

"What would happen if Gods and Goddesses don't care about humans anymore?" In 2030, Gods and humans are still side by side. Tragically, Gods had been thrown humans for unknown reasons. Thereafter, immoral acts occurred everywhere. Meanwhile, Tara had a miserable experience due to the absence of gods. Soon, someone told him about secrets from his past. Thenceforth, he decided his fate once and for all. Note: This web novel adds speculative fiction genre because of an unavailable option. So, in simple terms, this web novel has alternative timelines.

Hati_Skoll · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter 17: Unfamiliar Place

"I-i-is that magic?! Are you kidding right?!!"

"What thou saw right now... What thou sensed right now... it was a magic!" she said confidently. "Or, thou called... it was black magic, white magic, thaumaturgy, or whatever they said!" she gave an apathetic tone.

Even so, I looked around. She noticed my strange behavior and began asking,

"What thou'rt looking for???"

"Hmm!" I looked at her. "Ah! I searched some cameras around here!"

"Hah?!" she was shocked. "For what??!"

"Just searching!" I searched in every spot. "Just searching for some cameras or CGI films which you'd used. Used for... your magician shows!!" Continuously search for those things.

While I was looking for those things, surprisingly, there was a hot sense from behind. The sensation became hotter like the embers of a burning stove. I looked back and found that... my pant was burned by fire.

"Hmm!" I looked at her. "Ah! I searched some cameras around here!"

"Holy shit!" I started smackdown my pant to the ground for stopped the fire instantly. "Shit-shit-shit!" Continuously stopped the fire.

A few seconds later, the fire stopped already. Although, my pant charred in some spots. With anger tone, I said,

"What the fuck is wrong with you! You burned my pant like a marshmallow, you asshole hag!"

"What the fuck is wrong with me?! Thou should ask thyself, thou bird brain!"

"Myself?!" I started complaining. "I wanted to prove if there were some cameras, CGI films, or not for that magic!" while pointing at the magic that appeared.

"I swear... I swear to punch thou if thou said that one more time again!" while gripping her hand as if started to punch me again.

"Alright! Alright! You won!" I gave a surrender pose hand up. "I believed those things now!"

After I said that, she stopped her action. With a heavy sigh mixed with annoyance, she began to say again,

"That's better!"

"So," I started to summarize her words. "You want me... created those fires, isn't it??"

"Thou mean these?" she pointed at some of the fires that had been created. "Nay-nay!"

"Then, what should I've created?!" I questioned her with an annoyed tone. "If thou didn't allow me to create that one, what's the meaning of that?!"

"Hold thy horse, O young energetic one!" I sighed with relief tone. "Elemental only for the next steps. Thou started from novice level. Thou must activate the id one first that hid on thy body!"

"The id??? You mean... id for my id-entity?!"

"For my balls sake... of course no, you dumbass bird brain! We didn't play the guessing game right now!" she started to frustrate.

"I didn't intend to joke even. I just questioned it!"

"Huh!" she sighed again. "The id is the source of energy life. It could drive every single being to did they wanted," she explained clearly.

"Just like imagined a blue film, isn't it? Or imagined a bad dream? My mind caught and interpretations like that?" I started to think about her words.

"That's a lecherous idea. But, that's part of the id. So... thou could say that for thy insight!"

"Interesting. Like a desire! But, If you said that, I only needed to masturbate for did magic, isn't it?!"

Instead of agreeing with my words, Nostradamus started to face palm to himself. As if she was dizzy. Then, she spoke,

"Already bird brain. Now, thou'rt lecherous in the wrong time. Why did I must meet thou in the first place???" she did face palm while sighed again.

"Seriously, I didn't intend to do that even!" I started to move my hands swiftly. "Humans always had different interpretations for every single signal they received. So, be clear about what you want to say!" I started to clarify my statement.

"Don't try to outthink me!" she started to point at me with her right index finger. "If thou masturbate, thou only made thy id became decreased. Instead, thou must train the imagination to free thy id. Clear enough, bird brain?"

