found themselves overwhelmed by the relentless assault of the demons. The northern continent, already a desolate and harsh land, was transformed into a hellscape of fire and ice, a testament to the fury of the demon lord and his allies.

As the battle continued, Guy's laughter rang out, a sound that struck fear into the hearts of his enemies and filled his allies with unwavering confidence.

As the battle raged on, Guy Crimson stood at the heart of the chaos, his power growing with each passing moment. The battlefield was a maelstrom of divine and infernal energies, a testament to the sheer scale of the conflict. Guy's mastery over his Ultimate Skill, Lord of Pride, Lucifer, had reached new heights. He barely needed to exert any effort; his attacks had become instinctive, a natural extension of his will.

With each flick of his wrist, Napalm Bursts erupted across the battlefield, engulfing millions of angels in a fiery inferno. The ground beneath him was littered with the remains of countless celestial beings, their divine essence dissipating into the ether. Guy's laughter, a chilling sound that echoed across the battlefield, sent shivers down the spines of his enemies and invigorated his demonic allies.

Misery and Rain continued their relentless assault, their magic tearing through the angelic ranks. The battlefield was a testament to their combined power, a tableau of destruction and chaos. Yet, despite the overwhelming odds, the angels continued to pour in, their numbers seemingly endless.

Guy's amusement at the sheer futility of the angels' efforts fueled his power even further. His emotions became a blazing fire that pushed him beyond his boundaries. Each swing of his arm, each surge of dark energy, honed his skills to razor-sharp precision. The battlefield was his playground, and he was the master of it all.

But just when Guy was convinced that there was no proper challenge among the angels, his instincts flared. In a split second, he leapt from his position, narrowly avoiding a massive blade that cleaved through the air where he had been standing. Landing gracefully a short distance away, Guy's eyes narrowed as he took in the new arrival.

Hovering above the battlefield, exuding an aura of immense power, was a Primordial Angel. This angel carried a massive sword, and despite his divine appearance, there was something off about him. His posture was slouched, his movements languid, and his expression one of utter boredom. This was Dino, the slothful Primordial Angel, whose lethargy had nearly brought him to the brink of falling from grace.

"Ah, what a hassle," Dino muttered, his voice dripping with laziness. "Why do I have to deal with this? It's such a pain."

Guy's eyes sparkled with interest. "Well, well, well. It looks like we finally have a worthy opponent," he said, his grin widening. "You must be Dino, one of the Primordial Angels. You don't look like much, but let's see if you can entertain me."

Dino sighed, his massive sword resting casually on his shoulder. "I really don't want to do this," he complained. "But orders are orders, I guess."

Without another word, the two launched at each other, the initial clash sending shockwaves through the battlefield. Guy's dark energy collided with Dino's divine power, the impact creating a brilliant flash of light. The two fighters began sizing each other up, their movements a blur as they tested their strengths with simple, calculated attacks.

Guy's strikes were precise and powerful, each one aimed to probe Dino's defenses. The Primordial Angel, despite his apparent laziness, moved with surprising speed and grace, his massive sword deflecting Guy's attacks with ease. It was clear that Dino's lethargic demeanor belied his true capabilities.

"You're not bad," Guy admitted, his eyes gleaming with excitement. "But let's see how you handle this!"

He unleashed a torrent of dark energy, the air around him crackling with power. Dino, however, merely yawned and waved his hand, a barrier of light materializing to absorb the attack. The clash of energies created a deafening explosion, the shockwave flattening the surrounding area.

Dino stretched lazily, as if the exertion was too much for him. "You're pretty strong," he acknowledged, his voice still tinged with boredom. "But you're also really annoying."

The two continued to exchange blows, neither gaining a clear advantage. Guy's relentless assault was met with Dino's effortless parries, the Primordial Angel's slothful nature masking his true strength and skill. Despite the intensity of the battle, Dino's expression never changed from one of disinterest, as if the whole thing was just a tedious chore.

As the fight raged on, the battlefield around them became even more chaotic. The demons and angels continued their struggle, but the focus of the battle had shifted to the duel between Guy and Dino. Both combatants were pushing each other to their limits, their powers clashing in a spectacular display of light and darkness.

Despite Dino's apparent laziness, Guy knew better than to underestimate him. The Primordial Angel was a formidable opponent, and their battle was far from over. The thrill of the fight, the challenge of facing a worthy adversary, only served to fuel Guy's determination. This was exactly the kind of battle he had been waiting for, and he was going to enjoy every moment of it.

The initial skirmish between Guy and Dino had revealed much to both combatants. As they circled each other, they now had a greater understanding of the other's strengths and weaknesses. Dino's initial assessment was clear: Guy held the upper hand in terms of experience and tactical acumen, while Dino's raw power and the might of his sword were his main assets. Despite Dino's slothful nature, it was evident that he couldn't take this fight lightly.

