

"What would happen if Gods and Goddesses don't care about humans anymore?" In 2030, Gods and humans are still side by side. Tragically, Gods had been thrown humans for unknown reasons. Thereafter, immoral acts occurred everywhere. Meanwhile, Tara had a miserable experience due to the absence of gods. Soon, someone told him about secrets from his past. Thenceforth, he decided his fate once and for all. Note: This web novel adds speculative fiction genre because of an unavailable option. So, in simple terms, this web novel has alternative timelines.

Hati_Skoll · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter 18: Treasure

"H-humongous??" I was shocked already.

"Indeed!" she spoke with a joyful tone. "That's why I said that!"

"No! That's not what I mean!" I gave my thought to her. "I mean is... what is that thing? How did those things you said before become something that makes you happy?? What made those things relate to my id? It didn't make sense at all!"

She began to ask something,

"What makes something happen in this world?"

Hearing that, I replied,

"Magic, isn't it? As you said before...," I started to realize something. "Hey! Why did you ask something that you already know the answer is?! Are you trying to belittle me, huh?!" I complained at her question.

"Nay-nay, my dear Besper!" I started to talk. "Indeed! Magic became the ground of an id. But where did it come from? How is that thing can be created? Did thou know?"

"Seriously!" I was annoyed already. "Why I must try to answer that?! It's not a guess quiz!"

"What a firm rejection thou'rt!" she said with a sad tone. "Thou must respect thy teacher. Especially, thou had an agreement before, ain't?!" she said again with a smile.

"Huh!" I sighed with a deep breath. "Fine, teacher! You won! My answer is I DO NOT KNOW! So, would you tell me, O teacher!"

"As thou wish!" she began to speak again. "That's an imagination!" she spread her hands openly.

"What do you mean???"

"What I mean is," she began the explanation. "Everything that started, appeared, until vanished, it's all about imagination! An endless desire mirage!"

"That didn't answer my question! How it can relate to my id??!"

"I didn't finish yet," she started to explain again. "The id is a manifestation of imagination. Every human had different manifestations of their id. In other words, the id is themselves! Simple enough, ain't?"

"I got your point... slightly. But, what's the meaning interpretation of mine??"

"Mostly," she explained again. "The id that every human only had amounted to one or two. But, in rare or abnormal cases, the id could be more than that amount. Each one of the ids had meaning and they became something because of the drive of individuals themselves. It could be weapons, animals, things, or even places. That's why I said before that thou'd humongous id!"

"If you said so," I thought her words. "That means some people will have the id like a whale or a great wall, isn't it?!"

"That's a good point thou'd, bird brain!" while she gave me a thumb up.

"That's not what I mean!" I annoyed. "If you thought like that, the enemies had stronger than us, didn't??!"

"Indeed!" I agreed with my words. "But, there are several situations that made their ids less. For now, focus on thyself first!" She spoke while a chuckle in the end.

(She didn't answer my question. Instead, she answered another question, huh!) I grumbled in annoyance.

In the end, I did the meditation to got knowing my id better. She also assisted me in the training sessions that were conducted.


At noon...

I started to rest in the living room. I was exhausted by the training method given, especially my brain cramped from repeatedly entering that place as training.

(Damn it! She didn't hesitate to give me terrible training!) I held my head which was in intense pain.

In the middle of my break time, I heard a door open from the outside. When I noticed, Nostradamus had returned with some groceries. She threw something at me. I caught her thing with an unprepared catch. When I looked closely, it was a banana. Then, she said to me,

"Don't forget to eat that banana!" she said with a considerate tone. "That thing could be made thy muscle strongest like tungsten! Also, don't forget to sleep because there is afternoon training!"

"What!" I was shocked. "Are you crazy?! My brain was fucked up because of that training!"

"Hoho, nay-nay!" she said with the same tone. "Don't forget about the agreement~,"

"No!" I said firmly. "I had already exhausted, especially since I didn't sleep from midnight!"

"Then, started to sleep now~," she said with a smile on her face. "After that, we started to train in the afternoon!"

Hearing that statement, I got annoyed and approached her while saying,

"I told you that I exhau-" that's the moment when my gravity shifted as if I fell to the floor-"?!!"