"Alright-alright! I got your interpretation! But, could you hand off your finger from my nose?! My nose, not a house bell!" I started to annoy with her act.

Hearing that, she took away her finger from me. After that, I asked,

" If I practice here, other people will see us, huh??"

"No need to worry about that. I'd planted a magic barrier to cover this place already. So, our magic activity can't be seen by anyone, even if they walked in this place!" she said confidently.

Hearing that, I started to do magic activities, especially about the id I'd tried to activate with calmly. Occasionally, she also gave me some advice about activating my id...

"Remember! Started to grow thy imagination step by step. If thou can't do that, it's meaningless!"

I started trying to understand about the id, step by step. Even so, I found it difficult to focus on myself. Moreover, these activities are more like meditation.

(Shit! It's so hard to focus on it. Moreover, this activity made my body become heat up!) I started stressing about it.

She began to speak again to me,

"Relax, remember like what I said before. Remember about the unforgettable moment that thou had before!" she said firmly.

I started doing this activity again. With focus and gradually, I began to imagine something. An unforgettable experience I had...


At this moment, I'm in an unfamiliar place. A place with cool breezes. This place is like a beach.

The beach is wide. With the blue sky as a background and the clouds moving slowly across the sky, I felt all of it. The winds started to caress this body gently.

Not only that, the place I'd stood in had silvery white sand. Surprisingly, water and footholds are in the same place. This place was like a natural mirror that reflected my whole body.

In the middle of that place, I saw something stuck in the middle of this place. Realizing this, I immediately went there. Walking through this place.

When I got there, I saw three weapons stuck in a big stone. The first weapon had the shape of a katana. The second weapon had the shape of a long sword. The last weapon had the shape of a big axe.

(What are those weapons? Are those weapons some effects from my imagination??) I thought for a moment.

Even so, those few weapons gave some aura. The aura between them was very thick with each other. As if, their auras clashed against each other.

Realizing this, I started trying to approach the weapon. As I walked toward the weapons, I started to get dizzy. Over time, the dizziness I experienced got worse when I got closer to the weapons.

(Damn it! It's hard to get closer with those things!) I held my head.

In the end, the dizziness I had got worse and I started to move away from those weapons. Along with that, this place started to disappear naturally. In the end, I started getting sucked upwards by a hole.

(What's that hole?!!) I was shocked silently.

The hole lifted me away from that place. Moreover, the hole had a light at the end. Fastly, I came closest to that hole. After that, my mind was blanked out like hit by a car.


I started to feel something from outside of my body. Something slapped my face so hard. Because of that external thing, I opened my eyes slowly.

When I opened my eyes, I saw Nostradamus' panicked face gradually relieved. Then, she said,

"I wonder why! Instead of doing exercise, thou fainted when I returned to drinking water. Are you sleepy??!"

"Of course, no!" I hissed while holding my head. "I did the exercise that you'd suggested. However... I felt something strange during the exercise!"

I told the chronology of the beginning experience I'd received. I told what I experienced gradually. From the place I was in until the last phenomenon I felt, I told her my experience. Everything was explained in detail. On the other hand, Nostradamus occasionally gave a surprised expression. However, it happened in a short time. She began re-focused on my story.

After listening to what I'd told her, she asked,

"Did you sure that what you see before is true?"

"I said what I saw and felt. Although, I'm confused about the experienced last time I had," I hissed again. "Especially when I got close to those weapons... what the heck is that!"

Then, she stood up and stepped away from me. She held her chin as if she was thinking about something. After a moment of silence, she said,

"That's a complicated and interesting problem thou had!" she smiled at me.

"Hey! What the heck is wrong with your smile!" I started to annoy tone. "You smiled like devil child who gave sin to the sinner, you know!"

She said with a joyful tone,

"Thou'd a humongous id in thy body!"

"Humongous id? In my body??" I started to shock at her words.