"You're quite the opponent," Dino admitted, his voice still tinged with laziness but now carrying a note of respect. "I guess I'll have to put in a bit more effort. Don't want to look like a complete slacker."

Guy's grin widened, his eyes gleaming with excitement. "That's the spirit! I was getting bored with your half-hearted attacks. Let's see what you've really got, Dino."

Dino shrugged, adjusting his grip on his massive sword. "Fine, but don't expect me to put on too much of a show. Fighting is such a hassle."

With that, the real battle began. Dino's demeanor might have still appeared lazy, but his movements were anything but. He launched himself at Guy with a speed that belied his slothful nature, his sword cutting through the air with terrifying precision. Guy met him head-on, their auras clashing violently and creating shockwaves that tore through the battlefield.

The sheer intensity of their fight was staggering. Each blow they exchanged caused massive damage to the surroundings, angels and demons alike being torn apart by the sheer force of their auras. Dino's sword strikes were swift and deadly, imbued with divine power that could cleave through almost anything. Guy, however, countered with a combination of brute strength and strategic prowess, his dark energy surging with each attack.

Their conversation continued amid the chaos, punctuated by the clash of their weapons and the explosive bursts of energy.

"You're stronger than you look," Guy taunted, dodging a particularly vicious swing from Dino's sword. "But you're still holding back, aren't you? Show me what you're really made of!"

Dino smirked, his eyes narrowing. "You talk too much. Maybe I should shut you up."

With a burst of speed, Dino closed the distance between them, his sword aimed directly at Guy's heart. Guy deflected the blow with a surge of dark energy, countering with a devastating punch that sent Dino skidding back across the battlefield. Despite the impact, Dino regained his footing almost instantly, his expression one of bored determination.

"Not bad," Dino admitted, wiping a trickle of blood from his lip. "But if you think that's enough to take me down, you're in for a surprise."

Guy laughed, a deep, resonant sound that echoed across the battlefield. "That's more like it! Let's see if you can keep up."

The fight continued, each combatant pushing the other to their limits. Guy's attacks were relentless, each one a calculated strike aimed at exploiting Dino's weaknesses. Dino, in turn, responded with surprising agility and power, his sword carving through the air with deadly precision. Despite the clear difference in their experience, Dino's sheer tenacity and raw power kept the fight at a stalemate.

The battlefield around them became a warzone within a warzone. Their movements were so fast and powerful that entire swathes of angels and demons were obliterated just by being too close to the epicenter of their clash. The ground shook, and the sky seemed to darken as their auras collided, creating an otherworldly storm of energy.

As the fight dragged on, it became clear that neither was willing to give an inch. Guy's enjoyment of the battle was evident, his laughter and taunts a constant reminder of his desire for a worthy opponent. Dino, despite his lazy demeanor, fought with a determination that belied his nature, each swing of his sword a testament to his power.

Their final exchange before a momentary pause was a blur of motion and energy, ending with both of them locked in a stalemate, their weapons clashing with such force that it sent out a shockwave across the battlefield. They broke apart, panting slightly, but their eyes burned with a mutual respect and a desire to continue the fight.

"You're not half bad for a sloth," Guy said, his grin never fading. "This is the most fun I've had in ages."

Dino shrugged, though there was a hint of a smile on his face. "Don't get used to it. I'd rather be napping."

The two combatants stood facing each other, the battlefield around them a testament to the sheer intensity of their fight. Despite Guy's clear advantage in experience and tactical skill, the battle remained a stalemate, each of them pushing the other to new heights. And though the fight was far from over, it was clear that neither would emerge as a definite winner anytime soon.

As Guy and Dino prepared for what seemed like the final, decisive clash, something unexpected happened. Dino's step faltered, and he staggered backward, a look of confusion and disbelief crossing his face. Guy, sensing the shift in Dino's aura, paused as well, curiosity piqued.

"What's the matter, Dino?" Guy taunted, but there was a hint of genuine concern beneath his mockery. "Getting tired already?"

Dino didn't respond immediately. Instead, he focused inward, feeling the changes coursing through his being. His once divine aura, pure and radiant, was now murky and chaotic, a blend of angelic and demonic energies. It was as if the very essence of his being was in turmoil. The realization hit him like a ton of bricks: he had fallen from grace.

"No way," Dino muttered, his voice a mix of disbelief and resignation. "I've... fallen."

His pristine, angelic features began to alter subtly. His wings, once a brilliant, immaculate white, were now a tarnished gray with edges tinged in black. His aura, which had been a beacon of divine light, was now a turbulent swirl of light and shadow. The transformation was as much spiritual as it was physical, a complete redefinition of his existence.