At that moment, I already fell on the floor. Even so, my head rested against something from behind. Because of that, I didn't have a head injury.

While I was dazed about what happened to me, Nostradamus said to me,

"If thou want a rest," she said with a deeper tone. "Try to defeat me or the Gods-Goddesses who'd killed thy parents before!"

When I heard that, I punched her while saying,

"Don't say my parents with your filth word, bitch!"

She fell backward. She rubbed her face which was covered by the blood. She began to say again,

"As my job, I must do that. Encouraged thy fuel of revenge! Made thou didn't forget what thy aim in the first place!" she began to walk into another room. "Meet me in the afternoon training if thou want to beat me. 4 o'clock. Same place!"

In the end, she left me alone in the living room. Leaving me with the reminder that had lit in my heart.


Afternoon time had arrived. According to the agreement that Nostradamus said before, I arrived at the same place where I practiced magic. This time, we did physical training and fighting.

Although it's only physical exercise, the exercise is quite extreme. Even I had to take breaks several times for that training. She treated me like an instructor in special forces.

Luckily, because mentality from my previous experience, I could endure the rigors of this training.

"Nice job, my dear Besper!" she began to speak. "Thou'd improved, based on thy strength and mentality! What a diligent thou'rt!" she clapped those hands.

"Save... your sinism empathy... for yourself!" I took a dept breath. "Right... now... I wanted to fight you!"

"Come here!" I gave a signal by her right hand. "I welcomed thy lovely gesture!"

I started attacking her. The opening strike with my right fist went straight to her face. However, she was abled to dodge my attacks easily.

(What?!) I was shocked.

"Nay-nay!" she gave me a left jab to my face. "More! shall we?!" She said with an excited tone.

Her left jab hit my face. Not only a fast but powerful jab she had. In fact, this punch was different from her usual punch. As a result, I fell slightly backward.

Realizing this, I wasn't afraid. Immediately, I attacked her again. This time, I did it with a two-footed attack toward her. Switchly, I attacked his left and right.

However, she was abled to dodge and blocked all of my attacks. Now, she did the same attack and with the same patterns attack. Exactly just what I did before.

(How could that be possible?!) I started to panic a little.

Not only that, she gave me a hard time preventing all of her attacks toward me. Even some of her attacks hit parts of my body.

*Thump!* *Thud!* *Bamp!*

(Shit! I had a hard time blocking all of the attacks that she made!) My stamina started to run out.

Suddenly, Nostradamus said between her attacks,

"Only this?" she started to say again. "Thou only made thy parents cry in despair because of rose thy up until now!"

"Don't... say!" I started with an angry tone. "Don't... say anything... about my parents!"

The fight continued. I kicked, punched, and slammed her. Even so, only a few attacks came hit her. And that's just an attack that didn't affect.

Time after time passed away. Until the time of evening, the fight against Nostradamus continued. However, I miscalculated one of her punches...

(Why... must... at the time... like... this...!) I started to fall to the ground.

I intended to strike her chin. But, I slipped in an instant, surprisingly. Finally, I fell to the ground.

I intended to get up after that. However, when I got up, her fist started to aim toward my face. Finally... everything turned out black.


I, Nostradamus, blocked all of the attacks that were made from Besper. His attacks could be considered as attacks from someone who knew little about martial arts.

Even though I said that, a few of his attacks hit me. To be honest, the attack didn't have a significant impact. However, the stamina he had, especially to fight so far, had impressed me.

(Based on prophecy, this kid had a strong id and will to fight. Thou'd impressed me!) I was a bit amazed by his tenacity.

However, surprisingly, he took advantage of beating me. He intended to beat me through the chin gap.

(Unlucky! There's no time to block his uppercut!) I'd given up on that.

However, he slipped surprisingly. Seeing that, I used my momentum to punch him.

Even so, his gaze was unafraid in the slightest toward my punch. Instead, he prepared to welcome it with his forehead.

(What an iron of will thou'd!) I started to get excited.

However, that didn't happen. He immediately fell to the ground. Realizing this, I stopped my punch and said to him,

"What an exciting feeling thou'd given to me!" I said with a joyful feeling.