The most profound change, however, was in his Ultimate Skill. What was once the angelic power of Angelic Ultimate Skill, had now twisted into something entirely new. Dino could feel the shift, the merging of angelic purity and demonic might into a single, potent force. His new Ultimate Skill emerged: Fallen King, Luciel.

As he adapted to the new skill, Dino could sense its capabilities. It was a powerful amalgamation, a fusion of Guy's overwhelming might and Milim's destructive force, yet inherently different. While it lacked the singular superiority of either, it possessed a unique versatility and balance, allowing Dino to harness both divine light and infernal darkness.

Guy watched this transformation with a mixture of amusement and intrigue. His grin widened, eyes gleaming with a newfound excitement. "So, you've finally embraced your true nature," he remarked, his voice dripping with satisfaction. "This should be fun."

Dino, still reeling from the transformation, straightened himself. Despite the chaos within, there was a new resolve in his eyes. He might have fallen, but he was far from defeated. "Don't think this changes anything," he said, his voice steady. "I'm still going to give you a fight you won't forget."

Guy's aura flared with dark energy, the ground beneath him cracking under the pressure. "That's the spirit! Show me what you've got, Fallen Angel."

The two combatants launched at each other once more, their clash more intense than ever. Dino's new skill allowed him to tap into both the divine and demonic, creating a whirlwind of energy that could decimate everything in its path. His sword, now imbued with a blend of angelic light and demonic shadow, struck with unparalleled ferocity.

Guy, sensing the heightened danger, finally unleashed a portion of the strength he had been holding back. His attacks grew more powerful, more precise, as he matched Dino blow for blow. The battlefield around them was a maelstrom of destruction, their combined powers tearing through the ranks of angels and demons alike.

Each strike was a testament to their raw power and mastery of their respective abilities. Dino's newfound versatility allowed him to counter many of Guy's attacks, creating a dynamic and unpredictable fight. Guy, on the other hand, relished the challenge, pushing himself to adapt and overcome Dino's dual powers.

For a moment, it seemed as if the fight might finally tilt in Guy's favor. His dark energy surged, overwhelming Dino's defenses. But Dino, tapping into the full potential of Fallen King, Luciel, retaliated with a devastating combination of light and dark, forcing Guy back.

The ground shattered beneath them, the sky darkened by their clashing auras. It was a battle of epic proportions, a testament to the power and resilience of both combatants. Despite the vast difference in their experiences and strengths, the fight remained a stalemate, each of them pushing the other to their absolute limits.

In the midst of this chaos, there was a strange sense of camaraderie. Both Guy and Dino understood the thrill of a worthy opponent, the exhilaration of a battle that tested every ounce of their strength and skill. And as their fight raged on, it was clear that neither of them would emerge as a definite winner anytime soon.

Yet, in that moment, it didn't matter. The thrill of the fight, the clash of titans, was all that mattered.




After hours of relentless battling, the two titans stood amidst the devastation they had wrought. The landscape around them was a testament to their raw power, a desolate wasteland where once vibrant life had thrived. Dino, despite his newly acquired power and resilience as a Fallen Angel, was visibly fatigued. Guy, on the other hand, remained composed, his amusement unbroken even after the extended conflict.

As Dino prepared to launch another attack, Guy raised a hand, signaling him to stop. "That's enough," Guy declared, his voice carrying an unyielding authority. "There's no point in continuing this."

Dino froze mid-motion, his sword arm trembling slighy from exhaustion and frustration. "What do you mean, 'no point'?" he retorted, though his voice lacked the fire it had at the start of their fight. "We haven't even finished."

Guy's grin widened, a mixture of condescension and respect in his gaze. "It's clear you've already lost," he said calmly. "I've fully adapted to your fighting style, and I've even copied your Ultimate Skill. You've got nothing left to surprise me with."

Dino's frustration was palpable, but deep down, he knew Guy was right. The advantage he had tried to leverage with his newly transformed abilities had dwindled to nothing as Guy continued to adapt and counter his every move. There was no path to victory left.

With a heavy sigh, Dino let himself fall to the ground, his sword clattering beside him. "Damn it," he muttered, rubbing the back of his neck. "This is harder than I thought."

Guy approached him, his presence still commanding even in the aftermath of their battle. Extending a hand towards Dino, Guy's voice softened slightly. "As a sign of respect for your power, I'm offering you a place in the Demon Lord Council."

Dino looked up, surprise and confusion etched across his face. "What?" he asked, clearly taken aback. "You want me to join you?"

"You have no place in Heaven anymore," Guy continued, his tone persuasive. "Your source is tainted, you've fallen from grace. But here, in the Demon Lord Council, you can find a new purpose. We respect power and freedom above all else. And I can tell you appreciate the freedom to do as you please."

Dino's eyes narrowed as he considered the offer. The idea of joining the Demon Lord Council, an organization he had once considered an enemy, was bewildering. Yet, the freedom Guy spoke of was tempting. No more rigid hierarchy of Heaven, no more burdensome duties. Just the freedom to exist and act as he wished.

"Freedom, huh?" Dino mused aloud, his gaze drifting as he pondered the possibilities. The notion of a life unshackled by divine expectations was enticing, a stark contrast to the strict order of Heaven.

Guy watched him intently, sensing the internal conflict. "You fought well," he added, his voice carrying a rare note of sincerity. "You've entertained me, and that's more than most can say. Join us, Dino. Find a place where your strength is truly appreciated."

Dino took a deep breath, the tension in his shoulders easing as he made his decision. "Alright," he said finally, a reluctant smile forming on his lips. "I'll join your council. At least there, I can laze around without anyone bothering me."

Guy chuckled, extending his hand further. "Welcome to the Demon Lord Council, Dino."

Dino grasped Guy's hand, sealing the agreement. "Just don't expect me to work too hard," he warned, though his tone was light.

"No promises," Guy replied with a smirk. "But I think you'll fit in just fine."

As the adrenaline of battle faded, exhaustion washed over Dino. Without warning, he slumped back, falling asleep on the spot, his snores echoing softly amidst the ruins of their battlefield.

Guy looked down at the sleeping angel-turned-demon, an amused expression crossing his features. "Lazy to the core," he muttered, shaking his head with a grin. "But he'll do."

With that, Guy turned his gaze back to the horizon, the weight of the ongoing war against Reinhard never far from his mind. But for now, at least, he had gained a powerful new ally, one who might just prove invaluable in the battles to come.





In Gladsheimr, Reinhard lounged on his ornate throne, his piercing gaze fixed on the scenes unfolding in the Cardinal World. Every clash, every scream, every ounce of chaos brought a wicked smile to his lips. For Reinhard, the devastation below was nothing more than an elaborate spectacle, a grand play orchestrated for his amusement.

Beside him, Feldway stood in silent reverence, absorbing the chaotic scenes with far less enthusiasm. He watched as the Demon Lords and their armies fought valiantly against the tide of angels. Despite the sheer scale of destruction, Feldway's loyalty to Reinhard was unwavering. However, curiosity gnawed at him, and he finally dared to voice his question.

"Lord Reinhard," Feldway began, bowing his head slightly before continuing, "forgive my impudence, but I must ask. Why did you send Dino to Guy's territory? There were others more suited for such a task, those who would not have been so easily swayed."

Reinhard's smile widened, and he chuckled softly. "Ah, Feldway, always so concerned with the details," he said, his tone dripping with condescension. "Guy's circle is pitifully short on manpower. It would be dull to let him languish without proper adversaries. Besides," he added, his eyes glinting with malicious delight, "I knew Dino would switch sides. It would be more amusing this way"

Feldway's brow furrowed in thought, but he refrained from questioning further. He understood that Reinhard's vision extended far beyond his own, and the intricate machinations of his master were not for him to fully comprehend. Instead, he focused on his duty and delivered his report.

"The battlefield is stabilizing, Master," Feldway said, his voice steady. "The Demon Lords are adapting, and their resistance is growing stronger. They are no longer struggling as they were initially."

Reinhard's amusement seemed to deepen at this news. He turned his gaze from the unfolding chaos to Feldway, his expression one of both approval and anticipation. "Is that so?" he mused, tapping his fingers rhythmically against the armrest of his throne. "I suppose it's time to spice things up a bit."

Feldway's heart skipped a beat, but he quickly composed himself and dropped to one knee. "Your will is absolute, Master Reinhard," he said, his voice filled with unwavering devotion. "Your words are the law."

Reinhard leaned forward, his cruel smile never faltering. "Indeed, Feldway. Prepare yourself," he said, his voice a chilling whisper that echoed through the grand halls of Gladsheimr. "For now, it is time for you to join the fray."

The atmosphere in Gladsheimr grew even more oppressive as Reinhard's declaration hung in the air. The anticipation of his next move sent a shiver through the loyal followers who inhabited the celestial palace. They knew that Reinhard's involvement would escalate the conflict to unimaginable heights.

As Feldway remained kneeling, Reinhard's eyes sparkled with a sadistic glee. He reveled in the suffering and chaos he had unleashed upon the world below, and the thought of his direct participation in the conflict filled him with a dark thrill. For Reinhard, the Cardinal World was nothing more than a stage for his grand performance, and he was eager to play his part.

